formMapTrainerTeamMember Species: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varSpecies Species of the team member Species of the team member Species of the team member Level: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varLevel 0 0 Level of the team member Level of the team member Level of the team member 1 Abilities Abilities the team member has Abilities the team member has Abilities the team member has false Items Items the team member is holding Items the team member is holding Items the team member is holding false Item count: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varItemCount 0 0 How many of the item the creature is holding How many of the item the creature is holding How many of the item the creature is holding 1 Moves Moves the team member has Moves the team member has Moves the team member has false Natures Natures the team member has Natures the team member has Natures the team member has false KActionSelector QWidget
KComboBox QComboBox
KIntNumInput QWidget
varSpecies varLevel varAbilities varItems varItemCount varMoves varNatures