path: root/syslogd-types.h
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authorRainer Gerhards <>2007-07-19 16:06:17 +0000
committerRainer Gerhards <>2007-07-19 16:06:17 +0000
commitf2dcce7ce53aeb7679e0e0af40d59c0efb3062cc (patch)
tree97518364e3b3bd1bfbdefab2d9ec66ce54a4a836 /syslogd-types.h
parent3a58c0b3191476851487e55f8db4b0deb99f7b10 (diff)
moved message object into its own set of files
Diffstat (limited to 'syslogd-types.h')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/syslogd-types.h b/syslogd-types.h
index f15acfee..3428db2a 100644
--- a/syslogd-types.h
+++ b/syslogd-types.h
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include "config.h" /* make sure we have autoconf macros */
#include "stringbuf.h"
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/syslog.h>
# define UNAMESZ UT_NAMESIZE /* length of a login name */
@@ -37,6 +39,13 @@
#define MAXFNAME 200 /* max file pathname length */
+/* we define our own facility and severities */
+/* facility and severity codes */
+typedef struct _syslogCode {
+ char *c_name;
+ int c_val;
+} syslogCODE;
typedef enum _TCPFRAMINGMODE {
TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_STUFFING = 0, /* traditional LF-delimited */
TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_COUNTING = 1 /* -transport-tls like octet count */
@@ -82,78 +91,6 @@ struct syslogTime {
-/* rgerhards 2004-11-08: The following structure represents a
- * syslog message.
- *
- * Important Note:
- * The message object is used for multiple purposes (once it
- * has been created). Once created, it actully is a read-only
- * object (though we do not specifically express this). In order
- * to avoid multiple copies of the same object, we use a
- * reference counter. This counter is set to 1 by the constructer
- * and increased by 1 with a call to MsgAddRef(). The destructor
- * checks the reference count. If it is more than 1, only the counter
- * will be decremented. If it is 1, however, the object is actually
- * destroyed. To make this work, it is vital that MsgAddRef() is
- * called each time a "copy" is stored somewhere.
- */
-struct msg {
- int iRefCount; /* reference counter (0 = unused) */
- short iSyslogVers; /* version of syslog protocol
- * 0 - RFC 3164
- * 1 - RFC draft-protocol-08 */
- short bParseHOSTNAME; /* should the hostname be parsed from the message? */
- /* background: the hostname is not present on "regular" messages
- * received via UNIX domain sockets from the same machine. However,
- * it is available when we have a forwarder (e.g. rfc3195d) using local
- * sockets. All in all, the parser would need parse templates, that would
- * resolve all these issues... rgerhards, 2005-10-06
- */
- short iSeverity; /* the severity 0..7 */
- uchar *pszSeverity; /* severity as string... */
- int iLenSeverity; /* ... and its length. */
- uchar *pszSeverityStr; /* severity name... */
- int iLenSeverityStr; /* ... and its length. */
- int iFacility; /* Facility code (up to 2^32-1) */
- uchar *pszFacility; /* Facility as string... */
- int iLenFacility; /* ... and its length. */
- uchar *pszFacilityStr; /* facility name... */
- int iLenFacilityStr; /* ... and its length. */
- uchar *pszPRI; /* the PRI as a string */
- int iLenPRI; /* and its length */
- uchar *pszRawMsg; /* message as it was received on the
- * wire. This is important in case we
- * need to preserve cryptographic verifiers.
- */
- int iLenRawMsg; /* length of raw message */
- uchar *pszMSG; /* the MSG part itself */
- int iLenMSG; /* Length of the MSG part */
- uchar *pszUxTradMsg; /* the traditional UNIX message */
- int iLenUxTradMsg;/* Length of the traditional UNIX message */
- uchar *pszTAG; /* pointer to tag value */
- int iLenTAG; /* Length of the TAG part */
- uchar *pszHOSTNAME; /* HOSTNAME from syslog message */
- int iLenHOSTNAME; /* Length of HOSTNAME */
- uchar *pszRcvFrom; /* System message was received from */
- int iLenRcvFrom; /* Length of pszRcvFrom */
- int iProtocolVersion;/* protocol version of message received 0 - legacy, 1 syslog-protocol) */
- rsCStrObj *pCSProgName; /* the (BSD) program name */
- rsCStrObj *pCSStrucData;/* STRUCTURED-DATA */
- rsCStrObj *pCSAPPNAME; /* APP-NAME */
- rsCStrObj *pCSPROCID; /* PROCID */
- rsCStrObj *pCSMSGID; /* MSGID */
- struct syslogTime tRcvdAt;/* time the message entered this program */
- char *pszRcvdAt3164; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
- char *pszRcvdAt3339; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
- char *pszRcvdAt_MySQL; /* rcvdAt as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
- struct syslogTime tTIMESTAMP;/* (parsed) value of the timestamp */
- char *pszTIMESTAMP3164; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
- char *pszTIMESTAMP3339; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3339 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
- char *pszTIMESTAMP_MySQL;/* TIMESTAMP as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
- int msgFlags; /* flags associated with this message */
-typedef struct msg msg_t; /* new name */
/* values for f_type in struct filed below*/
#define F_UNUSED 0 /* unused entry */