RainerScript ABNF

This is the formal definition of RainerScript, as supported by rsyslog configuration. Please note that this currently is working document and the actual implementation may be quite different.

The first glimpse of RainerScript will be available as part of rsyslog 3.12.0 expression support. However, the 3.12. series of rsyslog will have a partial script implementaiton, which will not necessariy be compatible with the later full implementation. So if you use it, be prepared for some config file changes as RainerScript evolves.

C-like comments (/* some comment */) are supported in all pure RainerScript lines. However, legacy-mapped lines do not support them. All lines support the hash mark "#" as a comment initiator. Everything between the hash and the end of line is a comment (just like // in C++ and many other languages).

Formal Definition

Below is the formal language definitionin ABNF (RFC 2234) format:

; all of this is a working document and may change! -- rgerhards, 2008-02-24

script := *stmt
stmt := (if_stmt / block / vardef / run_s / load_s)
vardef := "var" ["scope" = ("global" / "event")]
block := "begin" stmt "end"
load_s := "load" constraint ("module") modpath params ; load mod only if expr is true
run_s := "run" constraint ("input") name
constraint:= "if" expr ; constrains some one-time commands
modpath := expr
params := ["params" *1param *("," param) "endparams"]
param := paramname) "=" expr
paramname := [*(obqualifier ".") name]
modpath:= ; path to module
?line? := cfsysline / cfli
cfsysline:= BOL "$" *char EOL ; how to handle the first line? (no EOL in front!)
BOL := ; Begin of Line - implicitely set on file beginning and after each EOL
EOL := 0x0a ;LF
if_stmt := "if" expr "then"
old_filter:= BOL facility "." severity ; no whitespace allowed between BOL and facility!
facility := "*" / "auth" / "authpriv" / "cron" / "daemon" / "kern" / "lpr" /
"mail" / "mark" / "news" / "security" / "syslog" / "user" / "uucp" /
"local0" .. "local7" / "mark"
; The keyword security should not be used anymore
; mark is just internal
severity := TBD ; not really relevant in this context

; and now the actual expression
expr := e_and *("or" e_and)
e_and := e_cmp *("and" e_cmp)
e_cmp := val 0*1(cmp_op val)
val := term *(("+" / "-") term)
term := factor *(("*" / "/" / "%") factor)
factor := ["not"] ["-"] terminal
terminal := var / constant / function / ( "(" expr ")" )
function := name "(" *("," expr) ")"
var := "$" varname
varname := msgvar / sysvar
msgvar := name
sysvar := "$" name
name := alpha *(alnum)
constant := string / number
string := simpstr / tplstr ; tplstr will be implemented in next phase
simpstr := "'" *char "'" ; use your imagination for char ;)
tplstr := '"' template '"' ; not initially implemented
number := ["-"] 1*digit ; 0nn = octal, 0xnn = hex, nn = decimal
cmp_op := "==" / "!=" / "<>" / "<" / ">" / "<=" / ">=" / "contains" / "startswith"
digit := %x30-39
alpha := "a" ... "z" # all letters
alnum :* alpha / digit / "_"


Some samples of RainerScript:

define function IsLinux
    if $environ contains "linux" then return true else return false

load if IsLinux() 'imklog.so' params name='klog' endparams /* load klog under linux only */
run if IsLinux() input 'klog'
load 'ommysql.so'

if $message contains "error" then
    type='ommysql.so', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,
    action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',
    [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into table... values('+$facility+','+$severity+...?]

... or ...

define action writeMySQL
    type='ommysql.so', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,
    action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',
    [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into table... values('+$facility+','+$severity+...?]

if $message contains "error" then action writeMySQL


define function IsLinux(
    if $environ contains "linux" then return true else return false

load if IsLinux() 'imklog.so' params name='klog' endparams /* load klog under linux only */
run if IsLinux() input 'klog'
load 'ommysql.so'

if $message contains "error" then
    type='ommysql.so', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,
    action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',
    [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into table... values('+$facility+','+$severity+...?]

... or ...

define action writeMySQL(
    type='ommysql.so', queue.mode='disk', queue.highwatermark = 300,
    action.dbname='events', action.dbuser='uid',
    [?action.template='templatename'?] or [?action.sql='insert into table... values('+$facility+','+$severity+...?]

if $message contains "error" then action writeMySQL(action.dbname='differentDB')

[rsyslog.conf overview] [manual index] [rsyslog site]

This documentation is part of the rsyslog project.
Copyright © 2008 by Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon. Released under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.