// This file is part of rsyslog. // // rsyslog action call state diagram // // see http://www.graphviz.org for how to obtain the graphviz processor // which is used to build the actual graph. // // generate the graph with // $ dot action-call.dot -Tpng >action-call.png digraph G { label="\n\nrsyslog message states during action processing\nhttp://www.rsyslog.com"; //fontsize=20; ok [label="ready for processing" color="green"]; mpf [label="message permanent failure" color="red"]; tf [label="temporary failure"] cPen [label="commit pending"]; com [label="committed" color="red"]; tf -> tf [label="retry fails, i < n"]; tf -> mpf [label="retry fails, i = n"]; tf -> ok [label="retry succeeds"]; ok -> com [label="doAction RS_RET_OK"]; ok -> cPen [label="doAction COMMIT_PENDING"]; ok -> tf [label="doAction RS_RET_SUSPENDED"]; ok -> mpf [label="doAction RS_RET_DISABLED"]; cPen -> com [label="endTransaction RS_RET_OK"]; cPen -> tf [label="endTransaction _SUSPENDED"]; //{rank=same; tf cPen} {rank=same; com mpf} }