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-RSYSLOGD(8) Linux System Administration RSYSLOGD(8)
- rsyslogd - reliable and extended syslogd
- <B>rsyslogd </B>[ <B>-4 </B>] [ <B>-6 </B>] [ <B>-A </B>] [ <B>-a </B><I>socket </I>] [ <B>-d </B>] [ <B>-e </B>]
- [ <B>-f </B><I>config file </I>] [ <B>-h </B>] [ <B>-i </B><I>pid file </I>] [ <B>-l </B><I>hostlist </I>]
- [ <B>-m </B><I>interval </I>] [ <B>-n </B>] [ <B>-o </B>] [ <B>-p </B><I>socket </I>]
- [ <B>-r </B><I>[port] </I>] [ <B>-s </B><I>domainlist </I>] [ <B>-t </B><I>port,max-nbr-of-sessions </I>]
- [ <B>-v </B>] [ <B>-w </B>] [ <B>-x </B>]
- <B>Rsyslogd </B>is a system utility providing support for message logging.
- Support of both internet and unix domain sockets enables this utility
- to support both local and remote logging (via UDP and TCP).
- <B>Rsyslogd</B>(8) is derived from the sysklogd package which in turn is
- derived from the stock BSD sources.
- <B>Rsyslogd </B>provides a kind of logging that many modern programs use.
- Every logged message contains at least a time and a hostname field,
- normally a program name field, too, but that depends on how trusty the
- logging program is. The rsyslog package supports free definition of
- output formats via templates. It also supports precise timestamps and
- writing directly to MySQL databases. If the database option is used,
- tools like phpLogCon can be used to view the log data.
- While the <B>rsyslogd </B>sources have been heavily modified a couple of notes
- are in order. First of all there has been a systematic attempt to
- insure that rsyslogd follows its default, standard BSD behavior. Of
- course, some configuration file changes are necessary in order to sup-
- port the template system. However, rsyslogd should be able to use a
- standard syslog.conf and act like the original syslogd. However, an
- original syslogd will not work correctly with a rsyslog-enhanced con-
- figuration file. At best, it will generate funny looking file names.
- The second important concept to note is that this version of rsyslogd
- interacts transparently with the version of syslog found in the stan-
- dard libraries. If a binary linked to the standard shared libraries
- fails to function correctly we would like an example of the anomalous
- behavior.
- The main configuration file <I>/etc/rsyslog.conf </I>or an alternative file,
- given with the <B>-f </B>option, is read at startup. Any lines that begin
- with the hash mark (‘‘#’’) and empty lines are ignored. If an error
- occurs during parsing the error element is ignored. It is tried to
- parse the rest of the line.
- For details and configuration examples, see the <B>rsyslog.conf (5) </B>man
- page.
- <B>-A </B>When sending UDP messages, there are potentially multiple paths
- to the target destination. By default, <B>rsyslogd </B>only sends to
- the first target it can successfully send to. If -A is given,
- messages are sent to all targets. This may improve reliability,
- but may also cause message duplication. This option should
- enabled only if it is fully understood.
- <B>-4 </B>Causes <B>rsyslogd </B>to listen to IPv4 addresses only. If neither -4
- nor -6 is given, <B>rsyslogd </B>listens to all configured addresses of
- the system.
- <B>-6 </B>Causes <B>rsyslogd </B>to listen to IPv6 addresses only. If neither -4
- nor -6 is given, <B>rsyslogd </B>listens to all configured addresses of
- the system.
- <B>-a </B><I>socket</I>
- Using this argument you can specify additional sockets from that
- <B>rsyslogd </B>has to listen to. This is needed if you’re going to
- let some daemon run within a chroot() environment. You can use
- up to 19 additional sockets. If your environment needs even
- more, you have to increase the symbol <B>MAXFUNIX </B>within the sys-
- logd.c source file. An example for a chroot() daemon is
- described by the people from OpenBSD at
- <B>-d </B>Turns on debug mode. Using this the daemon will not proceed a
- <B>fork</B>(2) to set itself in the background, but opposite to that
- stay in the foreground and write much debug information on the
- current tty. See the DEBUGGING section for more information.
- <B>-e </B>Set the default of $RepeatedMsgReduction config option to "off".
- Hine: "e" like "every message". For further information, see
- there.
- <B>-f </B><I>config file</I>
- Specify an alternative configuration file instead of <I>/etc/rsys-</I>
- <I>log.conf</I>, which is the default.
- <B>-h </B>By default rsyslogd will not forward messages it receives from
- remote hosts. Specifying this switch on the command line will
- cause the log daemon to forward any remote messages it receives
- to forwarding hosts which have been defined.
- <B>-i </B><I>pid file</I>
- Specify an alternative pid file instead of the default one.
- This option must be used if multiple instances of rsyslogd
- should run on a single machine.
- <B>-l </B><I>hostlist</I>
- Specify a hostname that should be logged only with its simple
- hostname and not the fqdn. Multiple hosts may be specified
- using the colon (‘‘:’’) separator.
- <B>-m </B><I>interval</I>
- The <B>rsyslogd </B>logs a mark timestamp regularly. The default
- <I>interval </I>between two <I>-- MARK -- </I>lines is 20 minutes. This can
- be changed with this option. Setting the <I>interval </I>to zero turns
- it off entirely.
- <B>-n </B>Avoid auto-backgrounding. This is needed especially if the
- <B>rsyslogd </B>is started and controlled by <B>init</B>(8).
- <B>-o </B>Omit reading the standard local log socket. This option is most
- useful for running multiple instances of rsyslogd on a single
- machine. When specified, no local log socket is opened at all.
- <B>-p </B><I>socket</I>
- You can specify an alternative unix domain socket instead of
- <I>/dev/log</I>.
- <B>-r </B><I>["port"]</I>
- Activates the syslog/udp listener service. The listener will
- listen to the specified port. If no port is specified, 0 is
- used as port number, which in turn will lead to a lookup of the
- system default syslog port. If there is no system default, 514
- is used. Please note that the port must immediately follow the
- -r option. Thus "-r514" is valid while "-r 514" is invalid (note
- the space).
- <B>-s </B><I>domainlist</I>
- Specify a domainname that should be stripped off before logging.
- Multiple domains may be specified using the colon (‘‘:’’) sepa-
- rator. Please be advised that no sub-domains may be specified
- but only entire domains. For example if <B>-s </B>is speci-
- fied and the host logging resolves to no
- domain would be cut, you will have to specify two domains like:
- <B>-s</B>.
- <B>-t </B><I>port,max-nbr-of-sessions</I>
- Activates the syslog/tcp listener service. The listener will
- listen to the specified port. If max-nbr-of-sessions is speci-
- fied, that becomes the maximum number of concurrent tcp ses-
- sions. If not specified, the default is 200. Please note that
- syslog/tcp is not standardized, but the implementation in rsys-
- logd follows common practice and is compatible with e.g. Cisco
- PIX, syslog-ng and MonitorWare (Windows). Please note that the
- port must immediately follow the -t option. Thus "-t514" is
- valid while "-t 514" is invalid (note the space).
- <B>-v </B>Print version and exit.
- <B>-w </B>Supress warnings issued when messages are received from non-
- authorized machines (those, that are in no AllowedSender list).
- <B>-x </B>Disable DNS for remote messages.
- <B>Rsyslogd </B>reacts to a set of signals. You may easily send a signal to
- <B>rsyslogd </B>using the following:
- kill -SIGNAL ‘cat /var/run/‘
- <B>SIGHUP </B>This lets <B>rsyslogd </B>perform a re-initialization. All open files
- are closed, the configuration file (default is <I>/etc/rsys-</I>
- <I>log.conf</I>) will be reread and the <B>rsyslog</B>(3) facility is started
- again.
- <B>Rsyslogd </B>will die.
- If debugging is enabled these are ignored, otherwise <B>rsyslogd</B>
- will die.
- <B>SIGUSR1</B>
- Switch debugging on/off. This option can only be used if <B>rsys-</B>
- <B>logd </B>is started with the <B>-d </B>debug option.
- Wait for childs if some were born, because of wall’ing messages.
- <B>Rsyslogd </B>provides network support to the syslogd facility. Network
- support means that messages can be forwarded from one node running
- rsyslogd to another node running rsyslogd (or a compatible syslog
- implementation) where they will be actually logged to a disk file.
- To enable this you have to specify either the <B>-r </B>or <B>-t </B>option on the
- command line. The default behavior is that <B>rsyslogd </B>won’t listen to
- the network. You can also combine these two options if you want rsys-
- logd to listen to both TCP and UDP messages.
- The strategy is to have rsyslogd listen on a unix domain socket for
- locally generated log messages. This behavior will allow rsyslogd to
- inter-operate with the syslog found in the standard C library. At the
- same time rsyslogd listens on the standard syslog port for messages
- forwarded from other hosts. To have this work correctly the <B>ser-</B>
- <B>vices</B>(5) files (typically found in <I>/etc</I>) must have the following entry:
- syslog 514/udp
- If this entry is missing <B>rsyslogd </B>will use the well known port of 514
- (so in most cases, it’s not really needed).
- To cause messages to be forwarded to another host replace the normal
- file line in the <I>rsyslog.conf </I>file with the name of the host to which
- the messages is to be sent prepended with an @ (for UDP delivery) or
- the sequence @@ (for TCP delivery). The host name can also be followed
- by a colon and a port number, in which case the message is sent to the
- specified port on the remote host.
- For example, to forward <B>ALL </B>messages to a remote host use the
- following <I>rsyslog.conf </I>entry:
- # Sample rsyslogd configuration file to
- # messages to a remote host forward all.
- *.* @hostname
- More samples can be found in sample.conf.
- If the remote hostname cannot be resolved at startup, because
- the name-server might not be accessible (it may be started after
- rsyslogd) you don’t have to worry. <B>Rsyslogd </B>will retry to
- resolve the name ten times and then complain. Another possibil-
- ity to avoid this is to place the hostname in <I>/etc/hosts</I>.
- With normal <B>syslogd</B>s you would get syslog-loops if you send out
- messages that were received from a remote host to the same host
- (or more complicated to a third host that sends it back to the
- first one, and so on).
- To avoid this no messages that were received from a remote host
- are sent out to another (or the same) remote host. You can dis-
- able this feature by the <B>-h </B>option.
- If the remote host is located in the same domain as the host,
- <B>rsyslogd </B>is running on, only the simple hostname will be logged
- instead of the whole fqdn.
- In a local network you may provide a central log server to have
- all the important information kept on one machine. If the net-
- work consists of different domains you don’t have to complain
- about logging fully qualified names instead of simple hostnames.
- You may want to use the strip-domain feature <B>-s </B>of this server.
- You can tell <B>rsyslogd </B>to strip off several domains other than
- the one the server is located in and only log simple hostnames.
- Using the <B>-l </B>option there’s also a possibility to define single
- hosts as local machines. This, too, results in logging only
- their simple hostnames and not the fqdns.
- <B>Rsyslogd </B>has support for writing data to MySQL database tables. The
- exact specifics are described in the <B>rsyslog.conf (5) </B>man page. Be sure
- to read it if you plan to use database logging.
- While it is often handy to have the data in a database, you must be
- aware of the implications. Most importantly, database logging takes far
- longer than logging to a text file. A system that can handle a large
- log volume when writing to text files can most likely not handle a sim-
- ilar large volume when writing to a database table.
- <B>Rsyslogd </B>has support for logging output to named pipes (fifos). A fifo
- or named pipe can be used as a destination for log messages by prepend-
- ing a pipy symbol (‘‘|’’) to the name of the file. This is handy for
- debugging. Note that the fifo must be created with the mkfifo command
- before <B>rsyslogd </B>is started.
- The following configuration file routes debug messages from the
- kernel to a fifo:
- # Sample configuration to route kernel debugging
- # messages ONLY to /usr/adm/debug which is a
- # named pipe.
- kern.=debug |/usr/adm/debug
- There is probably one important consideration when installing rsyslogd.
- It is dependent on proper formatting of messages by the syslog func-
- tion. The functioning of the syslog function in the shared libraries
- changed somewhere in the region of[2-4].n. The specific
- change was to null-terminate the message before transmitting it to the
- <I>/dev/log </I>socket. Proper functioning of this version of rsyslogd is
- dependent on null-termination of the message.
- This problem will typically manifest itself if old statically linked
- binaries are being used on the system. Binaries using old versions of
- the syslog function will cause empty lines to be logged followed by the
- message with the first character in the message removed. Relinking
- these binaries to newer versions of the shared libraries will correct
- this problem.
- The <B>rsyslogd</B>(8) can be run from <B>init</B>(8) or started as part of the rc.*
- sequence. If it is started from init the option <I>-n </I>must be set, other-
- wise you’ll get tons of syslog daemons started. This is because
- <B>init</B>(8) depends on the process ID.
- There is the potential for the rsyslogd daemon to be used as a conduit
- for a denial of service attack. A rogue program(mer) could very easily
- flood the rsyslogd daemon with syslog messages resulting in the log
- files consuming all the remaining space on the filesystem. Activating
- logging over the inet domain sockets will of course expose a system to
- risks outside of programs or individuals on the local machine.
- There are a number of methods of protecting a machine:
- 1. Implement kernel firewalling to limit which hosts or networks
- have access to the 514/UDP socket.
- 2. Logging can be directed to an isolated or non-root filesystem
- which, if filled, will not impair the machine.
- 3. The ext2 filesystem can be used which can be configured to limit
- a certain percentage of a filesystem to usage by root only.
- <B>NOTE </B>that this will require rsyslogd to be run as a non-root
- process. <B>ALSO NOTE </B>that this will prevent usage of remote log-
- ging since rsyslogd will be unable to bind to the 514/UDP
- socket.
- 4. Disabling inet domain sockets will limit risk to the local
- machine.
- 5. Use step 4 and if the problem persists and is not secondary to a
- rogue program/daemon get a 3.5 ft (approx. 1 meter) length of
- sucker rod* and have a chat with the user in question.
- Sucker rod def. — 3/4, 7/8 or 1in. hardened steel rod, male
- threaded on each end. Primary use in the oil industry in West-
- ern North Dakota and other locations to pump ’suck’ oil from oil
- wells. Secondary uses are for the construction of cattle feed
- lots and for dealing with the occasional recalcitrant or bel-
- ligerent individual.
- <B>Message replay and spoofing</B>
- If remote logging is enabled, messages can easily be spoofed and
- replayed. As the messages are transmitted in clear-text, an attacker
- might use the information obtained from the packets for malicious
- things. Also, an attacker might reply recorded messages or spoof a
- sender’s IP address, which could lead to a wrong perception of system
- activity. Be sure to think about syslog network security before
- enabling it.
- When debugging is turned on using <B>-d </B>option then <B>rsyslogd </B>will be very
- verbose by writing much of what it does on stdout. Whenever the con-
- figuration file is reread and re-parsed you’ll see a tabular, corre-
- sponding to the internal data structure. This tabular consists of four
- fields:
- <I>number </I>This field contains a serial number starting by zero. This num-
- ber represents the position in the internal data structure (i.e.
- the array). If one number is left out then there might be an
- error in the corresponding line in <I>/etc/rsyslog.conf</I>.
- <I>pattern</I>
- This field is tricky and represents the internal structure
- exactly. Every column stands for a facility (refer to <B>sys-</B>
- <B>log</B>(3)). As you can see, there are still some facilities left
- free for former use, only the left most are used. Every field
- in a column represents the priorities (refer to <B>syslog</B>(3)).
- <I>action </I>This field describes the particular action that takes place
- whenever a message is received that matches the pattern. Refer
- to the <B>syslog.conf</B>(5) manpage for all possible actions.
- <I>arguments</I>
- This field shows additional arguments to the actions in the last
- field. For file-logging this is the filename for the logfile;
- for user-logging this is a list of users; for remote logging
- this is the hostname of the machine to log to; for console-log-
- ging this is the used console; for tty-logging this is the spec-
- ified tty; wall has no additional arguments.
- <B>templates</B>
- There will also be a second internal structure which lists all
- defined templates and there contents. This also enables you to
- see the internally-defined, hardcoded templates.
- <I>/etc/rsyslog.conf</I>
- Configuration file for <B>rsyslogd</B>. See <B>rsyslog.conf</B>(5) for exact
- information.
- <I>/dev/log</I>
- The Unix domain socket to from where local syslog messages are
- read.
- <I>/var/run/</I>
- The file containing the process id of <B>rsyslogd</B>.
- Please review the file BUGS for up-to-date information on known bugs
- and annoyances.
-<B>Further Information</B>
- Please visit <B> </B>for additional information,
- tutorials and a support forum.
- <B>rsyslog.conf</B>(5), <B>logger</B>(1), <B>syslog</B>(2), <B>syslog</B>(3), <B>services</B>(5),
- <B>savelog</B>(8)
- <B>rsyslogd </B>is derived from sysklogd sources, which in turn was taken from
- the BSD sources. Special thanks to Greg Wettstein (greg@wind.enjel-
- and Martin Schulze ( for the fine sysklogd pack-
- age.
- Rainer Gerhards
- Adiscon GmbH
- Grossrinderfeld, Germany
- Michael Meckelein
- Adiscon GmbH
-Version 1.16.1 (devel) 17 July 2007 RSYSLOGD(8)