path: root/runtime/debug.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/debug.c')
1 files changed, 1403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/debug.c b/runtime/debug.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d45c737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1403 @@
+/* debug.c
+ *
+ * This file proides debug and run time error analysis support. Some of the
+ * settings are very performance intense and my be turned off during a release
+ * build.
+ *
+ * File begun on 2008-01-22 by RGerhards
+ *
+ * Some functions are controlled by environment variables:
+ *
+ * RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG if set, a debug log file is written to that location
+ * RSYSLOG_DEBUG specific debug options
+ *
+ * For details, visit doc/debug.html
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
+ *
+ * This file is part of the rsyslog runtime library.
+ *
+ * The rsyslog runtime library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * The rsyslog runtime library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with the rsyslog runtime library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
+ * A copy of the LGPL can be found in the file "COPYING.LESSER" in this distribution.
+ */
+#include "config.h" /* autotools! */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "rsyslog.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "atomic.h"
+#include "obj.h"
+/* static data (some time to be replaced) */
+int Debug; /* debug flag - read-only after startup */
+int debugging_on = 0; /* read-only, except on sig USR1 */
+static int bLogFuncFlow = 0; /* shall the function entry and exit be logged to the debug log? */
+static int bLogAllocFree = 0; /* shall calls to (m/c)alloc and free be logged to the debug log? */
+static int bPrintFuncDBOnExit = 0; /* shall the function entry and exit be logged to the debug log? */
+static int bPrintMutexAction = 0; /* shall mutex calls be printed to the debug log? */
+static int bPrintTime = 1; /* print a timestamp together with debug message */
+static int bPrintAllDebugOnExit = 0;
+static int bAbortTrace = 1; /* print a trace after SIGABRT or SIGSEGV */
+static char *pszAltDbgFileName = NULL; /* if set, debug output is *also* sent to here */
+static FILE *altdbg = NULL; /* and the handle for alternate debug output */
+static FILE *stddbg;
+/* list of files/objects that should be printed */
+typedef struct dbgPrintName_s {
+ uchar *pName;
+ struct dbgPrintName_s *pNext;
+} dbgPrintName_t;
+/* forward definitions */
+static void dbgGetThrdName(char *pszBuf, size_t lenBuf, pthread_t thrd, int bIncludeNumID);
+static dbgThrdInfo_t *dbgGetThrdInfo(void);
+static int dbgPrintNameIsInList(const uchar *pName, dbgPrintName_t *pRoot);
+/* This lists are single-linked and members are added at the top */
+static dbgPrintName_t *printNameFileRoot = NULL;
+/* list of all known FuncDBs. We use a special list, because it must only be single-linked. As
+ * functions never disappear, we only need to add elements when we see a new one and never need
+ * to remove anything. For this, we simply add at the top, which saves us a Last pointer. The goal
+ * is to use as few memory as possible.
+ */
+typedef struct dbgFuncDBListEntry_s {
+ dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB;
+ struct dbgFuncDBListEntry_s *pNext;
+} dbgFuncDBListEntry_t;
+dbgFuncDBListEntry_t *pFuncDBListRoot;
+static pthread_mutex_t mutFuncDBList;
+typedef struct dbgMutLog_s {
+ struct dbgMutLog_s *pNext;
+ struct dbgMutLog_s *pPrev;
+ pthread_mutex_t *mut;
+ pthread_t thrd;
+ dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB;
+ int lockLn; /* the actual line where the mutex was locked */
+ short mutexOp;
+} dbgMutLog_t;
+static dbgMutLog_t *dbgMutLogListRoot = NULL;
+static dbgMutLog_t *dbgMutLogListLast = NULL;
+static pthread_mutex_t mutMutLog;
+static dbgThrdInfo_t *dbgCallStackListRoot = NULL;
+static dbgThrdInfo_t *dbgCallStackListLast = NULL;
+static pthread_mutex_t mutCallStack;
+static pthread_mutex_t mutdbgprintf;
+static pthread_mutex_t mutdbgoprint;
+static pthread_key_t keyCallStack;
+/* we do not have templates, so we use some macros to create linked list handlers
+ * for the several types
+ * DLL means "doubly linked list"
+ * rgerhards, 2008-01-23
+ */
+#define DLL_Del(type, pThis) \
+ if(pThis->pPrev != NULL) \
+ pThis->pPrev->pNext = pThis->pNext; \
+ if(pThis->pNext != NULL) \
+ pThis->pNext->pPrev = pThis->pPrev; \
+ if(pThis == dbg##type##ListRoot) \
+ dbg##type##ListRoot = pThis->pNext; \
+ if(pThis == dbg##type##ListLast) \
+ dbg##type##ListLast = pThis->pPrev; \
+ free(pThis);
+#define DLL_Add(type, pThis) \
+ if(dbg##type##ListRoot == NULL) { \
+ dbg##type##ListRoot = pThis; \
+ dbg##type##ListLast = pThis; \
+ } else { \
+ pThis->pPrev = dbg##type##ListLast; \
+ dbg##type##ListLast->pNext = pThis; \
+ dbg##type##ListLast = pThis; \
+ }
+/* we need to do our own mutex cancel cleanup handler as it shall not
+ * be subject to the debugging instrumentation (that would probably run us
+ * into an infinite loop
+ */
+static void dbgMutexCancelCleanupHdlr(void *pmut)
+ pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t*) pmut);
+/* handler to update the last execution location seen
+ * rgerhards, 2008-01-28
+ */
+static inline void
+dbgRecordExecLocation(int iStackPtr, int line)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd = dbgGetThrdInfo();
+ pThrd->lastLine[iStackPtr] = line;
+/* ------------------------- mutex tracking code ------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------- FuncDB utility functions ------------------------- */
+#define SIZE_FUNCDB_MUTEX_TABLE(pFuncDB) ((int) (sizeof(pFuncDB->mutInfo) / sizeof(dbgFuncDBmutInfoEntry_t)))
+/* print a FuncDB
+ */
+static void dbgFuncDBPrint(dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB)
+ assert(pFuncDB != NULL);
+ assert(pFuncDB->magic == dbgFUNCDB_MAGIC);
+ /* make output suitable for sorting on invocation count */
+ dbgprintf("%10.10ld times called: %s:%d:%s\n", pFuncDB->nTimesCalled, pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func);
+/* print all funcdb entries
+ */
+static void dbgFuncDBPrintAll(void)
+ dbgFuncDBListEntry_t *pFuncDBList;
+ int nFuncs = 0;
+ for(pFuncDBList = pFuncDBListRoot ; pFuncDBList != NULL ; pFuncDBList = pFuncDBList->pNext) {
+ dbgFuncDBPrint(pFuncDBList->pFuncDB);
+ nFuncs++;
+ }
+ dbgprintf("%d unique functions called\n", nFuncs);
+/* find a mutex inside the FuncDB mutex table. Returns NULL if not found. Only mutexes from the same thread
+ * are found.
+ */
+static inline dbgFuncDBmutInfoEntry_t *dbgFuncDBGetMutexInfo(dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, pthread_mutex_t *pmut)
+ int i;
+ int iFound = -1;
+ pthread_t ourThrd = pthread_self();
+ for(i = 0 ; i < SIZE_FUNCDB_MUTEX_TABLE(pFuncDB) ; ++i) {
+ if(pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].pmut == pmut && pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].lockLn != -1 && pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].thrd == ourThrd) {
+ iFound = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (iFound == -1) ? NULL : &pFuncDB->mutInfo[i];
+/* print any mutex that can be found in the FuncDB. Custom header is provided.
+ * "thrd" is the thread that is searched. If it is 0, mutexes for all threads
+ * shall be printed.
+ */
+static inline void
+dbgFuncDBPrintActiveMutexes(dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, char *pszHdrText, pthread_t thrd)
+ int i;
+ char pszThrdName[64];
+ for(i = 0 ; i < SIZE_FUNCDB_MUTEX_TABLE(pFuncDB) ; ++i) {
+ if(pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].lockLn != -1 && (thrd == 0 || thrd == pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].thrd)) {
+ dbgGetThrdName(pszThrdName, sizeof(pszThrdName), pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].thrd, 1);
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s:invocation %ld: %s %p[%d/%s]\n", pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func,
+ pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].lInvocation, pszHdrText, (void*)pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].pmut, i,
+ pszThrdName);
+ }
+ }
+/* find a free mutex info spot in FuncDB. NULL is returned if table is full.
+ */
+static inline dbgFuncDBmutInfoEntry_t *dbgFuncDBFindFreeMutexInfo(dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB)
+ int i;
+ int iFound = -1;
+ for(i = 0 ; i < SIZE_FUNCDB_MUTEX_TABLE(pFuncDB) ; ++i) {
+ if(pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].lockLn == -1) {
+ iFound = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iFound == -1) {
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: INFO: out of space in FuncDB for mutex info (max %d entries) - ignoring\n",
+ pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func, SIZE_FUNCDB_MUTEX_TABLE(pFuncDB));
+ }
+ return (iFound == -1) ? NULL : &pFuncDB->mutInfo[i];
+/* add a mutex lock to the FuncDB. If the size is exhausted, info is discarded.
+ */
+static inline void dbgFuncDBAddMutexLock(dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, pthread_mutex_t *pmut, int lockLn)
+ dbgFuncDBmutInfoEntry_t *pMutInfo;
+ if((pMutInfo = dbgFuncDBFindFreeMutexInfo(pFuncDB)) != NULL) {
+ pMutInfo->pmut = pmut;
+ pMutInfo->lockLn = lockLn;
+ pMutInfo->lInvocation = pFuncDB->nTimesCalled;
+ pMutInfo->thrd = pthread_self();
+ }
+/* remove a locked mutex from the FuncDB (unlock case!).
+ */
+static inline void dbgFuncDBRemoveMutexLock(dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, pthread_mutex_t *pmut)
+ dbgFuncDBmutInfoEntry_t *pMutInfo;
+ if((pMutInfo = dbgFuncDBGetMutexInfo(pFuncDB, pmut)) != NULL) {
+ pMutInfo->lockLn = -1;
+ }
+/* ------------------------- END FuncDB utility functions ------------------------- */
+/* ###########################################################################
+ * Mutex instrumentation reduces the code's concurrency and thus affects its
+ * order of execution. It is vital to test the code also with mutex
+ * instrumentation turned off! Some bugs may not show up while it on...
+ * ###########################################################################
+ */
+/* constructor & add new entry to list
+ */
+dbgMutLog_t *dbgMutLogAddEntry(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, short mutexOp, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int lockLn)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ pLog = calloc(1, sizeof(dbgMutLog_t));
+ assert(pLog != NULL);
+ /* fill data members */
+ pLog->mut = pmut;
+ pLog->thrd = pthread_self();
+ pLog->mutexOp = mutexOp;
+ pLog->lockLn = lockLn;
+ pLog->pFuncDB = pFuncDB;
+ DLL_Add(MutLog, pLog);
+ return pLog;
+/* destruct log entry
+ */
+void dbgMutLogDelEntry(dbgMutLog_t *pLog)
+ assert(pLog != NULL);
+ DLL_Del(MutLog, pLog);
+/* print a single mutex log entry */
+static void dbgMutLogPrintOne(dbgMutLog_t *pLog)
+ char *strmutop;
+ char buf[64];
+ char pszThrdName[64];
+ assert(pLog != NULL);
+ switch(pLog->mutexOp) {
+ strmutop = "waited on";
+ break;
+ case MUTOP_LOCK:
+ strmutop = "owned";
+ break;
+ default:
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(char), "unknown state %d - should not happen!", pLog->mutexOp);
+ strmutop = buf;
+ break;
+ }
+ dbgGetThrdName(pszThrdName, sizeof(pszThrdName), pLog->thrd, 1);
+ dbgprintf("mutex 0x%lx is being %s by code at %s:%d, thread %s\n", (unsigned long) pLog->mut,
+ strmutop, pLog->pFuncDB->file,
+ (pLog->mutexOp == MUTOP_LOCK) ? pLog->lockLn : pLog->pFuncDB->line,
+ pszThrdName);
+/* print the complete mutex log */
+static void dbgMutLogPrintAll(void)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ dbgprintf("Mutex log for all known mutex operations:\n");
+ for(pLog = dbgMutLogListRoot ; pLog != NULL ; pLog = pLog->pNext)
+ dbgMutLogPrintOne(pLog);
+/* find the last log entry for that specific mutex object. Is used to delete
+ * a thread's own requests. Searches occur from the back.
+ * The pFuncDB is optional and may be NULL to indicate no specific funciont is
+ * reqested (aka "it is ignored" ;)). This is important for the unlock case.
+ */
+dbgMutLog_t *dbgMutLogFindSpecific(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, short mutop, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ pthread_t mythrd = pthread_self();
+ pLog = dbgMutLogListLast;
+ while(pLog != NULL) {
+ if( pLog->mut == pmut && pLog->thrd == mythrd && pLog->mutexOp == mutop
+ && (pFuncDB == NULL || pLog->pFuncDB == pFuncDB))
+ break;
+ pLog = pLog->pPrev;
+ }
+ return pLog;
+/* find mutex object from the back of the list */
+dbgMutLog_t *dbgMutLogFindFromBack(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgMutLog_t *pLast)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ if(pLast == NULL)
+ pLog = dbgMutLogListLast;
+ else
+ pLog = pLast->pPrev; /* if we get the last processed one, we need to go one before it, else its an endless loop */
+ while(pLog != NULL) {
+ if(pLog->mut == pmut) {
+ break;
+ }
+ pLog = pLog->pPrev;
+ }
+ return pLog;
+/* find lock aquire for mutex from back of list */
+dbgMutLog_t *dbgMutLogFindHolder(pthread_mutex_t *pmut)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ pLog = dbgMutLogFindFromBack(pmut, NULL);
+ while(pLog != NULL) {
+ if(pLog->mutexOp == MUTOP_LOCK)
+ break;
+ pLog = dbgMutLogFindFromBack(pmut, pLog);
+ }
+ return pLog;
+/* report wait on a mutex and add it to the mutex log */
+static inline void dbgMutexPreLockLog(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pHolder;
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ char pszBuf[128];
+ char pszHolderThrdName[64];
+ char *pszHolder;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutMutLog);
+ pHolder = dbgMutLogFindHolder(pmut);
+ pLog = dbgMutLogAddEntry(pmut, MUTOP_LOCKWAIT, pFuncDB, ln);
+ if(pHolder == NULL)
+ pszHolder = "[NONE]";
+ else {
+ dbgGetThrdName(pszHolderThrdName, sizeof(pszHolderThrdName), pHolder->thrd, 1);
+ snprintf(pszBuf, sizeof(pszBuf)/sizeof(char), "%s:%d [%s]", pHolder->pFuncDB->file, pHolder->lockLn, pszHolderThrdName);
+ pszHolder = pszBuf;
+ }
+ if(bPrintMutexAction)
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: mutex %p waiting on lock, held by %s\n", pFuncDB->file, ln, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut, pszHolder);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutMutLog);
+/* report aquired mutex */
+static inline void dbgMutexLockLog(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int lockLn)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutMutLog);
+ /* find and delete "waiting" entry */
+ pLog = dbgMutLogFindSpecific(pmut, MUTOP_LOCKWAIT, pFuncDB);
+ assert(pLog != NULL);
+ dbgMutLogDelEntry(pLog);
+ /* add "lock" entry */
+ pLog = dbgMutLogAddEntry(pmut, MUTOP_LOCK, pFuncDB, lockLn);
+ dbgFuncDBAddMutexLock(pFuncDB, pmut, lockLn);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutMutLog);
+ if(bPrintMutexAction)
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: mutex %p aquired\n", pFuncDB->file, lockLn, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut);
+/* report trylock on a mutex and add it to the mutex log */
+static inline void dbgMutexPreTryLockLog(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pHolder;
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ char pszBuf[128];
+ char pszHolderThrdName[64];
+ char *pszHolder;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutMutLog);
+ pHolder = dbgMutLogFindHolder(pmut);
+ pLog = dbgMutLogAddEntry(pmut, MUTOP_TRYLOCK, pFuncDB, ln);
+ if(pHolder == NULL)
+ pszHolder = "[NONE]";
+ else {
+ dbgGetThrdName(pszHolderThrdName, sizeof(pszHolderThrdName), pHolder->thrd, 1);
+ snprintf(pszBuf, sizeof(pszBuf)/sizeof(char), "%s:%d [%s]", pHolder->pFuncDB->file, pHolder->lockLn, pszHolderThrdName);
+ pszHolder = pszBuf;
+ }
+ if(bPrintMutexAction)
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: mutex %p trying to get lock, held by %s\n", pFuncDB->file, ln, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut, pszHolder);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutMutLog);
+/* report attempted mutex lock */
+static inline void dbgMutexTryLockLog(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int lockLn)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutMutLog);
+ /* find and delete "trylock" entry */
+ pLog = dbgMutLogFindSpecific(pmut, MUTOP_TRYLOCK, pFuncDB);
+ assert(pLog != NULL);
+ dbgMutLogDelEntry(pLog);
+ /* add "lock" entry */
+ pLog = dbgMutLogAddEntry(pmut, MUTOP_LOCK, pFuncDB, lockLn);
+ dbgFuncDBAddMutexLock(pFuncDB, pmut, lockLn);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutMutLog);
+ if(bPrintMutexAction)
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: mutex %p aquired\n", pFuncDB->file, lockLn, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut);
+/* if we unlock, we just remove the lock aquired entry from the log list */
+static inline void dbgMutexUnlockLog(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int unlockLn)
+ dbgMutLog_t *pLog;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutMutLog);
+ pLog = dbgMutLogFindSpecific(pmut, MUTOP_LOCK, NULL);
+ assert(pLog != NULL);
+ /* we found the last lock entry. We now need to see from which FuncDB we need to
+ * remove it. This is recorded inside the mutex log entry.
+ */
+ dbgFuncDBRemoveMutexLock(pLog->pFuncDB, pmut);
+ /* donw with the log entry, get rid of it... */
+ dbgMutLogDelEntry(pLog);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutMutLog);
+ if(bPrintMutexAction)
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: mutex %p UNlocked\n", pFuncDB->file, unlockLn, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut);
+/* wrapper for pthread_mutex_lock() */
+int dbgMutexLock(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln, int iStackPtr)
+ int ret;
+ dbgRecordExecLocation(iStackPtr, ln);
+ dbgMutexPreLockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ ret = pthread_mutex_lock(pmut);
+ if(ret == 0) {
+ dbgMutexLockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ } else {
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: ERROR: pthread_mutex_lock() for mutex %p failed with error %d\n",
+ pFuncDB->file, ln, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut, ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* wrapper for pthread_mutex_trylock() */
+int dbgMutexTryLock(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln, int iStackPtr)
+ int ret;
+ dbgRecordExecLocation(iStackPtr, ln);
+ dbgMutexPreLockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln); // TODO : update this
+ ret = pthread_mutex_trylock(pmut);
+ if(ret == 0 || ret == EBUSY) {
+ // TODO : update this
+ dbgMutexLockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ } else {
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: ERROR: pthread_mutex_trylock() for mutex %p failed with error %d\n",
+ pFuncDB->file, ln, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut, ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* wrapper for pthread_mutex_unlock() */
+int dbgMutexUnlock(pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln, int iStackPtr)
+ int ret;
+ dbgRecordExecLocation(iStackPtr, ln);
+ dbgMutexUnlockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(pmut);
+ return ret;
+/* wrapper for pthread_cond_wait() */
+int dbgCondWait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *pmut, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln, int iStackPtr)
+ int ret;
+ dbgRecordExecLocation(iStackPtr, ln);
+ dbgMutexUnlockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ if(bPrintMutexAction) {
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: mutex %p waiting on condition %p\n", pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line,
+ pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut, (void*)cond);
+ }
+ dbgMutexPreLockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ ret = pthread_cond_wait(cond, pmut);
+ return ret;
+/* wrapper for pthread_cond_timedwait() */
+int dbgCondTimedWait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *pmut, const struct timespec *abstime, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln, int iStackPtr)
+ int ret;
+ dbgRecordExecLocation(iStackPtr, ln);
+ dbgMutexUnlockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ dbgMutexPreLockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ if(bPrintMutexAction) {
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: mutex %p waiting on condition %p (with timeout)\n", pFuncDB->file,
+ pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func, (void*)pmut, (void*)cond);
+ }
+ ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, pmut, abstime);
+ dbgMutexLockLog(pmut, pFuncDB, ln);
+ return ret;
+/* ------------------------- end mutex tracking code ------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------- malloc/free tracking code ------------------------- */
+/* wrapper for free() */
+void dbgFree(void *pMem, dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int ln, int iStackPtr)
+ dbgRecordExecLocation(iStackPtr, ln);
+ if(bLogAllocFree) {
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: free %p\n", pFuncDB->file, ln, pFuncDB->func, (void*) pMem);
+ }
+ free(pMem);
+/* ------------------------- end malloc/free tracking code ------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------- thread tracking code ------------------------- */
+/* get ptr to call stack - if none exists, create a new stack
+ */
+static dbgThrdInfo_t *dbgGetThrdInfo(void)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutCallStack);
+ if((pThrd = pthread_getspecific(keyCallStack)) == NULL) {
+ /* construct object */
+ pThrd = calloc(1, sizeof(dbgThrdInfo_t));
+ pThrd->thrd = pthread_self();
+ (void) pthread_setspecific(keyCallStack, pThrd);
+ DLL_Add(CallStack, pThrd);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutCallStack);
+ return pThrd;
+/* find a specific thread ID. It must be present, else something is wrong
+ */
+static inline dbgThrdInfo_t *dbgFindThrd(pthread_t thrd)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd;
+ for(pThrd = dbgCallStackListRoot ; pThrd != NULL ; pThrd = pThrd->pNext) {
+ if(pThrd->thrd == thrd)
+ break;
+ }
+ return pThrd;
+/* build a string with the thread name. If none is set, the thread ID is
+ * used instead. Caller must provide buffer space. If bIncludeNumID is set
+ * to 1, the numerical ID is always included.
+ * rgerhards 2008-01-23
+ */
+static void dbgGetThrdName(char *pszBuf, size_t lenBuf, pthread_t thrd, int bIncludeNumID)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd;
+ assert(pszBuf != NULL);
+ pThrd = dbgFindThrd(thrd);
+ if(pThrd == 0 || pThrd->pszThrdName == NULL) {
+ /* no thread name, use numeric value */
+ snprintf(pszBuf, lenBuf, "%lx", (long) thrd);
+ } else {
+ if(bIncludeNumID) {
+ snprintf(pszBuf, lenBuf, "%s (%lx)", pThrd->pszThrdName, (long) thrd);
+ } else {
+ snprintf(pszBuf, lenBuf, "%s", pThrd->pszThrdName);
+ }
+ }
+/* set a name for the current thread. The caller provided string is duplicated.
+ */
+void dbgSetThrdName(uchar *pszName)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd = dbgGetThrdInfo();
+ if(pThrd->pszThrdName != NULL)
+ free(pThrd->pszThrdName);
+ pThrd->pszThrdName = strdup((char*)pszName);
+/* destructor for a call stack object */
+static void dbgCallStackDestruct(void *arg)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd = (dbgThrdInfo_t*) arg;
+ dbgprintf("destructor for debug call stack %p called\n", pThrd);
+ if(pThrd->pszThrdName != NULL) {
+ free(pThrd->pszThrdName);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutCallStack);
+ DLL_Del(CallStack, pThrd);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutCallStack);
+/* print a thread's call stack
+ */
+static void dbgCallStackPrint(dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd)
+ int i;
+ char pszThrdName[64];
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutCallStack);
+ dbgGetThrdName(pszThrdName, sizeof(pszThrdName), pThrd->thrd, 1);
+ dbgprintf("\n");
+ dbgprintf("Recorded Call Order for Thread '%s':\n", pszThrdName);
+ for(i = 0 ; i < pThrd->stackPtr ; i++) {
+ dbgprintf("%d: %s:%d:%s:\n", i, pThrd->callStack[i]->file, pThrd->lastLine[i], pThrd->callStack[i]->func);
+ }
+ dbgprintf("maximum number of nested calls for this thread: %d.\n", pThrd->stackPtrMax);
+ dbgprintf("NOTE: not all calls may have been recorded, code does not currently guarantee that!\n");
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutCallStack);
+/* print all threads call stacks
+ */
+static void dbgCallStackPrintAll(void)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd;
+ /* stack info */
+ for(pThrd = dbgCallStackListRoot ; pThrd != NULL ; pThrd = pThrd->pNext) {
+ dbgCallStackPrint(pThrd);
+ }
+/* handler for SIGSEGV - MUST terminiate the app, but does so in a somewhat
+ * more meaningful way.
+ * rgerhards, 2008-01-22
+ */
+sigsegvHdlr(int signum)
+ char *signame;
+ struct sigaction sigAct;
+ /* first, restore the default abort handler */
+ memset(&sigAct, 0, sizeof (sigAct));
+ sigemptyset(&sigAct.sa_mask);
+ sigAct.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
+ sigaction(SIGABRT, &sigAct, NULL);
+ /* then do our actual processing */
+ if(signum == SIGSEGV) {
+ signame = " (SIGSEGV)";
+ } else if(signum == SIGABRT) {
+ signame = " (SIGABRT)";
+ } else {
+ signame = "";
+ }
+ dbgprintf("\n\n\n\nSignal %d%s occured, execution must be terminated.\n\n\n\n", signum, signame);
+ if(bAbortTrace) {
+ dbgPrintAllDebugInfo();
+ dbgprintf("If the call trace is empty, you may want to ./configure --enable-rtinst\n");
+ dbgprintf("\n\nTo submit bug reports, visit\n\n");
+ }
+ dbgprintf("\n\nTo submit bug reports, visit\n\n");
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fflush(stddbg);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fflush(altdbg);
+ /* and finally abort... */
+ /* TODO: think about restarting rsyslog in this case: may be a good idea,
+ * but may also be a very bad one (restart loops!)
+ */
+ abort();
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wempty-body"
+/* print some debug output when an object is given
+ * This is mostly a copy of dbgprintf, but I do not know how to combine it
+ * into a single function as we have variable arguments and I don't know how to call
+ * from one vararg function into another. I don't dig in this, it is OK for the
+ * time being. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-29
+ */
+dbgoprint(obj_t *pObj, char *fmt, ...)
+ static pthread_t ptLastThrdID = 0;
+ static int bWasNL = 0;
+ va_list ap;
+ static char pszThrdName[64]; /* 64 is to be on the safe side, anything over 20 is bad... */
+ static char pszWriteBuf[1024];
+ size_t lenWriteBuf;
+ struct timespec t;
+ if(!(Debug && debugging_on))
+ return;
+ /* a quick and very dirty hack to enable us to display just from those objects
+ * that we are interested in. So far, this must be changed at compile time (and
+ * chances are great it is commented out while you read it. Later, this shall
+ * be selectable via the environment. -- rgerhards, 2008-02-20
+ */
+#if 0
+ if(objGetObjID(pObj) != OBJexpr)
+ return;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutdbgoprint);
+ pthread_cleanup_push(dbgMutexCancelCleanupHdlr, &mutdbgoprint);
+ /* The bWasNL handler does not really work. It works if no thread
+ * switching occurs during non-NL messages. Else, things are messed
+ * up. Anyhow, it works well enough to provide useful help during
+ * getting this up and running. It is questionable if the extra effort
+ * is worth fixing it, giving the limited appliability.
+ * rgerhards, 2005-10-25
+ * I have decided that it is not worth fixing it - especially as it works
+ * pretty well.
+ * rgerhards, 2007-06-15
+ */
+ if(ptLastThrdID != pthread_self()) {
+ if(!bWasNL) {
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "\n");
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "\n");
+ bWasNL = 1;
+ }
+ ptLastThrdID = pthread_self();
+ }
+ /* do not cache the thread name, as the caller might have changed it
+ * TODO: optimized, invalidate cache when new name is set
+ */
+ dbgGetThrdName(pszThrdName, sizeof(pszThrdName), ptLastThrdID, 0);
+ if(bWasNL) {
+ if(bPrintTime) {
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t);
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "%4.4ld.%9.9ld:", (long) (t.tv_sec % 10000), t.tv_nsec);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "%4.4ld.%9.9ld:", (long) (t.tv_sec % 10000), t.tv_nsec);
+ }
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "%s: ", pszThrdName);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "%s: ", pszThrdName);
+ /* print object name header if we have an object */
+ if(pObj != NULL) {
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "%s: ", obj.GetName(pObj));
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "%s: ", obj.GetName(pObj));
+ }
+ }
+ bWasNL = (*(fmt + strlen(fmt) - 1) == '\n') ? 1 : 0;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ lenWriteBuf = vsnprintf(pszWriteBuf, sizeof(pszWriteBuf), fmt, ap);
+ if(lenWriteBuf >= sizeof(pszWriteBuf)) {
+ /* if our buffer was too small, we simply truncate. TODO: maybe something better? */
+ lenWriteBuf = sizeof(pszWriteBuf) - 1;
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ /*
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "%s", pszWriteBuf);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "%s", pszWriteBuf);
+ */
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fwrite(pszWriteBuf, lenWriteBuf, 1, stddbg);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fwrite(pszWriteBuf, lenWriteBuf, 1, altdbg);
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fflush(stddbg);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fflush(altdbg);
+ pthread_cleanup_pop(1);
+#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wempty-body"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wempty-body"
+/* print some debug output when no object is given
+ * WARNING: duplicate code, see dbgoprin above!
+ */
+dbgprintf(char *fmt, ...)
+ static pthread_t ptLastThrdID = 0;
+ static int bWasNL = 0;
+ va_list ap;
+ static char pszThrdName[64]; /* 64 is to be on the safe side, anything over 20 is bad... */
+ static char pszWriteBuf[1024];
+ size_t lenWriteBuf;
+ struct timespec t;
+ if(!(Debug && debugging_on))
+ return;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutdbgprintf);
+ pthread_cleanup_push(dbgMutexCancelCleanupHdlr, &mutdbgprintf);
+ /* The bWasNL handler does not really work. It works if no thread
+ * switching occurs during non-NL messages. Else, things are messed
+ * up. Anyhow, it works well enough to provide useful help during
+ * getting this up and running. It is questionable if the extra effort
+ * is worth fixing it, giving the limited appliability.
+ * rgerhards, 2005-10-25
+ * I have decided that it is not worth fixing it - especially as it works
+ * pretty well.
+ * rgerhards, 2007-06-15
+ */
+ if(ptLastThrdID != pthread_self()) {
+ if(!bWasNL) {
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "\n");
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "\n");
+ bWasNL = 1;
+ }
+ ptLastThrdID = pthread_self();
+ }
+ /* do not cache the thread name, as the caller might have changed it
+ * TODO: optimized, invalidate cache when new name is set
+ */
+ dbgGetThrdName(pszThrdName, sizeof(pszThrdName), ptLastThrdID, 0);
+ if(bWasNL) {
+ if(bPrintTime) {
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t);
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "%4.4ld.%9.9ld:", (long) (t.tv_sec % 10000), t.tv_nsec);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "%4.4ld.%9.9ld:", (long) (t.tv_sec % 10000), t.tv_nsec);
+ }
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "%s: ", pszThrdName);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "%s: ", pszThrdName);
+ }
+ bWasNL = (*(fmt + strlen(fmt) - 1) == '\n') ? 1 : 0;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ lenWriteBuf = vsnprintf(pszWriteBuf, sizeof(pszWriteBuf), fmt, ap);
+ if(lenWriteBuf >= sizeof(pszWriteBuf)) {
+ /* if our buffer was too small, we simply truncate. TODO: maybe something better? */
+ lenWriteBuf = sizeof(pszWriteBuf) - 1;
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ /*
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fprintf(stddbg, "%s", pszWriteBuf);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fprintf(altdbg, "%s", pszWriteBuf);
+ */
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fwrite(pszWriteBuf, lenWriteBuf, 1, stddbg);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fwrite(pszWriteBuf, lenWriteBuf, 1, altdbg);
+ if(stddbg != NULL) fflush(stddbg);
+ if(altdbg != NULL) fflush(altdbg);
+ pthread_cleanup_pop(1);
+#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wempty-body"
+void tester(void)
+/* handler called when a function is entered. This function creates a new
+ * funcDB on the heap if the passed-in pointer is NULL.
+ */
+int dbgEntrFunc(dbgFuncDB_t **ppFuncDB, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
+ int iStackPtr = 0; /* TODO: find some better default, this one hurts the least, but it is not clean */
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd = dbgGetThrdInfo();
+ dbgFuncDBListEntry_t *pFuncDBListEntry;
+ unsigned int i;
+ dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB;
+ assert(ppFuncDB != NULL);
+ assert(file != NULL);
+ assert(func != NULL);
+ pFuncDB = *ppFuncDB;
+ assert((pFuncDB == NULL) || (pFuncDB->magic == dbgFUNCDB_MAGIC));
+ if(pFuncDB == NULL) {
+ /* we do not yet have a funcDB and need to create a new one. We also add it
+ * to the linked list of funcDBs. Please note that when a module is unloaded and
+ * then reloaded again, we currently do not try to find its previous funcDB but
+ * instead create a duplicate. While finding the past one is straightforward, it
+ * opens up the question what to do with e.g. mutex data left in it. We do not
+ * yet see any need to handle these questions, so duplicaton seems to be the right
+ * thing to do. -- rgerhards, 2008-03-10
+ */
+ /* dbgprintf("%s:%d:%s: called first time, initializing FuncDB\n", pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func); */
+ /* get a new funcDB and add it to the list (all of this is protected by the mutex) */
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutFuncDBList);
+ if((pFuncDBListEntry = calloc(1, sizeof(dbgFuncDBListEntry_t))) == NULL) {
+ dbgprintf("Error %d allocating memory for FuncDB List entry, not adding\n", errno);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutFuncDBList);
+ goto exit_it;
+ } else {
+ if((pFuncDB = calloc(1, sizeof(dbgFuncDB_t))) == NULL) {
+ dbgprintf("Error %d allocating memory for FuncDB, not adding\n", errno);
+ free(pFuncDBListEntry);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutFuncDBList);
+ goto exit_it;
+ } else {
+ pFuncDBListEntry->pFuncDB = pFuncDB;
+ pFuncDBListEntry->pNext = pFuncDBListRoot;
+ pFuncDBListRoot = pFuncDBListEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now intialize the funcDB
+ * note that we duplicate the strings, because the address provided may go away
+ * if a loadable module is unloaded!
+ */
+ pFuncDB->magic = dbgFUNCDB_MAGIC;
+ pFuncDB->file = strdup(file);
+ pFuncDB->func = strdup(func);
+ pFuncDB->line = line;
+ pFuncDB->nTimesCalled = 0;
+ for(i = 0 ; i < sizeof(pFuncDB->mutInfo)/sizeof(dbgFuncDBmutInfoEntry_t) ; ++i) {
+ pFuncDB->mutInfo[i].lockLn = -1; /* set to not Locked */
+ }
+ /* a round of safety checks... */
+ if(pFuncDB->file == NULL || pFuncDB->func == NULL) {
+ dbgprintf("Error %d allocating memory for FuncDB, not adding\n", errno);
+ /* do a little bit of cleanup */
+ if(pFuncDB->file != NULL)
+ free(pFuncDB->file);
+ if(pFuncDB->func != NULL)
+ free(pFuncDB->func);
+ free(pFuncDB);
+ free(pFuncDBListEntry);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutFuncDBList);
+ goto exit_it;
+ }
+ /* done mutex-protected operations */
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutFuncDBList);
+ *ppFuncDB = pFuncDB; /* all went well, so we can update the caller */
+ }
+ /* when we reach this point, we have a fully-initialized FuncDB! */
+ ATOMIC_INC(pFuncDB->nTimesCalled);
+ if(bLogFuncFlow && dbgPrintNameIsInList((const uchar*)pFuncDB->file, printNameFileRoot))
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d: %s: enter\n", pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func);
+ if(pThrd->stackPtr >= (int) (sizeof(pThrd->callStack) / sizeof(dbgFuncDB_t*))) {
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d: %s: debug module: call stack for this thread full, suspending call tracking\n",
+ pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func);
+ iStackPtr = pThrd->stackPtr;
+ } else {
+ iStackPtr = pThrd->stackPtr++;
+ if(pThrd->stackPtr > pThrd->stackPtrMax)
+ pThrd->stackPtrMax = pThrd->stackPtr;
+ pThrd->callStack[iStackPtr] = pFuncDB;
+ pThrd->lastLine[iStackPtr] = line;
+ }
+ return iStackPtr;
+/* handler called when a function is exited
+ */
+void dbgExitFunc(dbgFuncDB_t *pFuncDB, int iStackPtrRestore, int iRet)
+ dbgThrdInfo_t *pThrd = dbgGetThrdInfo();
+ assert(iStackPtrRestore >= 0);
+ assert(pFuncDB != NULL);
+ assert(pFuncDB->magic == dbgFUNCDB_MAGIC);
+ dbgFuncDBPrintActiveMutexes(pFuncDB, "WARNING: mutex still owned by us as we exit function, mutex: ", pthread_self());
+ if(bLogFuncFlow && dbgPrintNameIsInList((const uchar*)pFuncDB->file, printNameFileRoot)) {
+ if(iRet == RS_RET_NO_IRET)
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d: %s: exit: (no iRet)\n", pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func);
+ else
+ dbgprintf("%s:%d: %s: exit: %d\n", pFuncDB->file, pFuncDB->line, pFuncDB->func, iRet);
+ }
+ pThrd->stackPtr = iStackPtrRestore;
+ if(pThrd->stackPtr < 0) {
+ dbgprintf("Stack pointer for thread %lx below 0 - resetting (some RETiRet still wrong!)\n", (long) pthread_self());
+ pThrd->stackPtr = 0;
+ }
+/* externally-callable handler to record the last exec location. We use a different function
+ * so that the internal one can be inline.
+ */
+dbgSetExecLocation(int iStackPtr, int line)
+ dbgRecordExecLocation(iStackPtr, line);
+void dbgPrintAllDebugInfo(void)
+ dbgCallStackPrintAll();
+ dbgMutLogPrintAll();
+ if(bPrintFuncDBOnExit)
+ dbgFuncDBPrintAll();
+/* Handler for SIGUSR2. Dumps all available debug output
+ */
+static void sigusr2Hdlr(int __attribute__((unused)) signum)
+ dbgprintf("SIGUSR2 received, dumping debug information\n");
+ dbgPrintAllDebugInfo();
+/* support system to set debug options at runtime */
+/* parse a param/value pair from the current location of the
+ * option string. Returns 1 if an option was found, 0
+ * otherwise. 0 means there are NO MORE options to be
+ * processed. -- rgerhards, 2008-02-28
+ */
+static int
+dbgGetRTOptNamVal(uchar **ppszOpt, uchar **ppOptName, uchar **ppOptVal)
+ int bRet = 0;
+ uchar *p;
+ size_t i;
+ static uchar optname[128]; /* not thread- or reentrant-safe, but that */
+ static uchar optval[1024]; /* doesn't matter (called only once at startup) */
+ assert(ppszOpt != NULL);
+ assert(*ppszOpt != NULL);
+ /* make sure we have some initial values */
+ optname[0] = '\0';
+ optval[0] = '\0';
+ p = *ppszOpt;
+ /* skip whitespace */
+ while(*p && isspace(*p))
+ ++p;
+ /* name - up until '=' or whitespace */
+ i = 0;
+ while(i < (sizeof(optname)/sizeof(uchar) - 1) && *p && *p != '=' && !isspace(*p)) {
+ optname[i++] = *p++;
+ }
+ if(i > 0) {
+ bRet = 1;
+ optname[i] = '\0';
+ if(*p == '=') {
+ /* we have a value, get it */
+ ++p;
+ i = 0;
+ while(i < (sizeof(optval)/sizeof(uchar) - 1) && *p && !isspace(*p)) {
+ optval[i++] = *p++;
+ }
+ optval[i] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ /* done */
+ *ppszOpt = p;
+ *ppOptName = optname;
+ *ppOptVal = optval;
+ return bRet;
+/* create new PrintName list entry and add it to list (they will never
+ * be removed. -- rgerhards, 2008-02-28
+ */
+static void
+dbgPrintNameAdd(uchar *pName, dbgPrintName_t **ppRoot)
+ dbgPrintName_t *pEntry;
+ if((pEntry = calloc(1, sizeof(dbgPrintName_t))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory during debug setup\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if((pEntry->pName = (uchar*) strdup((char*) pName)) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: out of memory during debug setup\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if(*ppRoot != NULL) {
+ pEntry->pNext = *ppRoot; /* we enqueue at the front */
+ }
+ *ppRoot = pEntry;
+/* check if name is in a printName list - returns 1 if so, 0 otherwise.
+ * There is one special handling: if the root pointer is NULL, the function
+ * always returns 1. This is because when no name is set, output shall be
+ * unrestricted.
+ * rgerhards, 2008-02-28
+ */
+static int
+dbgPrintNameIsInList(const uchar *pName, dbgPrintName_t *pRoot)
+ int bFound = 0;
+ dbgPrintName_t *pEntry = pRoot;
+ if(pRoot == NULL)
+ bFound = 1;
+ while(pEntry != NULL && !bFound) {
+ if(!strcasecmp((char*)pEntry->pName, (char*)pName)) {
+ bFound = 1;
+ } else {
+ pEntry = pEntry->pNext;
+ }
+ }
+ return bFound;
+/* read in the runtime options
+ * rgerhards, 2008-02-28
+ */
+static void
+ uchar *pszOpts;
+ uchar *optval;
+ uchar *optname;
+ /* set some defaults */
+ stddbg = stdout;
+ if((pszOpts = (uchar*) getenv("RSYSLOG_DEBUG")) != NULL) {
+ /* we have options set, so let's process them */
+ while(dbgGetRTOptNamVal(&pszOpts, &optname, &optval)) {
+ if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "help")) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "rsyslogd runtime debug support - help requested, rsyslog terminates\n\n"
+ "environment variables:\n"
+ "addional logfile: export RSYSLOG_DEBUGFILE=\"/path/to/file\"\n"
+ "to set: export RSYSLOG_DEBUG=\"cmd cmd cmd\"\n\n"
+ "Commands are (all case-insensitive):\n"
+ "help (this list, terminates rsyslogd\n"
+ "LogFuncFlow\n"
+ "LogAllocFree (very partly implemented)\n"
+ "PrintFuncDB\n"
+ "PrintMutexAction\n"
+ "PrintAllDebugInfoOnExit (not yet implemented)\n"
+ "NoLogTimestamp\n"
+ "Nostdoout\n"
+ "filetrace=file (may be provided multiple times)\n"
+ "\nSee debug.html in your doc set or for details\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "debug")) {
+ /* this is earlier in the process than the -d option, as such it
+ * allows us to spit out debug messages from the very beginning.
+ */
+ Debug = 1;
+ debugging_on = 1;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "logfuncflow")) {
+ bLogFuncFlow = 1;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "logallocfree")) {
+ bLogAllocFree = 1;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "printfuncdb")) {
+ bPrintFuncDBOnExit = 1;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "printmutexaction")) {
+ bPrintMutexAction = 1;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "printalldebuginfoonexit")) {
+ bPrintAllDebugOnExit = 1;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "nologtimestamp")) {
+ bPrintTime = 0;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "nostdout")) {
+ stddbg = NULL;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "noaborttrace")) {
+ bAbortTrace = 0;
+ } else if(!strcasecmp((char*)optname, "filetrace")) {
+ if(*optval == '\0') {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: logfile debug option requires filename, "
+ "e.g. \"logfile=debug.c\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ /* create new entry and add it to list */
+ dbgPrintNameAdd(optval, &printNameFileRoot);
+ }
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid debug option '%s', value '%s' - ignored\n",
+ optval, optname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* end support system to set debug options at runtime */
+rsRetVal dbgClassInit(void)
+ DEFiRet;
+ struct sigaction sigAct;
+ sigset_t sigSet;
+ (void) pthread_key_create(&keyCallStack, dbgCallStackDestruct); /* MUST be the first action done! */
+ /* we initialize all Mutexes with code, as some platforms seem to have
+ * bugs in the static initializer macros. So better be on the safe side...
+ * rgerhards, 2008-03-06
+ */
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutFuncDBList, NULL);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutMutLog, NULL);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutCallStack, NULL);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutdbgprintf, NULL);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutdbgoprint, NULL);
+ /* while we try not to use any of the real rsyslog code (to avoid infinite loops), we
+ * need to have the ability to query object names. Thus, we need to obtain a pointer to
+ * the object interface. -- rgerhards, 2008-02-29
+ */
+ CHKiRet(objGetObjInterface(&obj)); /* this provides the root pointer for all other queries */
+ memset(&sigAct, 0, sizeof (sigAct));
+ sigemptyset(&sigAct.sa_mask);
+ sigAct.sa_handler = sigusr2Hdlr;
+ sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sigAct, NULL);
+ sigemptyset(&sigSet);
+ sigaddset(&sigSet, SIGUSR2);
+ pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigSet, NULL);
+ dbgGetRuntimeOptions(); /* init debug system from environment */
+ pszAltDbgFileName = getenv("RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG");
+ if(pszAltDbgFileName != NULL) {
+ /* we have a secondary file, so let's open it) */
+ if((altdbg = fopen(pszAltDbgFileName, "w")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "alternate debug file could not be opened, ignoring. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ }
+ }
+ dbgSetThrdName((uchar*)"main thread");
+ RETiRet;
+rsRetVal dbgClassExit(void)
+ dbgFuncDBListEntry_t *pFuncDBListEtry, *pToDel;
+ pthread_key_delete(keyCallStack);
+ if(bPrintAllDebugOnExit)
+ dbgPrintAllDebugInfo();
+ if(altdbg != NULL)
+ fclose(altdbg);
+ /* now free all of our memory to make the memory debugger happy... */
+ pFuncDBListEtry = pFuncDBListRoot;
+ while(pFuncDBListEtry != NULL) {
+ pToDel = pFuncDBListEtry;
+ pFuncDBListEtry = pFuncDBListEtry->pNext;
+ free(pToDel->pFuncDB->file);
+ free(pToDel->pFuncDB->func);
+ free(pToDel->pFuncDB);
+ free(pToDel);
+ }
+ return RS_RET_OK;
+/* vi:set ai:
+ */