path: root/msg.c
diff options
authorRainer Gerhards <>2007-07-22 16:03:45 +0000
committerRainer Gerhards <>2007-07-22 16:03:45 +0000
commit6b24fa20d4da8a57a2e34b1ca0c3159b93157e1e (patch)
treeb77862ccfb9c4b8a4987da934ccc3ef290e37afd /msg.c
parent70c56633497562c8c594cab8f2aa55dd1d7ca5fa (diff)
moved file write output module to own set of code files
Diffstat (limited to 'msg.c')
1 files changed, 507 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/msg.c b/msg.c
index 8a02b02e..733514e4 100644
--- a/msg.c
+++ b/msg.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "rsyslog.h"
#include "syslogd.h"
#include "srUtils.h"
+#include "template.h"
#include "msg.h"
/* The following functions will support advanced output module
@@ -1131,6 +1132,512 @@ void MsgSetRawMsg(msg_t *pMsg, char* pszRawMsg)
+/* Decode a priority into textual information like auth.emerg.
+ * The variable pRes must point to a user-supplied buffer and
+ * pResLen must contain its size. The pointer to the buffer
+ * is also returned, what makes this functiona suitable for
+ * use in printf-like functions.
+ * Note: a buffer size of 20 characters is always sufficient.
+ * Interface to this function changed 2007-06-15 by RGerhards
+ */
+char *textpri(char *pRes, size_t pResLen, int pri)
+ syslogCODE *c_pri, *c_fac;
+ assert(pRes != NULL);
+ assert(pResLen > 0);
+ for (c_fac = rs_facilitynames; c_fac->c_name && !(c_fac->c_val == LOG_FAC(pri)<<3); c_fac++);
+ for (c_pri = rs_prioritynames; c_pri->c_name && !(c_pri->c_val == LOG_PRI(pri)); c_pri++);
+ snprintf (pRes, pResLen, "%s.%s<%d>", c_fac->c_name, c_pri->c_name, pri);
+ return pRes;
+/* This function returns the current date in different
+ * variants. It is used to construct the $NOW series of
+ * system properties. The returned buffer must be freed
+ * by the caller when no longer needed. If the function
+ * can not allocate memory, it returns a NULL pointer.
+ * Added 2007-07-10 rgerhards
+ */
+#define tmpBUFSIZE 16 /* size of formatting buffer */
+static uchar *getNOW(eNOWType eNow)
+ uchar *pBuf;
+ struct syslogTime t;
+ if((pBuf = (uchar*) malloc(sizeof(uchar) * tmpBUFSIZE)) == NULL) {
+ glblHadMemShortage = 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ getCurrTime(&t);
+ switch(eNow) {
+ case NOW_NOW:
+ snprintf((char*) pBuf, tmpBUFSIZE, "%4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d", t.year, t.month,;
+ break;
+ case NOW_YEAR:
+ snprintf((char*) pBuf, tmpBUFSIZE, "%4.4d", t.year);
+ break;
+ case NOW_MONTH:
+ snprintf((char*) pBuf, tmpBUFSIZE, "%2.2d", t.month);
+ break;
+ case NOW_DAY:
+ snprintf((char*) pBuf, tmpBUFSIZE, "%2.2d",;
+ break;
+ case NOW_HOUR:
+ snprintf((char*) pBuf, tmpBUFSIZE, "%2.2d", t.hour);
+ break;
+ case NOW_MINUTE:
+ snprintf((char*) pBuf, tmpBUFSIZE, "%2.2d", t.minute);
+ break;
+ }
+ return(pBuf);
+#undef tmpBUFSIZE /* clean up */
+/* This function returns a string-representation of the
+ * requested message property. This is a generic function used
+ * to abstract properties so that these can be easier
+ * queried. Returns NULL if property could not be found.
+ * Actually, this function is a big if..elseif. What it does
+ * is simply to map property names (from MonitorWare) to the
+ * message object data fields.
+ *
+ * In case we need string forms of propertis we do not
+ * yet have in string form, we do a memory allocation that
+ * is sufficiently large (in all cases). Once the string
+ * form has been obtained, it is saved until the Msg object
+ * is finally destroyed. This is so that we save the processing
+ * time in the (likely) case that this property is requested
+ * again. It also saves us a lot of dynamic memory management
+ * issues in the upper layers, because we so can guarantee that
+ * the buffer will remain static AND available during the lifetime
+ * of the object. Please note that both the max size allocation as
+ * well as keeping things in memory might like look like a
+ * waste of memory (some might say it actually is...) - we
+ * deliberately accept this because performance is more important
+ * to us ;)
+ * rgerhards 2004-11-18
+ * Parameter "bMustBeFreed" is set by this function. It tells the
+ * caller whether or not the string returned must be freed by the
+ * caller itself. It is is 0, the caller MUST NOT free it. If it is
+ * 1, the caller MUST free 1. Handling this wrongly leads to either
+ * a memory leak of a program abort (do to double-frees or frees on
+ * the constant memory pool). So be careful to do it right.
+ * rgerhards 2004-11-23
+ * regular expression support contributed by Andres Riancho merged
+ * on 2005-09-13
+ * changed so that it now an be called without a template entry (NULL).
+ * In this case, only the (unmodified) property is returned. This will
+ * be used in selector line processing.
+ * rgerhards 2005-09-15
+ */
+char *MsgGetProp(msg_t *pMsg, struct templateEntry *pTpe,
+ rsCStrObj *pCSPropName, unsigned short *pbMustBeFreed)
+ char *pName;
+ char *pRes; /* result pointer */
+ char *pBufStart;
+ char *pBuf;
+ int iLen;
+ /* Variables necessary for regular expression matching */
+ size_t nmatch = 2;
+ regmatch_t pmatch[2];
+ assert(pMsg != NULL);
+ assert(pbMustBeFreed != NULL);
+ if(pCSPropName == NULL) {
+ assert(pTpe != NULL);
+ pName = pTpe->data.field.pPropRepl;
+ } else {
+ pName = (char*) rsCStrGetSzStr(pCSPropName);
+ }
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ /* sometimes there are aliases to the original MonitoWare
+ * property names. These come after || in the ifs below. */
+ if(!strcmp(pName, "msg")) {
+ pRes = getMSG(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "rawmsg")) {
+ pRes = getRawMsg(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "UxTradMsg")) {
+ pRes = getUxTradMsg(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "FROMHOST")) {
+ pRes = getRcvFrom(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "source")
+ || !strcmp(pName, "HOSTNAME")) {
+ pRes = getHOSTNAME(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "syslogtag")) {
+ pRes = getTAG(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "PRI")) {
+ pRes = getPRI(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "PRI-text")) {
+ pBuf = malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
+ if(pBuf == NULL) {
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**OUT OF MEMORY**";
+ } else {
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1;
+ pRes = textpri(pBuf, 20, getPRIi(pMsg));
+ }
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "iut")) {
+ pRes = "1"; /* always 1 for syslog messages (a MonitorWare thing;)) */
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "syslogfacility")) {
+ pRes = getFacility(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "syslogfacility-text")) {
+ pRes = getFacilityStr(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "syslogseverity") || !strcmp(pName, "syslogpriority")) {
+ pRes = getSeverity(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "syslogseverity-text") || !strcmp(pName, "syslogpriority-text")) {
+ pRes = getSeverityStr(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "timegenerated")) {
+ pRes = getTimeGenerated(pMsg, pTpe->data.field.eDateFormat);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "timereported")
+ || !strcmp(pName, "TIMESTAMP")) {
+ pRes = getTimeReported(pMsg, pTpe->data.field.eDateFormat);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "programname")) {
+ pRes = getProgramName(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "PROTOCOL-VERSION")) {
+ pRes = getProtocolVersionString(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "STRUCTURED-DATA")) {
+ pRes = getStructuredData(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "APP-NAME")) {
+ pRes = getAPPNAME(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "PROCID")) {
+ pRes = getPROCID(pMsg);
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "MSGID")) {
+ pRes = getMSGID(pMsg);
+ /* here start system properties (those, that do not relate to the message itself */
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "$NOW")) {
+ if((pRes = (char*) getNOW(NOW_NOW)) == NULL) {
+ return "***OUT OF MEMORY***";
+ } else
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1; /* all of these functions allocate dyn. memory */
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "$YEAR")) {
+ if((pRes = (char*) getNOW(NOW_YEAR)) == NULL) {
+ return "***OUT OF MEMORY***";
+ } else
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1; /* all of these functions allocate dyn. memory */
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "$MONTH")) {
+ if((pRes = (char*) getNOW(NOW_MONTH)) == NULL) {
+ return "***OUT OF MEMORY***";
+ } else
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1; /* all of these functions allocate dyn. memory */
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "$DAY")) {
+ if((pRes = (char*) getNOW(NOW_DAY)) == NULL) {
+ return "***OUT OF MEMORY***";
+ } else
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1; /* all of these functions allocate dyn. memory */
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "$HOUR")) {
+ if((pRes = (char*) getNOW(NOW_HOUR)) == NULL) {
+ return "***OUT OF MEMORY***";
+ } else
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1; /* all of these functions allocate dyn. memory */
+ } else if(!strcmp(pName, "$MINUTE")) {
+ if((pRes = (char*) getNOW(NOW_MINUTE)) == NULL) {
+ return "***OUT OF MEMORY***";
+ } else
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1; /* all of these functions allocate dyn. memory */
+ } else {
+ /* there is no point in continuing, we may even otherwise render the
+ * error message unreadable. rgerhards, 2007-07-10
+ */
+ }
+ /* If we did not receive a template pointer, we are already done... */
+ if(pTpe == NULL) {
+ return pRes;
+ }
+ /* Now check if we need to make "temporary" transformations (these
+ * are transformations that do not go back into the message -
+ * memory must be allocated for them!).
+ */
+ /* substring extraction */
+ /* first we check if we need to extract by field number
+ * rgerhards, 2005-12-22
+ */
+ if(pTpe->data.field.has_fields == 1) {
+ size_t iCurrFld;
+ char *pFld;
+ char *pFldEnd;
+ /* first, skip to the field in question. The field separator
+ * is always one character and is stored in the template entry.
+ */
+ iCurrFld = 1;
+ pFld = pRes;
+ while(*pFld && iCurrFld < pTpe->data.field.iToPos) {
+ /* skip fields until the requested field or end of string is found */
+ while(*pFld && (uchar) *pFld != pTpe->data.field.field_delim)
+ ++pFld; /* skip to field terminator */
+ if(*pFld == pTpe->data.field.field_delim) {
+ ++pFld; /* eat it */
+ ++iCurrFld;
+ }
+ }
+ dprintf("field requested %d, field found %d\n", pTpe->data.field.iToPos, iCurrFld);
+ if(iCurrFld == pTpe->data.field.iToPos) {
+ /* field found, now extract it */
+ /* first of all, we need to find the end */
+ pFldEnd = pFld;
+ while(*pFldEnd && *pFldEnd != pTpe->data.field.field_delim)
+ ++pFldEnd;
+ --pFldEnd; /* we are already at the delimiter - so we need to
+ * step back a little not to copy it as part of the field. */
+ /* we got our end pointer, now do the copy */
+ /* TODO: code copied from below, this is a candidate for a separate function */
+ iLen = pFldEnd - pFld + 1; /* the +1 is for an actual char, NOT \0! */
+ pBufStart = pBuf = malloc((iLen + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if(pBuf == NULL) {
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**OUT OF MEMORY**";
+ }
+ /* now copy */
+ memcpy(pBuf, pFld, iLen);
+ pBuf[iLen] = '\0'; /* terminate it */
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ pRes = pBufStart;
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1;
+ if(*(pFldEnd+1) != '\0')
+ ++pFldEnd; /* OK, skip again over delimiter char */
+ } else {
+ /* field not found, return error */
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**FIELD NOT FOUND**";
+ }
+ } else if(pTpe->data.field.iFromPos != 0 || pTpe->data.field.iToPos != 0) {
+ /* we need to obtain a private copy */
+ int iFrom, iTo;
+ iFrom = pTpe->data.field.iFromPos;
+ iTo = pTpe->data.field.iToPos;
+ /* need to zero-base to and from (they are 1-based!) */
+ if(iFrom > 0)
+ --iFrom;
+ if(iTo > 0)
+ --iTo;
+ iLen = iTo - iFrom + 1; /* the +1 is for an actual char, NOT \0! */
+ pBufStart = pBuf = malloc((iLen + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if(pBuf == NULL) {
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**OUT OF MEMORY**";
+ }
+ if(iFrom) {
+ /* skip to the start of the substring (can't do pointer arithmetic
+ * because the whole string might be smaller!!)
+ */
+ // ++iFrom; /* nbr of chars to skip! */
+ while(*pRes && iFrom) {
+ --iFrom;
+ ++pRes;
+ }
+ }
+ /* OK, we are at the begin - now let's copy... */
+ while(*pRes && iLen) {
+ *pBuf++ = *pRes;
+ ++pRes;
+ --iLen;
+ }
+ *pBuf = '\0';
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ pRes = pBufStart;
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1;
+ } else {
+ /* Check for regular expressions */
+ if (pTpe->data.field.has_regex != 0) {
+ if (pTpe->data.field.has_regex == 2)
+ /* Could not compile regex before! */
+ return
+ dprintf("debug: String to match for regex is: %s\n",
+ pRes);
+ if (0 != regexec(&pTpe->, pRes, nmatch,
+ pmatch, 0)) {
+ /* we got no match! */
+ return "**NO MATCH**";
+ } else {
+ /* Match! */
+ /* I need to malloc pB */
+ int iLenBuf;
+ char *pB;
+ iLenBuf = pmatch[1].rm_eo - pmatch[1].rm_so;
+ pB = (char *) malloc((iLenBuf + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if (pB == NULL) {
+ if (*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**OUT OF MEMORY ALLOCATING pBuf**";
+ }
+ /* Lets copy the matched substring to the buffer */
+ memcpy(pB, pRes + pmatch[1].rm_so, iLenBuf);
+ pB[iLenBuf] = '\0';/* terminate string, did not happen before */
+ if (*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ pRes = pB;
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* #ifdef FEATURE_REGEXP */
+ }
+ /* case conversations (should go after substring, because so we are able to
+ * work on the smallest possible buffer).
+ */
+ if(pTpe->data.field.eCaseConv != tplCaseConvNo) {
+ /* we need to obtain a private copy */
+ int iBufLen = strlen(pRes);
+ char *pBStart;
+ char *pB;
+ pBStart = pB = malloc((iBufLen + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if(pB == NULL) {
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**OUT OF MEMORY**";
+ }
+ while(*pRes) {
+ *pB++ = (pTpe->data.field.eCaseConv == tplCaseConvUpper) ?
+ toupper(*pRes) : tolower(*pRes);
+ /* currently only these two exist */
+ ++pRes;
+ }
+ *pB = '\0';
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ pRes = pBStart;
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1;
+ }
+ /* now do control character dropping/escaping/replacement
+ * Only one of these can be used. If multiple options are given, the
+ * result is random (though currently there obviously is an order of
+ * preferrence, see code below. But this is NOT guaranteed.
+ * RGerhards, 2006-11-17
+ */
+ if(pTpe->data.field.options.bDropCC) {
+ char *pSrc = pRes;
+ char *pDst = pRes;
+ while(*pSrc) {
+ if(!iscntrl((int) *pSrc))
+ *pDst++ = *pSrc;
+ ++pSrc;
+ }
+ *pDst = '\0';
+ } else if(pTpe->data.field.options.bSpaceCC) {
+ char *pB = pRes;
+ while(*pB) {
+ if(iscntrl((int) *pB))
+ *pB = ' ';
+ ++pB;
+ }
+ } else if(pTpe->data.field.options.bEscapeCC) {
+ /* we must first count how many control charactes are
+ * present, because we need this to compute the new string
+ * buffer length. While doing so, we also compute the string
+ * length.
+ */
+ int iNumCC = 0;
+ int iLenBuf = 0;
+ char *pB;
+ for(pB = pRes ; *pB ; ++pB) {
+ ++iLenBuf;
+ if(iscntrl((int) *pB))
+ ++iNumCC;
+ }
+ if(iNumCC > 0) { /* if 0, there is nothing to escape, so we are done */
+ /* OK, let's do the escaping... */
+ char *pBStart;
+ char szCCEsc[8]; /* buffer for escape sequence */
+ int i;
+ iLenBuf += iNumCC * 4;
+ pBStart = pB = malloc((iLenBuf + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if(pB == NULL) {
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**OUT OF MEMORY**";
+ }
+ while(*pRes) {
+ if(iscntrl((int) *pRes)) {
+ snprintf(szCCEsc, sizeof(szCCEsc), "#%3.3d", *pRes);
+ for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i)
+ *pB++ = szCCEsc[i];
+ } else {
+ *pB++ = *pRes;
+ }
+ ++pRes;
+ }
+ *pB = '\0';
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ pRes = pBStart;
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now drop last LF if present (pls note that this must not be done
+ * if bEscapeCC was set!
+ */
+ if(pTpe->data.field.options.bDropLastLF && !pTpe->data.field.options.bEscapeCC) {
+ int iLn = strlen(pRes);
+ char *pB;
+ if(*(pRes + iLn - 1) == '\n') {
+ /* we have a LF! */
+ /* check if we need to obtain a private copy */
+ if(pbMustBeFreed == 0) {
+ /* ok, original copy, need a private one */
+ pB = malloc((iLn + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ if(pB == NULL) {
+ if(*pbMustBeFreed == 1)
+ free(pRes);
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 0;
+ return "**OUT OF MEMORY**";
+ }
+ memcpy(pB, pRes, iLn - 1);
+ pRes = pB;
+ *pbMustBeFreed = 1;
+ }
+ *(pRes + iLn - 1) = '\0'; /* drop LF ;) */
+ }
+ }
+ /*dprintf("MsgGetProp(\"%s\"): \"%s\"\n", pName, pRes); only for verbose debug logging */
+ return(pRes);
* vi:set ai: