Summary: libee - an event expression library inspired by CEE Name: libee Version: 0.4.1 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPL Group: Networking/Admin Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-build BuildRequires: libestr-devel Requires: /sbin/ldconfig %description CEE is an upcoming standard used to describe network events in a number of normalized formats. It's goal is to unify they currently many different representations that exist in the industry. The core idea of libee is to provide a small but hopefully convenient API layer above the CEE standard. However, CEE is not finished. At the time of this writing, CEE is under heavy development and even some of its core data structures (like the data dictionary and taxonmy) have not been fully specified. libee should be thought of as a useful library that helps you get your events normalized. If you program cleanly to libee, chances are not bad that only relatively little effort is required to move your app over to be CEE compliant (once the standard is out). %package devel Summary: include files for libee Group: Networking/Admin Requires: %name = %version-%release Requires: /usr/bin/pkg-config %description devel This package provides include files and pkg-config settings for libee. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} %build %configure CFLAGS="%{optflags}" --prefix=%{_prefix} --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir} %{__make} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post /sbin/ldconfig %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %files devel %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libee.pc %{_includedir}/libee/apache.h %{_includedir}/libee/ctx.h %{_includedir}/libee/event.h %{_includedir}/libee/field.h %{_includedir}/libee/fieldbucket.h %{_includedir}/libee/fieldset.h %{_includedir}/libee/fieldtype.h %{_includedir}/libee/int.h %{_includedir}/libee/internal.h %{_includedir}/libee/libee.h %{_includedir}/libee/namelist.h %{_includedir}/libee/obj.h %{_includedir}/libee/parser.h %{_includedir}/libee/primitivetype.h %{_includedir}/libee/tag.h %{_includedir}/libee/tagbucket.h %{_includedir}/libee/tagset.h %{_includedir}/libee/timestamp.h %{_includedir}/libee/valnode.h %{_includedir}/libee/value.h %{_includedir}/libee/valuetype.h %{_sbindir}/libee-convert %{_libdir}/libee.a %{_libdir}/ %changelog * Tue Jun 12 2012 Abby Edwards 0.4.1-1 - initial version, used to build latest git master