formNature Name: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varName Name of the nature Name of the nature Name of the nature true Stats 0 0 Stat multiplier for creatures with the nature Stat multiplier for creatures with the nature Stat multiplier for creatures with the nature QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection Stat multiplier for creatures with the nature Stat multiplier for creatures with the nature Stat multiplier for creatures with the nature Sigmodr::CoreWidgets::FractionWidget::AnyButZero Weight: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varWeight Weighting for the nature Weighting for the nature Weighting for the nature 1 Qt::Vertical 0 1 KIntNumInput QWidget
KLineEdit QLineEdit
Sigmodr::CoreWidgets::FractionWidget QWidget
varName varStat varStatMultiplier varWeight