diff options
authorRainer Gerhards <>2007-07-13 06:48:16 +0000
committerRainer Gerhards <>2007-07-13 06:48:16 +0000
commitd22a7d80e5e138c604616d5a62788e66ceb019c1 (patch)
parent7f21dbbe30500b2b9febd47a26ccdd959ed536a6 (diff)
begun to better modularize syslogd.c - this is an ongoing project; moved
type definitions to a separate file
3 files changed, 325 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index df1b6d43..291cf7f2 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Version 1.16.0 (RGer/Peter Vrabec), 2007-07-1?
thanks to varmojfekoj <> for the patch
- added the -x option to disable hostname dns reslution
thanks to varmojfekoj <> for the patch
+- begun to better modularize syslogd.c - this is an ongoing project; moved
+ type definitions to a separate file
Version 1.15.1 (RGer), 2007-07-10
- fixed a bug that caused a dynaFile selector to stall when there was
@@ -523,24 +525,6 @@ I have moved them out of the syslogd.c file to shrink it, especially
as a lot of them do no longer apply. For historical reasons and
understanding of how the daemon evolved, they are probably still
- * syslogd -- log system messages
- *
- * This program implements a system log. It takes a series of lines.
- * Each line may have a priority, signified as "<n>" as
- * the first characters of the line. If this is
- * not present, a default priority is used.
- *
- * To kill syslogd, send a signal 15 (terminate). A signal 1 (hup) will
- * cause it to reread its configuration file.
- *
- * Defined Constants:
- *
- * MAXLINE -- the maximum line length that can be handled.
- * DEFUPRI -- the default priority for user messages
- * DEFSPRI -- the default priority for kernel messages
- *
* Author: Eric Allman
* extensive changes by Ralph Campbell
* more extensive changes by Eric Allman (again)
@@ -940,24 +924,3 @@ helpful.
* Don't return a closed fd if `-a' is called with a wrong path.
* Thanks to Bill Nottingham <> for providing
* a patch.
- *
- * The following copyright and license applies to the original
- * sysklogd package that was used as a basis for this release of
- * rsyslogd. Obviously, it applies to those parts stemming directly
- * back to the original sysklogd package.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1983, 1988 Regents of the University of California.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
- * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
diff --git a/syslogd-types.h b/syslogd-types.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a33e693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syslogd-types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+/* syslogd-type.h
+ * This file contains type defintions used by syslogd and its modules.
+ * It is a required input for any module.
+ *
+ * File begun on 2007-07-13 by RGerhards (extracted from syslogd.c)
+ *
+ * Copyright 2007 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
+ */
+#include "config.h" /* make sure we have autoconf macros */
+#include "stringbuf.h"
+# define UNAMESZ UT_NAMESIZE /* length of a login name */
+# define UNAMESZ 8 /* length of a login name */
+#define MAXUNAMES 20 /* maximum number of user names */
+#define MAXFNAME 200 /* max file pathname length */
+typedef enum _TCPFRAMINGMODE {
+ TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_STUFFING = 0, /* traditional LF-delimited */
+ TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_COUNTING = 1 /* -transport-tls like octet count */
+/* The following structure is a dynafile name cache entry.
+ */
+struct s_dynaFileCacheEntry {
+ uchar *pName; /* name currently open, if dynamic name */
+ short fd; /* name associated with file name in cache */
+ time_t lastUsed; /* for LRU - last access */
+typedef struct s_dynaFileCacheEntry dynaFileCacheEntry;
+/* values for host comparisons specified with host selector blocks
+ * (+host, -host). rgerhards 2005-10-18.
+ */
+enum _EHostnameCmpMode {
+ HN_NO_COMP = 0, /* do not compare hostname */
+ HN_COMP_MATCH = 1, /* hostname must match */
+ HN_COMP_NOMATCH = 2 /* hostname must NOT match */
+typedef enum _EHostnameCmpMode EHostnameCmpMode;
+/* rgerhards 2004-11-11: the following structure represents
+ * a time as it is used in syslog.
+ */
+struct syslogTime {
+ int timeType; /* 0 - unitinialized , 1 - RFC 3164, 2 - syslog-protocol */
+ int year;
+ int month;
+ int day;
+ int hour; /* 24 hour clock */
+ int minute;
+ int second;
+ int secfrac; /* fractional seconds (must be 32 bit!) */
+ int secfracPrecision;
+ char OffsetMode; /* UTC offset + or - */
+ char OffsetHour; /* UTC offset in hours */
+ int OffsetMinute; /* UTC offset in minutes */
+ /* full UTC offset minutes = OffsetHours*60 + OffsetMinute. Then use
+ * OffsetMode to know the direction.
+ */
+/* rgerhards 2004-11-08: The following structure represents a
+ * syslog message.
+ *
+ * Important Note:
+ * The message object is used for multiple purposes (once it
+ * has been created). Once created, it actully is a read-only
+ * object (though we do not specifically express this). In order
+ * to avoid multiple copies of the same object, we use a
+ * reference counter. This counter is set to 1 by the constructer
+ * and increased by 1 with a call to MsgAddRef(). The destructor
+ * checks the reference count. If it is more than 1, only the counter
+ * will be decremented. If it is 1, however, the object is actually
+ * destroyed. To make this work, it is vital that MsgAddRef() is
+ * called each time a "copy" is stored somewhere.
+ */
+struct msg {
+ int iRefCount; /* reference counter (0 = unused) */
+ short iSyslogVers; /* version of syslog protocol
+ * 0 - RFC 3164
+ * 1 - RFC draft-protocol-08 */
+ short bParseHOSTNAME; /* should the hostname be parsed from the message? */
+ /* background: the hostname is not present on "regular" messages
+ * received via UNIX domain sockets from the same machine. However,
+ * it is available when we have a forwarder (e.g. rfc3195d) using local
+ * sockets. All in all, the parser would need parse templates, that would
+ * resolve all these issues... rgerhards, 2005-10-06
+ */
+ short iSeverity; /* the severity 0..7 */
+ uchar *pszSeverity; /* severity as string... */
+ int iLenSeverity; /* ... and its length. */
+ uchar *pszSeverityStr; /* severity name... */
+ int iLenSeverityStr; /* ... and its length. */
+ int iFacility; /* Facility code (up to 2^32-1) */
+ uchar *pszFacility; /* Facility as string... */
+ int iLenFacility; /* ... and its length. */
+ uchar *pszFacilityStr; /* facility name... */
+ int iLenFacilityStr; /* ... and its length. */
+ uchar *pszPRI; /* the PRI as a string */
+ int iLenPRI; /* and its length */
+ uchar *pszRawMsg; /* message as it was received on the
+ * wire. This is important in case we
+ * need to preserve cryptographic verifiers.
+ */
+ int iLenRawMsg; /* length of raw message */
+ uchar *pszMSG; /* the MSG part itself */
+ int iLenMSG; /* Length of the MSG part */
+ uchar *pszUxTradMsg; /* the traditional UNIX message */
+ int iLenUxTradMsg;/* Length of the traditional UNIX message */
+ uchar *pszTAG; /* pointer to tag value */
+ int iLenTAG; /* Length of the TAG part */
+ uchar *pszHOSTNAME; /* HOSTNAME from syslog message */
+ int iLenHOSTNAME; /* Length of HOSTNAME */
+ uchar *pszRcvFrom; /* System message was received from */
+ int iLenRcvFrom; /* Length of pszRcvFrom */
+ int iProtocolVersion;/* protocol version of message received 0 - legacy, 1 syslog-protocol) */
+ rsCStrObj *pCSProgName; /* the (BSD) program name */
+ rsCStrObj *pCSStrucData;/* STRUCTURED-DATA */
+ rsCStrObj *pCSAPPNAME; /* APP-NAME */
+ rsCStrObj *pCSPROCID; /* PROCID */
+ rsCStrObj *pCSMSGID; /* MSGID */
+ struct syslogTime tRcvdAt;/* time the message entered this program */
+ char *pszRcvdAt3164; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
+ char *pszRcvdAt3339; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
+ char *pszRcvdAt_MySQL; /* rcvdAt as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
+ struct syslogTime tTIMESTAMP;/* (parsed) value of the timestamp */
+ char *pszTIMESTAMP3164; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
+ char *pszTIMESTAMP3339; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3339 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
+ char *pszTIMESTAMP_MySQL;/* TIMESTAMP as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
+ int msgFlags; /* flags associated with this message */
+/* This structure represents the files that will have log
+ * copies printed.
+ * RGerhards 2004-11-08: Each instance of the filed structure
+ * describes what I call an "output channel". This is important
+ * to mention as we now allow database connections to be
+ * present in the filed structure. If helps immensely, if we
+ * think of it as the abstraction of an output channel.
+ * rgerhards, 2005-10-26: The structure below provides ample
+ * opportunity for non-thread-safety. Each of the variable
+ * accesses must be carefully evaluated, many of them probably
+ * be guarded by mutexes. But beware of deadlocks...
+ */
+struct filed {
+ struct filed *f_next; /* next in linked list */
+ short f_type; /* entry type, see below */
+ short f_file; /* file descriptor */
+ off_t f_sizeLimit; /* file size limit, 0 = no limit */
+ char *f_sizeLimitCmd; /* command to carry out when size limit is reached */
+ time_t f_time; /* time this was last written */
+ /* filter properties */
+ enum {
+ FILTER_PRI = 0, /* traditional PRI based filer */
+ FILTER_PROP = 1 /* extended filter, property based */
+ } f_filter_type;
+ EHostnameCmpMode eHostnameCmpMode;
+ rsCStrObj *pCSHostnameComp;/* hostname to check */
+ rsCStrObj *pCSProgNameComp; /* tag to check or NULL, if not to be checked */
+ union {
+ u_char f_pmask[LOG_NFACILITIES+1]; /* priority mask */
+ struct {
+ rsCStrObj *pCSPropName;
+ enum {
+ FIOP_NOP = 0, /* do not use - No Operation */
+ FIOP_CONTAINS = 1, /* contains string? */
+ FIOP_ISEQUAL = 2, /* is (exactly) equal? */
+ FIOP_STARTSWITH = 3 /* starts with a string? */
+ } operation;
+ rsCStrObj *pCSCompValue; /* value to "compare" against */
+ char isNegated; /* actually a boolean ;) */
+ } prop;
+ } f_filterData;
+ union {
+ char f_uname[MAXUNAMES][UNAMESZ+1];
+#ifdef WITH_DB
+ struct {
+ MYSQL *f_hmysql; /* handle to MySQL */
+ char f_dbsrv[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; /* IP or hostname of DB server*/
+ char f_dbname[_DB_MAXDBLEN+1]; /* DB name */
+ char f_dbuid[_DB_MAXUNAMELEN+1]; /* DB user */
+ char f_dbpwd[_DB_MAXPWDLEN+1]; /* DB user's password */
+ time_t f_timeResumeOnError; /* 0 if no error is present,
+ otherwise is it set to the
+ time a retrail should be attampt */
+ int f_iLastDBErrNo; /* Last db error number. 0 = no error */
+ } f_mysql;
+ struct {
+ char f_hname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1];
+ struct addrinfo *f_addr;
+ int compressionLevel; /* 0 - no compression, else level for zlib */
+ char *port;
+ int protocol;
+ TCPFRAMINGMODE tcp_framing;
+# define FORW_UDP 0
+# define FORW_TCP 1
+ /* following fields for TCP-based delivery */
+ enum TCPSendStatus {
+ } status;
+ char *savedMsg;
+ int savedMsgLen; /* length of savedMsg in octets */
+ pthread_mutex_t mtxTCPSend;
+# endif
+ } f_forw; /* forwarding address */
+ struct {
+ char f_fname[MAXFNAME];/* file or template name (dispaly only) */
+ struct template *pTpl; /* pointer to template object */
+ char bDynamicName; /* 0 - static name, 1 - dynamic name (with properties) */
+ int fCreateMode; /* file creation mode for open() */
+ int iCurrElt; /* currently active cache element (-1 = none) */
+ int iCurrCacheSize; /* currently cache size (1-based) */
+ int iDynaFileCacheSize; /* size of file handle cache */
+ /* The cache is implemented as an array. An empty element is indicated
+ * by a NULL pointer. Memory is allocated as needed. The following
+ * pointer points to the overall structure.
+ */
+ dynaFileCacheEntry **dynCache;
+ } f_file;
+ } f_un;
+ char f_lasttime[16]; /* time of last occurrence */
+ char f_prevhost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; /* host from which recd. */
+ int f_prevpri; /* pri of f_prevline */
+ int f_prevlen; /* length of f_prevline */
+ int f_prevcount; /* repetition cnt of prevline */
+ int f_repeatcount; /* number of "repeated" msgs */
+ int f_flags; /* store some additional flags */
+ struct template *f_pTpl; /* pointer to template to use */
+ struct iovec *f_iov; /* dyn allocated depinding on template */
+ unsigned short *f_bMustBeFreed; /* indicator, if iov_base must be freed to destruct */
+ int f_iIovUsed; /* nbr of elements used in IOV */
+ char *f_psziov; /* iov as string */
+ int f_iLenpsziov; /* length of iov as string */
+ struct msg* f_pMsg; /* pointer to the message (this wil
+ * replace the other vars with msg
+ * content later). This is preserved after
+ * the message has been processed - it is
+ * also used to detect duplicates. */
+typedef struct filed selector_t; /* new type name */
diff --git a/syslogd.c b/syslogd.c
index 24e57502..0756e3b1 100644
--- a/syslogd.c
+++ b/syslogd.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
* sysklogd site on the URL above if you would like to base your
* development on a version that is not under the GPL.
- * This Project was intiated and is maintened by
+ * This Project was intiated and is maintained by
* Rainer Gerhards <>. See
* AUTHORS to learn who helped make it become a reality.
@@ -293,6 +293,8 @@ CODE facilitynames[] =
#include "template.h"
#include "outchannel.h"
#include "syslogd.h"
+#include "syslogd-types.h"
#include "stringbuf.h"
#include "parse.h"
@@ -454,14 +456,6 @@ int funixParseHost[MAXFUNIX] = { 0, }; /* should parser parse host name? read-o
char *funixn[MAXFUNIX] = { _PATH_LOG }; /* read-only after startup */
int funix[MAXFUNIX] = { -1, }; /* read-only after startup */
-# define UNAMESZ UT_NAMESIZE /* length of a login name */
-# define UNAMESZ 8 /* length of a login name */
-#define MAXUNAMES 20 /* maximum number of user names */
-#define MAXFNAME 200 /* max file pathname length */
#define INTERNAL_NOPRI 0x10 /* the "no priority" priority */
#define TABLE_NOPRI 0 /* Value to indicate no priority in f_pmask */
#define TABLE_ALLPRI 0xFF /* Value to indicate all priorities in f_pmask */
@@ -502,236 +496,6 @@ enum eDirective { DIR_TEMPLATE = 0, DIR_OUTCHANNEL = 1,
-/* rgerhards 2004-11-11: the following structure represents
- * a time as it is used in syslog.
- */
-struct syslogTime {
- int timeType; /* 0 - unitinialized , 1 - RFC 3164, 2 - syslog-protocol */
- int year;
- int month;
- int day;
- int hour; /* 24 hour clock */
- int minute;
- int second;
- int secfrac; /* fractional seconds (must be 32 bit!) */
- int secfracPrecision;
- char OffsetMode; /* UTC offset + or - */
- char OffsetHour; /* UTC offset in hours */
- int OffsetMinute; /* UTC offset in minutes */
- /* full UTC offset minutes = OffsetHours*60 + OffsetMinute. Then use
- * OffsetMode to know the direction.
- */
-/* rgerhards 2004-11-08: The following structure represents a
- * syslog message.
- *
- * Important Note:
- * The message object is used for multiple purposes (once it
- * has been created). Once created, it actully is a read-only
- * object (though we do not specifically express this). In order
- * to avoid multiple copies of the same object, we use a
- * reference counter. This counter is set to 1 by the constructer
- * and increased by 1 with a call to MsgAddRef(). The destructor
- * checks the reference count. If it is more than 1, only the counter
- * will be decremented. If it is 1, however, the object is actually
- * destroyed. To make this work, it is vital that MsgAddRef() is
- * called each time a "copy" is stored somewhere.
- */
-struct msg {
- int iRefCount; /* reference counter (0 = unused) */
- short iSyslogVers; /* version of syslog protocol
- * 0 - RFC 3164
- * 1 - RFC draft-protocol-08 */
- short bParseHOSTNAME; /* should the hostname be parsed from the message? */
- /* background: the hostname is not present on "regular" messages
- * received via UNIX domain sockets from the same machine. However,
- * it is available when we have a forwarder (e.g. rfc3195d) using local
- * sockets. All in all, the parser would need parse templates, that would
- * resolve all these issues... rgerhards, 2005-10-06
- */
- short iSeverity; /* the severity 0..7 */
- uchar *pszSeverity; /* severity as string... */
- int iLenSeverity; /* ... and its length. */
- uchar *pszSeverityStr; /* severity name... */
- int iLenSeverityStr; /* ... and its length. */
- int iFacility; /* Facility code (up to 2^32-1) */
- uchar *pszFacility; /* Facility as string... */
- int iLenFacility; /* ... and its length. */
- uchar *pszFacilityStr; /* facility name... */
- int iLenFacilityStr; /* ... and its length. */
- uchar *pszPRI; /* the PRI as a string */
- int iLenPRI; /* and its length */
- uchar *pszRawMsg; /* message as it was received on the
- * wire. This is important in case we
- * need to preserve cryptographic verifiers.
- */
- int iLenRawMsg; /* length of raw message */
- uchar *pszMSG; /* the MSG part itself */
- int iLenMSG; /* Length of the MSG part */
- uchar *pszUxTradMsg; /* the traditional UNIX message */
- int iLenUxTradMsg;/* Length of the traditional UNIX message */
- uchar *pszTAG; /* pointer to tag value */
- int iLenTAG; /* Length of the TAG part */
- uchar *pszHOSTNAME; /* HOSTNAME from syslog message */
- int iLenHOSTNAME; /* Length of HOSTNAME */
- uchar *pszRcvFrom; /* System message was received from */
- int iLenRcvFrom; /* Length of pszRcvFrom */
- int iProtocolVersion;/* protocol version of message received 0 - legacy, 1 syslog-protocol) */
- rsCStrObj *pCSProgName; /* the (BSD) program name */
- rsCStrObj *pCSStrucData;/* STRUCTURED-DATA */
- rsCStrObj *pCSAPPNAME; /* APP-NAME */
- rsCStrObj *pCSPROCID; /* PROCID */
- rsCStrObj *pCSMSGID; /* MSGID */
- struct syslogTime tRcvdAt;/* time the message entered this program */
- char *pszRcvdAt3164; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
- char *pszRcvdAt3339; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
- char *pszRcvdAt_MySQL; /* rcvdAt as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
- struct syslogTime tTIMESTAMP;/* (parsed) value of the timestamp */
- char *pszTIMESTAMP3164; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
- char *pszTIMESTAMP3339; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3339 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
- char *pszTIMESTAMP_MySQL;/* TIMESTAMP as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
- int msgFlags; /* flags associated with this message */
-/* values for host comparisons specified with host selector blocks
- * (+host, -host). rgerhards 2005-10-18.
- */
-enum _EHostnameCmpMode {
- HN_NO_COMP = 0, /* do not compare hostname */
- HN_COMP_MATCH = 1, /* hostname must match */
- HN_COMP_NOMATCH = 2 /* hostname must NOT match */
-typedef enum _EHostnameCmpMode EHostnameCmpMode;
-typedef enum _TCPFRAMINGMODE {
- TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_STUFFING = 0, /* traditional LF-delimited */
- TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_COUNTING = 1 /* -transport-tls like octet count */
-/* The following structure is a dynafile name cache entry.
- */
-struct s_dynaFileCacheEntry {
- uchar *pName; /* name currently open, if dynamic name */
- short fd; /* name associated with file name in cache */
- time_t lastUsed; /* for LRU - last access */
-typedef struct s_dynaFileCacheEntry dynaFileCacheEntry;
-/* This structure represents the files that will have log
- * copies printed.
- * RGerhards 2004-11-08: Each instance of the filed structure
- * describes what I call an "output channel". This is important
- * to mention as we now allow database connections to be
- * present in the filed structure. If helps immensely, if we
- * think of it as the abstraction of an output channel.
- * rgerhards, 2005-10-26: The structure below provides ample
- * opportunity for non-thread-safety. Each of the variable
- * accesses must be carefully evaluated, many of them probably
- * be guarded by mutexes. But beware of deadlocks...
- */
-struct filed {
- struct filed *f_next; /* next in linked list */
- short f_type; /* entry type, see below */
- short f_file; /* file descriptor */
- off_t f_sizeLimit; /* file size limit, 0 = no limit */
- char *f_sizeLimitCmd; /* command to carry out when size limit is reached */
- time_t f_time; /* time this was last written */
- /* filter properties */
- enum {
- FILTER_PRI = 0, /* traditional PRI based filer */
- FILTER_PROP = 1 /* extended filter, property based */
- } f_filter_type;
- EHostnameCmpMode eHostnameCmpMode;
- rsCStrObj *pCSHostnameComp;/* hostname to check */
- rsCStrObj *pCSProgNameComp; /* tag to check or NULL, if not to be checked */
- union {
- u_char f_pmask[LOG_NFACILITIES+1]; /* priority mask */
- struct {
- rsCStrObj *pCSPropName;
- enum {
- FIOP_NOP = 0, /* do not use - No Operation */
- FIOP_CONTAINS = 1, /* contains string? */
- FIOP_ISEQUAL = 2, /* is (exactly) equal? */
- FIOP_STARTSWITH = 3 /* starts with a string? */
- } operation;
- rsCStrObj *pCSCompValue; /* value to "compare" against */
- char isNegated; /* actually a boolean ;) */
- } prop;
- } f_filterData;
- union {
- char f_uname[MAXUNAMES][UNAMESZ+1];
-#ifdef WITH_DB
- struct {
- MYSQL *f_hmysql; /* handle to MySQL */
- char f_dbsrv[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; /* IP or hostname of DB server*/
- char f_dbname[_DB_MAXDBLEN+1]; /* DB name */
- char f_dbuid[_DB_MAXUNAMELEN+1]; /* DB user */
- char f_dbpwd[_DB_MAXPWDLEN+1]; /* DB user's password */
- time_t f_timeResumeOnError; /* 0 if no error is present,
- otherwise is it set to the
- time a retrail should be attampt */
- int f_iLastDBErrNo; /* Last db error number. 0 = no error */
- } f_mysql;
- struct {
- char f_hname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1];
- struct addrinfo *f_addr;
- int compressionLevel; /* 0 - no compression, else level for zlib */
- char *port;
- int protocol;
- TCPFRAMINGMODE tcp_framing;
-# define FORW_UDP 0
-# define FORW_TCP 1
- /* following fields for TCP-based delivery */
- enum TCPSendStatus {
- } status;
- char *savedMsg;
- int savedMsgLen; /* length of savedMsg in octets */
- pthread_mutex_t mtxTCPSend;
-# endif
- } f_forw; /* forwarding address */
- struct {
- char f_fname[MAXFNAME];/* file or template name (dispaly only) */
- struct template *pTpl; /* pointer to template object */
- char bDynamicName; /* 0 - static name, 1 - dynamic name (with properties) */
- int fCreateMode; /* file creation mode for open() */
- int iCurrElt; /* currently active cache element (-1 = none) */
- int iCurrCacheSize; /* currently cache size (1-based) */
- int iDynaFileCacheSize; /* size of file handle cache */
- /* The cache is implemented as an array. An empty element is indicated
- * by a NULL pointer. Memory is allocated as needed. The following
- * pointer points to the overall structure.
- */
- dynaFileCacheEntry **dynCache;
- } f_file;
- } f_un;
- char f_lasttime[16]; /* time of last occurrence */
- char f_prevhost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; /* host from which recd. */
- int f_prevpri; /* pri of f_prevline */
- int f_prevlen; /* length of f_prevline */
- int f_prevcount; /* repetition cnt of prevline */
- int f_repeatcount; /* number of "repeated" msgs */
- int f_flags; /* store some additional flags */
- struct template *f_pTpl; /* pointer to template to use */
- struct iovec *f_iov; /* dyn allocated depinding on template */
- unsigned short *f_bMustBeFreed; /* indicator, if iov_base must be freed to destruct */
- int f_iIovUsed; /* nbr of elements used in IOV */
- char *f_psziov; /* iov as string */
- int f_iLenpsziov; /* length of iov as string */
- struct msg* f_pMsg; /* pointer to the message (this wil
- * replace the other vars with msg
- * content later). This is preserved after
- * the message has been processed - it is
- * also used to detect duplicates. */
/* The following global variables are used for building
* tag and host selector lines during startup and config reload.
* This is stored as a global variable pool because of its ease. It is
@@ -992,35 +756,35 @@ static char **crunch_list(char *list);
static void printchopped(char *hname, char *msg, int len, int fd, int iSourceType);
static void printline(char *hname, char *msg, int iSource);
static void logmsg(int pri, struct msg*, int flags);
-static void fprintlog(register struct filed *f);
-static void wallmsg(register struct filed *f);
+static void fprintlog(register selector_t *f);
+static void wallmsg(register selector_t *f);
static void reapchild();
static char *cvthname(struct sockaddr_storage *f);
static void debug_switch();
-static rsRetVal cfline(char *line, register struct filed *f);
+static rsRetVal cfline(char *line, register selector_t *f);
static int decode(uchar *name, struct code *codetab);
static void sighup_handler();
static void die(int sig);
#ifdef WITH_DB
-static void initMySQL(register struct filed *f);
-static void writeMySQL(register struct filed *f);
-static void closeMySQL(register struct filed *f);
-static void reInitMySQL(register struct filed *f);
-static int checkDBErrorState(register struct filed *f);
-static void DBErrorHandler(register struct filed *f);
+static void initMySQL(register selector_t *f);
+static void writeMySQL(register selector_t *f);
+static void closeMySQL(register selector_t *f);
+static void reInitMySQL(register selector_t *f);
+static int checkDBErrorState(register selector_t *f);
+static void DBErrorHandler(register selector_t *f);
static int getSubString(uchar **pSrc, char *pDst, size_t DstSize, char cSep);
static void getCurrTime(struct syslogTime *t);
-static void cflineSetTemplateAndIOV(struct filed *f, char *pTemplateName);
+static void cflineSetTemplateAndIOV(selector_t *f, char *pTemplateName);
-/* Access functions for the struct filed. These functions are primarily
+/* Access functions for the selector_t. These functions are primarily
* necessary to make things thread-safe. Consequently, they are slim
* if we compile without pthread support.
* rgerhards 2005-10-24
-/* END Access functions for the struct filed */
+/* END Access functions for the selector_t */
/* Code for handling allowed/disallowed senders
@@ -1824,7 +1588,7 @@ static int TCPSessDataRcvd(int iTCPSess, char *pData, int iLen)
/* get send status
* rgerhards, 2005-10-24
-static void TCPSendSetStatus(struct filed *f, enum TCPSendStatus iNewState)
+static void TCPSendSetStatus(selector_t *f, enum TCPSendStatus iNewState)
assert(f != NULL);
assert(f->f_type == F_FORW);
@@ -1847,7 +1611,7 @@ static void TCPSendSetStatus(struct filed *f, enum TCPSendStatus iNewState)
/* set send status
* rgerhards, 2005-10-24
-static enum TCPSendStatus TCPSendGetStatus(struct filed *f)
+static enum TCPSendStatus TCPSendGetStatus(selector_t *f)
enum TCPSendStatus eState;
assert(f != NULL);
@@ -1870,7 +1634,7 @@ static enum TCPSendStatus TCPSendGetStatus(struct filed *f)
/* Initialize TCP sockets (for sender)
* This is done once per selector line, if not yet initialized.
-static int TCPSendCreateSocket(struct filed *f)
+static int TCPSendCreateSocket(selector_t *f)
int fd;
struct addrinfo *r;
@@ -1961,7 +1725,7 @@ static int TCPSendCreateSocket(struct filed *f)
* octet-counting, only this framing mode is used within the session.
* rgerhards, 2006-12-07
-static int TCPSend(struct filed *f, char *msg, size_t len)
+static int TCPSend(selector_t *f, char *msg, size_t len)
int retry = 0;
int done = 0;
@@ -2198,13 +1962,13 @@ static int TCPSend(struct filed *f, char *msg, size_t len)
-/* get the syslog forward port from struct filed. The passed in
+/* get the syslog forward port from selector_t. The passed in
* struct must be one that is setup for forwarding.
* rgerhards, 2007-06-28
* TODO: We may change the implementation to try to lookup the port
* if it is unspecified. So far, we use the IANA default auf 514.
-static char *getFwdSyslogPt(struct filed *f)
+static char *getFwdSyslogPt(selector_t *f)
assert(f != NULL);
if(f->f_un.f_forw.port == NULL)
@@ -4802,7 +4566,7 @@ static void logmsgInternal(int pri, char * msg, char* from, int flags)
* a very lengthe function, I thought a separate function is more appropriate.
* 2005-09-19 rgerhards
-int shouldProcessThisMessage(struct filed *f, struct msg *pMsg)
+int shouldProcessThisMessage(selector_t *f, struct msg *pMsg)
unsigned short pbMustBeFreed;
char *pszPropVal;
@@ -4920,7 +4684,7 @@ int shouldProcessThisMessage(struct filed *f, struct msg *pMsg)
static void processMsg(struct msg *pMsg)
- struct filed *f;
+ selector_t *f;
assert(pMsg != NULL);
@@ -5827,7 +5591,7 @@ void doSQLEscape(char **pp, size_t *pLen, unsigned short *pbMustBeFreed, int esc
* string if it succeeded, or NULL otherwise.
* rgerhards 2004-11-22
-char *iovAsString(struct filed *f)
+char *iovAsString(selector_t *f)
struct iovec *v;
int i;
@@ -5880,7 +5644,7 @@ char *iovAsString(struct filed *f)
* string array is invalid and must either be totally
* discarded or e-initialized!
-void iovDeleteFreeableStrings(struct filed *f)
+void iovDeleteFreeableStrings(selector_t *f)
register int i;
@@ -5902,7 +5666,7 @@ void iovDeleteFreeableStrings(struct filed *f)
* of iovecs used (might be different from max if the
* template contains an invalid entry).
-void iovCreate(struct filed *f)
+void iovCreate(selector_t *f)
register struct iovec *v;
int iIOVused;
@@ -6066,7 +5830,7 @@ static uchar *tplToString(struct template *pTpl, struct msg *pMsg)
* returns 0 if ok, 1 otherwise
* TODO: consider moving the initial check in here, too
-int resolveFileSizeLimit(struct filed *f)
+int resolveFileSizeLimit(selector_t *f)
off_t actualFileSize;
assert(f != NULL);
@@ -6129,7 +5893,7 @@ static void dynaFileDelCacheEntry(dynaFileCacheEntry **pCache, int iEntry, int b
/* This function frees the dynamic file name cache.
-static void dynaFileFreeCache(struct filed *f)
+static void dynaFileFreeCache(selector_t *f)
register int i;
assert(f != NULL);
@@ -6150,7 +5914,7 @@ static void dynaFileFreeCache(struct filed *f)
* be written.
* This is a helper to writeFile(). rgerhards, 2007-07-03
-static int prepareDynFile(struct filed *f)
+static int prepareDynFile(selector_t *f)
uchar *newFileName;
time_t ttOldest; /* timestamp of oldest element */
@@ -6262,7 +6026,7 @@ static int prepareDynFile(struct filed *f)
* will be called for all outputs using file semantics,
* for example also for pipes.
-void writeFile(struct filed *f)
+void writeFile(selector_t *f)
off_t actualFileSize;
@@ -6360,7 +6124,7 @@ again:
* This whole function is probably about to change once we have the
* message abstraction.
-void fprintlog(register struct filed *f)
+void fprintlog(register selector_t *f)
char *psz; /* for shell support */
int esize; /* for shell support */
@@ -6737,7 +6501,7 @@ void endutent(void)
* Adjust the size of a variable to prevent a buffer overflow
* should _PATH_DEV ever contain something different than "/dev/".
-static void wallmsg(register struct filed *f)
+static void wallmsg(register selector_t *f)
char p[sizeof(_PATH_DEV) + UNAMESZ];
@@ -6938,7 +6702,7 @@ static char *cvthname(struct sockaddr_storage *f)
static void domark(void)
- register struct filed *f;
+ register selector_t *f;
if (MarkInterval > 0) {
now = time(0);
@@ -7057,7 +6821,7 @@ static void doDie(int sig)
static void die(int sig)
- register struct filed *f;
+ register selector_t *f;
char buf[256];
int i;
int was_initialized = Initialized;
@@ -7309,7 +7073,7 @@ static void doDynaFileCacheSizeLine(uchar **pp, enum eDirective eDir)
* into the global variable so that the rest of rsyslogd
* opens files with that mode. Any previous value will be
* overwritten.
- * HINT: if we store the creation mode in struct filed, we
+ * HINT: if we store the creation mode in selector_t, we
* can even specify multiple modes simply be virtue of
* being placed in the right section of rsyslog.conf
* rgerhards, 2007-07-4 (happy independence day to my US friends!)
@@ -7493,8 +7257,8 @@ static void init()
register int i;
register FILE *cf;
- register struct filed *f;
- register struct filed *nextp;
+ register selector_t *f;
+ register selector_t *nextp;
register char *p;
register unsigned int Forwarding = 0;
#ifdef CONT_LINE
@@ -7546,7 +7310,7 @@ static void init()
dprintf("Called init.\n");
Initialized = 0;
if(Files != NULL) {
- struct filed *fPrev;
+ selector_t *fPrev;
dprintf("Initializing log structures.\n");
f = Files;
@@ -7615,12 +7379,12 @@ static void init()
* very clever... So we stick with what we have.
dprintf("cannot open %s (%s).\n", ConfFile, strerror(errno));
- nextp = (struct filed *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct filed));
+ nextp = (selector_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(selector_t));
Files = nextp; /* set the root! */
cfline("*.ERR\t" _PATH_CONSOLE, nextp);
- nextp->f_next = (struct filed *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct filed));
+ nextp->f_next = (selector_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(selector_t));
cfline("*.PANIC\t*", nextp->f_next);
- nextp->f_next = (struct filed *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct filed));
+ nextp->f_next = (selector_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(selector_t));
snprintf(cbuf,sizeof(cbuf), "*.*\t%s", ttyname(0));
cfline(cbuf, nextp->f_next);
Initialized = 1;
@@ -7667,7 +7431,7 @@ static void init()
*++p = '\0';
/* allocate next entry and add it */
- f = (struct filed *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct filed));
+ f = (selector_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(selector_t));
/* TODO: check for NULL pointer (this is a general issue in this code...)! */
if(nextp == NULL) {
Files = f;
@@ -7857,7 +7621,7 @@ static void init()
* to a filed entry and allocates memory for its iovec.
* rgerhards 2004-11-19
-static void cflineSetTemplateAndIOV(struct filed *f, char *pTemplateName)
+static void cflineSetTemplateAndIOV(selector_t *f, char *pTemplateName)
char errMsg[512];
@@ -7902,7 +7666,7 @@ static void cflineSetTemplateAndIOV(struct filed *f, char *pTemplateName)
* to be \0 in this case.
* rgerhards 2004-11-19
-static void cflineParseTemplateName(struct filed *f, uchar** pp,
+static void cflineParseTemplateName(selector_t *f, uchar** pp,
register char* pTemplateName, int iLenTemplate)
register uchar *p;
@@ -7934,7 +7698,7 @@ static void cflineParseTemplateName(struct filed *f, uchar** pp,
* filed struct.
* rgerhards 2004-11-18
-static void cflineParseFileName(struct filed *f, uchar* p)
+static void cflineParseFileName(selector_t *f, uchar* p)
register char *pName;
int i;
@@ -7983,7 +7747,7 @@ static void cflineParseFileName(struct filed *f, uchar* p)
* removed.
* rgerhards 2005-06-21
-static void cflineParseOutchannel(struct filed *f, uchar* p)
+static void cflineParseOutchannel(selector_t *f, uchar* p)
int i;
struct outchannel *pOch;
@@ -8068,7 +7832,7 @@ static void cflineParseOutchannel(struct filed *f, uchar* p)
* passed back to the caller.
* rgerhards 2005-09-15
-static rsRetVal cflineProcessTradPRIFilter(uchar **pline, register struct filed *f)
+static rsRetVal cflineProcessTradPRIFilter(uchar **pline, register selector_t *f)
uchar *p;
register uchar *q;
@@ -8233,7 +7997,7 @@ static rsRetVal cflineProcessTradPRIFilter(uchar **pline, register struct filed
* of the action part. A pointer to that beginnig is passed back to the caller.
* rgerhards 2005-09-15
-static rsRetVal cflineProcessPropFilter(uchar **pline, register struct filed *f)
+static rsRetVal cflineProcessPropFilter(uchar **pline, register selector_t *f)
rsParsObj *pPars;
rsCStrObj *pCSCompOp;
@@ -8329,7 +8093,7 @@ static rsRetVal cflineProcessPropFilter(uchar **pline, register struct filed *f)
* from the config file ("+/-hostname"). It stores it for further reference.
* rgerhards 2005-10-19
-static rsRetVal cflineProcessHostSelector(uchar **pline, register struct filed *f)
+static rsRetVal cflineProcessHostSelector(uchar **pline, register selector_t *f)
rsRetVal iRet;
@@ -8382,7 +8146,7 @@ static rsRetVal cflineProcessHostSelector(uchar **pline, register struct filed *
* from the config file ("!tagname"). It stores it for further reference.
* rgerhards 2005-10-18
-static rsRetVal cflineProcessTagSelector(uchar **pline, register struct filed *f)
+static rsRetVal cflineProcessTagSelector(uchar **pline, register selector_t *f)
rsRetVal iRet;
@@ -8434,7 +8198,7 @@ static rsRetVal cflineProcessTagSelector(uchar **pline, register struct filed *f
* Eventually, we can overcome this limitation by prefixing the actual action indicator
* (e.g. "/file..") by something (e.g. "$/file..") - but for now, we just modify it...
-static rsRetVal cfline(char *line, register struct filed *f)
+static rsRetVal cfline(char *line, register selector_t *f)
uchar *p;
register uchar *q;
@@ -8998,7 +8762,7 @@ void sighup_handler()
* MySQL connection.
* Initially added 2004-10-28 mmeckelein
-static void initMySQL(register struct filed *f)
+static void initMySQL(register selector_t *f)
int iCounter = 0;
assert(f != NULL);
@@ -9036,7 +8800,7 @@ static void initMySQL(register struct filed *f)
* MySQL connection.
* Initially added 2004-10-28
-static void closeMySQL(register struct filed *f)
+static void closeMySQL(register selector_t *f)
assert(f != NULL);
dprintf("in closeMySQL\n");
@@ -9048,7 +8812,7 @@ static void closeMySQL(register struct filed *f)
* Reconnect a MySQL connection.
* Initially added 2004-12-02
-static void reInitMySQL(register struct filed *f)
+static void reInitMySQL(register selector_t *f)
assert(f != NULL);
@@ -9062,7 +8826,7 @@ static void reInitMySQL(register struct filed *f)
* to an established MySQL session.
* Initially added 2004-10-28
-static void writeMySQL(register struct filed *f)
+static void writeMySQL(register selector_t *f)
char *psz;
int iCounter=0;
@@ -9104,7 +8868,7 @@ static void writeMySQL(register struct filed *f)
* We now check if we have a valid MySQL handle. If not, we simply
* report an error, but can not be specific. RGerhards, 2007-01-30
-static void DBErrorHandler(register struct filed *f)
+static void DBErrorHandler(register selector_t *f)
char errMsg[512];
@@ -9157,7 +8921,7 @@ static void DBErrorHandler(register struct filed *f)
* \ret int Returns 0 if successful (no error)
-int checkDBErrorState(register struct filed *f)
+int checkDBErrorState(register selector_t *f)
assert(f != NULL);
/* dprintf("in checkDBErrorState, timeResumeOnError: %d\n", f->f_timeResumeOnError); */
@@ -9294,7 +9058,7 @@ static void mainloop(void)
int i;
fd_set writefds;
- struct filed *f;
+ selector_t *f;
# ifndef TESTING
struct sockaddr_storage frominet;
socklen_t socklen;