Rsyslog supports expressions at a growing number of places. So far, they are supported for filtering messages.
C-like comments (/* some comment */) are supported inside the expression, but not yet in the rest of the configuration file.
Below is the formal definition of expression format (in ABNF, RFC 2234):
if_stmt := "if" expr "then" # an aid, not part of expression itself
expr := e_and *("or" e_and)
e_and := e_cmp *("and" e_cmp)
e_cmp := val 0*1(cmp_op val)
val := term *(("+" / "-") term)
term := factor *(("*" / "/" / "%") factor)
factor := ["not"] terminal
terminal := var / constant / function / "(" expr ")"
function := name "(" *("," expr) ")"
var := "$" varname
varname := msgvar / sysvar
msgvar := name
sysvar := "$" name
name := alpha *(alnum)
constant := string / number
string := simpstr / tplstr ; tplstr will be implemented in next phase
simpstr := "'" *char "'" ; use your imagination for char ;)
tplstr := '"' template '"' ; not initially implemented
number := ["-"] 1*digit ; 0nn = octal, 0xnn = hex, nn = decimal
cmp_op := "==" / "!=" / "<>" / "<" / ">" / "<=" / ">=" / "contains" / "startswith"
digit := %x30-39
alpha := "a" ... "z" # all letters
alnum :* alpha / digit / "_"
[rsyslog.conf overview] [manual index] [rsyslog site]
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Gerhards and
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