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diff --git a/doc/syslog-protocol.html b/doc/syslog-protocol.html
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+<title>syslog-protocol support in rsyslog</title>
+<h1>syslog-protocol support in rsyslog</h1>
+<p><b><a href="">Rsyslog</a>&nbsp; provides a trial
+implementation of the proposed
+<a href="">
+syslog-protocol</a> standard.</b> The intention of this implementation is to
+find out what inside syslog-protocol is causing problems during implementation.
+As syslog-protocol is a standard under development, its support in rsyslog is
+highly volatile. It may change from release to release. So while it provides
+some advantages in the real world, users are cautioned against using it right
+now. If you do, be prepared that you will probably need to update all of your
+rsyslogds with each new release. If you try it anyhow, please provide feedback
+as that would be most benefitial for us.</p>
+<h2>Currently supported message format</h2>
+<p>Due to recent discussion on syslog-protocol, we do not follow any specific
+revision of the draft but rather the candidate ideas. The format supported
+currently is:</p>
+SP MSG</code></b></p>
+<p>Field syntax and semantics are as defined in IETF I-D syslog-protocol-15.</p>
+<h2>Capabilities Implemented</h2>
+ <li>receiving message in the supported format (see above)</li>
+ <li>sending messages in the supported format</li>
+ <li>relaying messages</li>
+ <li>receiving messages in either legacy or -protocol format and transforming
+ them into the other one</li>
+ <li>virtual availability of TAG, PROCID, APP-NAME, MSGID, SD-ID no matter if
+ the message was received via legacy format, API or syslog-protocol format (non-present
+ fields are being emulated with great success)</li>
+ <li>maximum message size is set via preprocessor #define</li>
+<p>This lists what has been found during implementation:</p>
+ <li>The same receiver must be able to support both legacy and
+ syslog-protocol syslog messages. Anything else would be a big inconvenience
+ to users and would make deployment much harder. The detection must be done
+ automatically (see below on how easy that is).</li>
+ <li><b>NUL characters inside MSG</b> cause the message to be truncated at
+ that point. This is probably a major point for many C-based implementations.
+ No measures have yet been taken against this. Modifying the code to &quot;cleanly&quot;
+ support NUL characters is non-trivial, even though rsyslogd already has some
+ byte-counted string library (but this is new and not yet available
+ everywhere).</li>
+ <li><b>character encoding in MSG</b>: is is problematic to do the right
+ UTF-8 encoding. The reason is that we pick up the MSG from the local domain
+ socket (which got it from the syslog(3) API). The text obtained does not
+ include any encoding information, but it does include non US-ASCII
+ characters. It may also include any other encoding. Other than by guessing
+ based on the provided text, I have no way to find out what it is. In order
+ to make the syslogd do anything useful, I have now simply taken the message
+ as is and stuffed it into the MSG part. Please note that I think this will
+ be a route that other implementors would take, too.</li>
+ <li>A minimal parser is easy to implement. It took me roughly 2 hours to add
+ it to rsyslogd. This includes the time for restructering the code to be able
+ to parse both legacy syslog as well as syslog-protocol. The parser has some
+ restrictions, though<ul>
+ <li>STRUCTURED-DATA field is extracted, but not validated. Structured data
+ &quot;[test ]]&quot; is not caught as an error. Nor are any other errors caught. For
+ my needs with this syslogd, that level of structued data processing is
+ probably sufficient. I do not want to parse/validate it in all cases. This
+ is also a performance issue. I think other implementors could have the same
+ view. As such, we should not make validation a requirement.</li>
+ <li>MSG is not further processed (e.g. Unicode not being validated)</li>
+ <li>the other header fields are also extracted, but no validation is
+ performed right now. At least some validation should be easy to add (not
+ done this because it is a proof-of-concept and scheduled to change).</li>
+ </li>
+ <li>Universal access to all syslog fields (missing ones being emulated) was
+ also quite easy. It took me around another 2 hours to integrate emulation of
+ non-present fields into the code base.</li>
+ <li>The version at the start of the message makes it easy to detect if we
+ have legacy syslog or syslog-protocol. Do NOT move it to somewhere inside
+ the middle of the message, that would complicate things. It might not be
+ totally fail-safe to just rely on &quot;1 &quot; as the &quot;cookie&quot; for a syslog-protocol.
+ Eventually, it would be good to add some more uniqueness, e.g. &quot;@#1 &quot;.</li>
+ <li>I have no (easy) way to detect truncation if that happens on the UDP
+ stack. All I see is that I receive e.g. a 4K message. If the message was e.g.
+ 6K, I received two chunks. The first chunk (4K) is correctly detected as a
+ syslog-protocol message, the second (2K) as legacy syslog. I do not see what
+ we could do against this. This questions the usefulness of the TRUNCATE bit.
+ Eventually, I could look at the UDP headers and see that it is a fragment. I
+ have looked at a network sniffer log of the conversation. This looks like
+ two totally-independant messages were sent by the sender stack.</li>
+ <li>The maximum message size is currently being configured via a
+ preprocessor #define. It can easily be set to 2K or 4K, but more than 4K is
+ not possible because of UDP stack limitations. Eventually, this can be
+ worked around, but I have not done this yet.</li>
+ <li>rsyslogd can accept syslog-protocol formatted messages but is able to
+ relay them in legacy format. I find this a must in real-life deployments.
+ For this, I needed to do some field mapping so that APP-NAME/PROCID are
+ mapped into a TAG.</li>
+ <li>rsyslogd can also accept legacy syslog message and relay them in
+ syslog-protocol format. For this, I needed to apply some sub-parsing of the
+ TAG, which on most occasions provides correct results. There might be some
+ misinterpretations but I consider these to be mostly non-intrusive. </li>
+ <li>Messages received from the syslog API (the normal case under *nix) also
+ do not have APP-NAME and PROCID and I must parse them out of TAG as
+ described directly above. As such, this algorithm is absolutely vital to
+ make things work on *nix.</li>
+ <li>I have an issue with messages received via the syslog(3) API (or, to be
+ more precise, via the local domain socket this API writes to): These
+ messages contain a timestamp, but that timestamp does neither have the year
+ nor the high-resolution time. The year is no real issue, I just take the
+ year of the reception of that message. There is a very small window of
+ exposure for messages read from the log immediately after midnight Jan 1st.
+ The message in the domain socket might have been written immediately before
+ midnight in the old year. I think this is acceptable. However, I can not
+ assign a high-precision timestamp, at least it is somewhat off if I take the
+ timestamp from message reception on the local socket. An alternative might
+ be to ígnore the timestamp present and instead use that one when the message
+ is pulled from the local socket (I am talking about IPC, not the network -
+ just a reminder...). This is doable, but eventually not advisable. It looks
+ like this needs to be resolved via a configuration option.</li>
+ <li>rsyslogd already advertised its origin information on application
+ startup (in a syslog-protocol-14 compatible format). It is fairly easy to
+ include that with any message if desired (not currently done).</li>
+ <li>A big problem I noticed are malformed messages. In -syslog-protocol, we
+ recommend/require to discard malformed messages. However, in practice users
+ would like to see everything that the syslogd receives, even if it is in
+ error. For the first version, I have not included any error handling at all.
+ However, I think I would deliberately ignore any &quot;discard&quot; requirement. My
+ current point of view is that in my code I would eventually flag a message
+ as being invalid and allow the user to filter on this invalidness. So these
+ invalid messages could be redirected into special bins.</li>
+ <li>The error logging recommendations (those I insisted on;)) are not really
+ practical. My application has its own error logging philosophy and I will
+ not change this to follow a draft.</li>
+<p>These are my personal conclusions and suggestions. Obviously, they must be
+discussed ;)</p>
+ <li>NUL should be disallowd in MSG</li>
+ <li>As it is not possible to definitely know the character encoding of the
+ application-provided message, MSG should <b>not</b> be specified to use UTF-8
+ exclusively. Instead, it is suggested that any encoding may be used but
+ UTF-8 is preferred. To detect UTF-8, the MSG should start with the UTF-8
+ byte order mask of &quot;EF BB BF&quot; if it is UTF-8 encoded (see section 155.9 of
+ <a href="">
+</a>) </li>
+ <li>Requirements to drop messages should be reconsidered. I guess I would
+ not be the only implementor ignoring them.</li>
+ <li>Logging requirements should be reconsidered and probably be removed.</li>