formBadge Name: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varName The name of the badge The name of the badge The name of the badge true Obey Level: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varObey The maximum level team members can be and always obey the player The maximum level team members can be and always obey the player The maximum level team members can be and always obey the player 0 Face sprite: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varFace The sprite used before the badge is obtained The sprite used before the badge is obtained The sprite used before the badge is obtained Badge sprite: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varBadge The sprite used after the badge is obtained The sprite used after the badge is obtained The sprite used after the badge is obtained Stats 0 0 Stat multiplier for local battles when the badge is obtained Stat multiplier for local battles when the badge is obtained Stat multiplier for local battles when the badge is obtained QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection Stat multiplier for the stat Stat multiplier for the stat Stat multiplier for the stat Sigmodr::CoreWidgets::FractionWidget::Improper Qt::Vertical 0 1 KComboBox QComboBox
KIntNumInput QWidget
KLineEdit QLineEdit
Sigmodr::CoreWidgets::FractionWidget QWidget
varName varObey varFace varBadge varStat varStatMultiplier