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+<title>rsyslog queue object</title>
+<h1>The rsyslog queue object</h1>
+<p>This page reflects the status as of 2008-01-17. The documentation is still incomplete.
+Target audience is developers and users who would like to get an in-depth understanding of
+queues as used in <a href="">rsyslog</a>.</p>
+<h1>Some definitions</h1>
+<p>A queue is DA-enabled if it is configured to use disk-assisted mode when
+there is need to. A queue is in DA mode (or DA run mode), when it actually runs
+disk assisted.</p>
+<h1>Implementation Details</h1>
+<h2>Disk-Assisted Mode</h2>
+<p>Memory-Type queues may utilize disk-assisted (DA) mode. DA mode is enabled
+whenever a queue file name prefix is provided. This is called DA-enabled mode.
+If DA-enabled, the queue operates as a regular memory queue until a high water
+mark is reached. If that happens, the queue activates disk assistance (called
+&quot;runs disk assisted&quot; or &quot;runs DA&quot; - you can find that often in source file
+comments). To do so, it creates a helper queue instance (the DA queue). At that
+point, there are two queues running - the primary queue's consumer changes to a
+shuffle-to-DA-queue consumer and the original primary consumer is assigned to
+the DA queue. Existing and new messages are spooled to the disk queue, where the
+DA worker takes them from and passes them for execution to the actual consumer.
+In essence, the primary queue has now become a memory buffer for the DA queue.
+The primary queue will be drained until a low water mark is reached. At that
+point, processing is held. New messages enqueued to the primary queue will not
+be processed but kept in memory. Processing resumes when either the high water
+mark is reached again or the DA queue indicates it is empty. If the DA queue is
+empty, it is shut down and processing of the primary queue continues as a
+regular in-memory queue (aka &quot;DA mode is shut down&quot;). The whole thing iterates
+once the high water mark is hit again.</p>
+<p>There is one special case: if the primary queue is shut down and could not
+finish processing all messages within the configured timeout periods, the DA
+queue is instantiated to take up the remaining messages. These will be preserved
+and be processed during the next run. During that period, the DA queue runs in
+&quot;enqueue-only&quot; mode and does not execute any consumer. Draining the primary
+queue is typically very fast. If that behaviour is not desired, it can be turned
+of via parameters. In that case, any remaining in-memory messages are lost.</p>
+<p>Due to the fact that when running DA two queues work closely together and
+worker threads (including the DA worker) may shut down at any time (due to
+timeout), processing synchronization and startup and shutdown are somewhat
+complex. I'll outline the exact conditions and steps down here. I also do this
+so that I know clearly what to develop to, so please be patient if the
+information is a bit too in-depth ;)</p>
+<h2>DA Run Mode Initialization</h2>
+<p>Three cases:</p>
+ <li>any time during queueEnqObj() when the high water mark is hit</li>
+ <li>at queue startup if there is an on-disk queue present (presence of QI
+ file indicates presence of queue data)</li>
+ <li>at queue shutdown if remaining in-memory data needs to be persisted to
+ disk</li>
+<p>In <b>case 1</b>, the worker pool is running. When switching to DA mode, all
+regular workers are sent termination commands. The DA worker is initiated.
+Regular workers may run in parallel to the DA worker until they terminate.
+Regular workers shall terminate as soon as their current consumer has completed.
+They shall not execute the DA consumer.</p>
+<p>In <b>case 2</b>, the worker pool is not yet running and is NOT started. The
+DA worker is initiated.</p>
+<p>In <b>case 3</b>, the worker pool is already shut down. The DA worker is
+initiated. The DA queue runs in enqueue-only mode.</p>
+<p>In all cases, the DA worker starts up and checks if DA mode is already fully
+initialized. If not, it initializes it, what most importantly means construction
+of the queue.</p>
+<p>Then, regular worker processing is carried out. That is, the queue worker
+will wait on empty queue and terminate after an timeout. However, If any message
+is received, the DA consumer is executed. That consumer checks the low water
+mark. If the low water mark is reached, it stops processing until either the
+high water mark is reached again or the DA queue indicates it is empty (there is
+a pthread_cond_t for this synchronization).</p>
+<p>In theory, a <b>case-2</b> startup could lead to the worker becoming inactive
+and terminating while waiting on the primary queue to fill. In practice, this is
+highly unlikely (but only for the main message queue) because rsyslog issues a
+startup message. HOWEVER, we can not rely on that, it would introduce a race. If
+the primary rsyslog thread (the one that issues the message) is scheduled very
+late and there is a low inactivty timeout for queue workers, the queue worker
+may terminate before the startup message is issued. And if the on-disk queue
+holds only a few messages, it may become empty before the DA worker is
+re-initiated again. So it is possible that the DA run mode termination criteria
+occurs while no DA worker is running on the primary queue.</p>
+<p>In cases 1 and 3, the DA worker can never become inactive without hitting the
+DA shutdown criteria. In <b>case 1</b>, it either shuffles messages from the
+primary to the DA queue or it waits because it has the hit low water mark. </p>
+<p>In <b>case 3</b>, it always shuffles messages between the queues (because,
+that's the sole purpose of that run). In order for this to happen, the high
+water mark has been set to the value of 1 when DA run mode has been initialized.
+This ensures that the regular logic can be applied to drain the primary queue.
+To prevent a hold due to reaching the low water mark, that mark must be changed
+to 0 before the DA worker starts.</p>
+<h2>DA Run Mode Shutdown</h2>
+<p>In essence, DA run mode is terminated when the DA queue is empty and the
+primary worker queue size is below the high water mark. It is also terminated
+when the primary queue is shut down. The decision to switch back to regular
+(non-DA) run mode is typically made by the DA worker. If it switches, the DA
+queue is destructed and the regular worker pool is restarted. In some cases, the
+queue shutdown process may initiate the &quot;switch&quot; (in this case more or less a
+clean shutdown of the DA queue).</p>
+<p>One might think that it would be more natural for the DA queue to detect
+being idle and shut down itself. However, there are some issues associated with
+that. Most importantly, all queue worker threads need to be shut down during
+queue destruction. Only after that has happend, final destruction steps can
+happen (else we would have a myriad of races). However, it is the DA queues
+worker thread that detects it is empty (empty queue detection always happens at
+the consumer side and must so). That would lead to the DA queue worker thread to
+initiate DA queue destruction which in turn would lead to that very same thread
+being canceled (because workers must shut down before the queue can be
+destructed). Obviously, this is not place where it can be done. As such, the
+process that enqueues messages must destruct the queue - and that is the primary
+queue's DA worker thread.</p>
+<p>There are some subleties due to thread synchronization and the fact that the
+no DA consumer may be running (in a <b>case-2 startup</b>). So it is not trivial
+to reliably change the queue back from DA run mode to regular run mode. The
+priority is a clean switch. We accept the fact that there may be situations
+where we cleanly shut down DA run mode, just to re-enable it with the very next
+message being enqueued. While unlikely, this will happen from time to time and
+is considered perfectly legal. We can't predict the future and it would
+introduce too great complexity to try to do something against that (that would
+most probably even lead to worse performance under regular conditions).</p>
+<p>The primary queue's DA worker thread may wait at two different places:</p>
+ <li>after reaching the low water mark and waiting for either high water or
+ DA queue empty</li>
+ <li>at the regular pthread_cond_wait() on an empty primary queue</li>
+<p>Case 2 is very unlikely, but may happen (see info above on a case 2 startup).</p>
+<p><b>The DA worker may also not wait at all,</b> because it is actively
+executing and shuffeling messages between the queues. In that case, however, the
+program code passes both of the 2 wait cases but simply does not wait.</p>
+<p><b>Finally, the DA worker may be inactive </b>(again, a case-2 startup). In
+that case no work(er) at all is executed. Most importantly, without the DA
+worker being active, nobody will ever detect the need to change back to regular
+mode. If we have this situation, the very next message enqueued will cause the
+switch, because then the DA run mode shutdown criteria is met. However, it may
+take close to eternal for this message to arrive. During that time, disk and
+memory resources for the DA queue remain allocated. This also leaves processing
+in a sub-optimal state and it may take longer than necessary to switch back to
+regular queue mode when a message burst happens. In extreme cases, this could
+even lead to shutdown of DA run mode, which takes so long that the high water
+mark is passed and DA run mode is immediately re-initialized - while with an
+immediate switch, the message burst may have been able to be processed by the
+in-memory queue without DA support.</p>
+<p>So in short, it is desirable switch to regular run mode as soon as possible.
+To do this, we need an active DA worker. The easy solution is to initiate DA
+worker startup from the DA queue's worker once it detects empty condition. To do
+so, the DA queue's worker must call into a &quot;<i>DA worker startup initiation</i>&quot;
+routine inside the main queue. As a reminder, the DA worker will most probably
+not receive the &quot;DA queue empty&quot; signal in that case, because it will be long
+sent (in most cases) before the DA worker even waits for it. So <b>it is vital
+that DA run mode termination checks be done in the DA worker before it goes into
+any wait condition</b>.</p>
+<p>Please note that the &quot;<i>DA worker startup initiation</i>&quot; routine may be
+called concurrently from multiple initiators. <b>To prevent a race, it must be
+guarded by the queue mutex </b>and return without any action (and no error
+code!) if the DA worker is already initiated.</p>
+<p>And now let's consider <b>the case of primary queue destruction. </b>During
+destruction, our primary focus is on loosing as few messages as possible. If the
+queue is not DA-enabled, there is nothing but the configured timeouts to handle
+that situation. However, with a DA-enabled queue there are more options.</p>
+<p>If the queue is DA-enabled, it may be <i>configured to persist messages to
+disk before it is terminated</i>. In that case, loss of messages never occurs
+(at the price of a potentially lenghty shutdown). Even if that setting is not
+applied, the queue should drain as many messages as possible to the disk. For
+that reason, it makes no sense to wait on a low water mark. Also, if the queue
+is already in DA run mode, it does not make any sense to switch back to regular
+run mode during termination and then try to process some messages via the
+regular consumer. It is much more appropriate the try completely drain the queue
+during the remaining timeout period. For the same reason, it is preferred that
+no new consumers be activated (via the DA queue's worker), as they only cost
+valuable CPU cycles and, more importantly, would potentially be long(er)-running
+and possibly be needed to be cancelled. To prevent all of that, <b>queue
+parameters are changed for DA-enabled queues:</b> the high water mark is to 1
+and the low water mark to 0 on the primary queue. The DA queue is commanded to
+run in enqueue-only mode. If the primary queue is <i>configured to persist
+messages to disk before it is terminated</i>, its SHUTDOWN timeout is changed to
+to eternal. These parameters will cause the queue to drain as much as possible
+to disk (and they may cause a case 3 DA run mode initiation). Please note that
+once the primary queue has been drained, the DA queue's worker will
+automatically switch back to regular (non-DA) run mode. <b>It must be ensured
+that no worker cancellation occurs during that switchback</b>. Please note that
+the queue may not swich back to regular run mode if it is not <i>configured to
+persist messages to disk before it is terminated</i>. In order to apply the new
+parameters, <b>worker threads must be awakened.</b> Remember we may not be in DA
+run mode at this stage. In that case, the regular workers must be awakend, which
+then will switch to DA run mode. No worker may be active, in that case one must
+be initiated. If in DA run mode and the DA worker is incactive, the&nbsp; &quot;<i>DA
+worker startup initiation</i>&quot; must be called to activate it. That routine
+ensures only one DA worker ist started even with multiple concurrent callers -
+this may be the case here. The DA queue's worker may have requested DA worker
+startup in order to terminate on empty queue (which will probably not be honored
+as we have changed the low water mark).</p>
+<p>After all this is done, the queue destructor requests termination of the
+queue's worker threads. It will use the normal timeouts and potentially cancel
+too-long running worker threads. <b>The shutdown process must ensure that all
+workers reach running state before they are commanded to terminate</b>.
+Otherwise it may run into a race condition that could lead to a false shutdown
+with workers running asynchronously. As a few workers may have just been started
+to initialize (to apply new parameter settings), the probability for this race
+condition is extremely high, especially on single-CPU systems.</p>
+<p>After all workers have been shut down (or cancelled), the queue may still be
+in DA run mode. If so, this must be terminated, which now can simply be done by
+destructing the DA queue object.</p>
+<p>Finanlly, the queue is mostly shut down and ready to be actually destructed.
+As a last try, the queuePersists() entry point is called. It is used to persists
+a non-DA-enabled queue in whatever way is possible for that queue. There may be
+no implementation for the specific queue type. Please note that this is not just
+a theoretical construct. This is an extremely important code path when the DA
+queue itself is destructed. Remember that it is a queue object in its own right.
+The DA queue is obviously not DA-enabled, so it calls into queuePersists()
+during its destruction - this is what enables us to persist the disk queue!</p>
+<p>After that point, left over queue resources (mutexes, dynamic memory, ...)
+are freed and the queue object is actually destructed.</p>
+<p>Copyright (c) 2008 <a href="">Rainer Gerhards</a>
+and <a href="">Adiscon</a>.</p>
+<p>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
+the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later
+version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections,
+no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be
+viewed at <a href="">
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/manual.html b/doc/manual.html
index a878790f..ebb6f760 100644
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@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ rsyslog v3 compatibility document!</a></font> This also applies if you upgrade
<li><a href="install.html">installing rsyslog</a></li> <li><a href="ipv6.html">rsyslog and IPv6</a> (which is fully supported)</li>
<li><a href="rsyslog_stunnel.html">ssl-encrypting syslog with stunnel</a></li>
<li><a href="rsyslog_mysql.html">writing syslog messages to MySQL</a></li>
- <li><a href="rsyslog_php_syslog_ng.html">using php-syslog-ng with rsyslog</a></li> <li><a href="rsyslog_recording_pri.html">recording the syslog priority (severity and facility) to the log file</a></li> <li><a href="">preserving syslog sender over NAT</a> (online only)</li>
+ <li><a href="rsyslog_php_syslog_ng.html">using php-syslog-ng with rsyslog</a></li> <li><a href="rsyslog_recording_pri.html">recording the syslog priority (severity and facility) to the log file</a></li> <li><a href="">preserving syslog sender over NAT</a> (online only)</li> <li><a href="dev_queue.html">the rsyslog message queue object</a></li>
<p>Also, there is an article from Dennis Olvany on
<a href="rsyslog084-freebsd5.4.txt">Syslog-to-SQL with rsyslog-0.8.4 on FreeBSD 5.4</a>