/* obj.c * * This file implements a generic object "class". All other classes can * use the service of this base class here to include auto-destruction and * other capabilities in a generic manner. * * File begun on 2008-01-04 by RGerhards * * Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of rsyslog. * * Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Rsyslog. If not, see . * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "rsyslog.h" #include "syslogd-types.h" #include "srUtils.h" #include "obj.h" /* static data */ static objInfo_t *arrObjInfo[OBJ_NUM_IDS]; /* array with object information pointers */ /* some defines */ /* cookies for serialized lines */ #define COOKIE_OBJLINE '<' #define COOKIE_PROPLINE '+' #define COOKIE_ENDLINE '>' /* methods */ /* This is a dummy method to be used when a standard method has not been * implemented by an object. Having it allows us to simply call via the * jump table without any NULL pointer checks - which gains quite * some performance. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-04 */ static rsRetVal objInfoNotImplementedDummy(void __attribute__((unused)) *pThis) { return RS_RET_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* construct an object Info object. Each class shall do this on init. The * resulting object shall be cached during the lifetime of the class and each * object shall receive a reference. A constructor and destructor MUST be provided for all * objects, thus they are in the parameter list. * pszName must point to constant pool memory. It is never freed. */ rsRetVal objInfoConstruct(objInfo_t **ppThis, objID_t objID, uchar *pszName, int iObjVers, rsRetVal (*pConstruct)(void *), rsRetVal (*pDestruct)(void *)) { DEFiRet; int i; objInfo_t *pThis; assert(ppThis != NULL); assert(pDestruct != NULL); if((pThis = calloc(1, sizeof(objInfo_t))) == NULL) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); pThis->pszName = pszName; pThis->iObjVers = iObjVers; pThis->objID = objID; pThis->objMethods[0] = pConstruct; pThis->objMethods[1] = pDestruct; for(i = 2 ; i < OBJ_NUM_METHODS ; ++i) { pThis->objMethods[i] = objInfoNotImplementedDummy; } *ppThis = pThis; finalize_it: return iRet; } /* set a method handler */ rsRetVal objInfoSetMethod(objInfo_t *pThis, objMethod_t objMethod, rsRetVal (*pHandler)(void*)) { assert(pThis != NULL); assert(objMethod > 0 && objMethod < OBJ_NUM_METHODS); pThis->objMethods[objMethod] = pHandler; return RS_RET_OK; } /* --------------- object serializiation / deserialization support --------------- */ /* begin serialization of an object - this is a very simple hook. It once wrote the wrapper, * now it only constructs the string object. We still leave it in here so that we may utilize * it in the future (it is a nice abstraction). iExpcectedObjSize is an optimization setting. * It must contain the size (in characters) that the calling object expects the string * representation to grow to. Specifying a bit too large size doesn't hurt. A too-small size * does not cause any malfunction, but results in more often memory copies than necessary. So * the caller is advised to be conservative in guessing. Binary multiples are recommended. * rgerhards, 2008-01-06 */ rsRetVal objBeginSerialize(rsCStrObj **ppCStr, obj_t *pObj, size_t iExpectedObjSize) { DEFiRet; assert(ppCStr != NULL); assert(pObj != NULL); if((*ppCStr = rsCStrConstruct()) == NULL) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); rsCStrSetAllocIncrement(*ppCStr, iExpectedObjSize); finalize_it: return iRet; } /* append a property */ rsRetVal objSerializeProp(rsCStrObj *pCStr, uchar *pszPropName, propertyType_t propType, void *pUsr) { DEFiRet; uchar *pszBuf = NULL; size_t lenBuf = 0; uchar szBuf[64]; assert(pCStr != NULL); assert(pszPropName != NULL); /* if we have no user pointer, there is no need to write this property. * TODO: think if that's the righ point of view * rgerhards, 2008-01-06 */ if(pUsr == NULL) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); } switch(propType) { case PROPTYPE_PSZ: pszBuf = (uchar*) pUsr; lenBuf = strlen((char*) pszBuf); break; case PROPTYPE_SHORT: CHKiRet(srUtilItoA((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), (long) *((short*) pUsr))); pszBuf = szBuf; lenBuf = strlen((char*) szBuf); break; case PROPTYPE_INT: CHKiRet(srUtilItoA((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), (long) *((int*) pUsr))); pszBuf = szBuf; lenBuf = strlen((char*) szBuf); break; case PROPTYPE_LONG: CHKiRet(srUtilItoA((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), *((long*) pUsr))); pszBuf = szBuf; lenBuf = strlen((char*) szBuf); break; case PROPTYPE_CSTR: pszBuf = rsCStrGetSzStrNoNULL((rsCStrObj *) pUsr); lenBuf = rsCStrLen((rsCStrObj*) pUsr); break; case PROPTYPE_SYSLOGTIME: lenBuf = snprintf((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %c %d %d", ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->timeType, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->year, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->month, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->day, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->hour, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->minute, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->second, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->secfrac, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->secfracPrecision, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->OffsetMode, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->OffsetHour, ((struct syslogTime*)pUsr)->OffsetMinute); if(lenBuf > sizeof(szBuf) - 1) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_PROVIDED_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); pszBuf = szBuf; break; } /* cookie */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, COOKIE_PROPLINE)); /* name */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStr(pCStr, pszPropName)); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); /* type */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendInt(pCStr, (int) propType)); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); /* length */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendInt(pCStr, lenBuf)); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); /* data */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStrWithLen(pCStr, (uchar*) pszBuf, lenBuf)); /* trailer */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, '\n')); finalize_it: return iRet; } static rsRetVal objSerializeHeader(rsCStrObj **ppCStr, obj_t *pObj, rsCStrObj *pCSObjString, size_t iAllocIncrement) { DEFiRet; rsCStrObj *pCStr; assert(ppCStr != NULL); assert(pObj != NULL); if((pCStr = rsCStrConstruct()) == NULL) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); rsCStrSetAllocIncrement(pCStr, iAllocIncrement); /* object cookie and serializer version (so far always 1) */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, COOKIE_OBJLINE)); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStr(pCStr, (uchar*) "Obj1")); /* object type, version and string length */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendInt(pCStr, objGetObjID(pObj))); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendInt(pCStr, objGetVersion(pObj))); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendInt(pCStr, rsCStrLen(pCSObjString))); /* and finally we write the object name - this is primarily meant for * human readers. The idea is that it can be easily skipped when reading * the object back in */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStr(pCStr, objGetName(pObj))); /* record trailer */ CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, ':')); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, '\n')); *ppCStr = pCStr; finalize_it: return iRet; } /* end serialization of an object. The caller receives a * standard C string, which he must free when no longer needed. */ rsRetVal objEndSerialize(rsCStrObj **ppCStr, obj_t *pObj) { DEFiRet; rsCStrObj *pCStr = NULL; assert(ppCStr != NULL); CHKiRet(objSerializeHeader(&pCStr, pObj, *ppCStr, rsCStrGetAllocIncrement(*ppCStr))); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStrWithLen(pCStr, rsCStrGetBufBeg(*ppCStr), rsCStrLen(*ppCStr))); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, COOKIE_ENDLINE)); CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendStr(pCStr, (uchar*) "EndObj\n\n")); CHKiRet(rsCStrFinish(pCStr)); rsCStrDestruct(*ppCStr); *ppCStr = pCStr; finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK && pCStr != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(pCStr); return iRet; } /* define a helper to make code below a bit cleaner (and quicker to write) */ #define NEXTC CHKiRet(serialStoreGetChar(pSerStore, &c))//;dbgprintf("c: %c\n", c); /* de-serialize an (long) integer */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeLong(long *pInt, serialStore_t *pSerStore) { DEFiRet; int i; uchar c; assert(pInt != NULL); NEXTC; i = 0; while(isdigit(c)) { i = i * 10 + c - '0'; NEXTC; } if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_DELIMITER); *pInt = i; finalize_it: return iRet; } /* de-serialize a string, length must be provided */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeStr(rsCStrObj **ppCStr, int iLen, serialStore_t *pSerStore) { DEFiRet; int i; uchar c; rsCStrObj *pCStr = NULL; assert(ppCStr != NULL); assert(iLen > 0); if((pCStr = rsCStrConstruct()) == NULL) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NEXTC; for(i = 0 ; i < iLen ; ++i) { CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, c)); NEXTC; } CHKiRet(rsCStrFinish(pCStr)); /* check terminator */ if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_DELIMITER); *ppCStr = pCStr; finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK && pCStr != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(pCStr); return iRet; } /* de-serialize an object header * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeHeader(objID_t *poID, int* poVers, serialStore_t *pSerStore) { DEFiRet; long ioID; long oVers; uchar c; assert(poID != NULL); assert(poVers != NULL); /* check header cookie */ NEXTC; if(c != COOKIE_OBJLINE) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER); NEXTC; if(c != 'O') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER); NEXTC; if(c != 'b') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER); NEXTC; if(c != 'j') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER); NEXTC; if(c != '1') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER_VERS); NEXTC; if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER_VERS); /* object type and version and string length */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeLong(&ioID, pSerStore)); CHKiRet(objDeserializeLong(&oVers, pSerStore)); if(ioID < 1 || ioID >= OBJ_NUM_IDS) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_OID); /* and now we skip over the rest until the delemiting \n */ NEXTC; while(c != '\n') NEXTC; *poID = (objID_t) ioID; *poVers = oVers; finalize_it: dbgprintf("DeserializeHeader oid: %ld, vers: %ld, iRet: %d\n", ioID, oVers, iRet); return iRet; } /* Deserialize a single property. Pointer must be positioned at begin of line. Whole line * up until the \n is read. */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeProperty(property_t *pProp, serialStore_t *pSerStore) { DEFiRet; long i; long iLen; uchar c; assert(pProp != NULL); /* check cookie */ NEXTC; if(c != COOKIE_PROPLINE) { /* oops, we've read one char that does not belong to use - unget it first */ CHKiRet(serialStoreUngetChar(pSerStore, c)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_NO_PROPLINE); } /* get the property name first */ if((pProp->pcsName = rsCStrConstruct()) == NULL) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NEXTC; while(c != ':') { CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pProp->pcsName, c)); NEXTC; } CHKiRet(rsCStrFinish(pProp->pcsName)); /* property type */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeLong(&i, pSerStore)); pProp->propType = i; /* size (needed for strings) */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeLong(&iLen, pSerStore)); /* we now need to deserialize the value */ //dbgprintf("deserialized property name '%s', type %d, size %ld, c: %c\n", rsCStrGetSzStrNoNULL(pProp->pcsName), pProp->propType, iLen, c); switch(pProp->propType) { case PROPTYPE_PSZ: CHKiRet(objDeserializeStr(&pProp->val.vpCStr, iLen, pSerStore)); break; case PROPTYPE_SHORT: CHKiRet(objDeserializeLong(&i, pSerStore)); pProp->val.vShort = i; break; case PROPTYPE_INT: CHKiRet(objDeserializeLong(&i, pSerStore)); pProp->val.vInt = i; break; case PROPTYPE_LONG: CHKiRet(objDeserializeLong(&pProp->val.vLong, pSerStore)); break; case PROPTYPE_CSTR: CHKiRet(objDeserializeStr(&pProp->val.vpCStr, iLen, pSerStore)); break; case PROPTYPE_SYSLOGTIME: /* dummy */ NEXTC; while(c != ':') NEXTC; break; } /* we should now be at the end of the line. So the next char must be \n */ NEXTC; if(c != '\n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_PROPFRAME); finalize_it: return iRet; } /* de-serialize an object trailer. This does not get any data but checks if the * format is ok. * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeTrailer(serialStore_t *pSerStore) { DEFiRet; uchar c; /* check header cookie */ NEXTC; if(c != COOKIE_ENDLINE) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'E') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'd') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'O') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'b') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'j') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != '\n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != '\n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); dbgprintf("obj trailer OK\n"); finalize_it: return iRet; } /* De-Serialize an object. * Params: Pointer to object Pointer (pObj) (like a obj_t**, but can not do that due to compiler warning) * expected object ID (to check against) * Function that returns the next character from the serialized object (from file, memory, whatever) * Pointer to be passed to the function * The caller must destruct the created object. * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ rsRetVal objDeserialize(void *ppObj, objID_t objTypeExpected, serialStore_t *pSerStore) { DEFiRet; obj_t *pObj = NULL; property_t propBuf; objID_t oID = 0; /* this assignment is just to supress a compiler warning - this saddens me */ int oVers = 0; /* after all, it is totally useless but takes up some execution time... */ assert(ppObj != NULL); assert(objTypeExpected > 0 && objTypeExpected < OBJ_NUM_IDS); assert(pSerStore != NULL); CHKiRet(objDeserializeHeader(&oID, &oVers, pSerStore)); if(oID != objTypeExpected) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_OID); CHKiRet(arrObjInfo[oID]->objMethods[objMethod_CONSTRUCT](&pObj)); /* we got the object, now we need to fill the properties */ iRet = objDeserializeProperty(&propBuf, pSerStore); while(iRet == RS_RET_OK) { CHKiRet(arrObjInfo[oID]->objMethods[objMethod_SETPROPERTY](pObj, &propBuf)); iRet = objDeserializeProperty(&propBuf, pSerStore); } rsCStrDestruct(propBuf.pcsName); /* todo: a destructor would be nice here... -- rger, 2008-01-07 */ if(iRet != RS_RET_NO_PROPLINE) FINALIZE; dbgprintf("good propline loop exit\n"); CHKiRet(objDeserializeTrailer(pSerStore)); /* do trailer checks */ // TODO: call constuction finalizer! // *((obj_t**) ppObj) = pObj; finalize_it: return iRet; } #undef NEXTC /* undef helper macro */ /* --------------- end object serializiation / deserialization support --------------- */ /* register a classe's info pointer, so that we can reference it later, if needed to * (e.g. for de-serialization support). * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ rsRetVal objRegisterObj(objID_t oID, objInfo_t *pInfo) { DEFiRet; assert(pInfo != NULL); if(oID < 1 || oID > OBJ_NUM_IDS) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_OID); arrObjInfo[oID] = pInfo; finalize_it: return iRet; } /* initialize our own class */ rsRetVal objClassInit(void) { int i; for(i = 0 ; i < OBJ_NUM_IDS ; ++i) { arrObjInfo[i] = NULL; } return RS_RET_OK; } /* * vi:set ai: */