RainerScript is a scripting language specifically designed and well-suited for processing network events and configuring event processors (with the most prominent sample being syslog). While RainerScript is theoritically usable with various softwares, it currently is being used, and developed for, rsyslog. Please note that RainerScript may not be abreviated as rscript, because that's somebody elses trademark.
RainerScript is currently under development. It has its first appearance in rsyslog 3.12.0, where it provides complex expression support. However, this is only a very partial implementatio of the scripting language. Due to technical restrictions, the final implementation will have a slightly different syntax. So while you are invited to use the full power of expresssions, you unfortunatley need to be prepared to change your configuration files at some later points. Maintaining backwards-compatibility at this point would cause us to make too much compromise. Defering the release until everything is perfect is also not a good option. So use your own judgement.
A formal definition of the language can be found in RainerScript ABNF. The rest of this document describes the language from the user's point of view. Please note that this doc is also currently under development and can (and will) probably improve as time progresses. If you have questions, use the rsyslog forum. Feedback is also always welcome.
RainerScript supports a currently quite limited set of functions:
The following example can be used to build a dynamic filter based on some environment variable:
if $msg contains getenv('TRIGGERVAR') then /path/to/errfile
[rsyslog.conf overview] [manual index] [rsyslog site]
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Copyright © 2008, 2009 by Rainer Gerhards and
Released under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.