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8 files changed, 124 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/doc/manual.html b/doc/manual.html
index 58b270f9..4c2ec93c 100644
--- a/doc/manual.html
+++ b/doc/manual.html
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ if you upgrade from v4, read the
<a href="v5compatibility.html">rsyslog v5 compatibility notes</a>, and
if you upgrade from v5, read the
<a href="v6compatibility.html">rsyslog v6 compatibility notes</a>.
+if you upgrade from v6, read the
+<a href="v7compatibility.html">rsyslog v7 compatibility notes</a>.
<p>Rsyslog will work even
if you do not read the doc, but doing so will definitely improve your experience.</p>
<p><b>Follow the links below for the</b></p>
diff --git a/doc/rsyslog_conf_filter.html b/doc/rsyslog_conf_filter.html
index fbced4a3..3efa3967 100644
--- a/doc/rsyslog_conf_filter.html
+++ b/doc/rsyslog_conf_filter.html
@@ -4,38 +4,95 @@
<p>This is a part of the rsyslog.conf documentation.</p>
<a href="rsyslog_conf.html">back</a>
<h2>Filter Conditions</h2>
-<p>Rsyslog offers four different types "filter conditions":</p>
+<p>Rsyslog offers three different types "filter conditions":</p>
-<li>BSD-style blocks</li>
+<li><a href="">RainerScript</a>-based filters</li>
<li>"traditional" severity and facility based selectors</li>
<li>property-based filters</li>
-<li>expression-based filters</li>
-<p>Rsyslogd supports BSD-style blocks inside rsyslog.conf. Each
-block of lines is separated from the previous block by a program or
-hostname specification. A block will only log messages corresponding to
-the most recent program and hostname specifications given. Thus, a
-block which selects &#8216;ppp&#8217; as the program, directly followed by a block
-that selects messages from the hostname &#8216;dialhost&#8217;, then the second
-block will only log messages from the ppp program on dialhost.
-<p>A program specification is a line beginning with &#8216;!prog&#8217; and
-the following blocks will be associated with calls to syslog from that
-specific program. A program specification for &#8216;foo&#8217; will also match any
-message logged by the kernel with the prefix &#8216;foo: &#8217;. Alternatively, a
-program specification &#8216;-foo&#8217; causes the following blocks to be applied
-to messages from any program but the one specified. A hostname
-specification of the form &#8216;+hostname&#8217; and the following blocks will be
-applied to messages received from the specified hostname.
-Alternatively, a hostname specification &#8216;-hostname&#8217; causes the
-following blocks to be applied to messages from any host but the one
-specified. If the hostname is given as &#8216;@&#8217;, the local hostname will be
-used. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) A program or hostname specification may be
-reset by giving the program or hostname as &#8216;*&#8217;.</p>
-<p>Please note that the "#!prog", "#+hostname" and "#-hostname"
-syntax available in BSD syslogd is not supported by rsyslogd. By
-default, no hostname or program is set.</p>
+<h3>RainerScript-Based Filters</h3>
+RainerScript based filters are the prime means of creating complex rsyslog configuration.
+The permit filtering on arbitrary complex expressions, which can include boolean,
+arithmetic and string operations. They also support full nesting of filters, just
+as you know from other scripting environments.
+Scripts based filters are indicated by the keyword "if", as usual.
+They have this format:<br>
+if expr then block else block
+"If" and "then" are fixed keywords that mus be present. "expr" is a
+(potentially quite complex) expression. So the <a href="expression.html">expression documentation</a> for
+The keyword "else" and its associated block is optional. Note that a block can contain either
+a single action (chain), or an arbitrary complex script enclosed in curly braces, e.g.:
+if $programname == 'prog1' then {
+ action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/prog1.log")
+ if $msg contains 'test' then
+ action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/prog1test.log")
+ else
+ action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/prog1notest.log")
+Other types of filtes can also be combined with the pure RainerScript ones. This makes
+it particularly easy to migrate from early config files to RainerScript. Also, the traditional
+syslog PRI-based filters are a good and easy to use addition. While they are legacy, we still
+recommend there use where they are up to the job. We do NOT, however, recommend property-based
+filters any longer. As an example, the following is perfectly valid:
+if $fromhost == 'host1' then {
+ mail.* action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/host1/mail.log")
+ *.err /var/log/host1/errlog # this is also still valid
+ #
+ # more "old-style rules" ...
+ #
+} else {
+ mail.* action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/mail.log")
+ *.err /var/log/errlog
+ #
+ # more "old-style rules" ...
+ #
+Right now, you need to specify numerical values if you would like to
+check for facilities and severity. These can be found in <a href="">RFC 3164</a>.
+If you don't like that, you can of course also use the textual property
+- just be sure to use the right one. As expression support is enhanced,
+this will change. For example, if you would like to filter on message
+that have facility local0, start with "DEVNAME" and have either
+"error1" or "error0" in their message content, you could use the
+following filter:<br>
+if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' and $msg
+startswith 'DEVNAME' and ($msg contains 'error1' or $msg contains
+'error0') then /var/log/somelog<br>
+Please note that the above <span style="font-weight: bold;">must
+all be on one line</span>! And if you would like to store all
+messages except those that contain "error1" or "error0", you just need
+to add a "not":<br>
+if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' and $msg
+startswith 'DEVNAME' and <span style="font-weight: bold;">not</span>
+($msg contains 'error1' or $msg contains
+'error0') then /var/log/somelog<br>
+If you would like to do case-insensitive comparisons, use
+"contains_i" instead of "contains" and "startswith_i" instead of
+Regular expressions are supported via functions (see function list).
<p><b>Selectors are the traditional way of filtering syslog
messages.</b> They have been kept in rsyslog with their original
@@ -213,71 +270,6 @@ supported (except for "not" as outlined above). Please note that while
it is possible to query facility and severity via property-based
filters, it is far more advisable to use classic selectors (see above)
for those cases.</p>
-<h3>Expression-Based Filters</h3>
-Expression based filters allow
-filtering on arbitrary complex expressions, which can include boolean,
-arithmetic and string operations. Expression filters will evolve into a
-full configuration scripting language. Unfortunately, their syntax will
-slightly change during that process. So if you use them now, you need
-to be prepared to change your configuration files some time later.
-However, we try to implement the scripting facility as soon as possible
-(also in respect to stage work needed). So the window of exposure is
-probably not too long.<br>
-Expression based filters are indicated by the keyword "if" in column 1
-of a new line. They have this format:<br>
-if expr then action-part-of-selector-line<br>
-"If" and "then" are fixed keywords that mus be present. "expr" is a
-(potentially quite complex) expression. So the <a href="expression.html">expression documentation</a> for
-details. "action-part-of-selector-line" is an action, just as you know
-it (e.g. "/var/log/logfile" to write to that file).<br>
-A few quick samples:<br>
-*.* /var/log/file1 # the traditional way<br>
-if $msg contains 'error' then /var/log/errlog # the expression-based way<br>
-Right now, you need to specify numerical values if you would like to
-check for facilities and severity. These can be found in <a href="">RFC 3164</a>.
-If you don't like that, you can of course also use the textual property
-- just be sure to use the right one. As expression support is enhanced,
-this will change. For example, if you would like to filter on message
-that have facility local0, start with "DEVNAME" and have either
-"error1" or "error0" in their message content, you could use the
-following filter:<br>
-if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' and $msg
-startswith 'DEVNAME' and ($msg contains 'error1' or $msg contains
-'error0') then /var/log/somelog<br>
-Please note that the above <span style="font-weight: bold;">must
-all be on one line</span>! And if you would like to store all
-messages except those that contain "error1" or "error0", you just need
-to add a "not":<br>
-if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' and $msg
-startswith 'DEVNAME' and <span style="font-weight: bold;">not</span>
-($msg contains 'error1' or $msg contains
-'error0') then /var/log/somelog<br>
-If you would like to do case-insensitive comparisons, use
-"contains_i" instead of "contains" and "startswith_i" instead of
-Note that regular expressions are currently NOT
-supported in expression-based filters. These will be added later when
-function support is added to the expression engine (the reason is that
-regular expressions will be a separate loadable module, which requires
-some more prequisites before it can be implemented).<br>
<p>[<a href="manual.html">manual index</a>]
[<a href="rsyslog_conf.html">rsyslog.conf</a>]
[<a href="">rsyslog site</a>]</p>
diff --git a/doc/v4compatibility.html b/doc/v4compatibility.html
index 72b0f5a9..2a51adea 100644
--- a/doc/v4compatibility.html
+++ b/doc/v4compatibility.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ restarting rsyslogd by HUPing it.
and most other deamons require that a restart command is typed in if a restart is required.
<p>Rsyslog will follow this paradigm in the next versions, resulting in many benefits. In v4,
we provide some support for the old-style semantics. We introduced a setting $HUPisRestart
-which may be set to &quot;on&quot; (tradional, heavy operationg)
+which may be set to &quot;on&quot; (tradional, heavy operation)
or &quot;off&quot; (new, lightweight &quot;file close only&quot; operation).
The initial versions had the default set to traditional behavior, but starting with 4.5.1
we are now using the new behavior as the default.
diff --git a/doc/v7compatibility.html b/doc/v7compatibility.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c527b167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/v7compatibility.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<html><head><title>Compatibility notes for rsyslog v7</title>
+<h1>Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v6</h1>
+This document describes things to keep in mind when moving from v6 to v7. It
+does not list enhancements nor does it talk about compatibility concerns introduced
+by earlier versions (for this, see their respective compatibility documents). Its focus
+is primarily on what you need to know if you used v6 and want to use v7 without hassle.
+<p>Version 7 builds on the new config language introduced in v6 and extends it.
+Other than v6, it not just only extends the config language, but provides
+considerable changes to core elements as well. The result is much more power and
+ease of use as well (this time that is not contradictionary).
+<h2>BSD-Style blocks</h2>
+BSD style blocks are no longer supported (for good reason). See the
+<a href="">rsyslog BSD blocks info</a>
+page for more information and how to upgrade your config.
+<p>[<a href="manual.html">manual index</a>] [<a href="">rsyslog site</a>]</p>
+<p><font size="2">This documentation is part of the
+<a href="">rsyslog</a> project.<br>
+Copyright &copy; 2011 by <a href="">Rainer Gerhards</a> and
+<a href="">Adiscon</a>. Released under the GNU GPL
+version 2 or higher.</font></p>
diff --git a/runtime/conf.c b/runtime/conf.c
index 8edf02fc..23fb6bbd 100644
--- a/runtime/conf.c
+++ b/runtime/conf.c
@@ -572,99 +572,6 @@ rsRetVal DecodePropFilter(uchar *pline, struct cnfstmt *stmt)
- * Helper to cfline(). This function interprets a BSD host selector line
- * from the config file ("+/-hostname"). It stores it for further reference.
- * rgerhards 2005-10-19
- */
-rsRetVal cflineProcessHostSelector(uchar **pline)
- DEFiRet;
- ASSERT(pline != NULL);
- ASSERT(*pline != NULL);
- ASSERT(**pline == '-' || **pline == '+');
- dbgprintf(" - host selector line\n");
- /* check include/exclude setting */
- if(**pline == '+') {
- eDfltHostnameCmpMode = HN_COMP_MATCH;
- } else { /* we do not check for '-', it must be, else we wouldn't be here */
- eDfltHostnameCmpMode = HN_COMP_NOMATCH;
- }
- (*pline)++; /* eat + or - */
- /* the below is somewhat of a quick hack, but it is efficient (this is
- * why it is in here. "+*" resets the tag selector with BSD syslog. We mimic
- * this, too. As it is easy to check that condition, we do not fire up a
- * parser process, just make sure we do not address beyond our space.
- * Order of conditions in the if-statement is vital! rgerhards 2005-10-18
- */
- if(**pline != '\0' && **pline == '*' && *(*pline+1) == '\0') {
- dbgprintf("resetting BSD-like hostname filter\n");
- eDfltHostnameCmpMode = HN_NO_COMP;
- if(pDfltHostnameCmp != NULL) {
- CHKiRet(rsCStrSetSzStr(pDfltHostnameCmp, NULL));
- }
- } else {
- dbgprintf("setting BSD-like hostname filter to '%s'\n", *pline);
- if(pDfltHostnameCmp == NULL) {
- /* create string for parser */
- CHKiRet(rsCStrConstructFromszStr(&pDfltHostnameCmp, *pline));
- } else { /* string objects exists, just update... */
- CHKiRet(rsCStrSetSzStr(pDfltHostnameCmp, *pline));
- }
- }
- RETiRet;
- * Helper to cfline(). This function interprets a BSD tag selector line
- * from the config file ("!tagname"). It stores it for further reference.
- * rgerhards 2005-10-18
- */
-rsRetVal cflineProcessTagSelector(uchar **pline)
- DEFiRet;
- ASSERT(pline != NULL);
- ASSERT(*pline != NULL);
- ASSERT(**pline == '!');
- dbgprintf(" - programname selector line\n");
- (*pline)++; /* eat '!' */
- /* the below is somewhat of a quick hack, but it is efficient (this is
- * why it is in here. "!*" resets the tag selector with BSD syslog. We mimic
- * this, too. As it is easy to check that condition, we do not fire up a
- * parser process, just make sure we do not address beyond our space.
- * Order of conditions in the if-statement is vital! rgerhards 2005-10-18
- */
- if(**pline != '\0' && **pline == '*' && *(*pline+1) == '\0') {
- dbgprintf("resetting programname filter\n");
- if(pDfltProgNameCmp != NULL) {
- rsCStrDestruct(&pDfltProgNameCmp);
- }
- } else {
- dbgprintf("setting programname filter to '%s'\n", *pline);
- if(pDfltProgNameCmp == NULL) {
- /* create string for parser */
- CHKiRet(rsCStrConstructFromszStr(&pDfltProgNameCmp, *pline));
- } else { /* string objects exists, just update... */
- CHKiRet(rsCStrSetSzStr(pDfltProgNameCmp, *pline));
- }
- }
- RETiRet;
/* process the action part of a selector line
* rgerhards, 2007-08-01
diff --git a/runtime/conf.h b/runtime/conf.h
index 04b69bc9..a1bb51ad 100644
--- a/runtime/conf.h
+++ b/runtime/conf.h
@@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ PROTOTYPEObj(conf);
rsRetVal cflineParseTemplateName(uchar** pp, omodStringRequest_t *pOMSR, int iEntry, int iTplOpts, uchar *dfltTplName);
rsRetVal cflineParseFileName(uchar* p, uchar *pFileName, omodStringRequest_t *pOMSR, int iEntry, int iTplOpts, uchar *pszTpl);
-/* more dirt to cover the new config interface (will go away...) */
-rsRetVal cflineProcessTagSelector(uchar **pline);
-rsRetVal cflineProcessHostSelector(uchar **pline);
rsRetVal DecodePRIFilter(uchar *pline, uchar pmask[]);
rsRetVal DecodePropFilter(uchar *pline, struct cnfstmt *stmt);
rsRetVal cflineDoAction(rsconf_t *conf, uchar **p, action_t **ppAction);
diff --git a/runtime/rsconf.c b/runtime/rsconf.c
index 565bc597..3f99e7b7 100644
--- a/runtime/rsconf.c
+++ b/runtime/rsconf.c
@@ -395,13 +395,21 @@ void cnfDoCfsysline(char *ln)
void cnfDoBSDTag(char *ln)
DBGPRINTF("cnf:global:BSD tag: %s\n", ln);
- cflineProcessTagSelector((uchar**)&ln);
+ "BSD-style blocks are no longer supported in rsyslog, "
+ "see for details and a "
+ "solution (Block '%s')", ln);
+ free(ln);
void cnfDoBSDHost(char *ln)
DBGPRINTF("cnf:global:BSD host: %s\n", ln);
- cflineProcessHostSelector((uchar**)&ln);
+ "BSD-style blocks are no longer supported in rsyslog, "
+ "see for details and a "
+ "solution (Block '%s')", ln);
+ free(ln);
diff --git a/runtime/rsyslog.h b/runtime/rsyslog.h
index b15b558e..fe9bb4cc 100644
--- a/runtime/rsyslog.h
+++ b/runtime/rsyslog.h
@@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ enum rsRetVal_ /** return value. All methods return this if not specified oth
RS_RET_JNAME_NO_ROOT = -2301, /**< root element is missing in JSON path */
RS_RET_JNAME_INVALID = -2302, /**< JSON path is invalid */
RS_RET_JSON_PARSE_ERR = -2303, /**< we had a problem parsing JSON (or extra data) */
+ RS_RET_BSD_BLOCKS_UNSUPPORTED = -2304, /**< BSD-style config blocks are no longer supported */
/* RainerScript error messages (range 1000.. 1999) */
RS_RET_SYSVAR_NOT_FOUND = 1001, /**< system variable could not be found (maybe misspelled) */