path: root/tests/parser.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/parser.tcl')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/parser.tcl b/tests/parser.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..274c08a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/parser.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# rsyslog parser tests
+# This is a first version, and can be extended and improved for
+# sure. But it is far better than nothing. Please note that this
+# script works together with the config file AND easily extensible
+# test case files (*.parse1) to run a number of checks. All test
+# cases are executed, even if there is a failure early in the
+# process. When finished, the numberof failed tests will be given.
+# Note: a lot of things are not elegant, but at least they work...
+# Even simple things seem to be somewhat non-simple if you are
+# not sufficiently involved with tcl/expect ;) -- rgerhards
+# Copyright (C) 2009 by Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH
+# This file is part of rsyslog.
+# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+# If you happen to know how to disable rsyslog's
+# stdout from appearing on the "real" stdout, please
+# let me know. This is annouying, but I have no more
+# time left to invest finding a solution (as the
+# rest basically works well...).
+# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+package require Expect
+package require udp 1.0
+set rsyslogdPID [spawn "../tools/rsyslogd" "-c4" "-ftestruns/parser.conf" "-u2" "-n" "-iwork/" "-M../runtime/.libs"];
+expect "}}"; # eat startup message
+set udpSock [udp_open];
+udp_conf $udpSock 514
+set files [glob "testruns/*.parse1"]
+set failed 0;
+puts "\n";
+set i 1;
+foreach testcase $files {
+ puts "testing $testcase ...";
+ set fp [open "$testcase" r];
+ fconfigure $fp -buffering line
+ gets $fp input
+ gets $fp expected
+ # assemble "expected" to match the template we use
+ close $fp;
+ # send to daemon
+ puts $udpSock $input;
+ flush $udpSock;
+ # get response and compare
+ expect -re "{{.*}}";
+ puts "\n"; # at least we make the output readbale...
+ set result $expect_out(buffer);
+ set result [string trimleft $result "\{\{"];
+ set result [string trimright $result "\}\}"];
+ if { $result != $expected } {
+ puts "test $i failed!\n";
+ puts "expected: '$expected'\n";
+ puts "returned: '$result'\n";
+ puts "\n";
+ set failed [expr {$failed + 1}];
+ };
+ set i [expr {$i + 1}];
+exec kill $rsyslogdPID;
+close $udpSock;
+puts "Number of failed test: $failed.\n";