/* This file is an aid to support non-modular object accesses * while we do not have fully modularized everything. Once this is * done, this file can (and should) be deleted. Presence of it * also somewhat indicates that the runtime library is not really * yet a runtime library, because it depends on some functionality * residing somewhere else. * * Copyright 2007, 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of rsyslog. * * Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Rsyslog. If not, see . * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. */ #ifndef DIRTY_H_INCLUDED #define DIRTY_H_INCLUDED 1 rsRetVal submitMsg(msg_t *pMsg); rsRetVal logmsgInternal(int iErr, int pri, uchar *msg, int flags); rsRetVal parseAndSubmitMessage(uchar *hname, uchar *hnameIP, uchar *msg, int len, int flags, flowControl_t flowCtlTypeu, uchar *pszInputName, struct syslogTime *stTime, time_t ttGenTime); int parseRFCSyslogMsg(msg_t *pMsg, int flags); int parseLegacySyslogMsg(msg_t *pMsg, int flags); rsRetVal diagGetMainMsgQSize(int *piSize); /* for imdiag */ char* getFIOPName(unsigned iFIOP); /* TODO: the following 2 need to go in conf obj interface... */ rsRetVal cflineParseTemplateName(uchar** pp, omodStringRequest_t *pOMSR, int iEntry, int iTplOpts, uchar *dfltTplName); rsRetVal cflineParseFileName(uchar* p, uchar *pFileName, omodStringRequest_t *pOMSR, int iEntry, int iTplOpts, uchar *pszTpl); /* Intervals at which we flush out "message repeated" messages, * in seconds after previous message is logged. After each flush, * we move to the next interval until we reach the largest. * TODO: move this to action object! Only action.c and syslogd.c use it. */ extern int bActExecWhenPrevSusp; extern int iActExecOnceInterval; extern int MarkInterval; extern int repeatinterval[2]; extern int bReduceRepeatMsgs; #define MAXREPEAT ((int)((sizeof(repeatinterval) / sizeof(repeatinterval[0])) - 1)) #define REPEATTIME(f) ((f)->f_time + repeatinterval[(f)->f_repeatcount]) #define BACKOFF(f) { if (++(f)->f_repeatcount > MAXREPEAT) \ (f)->f_repeatcount = MAXREPEAT; \ } extern int bDropTrailingLF; extern uchar cCCEscapeChar; extern int bEscapeCCOnRcv; extern ruleset_t *pCurrRuleset; #ifdef USE_NETZIP /* config param: minimum message size to try compression. The smaller * the message, the less likely is any compression gain. We check for * gain before we submit the message. But to do so we still need to * do the (costly) compress() call. The following setting sets a size * for which no call to compress() is done at all. This may result in * a few more bytes being transmited but better overall performance. * Note: I have not yet checked the minimum UDP packet size. It might be * that we do not save anything by compressing very small messages, because * UDP might need to pad ;) * rgerhards, 2006-11-30 */ #define MIN_SIZE_FOR_COMPRESS 60 #endif #endif /* #ifndef DIRTY_H_INCLUDED */