#include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "parserif.h" #include "grammar.h" void readConfFile(FILE *fp, es_str_t **str) { char ln[10240]; char buf[512]; int lenBuf; int bWriteLineno = 0; int len, i; int start; /* start index of to be submitted text */ int bContLine = 0; int lineno = 0; *str = es_newStr(4096); while(fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), fp) != NULL) { ++lineno; if(bWriteLineno) { bWriteLineno = 0; lenBuf = sprintf(buf, "PreprocFileLineNumber(%d)\n", lineno); es_addBuf(str, buf, lenBuf); } len = strlen(ln); /* if we are continuation line, we need to drop leading WS */ if(bContLine) { for(start = 0 ; start < len && isspace(ln[start]) ; ++start) /* JUST SCAN */; } else { start = 0; } for(i = len - 1 ; i >= start && isspace(ln[i]) ; --i) /* JUST SCAN */; if(i >= 0) { if(ln[i] == '\\') { --i; bContLine = 1; } else { if(bContLine) /* write line number if we had cont line */ bWriteLineno = 1; bContLine = 0; } /* add relevant data to buffer */ es_addBuf(str, ln+start, i+1 - start); } if(!bContLine) es_addChar(str, '\n'); } /* indicate end of buffer to flex */ es_addChar(str, '\0'); es_addChar(str, '\0'); } struct nvlst* nvlstNew(es_str_t *name, es_str_t *value) { struct nvlst *lst; if((lst = malloc(sizeof(struct nvlst))) != NULL) { lst->next = NULL; lst->name = name; lst->value = value; } return lst; } void nvlstDestruct(struct nvlst *lst) { struct nvlst *toDel; while(lst != NULL) { toDel = lst; lst = lst->next; es_deleteStr(toDel->name); es_deleteStr(toDel->value); free(toDel); } } void nvlstPrint(struct nvlst *lst) { char *name, *value; printf("nvlst %p:\n", lst); while(lst != NULL) { name = es_str2cstr(lst->name, NULL); value = es_str2cstr(lst->value, NULL); printf("\tname: '%s', value '%s'\n", name, value); free(name); free(value); lst = lst->next; } } struct cnfobj* cnfobjNew(enum cnfobjType objType, struct nvlst *lst) { struct cnfobj *o; if((o = malloc(sizeof(struct nvlst))) != NULL) { o->objType = objType; o->nvlst = lst; } return o; } void cnfobjDestruct(struct cnfobj *o) { if(o != NULL) { nvlstDestruct(o->nvlst); free(o); } } void cnfobjPrint(struct cnfobj *o) { printf("obj: '%s'\n", cnfobjType2str(o->objType)); nvlstPrint(o->nvlst); } struct cnfactlst* cnfactlstNew(enum cnfactType actType, struct nvlst *lst, char *actLine) { struct cnfactlst *actlst; if((actlst = malloc(sizeof(struct cnfactlst))) != NULL) { actlst->next = NULL; actlst->syslines = NULL; actlst->actType = actType; if(actType == CNFACT_V2) actlst->data.lst = lst; else actlst->data.legActLine = actLine; } return actlst; } struct cnfactlst* cnfactlstAddSysline(struct cnfactlst* actlst, char *line) { struct cnfcfsyslinelst *cflst; if((cflst = malloc(sizeof(struct cnfcfsyslinelst))) != NULL) { cflst->next = NULL; cflst->line = line; if(actlst->syslines == NULL) { actlst->syslines = cflst; } else { cflst->next = actlst->syslines; actlst->syslines = cflst; } } return actlst; } void cnfactlstDestruct(struct cnfactlst *actlst) { struct cnfactlst *toDel; while(actlst != NULL) { toDel = actlst; actlst = actlst->next; if(toDel->actType == CNFACT_V2) nvlstDestruct(toDel->data.lst); else free(toDel->data.legActLine); free(toDel); } } static inline struct cnfcfsyslinelst* cnfcfsyslinelstReverse(struct cnfcfsyslinelst *lst) { struct cnfcfsyslinelst *curr, *prev; if(lst == NULL) return NULL; prev = NULL; while(lst != NULL) { curr = lst; lst = lst->next; curr->next = prev; prev = curr; } return prev; } struct cnfactlst* cnfactlstReverse(struct cnfactlst *actlst) { struct cnfactlst *curr, *prev; prev = NULL; while(actlst != NULL) { //printf("reversing: %s\n", actlst->data.legActLine); curr = actlst; actlst = actlst->next; curr->syslines = cnfcfsyslinelstReverse(curr->syslines); curr->next = prev; prev = curr; } return prev; } void cnfactlstPrint(struct cnfactlst *actlst) { struct cnfcfsyslinelst *cflst; while(actlst != NULL) { printf("aclst %p: ", actlst); if(actlst->actType == CNFACT_V2) { printf("V2 action type: "); nvlstPrint(actlst->data.lst); } else { printf("legacy action line: '%s'\n", actlst->data.legActLine); } for( cflst = actlst->syslines ; cflst != NULL ; cflst = cflst->next) { printf("action:cfsysline: '%s'\n", cflst->line); } actlst = actlst->next; } } struct cnfexpr* cnfexprNew(unsigned nodetype, struct cnfexpr *l, struct cnfexpr *r) { struct cnfexpr *expr; /* optimize some constructs during parsing */ if(nodetype == 'M' && r->nodetype == 'N') { ((struct cnfnumval*)r)->val *= -1; expr = r; goto done; } if((expr = malloc(sizeof(struct cnfexpr))) != NULL) { expr->nodetype = nodetype; expr->l = l; expr->r = r; } done: return expr; } /* ensure that retval is a number; if string is no number, * emit error message and set number to 0. */ static inline long long exprret2Number(struct exprret *r) { if(r->datatype == 'S') { printf("toNumber CONVERSION MISSING\n"); abort(); } return r->d.n; } /* ensure that retval is a string; if string is no number, * emit error message and set number to 0. */ static inline es_str_t * exprret2String(struct exprret *r) { if(r->datatype == 'N') { printf("toString CONVERSION MISSING\n"); abort(); } return r->d.estr; } #define COMP_NUM_BINOP(x) \ cnfexprEval(expr->l, &l); \ cnfexprEval(expr->r, &r); \ ret->datatype = 'N'; \ ret->d.n = exprret2Number(&l) x exprret2Number(&r) /* evaluate an expression. * Note that we try to avoid malloc whenever possible (because on * the large overhead it has, especially on highly threaded programs). * As such, the each caller level must provide buffer space for the * result on its stack during recursion. This permits the callee to store * the return value without malloc. As the value is a somewhat larger * struct, we could otherwise not return it without malloc. * Note that we implement boolean shortcut operations. For our needs, there * simply is no case where full evaluation would make any sense at all. */ void cnfexprEval(struct cnfexpr *expr, struct exprret *ret) { struct exprret r, l; /* memory for subexpression results */ //printf("eval expr %p, type '%c'(%u)\n", expr, expr->nodetype, expr->nodetype); switch(expr->nodetype) { case CMP_EQ: COMP_NUM_BINOP(==); break; case CMP_NE: COMP_NUM_BINOP(!=); break; case CMP_LE: COMP_NUM_BINOP(<=); break; case CMP_GE: COMP_NUM_BINOP(>=); break; case CMP_LT: COMP_NUM_BINOP(<); break; case CMP_GT: COMP_NUM_BINOP(>); break; case OR: cnfexprEval(expr->l, &l); ret->datatype = 'N'; if(exprret2Number(&l)) { ret->d.n = 1ll; } else { cnfexprEval(expr->r, &r); if(exprret2Number(&r)) ret->d.n = 1ll; else ret->d.n = 0ll; } break; case AND: cnfexprEval(expr->l, &l); ret->datatype = 'N'; if(exprret2Number(&l)) { cnfexprEval(expr->r, &r); if(exprret2Number(&r)) ret->d.n = 1ll; else ret->d.n = 0ll; } else { ret->d.n = 0ll; } break; case NOT: cnfexprEval(expr->r, &r); ret->datatype = 'N'; ret->d.n = !exprret2Number(&r); break; case 'N': ret->datatype = 'N'; ret->d.n = ((struct cnfnumval*)expr)->val; break; case '+': COMP_NUM_BINOP(+); break; case '-': COMP_NUM_BINOP(-); break; case '*': COMP_NUM_BINOP(*); break; case '/': COMP_NUM_BINOP(/); break; case '%': COMP_NUM_BINOP(%); break; case 'M': cnfexprEval(expr->r, &r); ret->datatype = 'N'; ret->d.n = -exprret2Number(&r); break; default: ret->datatype = 'N'; ret->d.n = 0ll; printf("eval error: unknown nodetype %u\n", (unsigned) expr->nodetype); break; } } inline static void doIndent(int indent) { int i; for(i = 0 ; i < indent ; ++i) printf(" "); } void cnfexprPrint(struct cnfexpr *expr, int indent) { struct cnffparamlst *param; //printf("expr %p, indent %d, type '%c'\n", expr, indent, expr->nodetype); switch(expr->nodetype) { case CMP_EQ: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("==\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_NE: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("!=\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_LE: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("<=\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_GE: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf(">=\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_LT: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("<\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_GT: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf(">\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_CONTAINS: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("CONTAINS\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_CONTAINSI: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("CONTAINS_I\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_STARTSWITH: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("STARTSWITH\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case CMP_STARTSWITHI: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("STARTSWITH_I\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case OR: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("OR\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case AND: cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("AND\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case NOT: doIndent(indent); printf("NOT\n"); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; case 'S': doIndent(indent); cstrPrint("string '", ((struct cnfstringval*)expr)->estr); printf("'\n"); break; case 'N': doIndent(indent); printf("%lld\n", ((struct cnfnumval*)expr)->val); break; case 'V': doIndent(indent); printf("var '%s'\n", ((struct cnfvar*)expr)->name); break; case 'F': doIndent(indent); cstrPrint("function '", ((struct cnffunc*)expr)->fname); printf("'\n"); for( param = ((struct cnffunc*)expr)->paramlst ; param != NULL ; param = param->next) { cnfexprPrint(param->expr, indent+1); } break; case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '%': case 'M': if(expr->l != NULL) cnfexprPrint(expr->l, indent+1); doIndent(indent); printf("%c\n", (char) expr->nodetype); cnfexprPrint(expr->r, indent+1); break; default: printf("error: unknown nodetype %u\n", (unsigned) expr->nodetype); break; } } struct cnfnumval* cnfnumvalNew(long long val) { struct cnfnumval *numval; if((numval = malloc(sizeof(struct cnfnumval))) != NULL) { numval->nodetype = 'N'; numval->val = val; } return numval; } struct cnfstringval* cnfstringvalNew(es_str_t *estr) { struct cnfstringval *strval; if((strval = malloc(sizeof(struct cnfstringval))) != NULL) { strval->nodetype = 'S'; strval->estr = estr; } return strval; } struct cnfvar* cnfvarNew(char *name) { struct cnfvar *var; if((var = malloc(sizeof(struct cnfvar))) != NULL) { var->nodetype = 'V'; var->name = name; } return var; } struct cnfrule * cnfruleNew(enum cnfFiltType filttype, struct cnfactlst *actlst) { struct cnfrule* cnfrule; if((cnfrule = malloc(sizeof(struct cnfrule))) != NULL) { cnfrule->nodetype = 'R'; cnfrule->filttype = filttype; cnfrule->actlst = cnfactlstReverse(actlst); } return cnfrule; } void cnfrulePrint(struct cnfrule *rule) { printf("------ start rule %p:\n", rule); printf("%s: ", cnfFiltType2str(rule->filttype)); switch(rule->filttype) { case CNFFILT_NONE: break; case CNFFILT_PRI: case CNFFILT_PROP: printf("%s\n", rule->filt.s); break; case CNFFILT_SCRIPT: printf("\n"); cnfexprPrint(rule->filt.expr, 0); break; } cnfactlstPrint(rule->actlst); printf("------ end rule %p\n", rule); } struct cnffparamlst * cnffparamlstNew(struct cnfexpr *expr, struct cnffparamlst *next) { struct cnffparamlst* lst; if((lst = malloc(sizeof(struct cnffparamlst))) != NULL) { lst->nodetype = 'P'; lst->expr = expr; lst->next = next; } return lst; } struct cnffunc * cnffuncNew(es_str_t *fname, struct cnffparamlst* paramlst) { struct cnffunc* func; if((func = malloc(sizeof(struct cnffunc))) != NULL) { func->nodetype = 'F'; func->fname = fname; func->paramlst = paramlst; } return func; }