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2 files changed, 29 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/doc/rsyslog_conf.html b/doc/rsyslog_conf.html
index 183a6be7..95fe22a7 100644
--- a/doc/rsyslog_conf.html
+++ b/doc/rsyslog_conf.html
@@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ development and quite unstable...). So you have been warned ;)</p>
<li><a href="rsconf1_repeatedmsgreduction.html">$RepeatedMsgReduction</a></li>
<li><a href="rsconf1_resetconfigvariables.html">$ResetConfigVariables</a></li>
<li>$SystemLogSocketName &lt;name-of-socket&gt; -- former -p option</li>
- <li>$UDPListenPort &lt;port&gt; (imudp) -- former -r&lt;port&gt; option, default 514</li>
+ <li>$UDPServerAddress &lt;IP&gt; (imudp) -- local IP address (or name) the UDP
+ listens should bind to</li>
+ <li>$UDPServerRun &lt;port&gt; (imudp) -- former -r&lt;port&gt; option, default 514,
+ start UDP server on this port, &quot;*&quot; means all addresses</li>
<li><a href="rsconf1_umask.html">$UMASK</a></li>
<h2>Basic Structure</h2>
diff --git a/doc/v3compatibility.html b/doc/v3compatibility.html
index a0b1e9c6..ab45801b 100644
--- a/doc/v3compatibility.html
+++ b/doc/v3compatibility.html
@@ -24,10 +24,32 @@ mark period. If you need a 20 minute mark period you need to</P>
<P><b>$ModLoad immark # wherever this is<br>
$MarkMessageInterval 1800 # 20 minutes</b></P>
<h2>-r command line option</h2>
-<p>Is also no longer available. Use</p>
+<p>Is also no longer available. Use the <b>$UDPSeverRun &lt;port&gt;</b> config file
+directives. You can now also set the local address the server should listen to
+via <b>$UDPServerAddress &lt;ip&gt;</b> config directive.</p>
+<p>The following example configures an UDP syslog server at the local address
+ on port 514:</p>
<p><b>$ModLoad imudp<br>
-$UDPListenPort &lt;port&gt;</b></p>
-<p>config file directives.</p>
+$UDPSeverAddress # this MUST be before the $UDPServerRun directive!<br>
+$UDPServerRun 514</b></p>
+<p>&quot;$UDPServerAddress *&quot; means listen on all local interfaces. This is the
+default if no directive is specified.</p>
+<p>Please note that now multiple listeners are supported. For example, you can
+do the following:</p>
+<p><b>$ModLoad imudp<br>
+$UDPSeverAddress # this MUST be before the $UDPServerRun directive!<br>
+$UDPServerRun 514<br>
+$UDPSeverAddress * # all local interfaces<br>
+$UDPServerRun 1514</b></p>
+<p>These config file settings run two listeners: one at192.0.2.1:514 and one on
+port 1514, which listens on all local interfaces.</p>
+<h2>Default port for UDP (and TCP) Servers</h2>
+<p>Please note that with pre-v3 rsyslogd, a service database lookup was made
+when a UDP server was started and no port was configured. Only if that failed,
+the IANA default of 514 was used. For TCP serves, this lookup was never done and
+514 always used if no specific port was configured. For consitency, both TCP and
+UDP now use port 514 as default. If a lookup is desired, you need to specify it
+in the &quot;Run&quot; directive, e.g. &quot;<i>$UDPServerRun syslog</i>&quot;.</p>
<P>klogd has (finally) been replaced by a loadable input module. To enable klogd
functionality, do</P>