formAbility Name: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varName Name of the ability Name of the ability Name of the ability true Priority: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varPriority The priority of the ability (lower goes first) The priority of the ability (lower goes first) The priority of the ability (lower goes first) Description: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter varDescription A small description of the ability A small description of the ability A small description of the ability true Battle Script The script used for the ability in the battle The script used for the ability in the battle The script used for the ability in the battle World Script The script used for the ability on the world map The script used for the ability on the world map The script used for the ability on the world map Priority Script The script used to determine if the ability should modify its priority depending on the environment The script used to determine if the ability should modify its priority depending on the environment The script used to determine if the ability should modify its priority depending on the environment KIntNumInput QWidget
KLineEdit QLineEdit
Sigmodr::CoreWidgets::ScriptWidget QWidget
varName varPriority varDescription varBattleScript varWorldScript varPriorityScript