/* modules.c * This is the implementation of syslogd modules object. * This object handles plug-ins and buil-in modules of all kind. * * File begun on 2007-07-22 by RGerhards * * Copyright 2007 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. */ #include "config.h" #include "rsyslog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* TODO: replace this with the libtools equivalent! */ #include #include #include "syslogd.h" #include "cfsysline.h" #include "modules.h" static modInfo_t *pLoadedModules = NULL; /* list of currently-loaded modules */ static modInfo_t *pLoadedModulesLast = NULL; /* tail-pointer */ static int bCfsyslineInitialized = 0; /* Construct a new module object */ static rsRetVal moduleConstruct(modInfo_t **pThis) { modInfo_t *pNew; if((pNew = calloc(1, sizeof(modInfo_t))) == NULL) return RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; /* OK, we got the element, now initialize members that should * not be zero-filled. */ *pThis = pNew; return RS_RET_OK; } /* Destructs a module object. The object must not be linked to the * linked list of modules. Please note that all other dependencies on this * modules must have been removed before (e.g. CfSysLineHandlers!) */ static void moduleDestruct(modInfo_t *pThis) { if(pThis->pszName != NULL) free(pThis->pszName); if(pThis->pModHdlr != NULL) dlclose(pThis->pModHdlr); free(pThis); } /* The followind function is the queryEntryPoint for host-based entry points. * Modules may call it to get access to core interface functions. Please note * that utility functions can be accessed via shared libraries - at least this * is my current shool of thinking. * Please note that the implementation as a query interface allows to take * care of plug-in interface version differences. -- rgerhards, 2007-07-31 */ rsRetVal queryHostEtryPt(uchar *name, rsRetVal (**pEtryPoint)()) { DEFiRet; if((name == NULL) || (pEtryPoint == NULL)) return RS_RET_PARAM_ERROR; if(!strcmp((char*) name, "regCfSysLineHdlr")) { *pEtryPoint = regCfSysLineHdlr; } if(iRet == RS_RET_OK) iRet = (*pEtryPoint == NULL) ? RS_RET_NOT_FOUND : RS_RET_OK; return iRet; } /* get the state-name of a module. The state name is its name * together with a short description of the module state (which * is pulled from the module itself. * rgerhards, 2007-07-24 * TODO: the actual state name is not yet pulled */ uchar *modGetStateName(modInfo_t *pThis) { return(modGetName(pThis)); } /* get the name of a module */ uchar *modGetName(modInfo_t *pThis) { return((pThis->pszName == NULL) ? (uchar*) "" : pThis->pszName); } /* Add a module to the loaded module linked list */ static inline void addModToList(modInfo_t *pThis) { assert(pThis != NULL); if(pLoadedModules == NULL) { pLoadedModules = pLoadedModulesLast = pThis; } else { /* there already exist entries */ pLoadedModulesLast->pNext = pThis; pLoadedModulesLast = pThis; } } /* Get the next module pointer - this is used to traverse the list. * The function returns the next pointer or NULL, if there is no next one. * The last object must be provided to the function. If NULL is provided, * it starts at the root of the list. Even in this case, NULL may be * returned - then, the list is empty. * rgerhards, 2007-07-23 */ modInfo_t *modGetNxt(modInfo_t *pThis) { modInfo_t *pNew; if(pThis == NULL) pNew = pLoadedModules; else pNew = pThis->pNext; return(pNew); } /* this function is like modGetNxt(), but it returns pointers to * output modules only. As we currently deal just with output modules, * it is a dummy, to be filled with real code later. * rgerhards, 2007-07-24 */ modInfo_t *omodGetNxt(modInfo_t *pThis) { return(modGetNxt(pThis)); } /* unload a module. If this is called with a statically-linked * (builtin) module, nothing happens. * The module handle is invalid after this function call and * MUST NOT be used any more. * This is currently a dummy, to be filled when we have a plug-in * interface - rgerhards, 2007-08-09 * rgerhards, 2007-11-21: * When this function is called, all instance-data must already have * been destroyed. In the case of output modules, this happens when the * rule set is being destroyed. When we implement other module types, we * need to think how we handle it there (and if we have any instance data). */ static rsRetVal modUnload(modInfo_t *pThis) { DEFiRet; void *pModCookie; assert(pThis != NULL); /* WARNING - the current code does NOT work and causes an abort - this is acceptable right now * as I am DEVELOPING the working code and will NOT release until it is there. If you use a * CVS snapshot, be aware of this limitation. For now, you can just remove everything up to * (but not including) the END DEVEL comment. That will do the trick. rgerhards, 2007-11-21 */ CHKiRet(pThis->modGetID(&pModCookie)); dbgprintf("we are now calling modExit(), module id %x\n", pModCookie); CHKiRet(unregCfSysLineHdlrs4Owner(pModCookie)); /* END DEVEL */ pThis->modExit(); /* tell the module to get ready for unload */ if(pThis->eLinkType == eMOD_LINK_STATIC) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); } /* TODO: implement code */ /* There is a bunch of things we need to do: * - unregister this modules config handler * - unload the module itself */ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); finalize_it: return iRet; } /* Add an already-loaded module to the module linked list. This function does * everything needed to fully initialize the module. */ rsRetVal doModInit(rsRetVal (*modInit)(int, int*, rsRetVal(**)(), rsRetVal(*)()), uchar *name, void *pModHdlr) { DEFiRet; modInfo_t *pNew; assert(modInit != NULL); if(bCfsyslineInitialized == 0) { /* we need to initialize the cfsysline subsystem first */ CHKiRet(cfsyslineInit()); bCfsyslineInitialized = 1; } if((iRet = moduleConstruct(&pNew)) != RS_RET_OK) return iRet; if((iRet = (*modInit)(1, &pNew->iIFVers, &pNew->modQueryEtryPt, queryHostEtryPt)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if(pNew->iIFVers != 1) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return RS_RET_MISSING_INTERFACE; } /* OK, we know we can successfully work with the module. So we now fill the * rest of the data elements. */ if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"doAction", &pNew->mod.om.doAction)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"parseSelectorAct", &pNew->mod.om.parseSelectorAct)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"isCompatibleWithFeature", &pNew->isCompatibleWithFeature)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"dbgPrintInstInfo", &pNew->dbgPrintInstInfo)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"getWriteFDForSelect", &pNew->getWriteFDForSelect)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"onSelectReadyWrite", &pNew->onSelectReadyWrite)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"needUDPSocket", &pNew->needUDPSocket)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"tryResume", &pNew->tryResume)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"freeInstance", &pNew->freeInstance)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"modGetID", &pNew->modGetID)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } if((iRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"modExit", &pNew->modExit)) != RS_RET_OK) { moduleDestruct(pNew); return iRet; } pNew->pszName = (uchar*) strdup((char*)name); /* we do not care if strdup() fails, we can accept that */ pNew->pModHdlr = pModHdlr; pNew->eType = eMOD_OUT; /* TODO: take this from module */ /* TODO: take this from module */ if(pModHdlr == NULL) pNew->eLinkType = eMOD_LINK_STATIC; else pNew->eLinkType = eMOD_LINK_DYNAMIC_LOADED; /* we initialized the structure, now let's add it to the linked list of modules */ addModToList(pNew); finalize_it: return iRet; } /* Print loaded modules. This is more or less a * debug or test aid, but anyhow I think it's worth it... * This only works if the dbgprintf() subsystem is initialized. */ void modPrintList(void) { modInfo_t *pMod; pMod = modGetNxt(NULL); while(pMod != NULL) { dbgprintf("Loaded Module: Name='%s', IFVersion=%d, ", (char*) modGetName(pMod), pMod->iIFVers); dbgprintf("type="); switch(pMod->eType) { case eMOD_OUT: dbgprintf("output"); break; case eMOD_IN: dbgprintf("input"); break; case eMOD_FILTER: dbgprintf("filter"); break; } dbgprintf(" module.\n"); dbgprintf("Entry points:\n"); dbgprintf("\tqueryEtryPt: 0x%x\n", (unsigned) pMod->modQueryEtryPt); dbgprintf("\tdoAction: 0x%x\n", (unsigned) pMod->mod.om.doAction); dbgprintf("\tparseSelectorAct: 0x%x\n", (unsigned) pMod->mod.om.parseSelectorAct); dbgprintf("\tdbgPrintInstInfo: 0x%x\n", (unsigned) pMod->dbgPrintInstInfo); dbgprintf("\tfreeInstance: 0x%x\n", (unsigned) pMod->freeInstance); dbgprintf("\n"); pMod = modGetNxt(pMod); /* done, go next */ } } /* unload all modules and free module linked list * rgerhards, 2007-08-09 */ rsRetVal modUnloadAndDestructAll(void) { DEFiRet; modInfo_t *pMod; modInfo_t *pModPrev; pMod = modGetNxt(NULL); while(pMod != NULL) { pModPrev = pMod; pMod = modGetNxt(pModPrev); /* get next */ /* now we can destroy the previous module */ dbgprintf("Unloading module %s\n", modGetName(pModPrev)); modUnload(pModPrev); moduleDestruct(pModPrev); } return iRet; } rsRetVal modUnloadAndDestructDynamic(void) { DEFiRet; modInfo_t *pMod; modInfo_t *pModPrev; pLoadedModulesLast = NULL; pMod = modGetNxt(NULL); while(pMod != NULL) { pModPrev = pMod; pMod = modGetNxt(pModPrev); /* get next */ /* now we can destroy the previous module */ if(pModPrev->eLinkType != eMOD_LINK_STATIC) { dbgprintf("Unloading module %s\n", modGetName(pModPrev)); modUnload(pModPrev); moduleDestruct(pModPrev); } else { pLoadedModulesLast = pModPrev; } } return iRet; } /* * vi:set ai: */