ZeroMQ 3.x Output Plugin Building this plugin: Requires libzmq and libczmq. First, install libzmq from the HEAD on github: You can clone the repository, build, then install it. The directions for doing so are there in the readme. Then, do the same for libczmq: At some point, the 3.1 version of libzmq will be released, and a supporting version of libczmq. At that time, you could simply download and install the tarballs instead of using git to clone the repositories. Those tarballs (when available) can be found at As of this writing (5/31/2012), the most recent version of czmq (1.1.0) and libzmq (3.1.0-beta) will not compile properly. Omzmq3 allows you to push data out of rsyslog from a zeromq socket. The example below binds a PUB socket to port 7171, and any message fitting the criteria will be output to the zmq socket. Example Rsyslog.conf snippet (NOTE: v6 format): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if $msg then { action(type="omzmq3", sockType="PUB", action="BIND", description="tcp://*:7172) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------