// This file is part of rsyslog. // // rsyslog message state diagram // // see http://www.graphviz.org for how to obtain the graphviz processor // which is used to build the actual graph. // // generate the graph with // $ dot file.dot -Tpng >file.png digraph msgState { compound=true; nodesep=1.0 //label="\n\nrsyslog action transaction states\nhttp://www.rsyslog.com"; //fontsize=20; rdy [label="ready" group="main"]; itx [label="in Tx" group="main"]; comm [label="commit"] rtry [label="retry"] susp [label="suspended"] rdy -> itx [label="transaction begins"] rdy -> rtry [label="begin tx\nerror"] itx -> itx [label="success"] itx -> comm [label="commit\n(caller or auto)"] itx -> rtry [label="error"] comm -> rdy [label="success"] comm -> rtry [label="error"] rtry -> rdy [label="recovered"] rtry -> susp [label="could not\nrecover"] susp -> rtry [label="timeout expired"] {rank=same; comm rtry} }