/* Some type definitions and macros for the obj object. * I needed to move them out of the main obj.h, because obj.h's * prototypes use other data types. However, their .h's rely * on some of the obj.h data types and macros. So I needed to break * that loop somehow and I've done that by moving the typedefs * into this file here. * * Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of rsyslog. * * Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Rsyslog. If not, see . * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. */ #ifndef OBJ_TYPES_H_INCLUDED #define OBJ_TYPES_H_INCLUDED #include "stringbuf.h" #include "syslogd-types.h" /* property types */ typedef enum { /* do NOT start at 0 to detect uninitialized types after calloc() */ PROPTYPE_PSZ = 1, PROPTYPE_SHORT = 2, PROPTYPE_INT = 3, PROPTYPE_LONG = 4, PROPTYPE_CSTR = 5, PROPTYPE_SYSLOGTIME = 6 } propertyType_t; typedef struct { rsCStrObj *pcsName; propertyType_t propType; union { short vShort; int vInt; long vLong; rsCStrObj *vpCStr; /* used for both rsCStr and psz */ syslogTime_t vSyslogTime; } val; } property_t; /* object Types/IDs */ typedef enum { /* IDs of known object "types/classes" */ OBJNull = 0, /* no valid object (we do not start at zero so we can detect calloc()) */ OBJmsg = 1, OBJstrm = 2, OBJwtp = 3, OBJwti = 4, OBJqueue = 5, OBJexpr = 6 /* remeber to UPDATE OBJ_NUM_IDS (below) if you add one! */ } objID_t; #define OBJ_NUM_IDS 7 typedef enum { /* IDs of base methods supported by all objects - used for jump table, so * they must start at zero and be incremented. -- rgerahrds, 2008-01-04 */ objMethod_CONSTRUCT = 0, objMethod_DESTRUCT = 1, objMethod_SERIALIZE = 2, objMethod_DESERIALIZE = 3, objMethod_SETPROPERTY = 4, objMethod_CONSTRUCTION_FINALIZER = 5, objMethod_GETSEVERITY = 6, objMethod_DEBUGPRINT = 7 } objMethod_t; #define OBJ_NUM_METHODS 8 /* must be updated to contain the max number of methods supported */ typedef struct objInfo_s { objID_t objID; int iObjVers; uchar *pszName; rsRetVal (*objMethods[OBJ_NUM_METHODS])(); } objInfo_t; typedef struct obj { /* the dummy struct that each derived class can be casted to */ objInfo_t *pObjInfo; #ifndef NDEBUG /* this means if debug... */ unsigned int iObjCooCKiE; /* must always be 0xBADEFEE for a valid object */ #endif uchar *pszName; /* the name of *this* specific object instance */ } obj_t; /* macros which must be gloablly-visible (because they are used during definition of * other objects. */ #ifndef NDEBUG /* this means if debug... */ # define BEGINobjInstance \ obj_t objData # define ISOBJ_assert(pObj) \ do { \ ASSERT((pObj) != NULL); \ ASSERT((unsigned) ((obj_t*)(pObj))->iObjCooCKiE == (unsigned) 0xBADEFEE); \ } while(0); # define ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pObj, objType) \ do { \ ASSERT(pObj != NULL); \ ASSERT((unsigned) ((obj_t*) (pObj))->iObjCooCKiE == (unsigned) 0xBADEFEE); \ ASSERT(objGetObjID(pObj) == OBJ##objType); \ } while(0); #else /* non-debug mode, no checks but much faster */ # define BEGINobjInstance obj_t objData # define ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pObj, objType) # define ISOBJ_assert(pObj) #endif #define DEFpropSetMethPTR(obj, prop, dataType)\ rsRetVal obj##Set##prop(obj##_t *pThis, dataType *pVal)\ { \ /* DEV debug: dbgprintf("%sSet%s()\n", #obj, #prop); */\ pThis->prop = pVal; \ return RS_RET_OK; \ } #define PROTOTYPEpropSetMethPTR(obj, prop, dataType)\ rsRetVal obj##Set##prop(obj##_t *pThis, dataType*) #define DEFpropSetMeth(obj, prop, dataType)\ rsRetVal obj##Set##prop(obj##_t *pThis, dataType pVal)\ { \ /* DEV debug: dbgprintf("%sSet%s()\n", #obj, #prop); */\ pThis->prop = pVal; \ return RS_RET_OK; \ } #define DEFpropSetMethFP(obj, prop, dataType)\ rsRetVal obj##Set##prop(obj##_t *pThis, dataType)\ { \ /* DEV debug: dbgprintf("%sSet%s()\n", #obj, #prop); */\ pThis->prop = pVal; \ return RS_RET_OK; \ } #define PROTOTYPEpropSetMethFP(obj, prop, dataType)\ rsRetVal obj##Set##prop(obj##_t *pThis, dataType) #define DEFpropSetMeth(obj, prop, dataType)\ rsRetVal obj##Set##prop(obj##_t *pThis, dataType pVal)\ { \ /* DEV debug: dbgprintf("%sSet%s()\n", #obj, #prop); */\ pThis->prop = pVal; \ return RS_RET_OK; \ } #define PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(obj, prop, dataType)\ rsRetVal obj##Set##prop(obj##_t *pThis, dataType pVal) /* class initializer */ #define PROTOTYPEObjClassInit(objName) rsRetVal objName##ClassInit(void) #define BEGINObjClassInit(objName, objVers) \ rsRetVal objName##ClassInit(void) \ { \ DEFiRet; \ CHKiRet(objInfoConstruct(&pObjInfoOBJ, OBJ##objName, (uchar*) #objName, objVers, \ (rsRetVal (*)(void*))objName##Construct, (rsRetVal (*)(void*))objName##Destruct)); #define ENDObjClassInit(objName) \ objRegisterObj(OBJ##objName, pObjInfoOBJ); \ finalize_it: \ RETiRet; \ } /* this defines both the constructor and initializer * rgerhards, 2008-01-10 */ #define BEGINobjConstruct(obj) \ rsRetVal obj##Initialize(obj##_t *pThis) \ { \ DEFiRet; #define ENDobjConstruct(obj) \ /* use finalize_it: before calling the macro (if you need it)! */ \ RETiRet; \ } \ rsRetVal obj##Construct(obj##_t **ppThis) \ { \ DEFiRet; \ obj##_t *pThis; \ \ ASSERT(ppThis != NULL); \ \ if((pThis = (obj##_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(obj##_t))) == NULL) { \ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); \ } \ objConstructSetObjInfo(pThis); \ \ obj##Initialize(pThis); \ \ finalize_it: \ OBJCONSTRUCT_CHECK_SUCCESS_AND_CLEANUP \ RETiRet; \ } /* this defines the destructor. The important point is that the base object * destructor is called. The upper-level class shall destruct all of its * properties, but not the instance itself. This is freed here by the * framework (we need an intact pointer because we need to free the * obj_t structures inside it). A pointer to the object pointer must be * parse, because it is re-set to NULL (this, for example, is important in * cancellation handlers). The object pointer is always named pThis. * The object is always freed, even if there is some error while * Cancellation is blocked during destructors, as this could have fatal * side-effects. However, this also means the upper-level object should * not perform any lenghty processing. * IMPORTANT: if the upper level object requires some situations where the * object shall not be destructed (e.g. via reference counting), then * it shall set pThis to NULL, which prevents destruction of the * object. * processing. * rgerhards, 2008-01-30 */ #define BEGINobjDestruct(obj) \ rsRetVal obj##Destruct(obj##_t **ppThis) \ { \ DEFiRet; \ int iCancelStateSave; \ obj##_t *pThis; #define CODESTARTobjDestruct(obj) \ ASSERT(ppThis != NULL); \ pThis = *ppThis; \ ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, obj); \ pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &iCancelStateSave); #define ENDobjDestruct(obj) \ goto finalize_it; /* prevent compiler warning ;) */ \ /* no more code here! */ \ finalize_it: \ if(pThis != NULL) { \ objDestructObjSelf((obj_t*) pThis); \ free(pThis); \ *ppThis = NULL; \ } \ pthread_setcancelstate(iCancelStateSave, NULL); \ RETiRet; \ } #endif /* #ifndef OBJ_TYPES_H_INCLUDED */