
RELP Input Module

Module Name:    imrelp

Author: Rainer Gerhards


Provides the ability to receive syslog messages via the reliable RELP protocol. This module requires librelp to be present on the system. From the user's point of view, imrelp works much like imtcp or imgssapi, except that no message loss can occur. Please note that with the currently supported relp protocol version, a minor message duplication may occur if a network connection between the relp client and relp server breaks after the client could successfully send some messages but the server could not acknowledge them. The window of opportunity is very slim, but in theory this is possible. Future versions of RELP will prevent this. Please also note that rsyslogd may lose a few messages if rsyslog is shutdown while a network conneciton to the server is broken and could not yet be recovered. Future version of RELP support in rsyslog will prevent that. Please note that both scenarios also exists with plain tcp syslog. RELP, even with the small nits outlined above, is a much more reliable solution than plain tcp syslog and so it is highly suggested to use RELP instead of plain tcp. Clients send messages to the RELP server via omrelp.

Configuration Directives:

Caveats/Known Bugs:


This sets up a RELP server on port 20514.

Legacy Configuration Directives:

Caveats/Known Bugs:


This sets up a RELP server on port 20514.

[rsyslog.conf overview] [manual index] [rsyslog site]

This documentation is part of the rsyslog project.
Copyright © 2008-2011 by Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon. Released under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.