/* * Copyright 2007-2009 Ben Boeckel * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ // Header include #include "Rules.h" // Sigmod includes #include "Macros.h" #include "Sigmod.h" const QStringList Sigmod::Rules::DVStr = QStringList() << "16" << "32"; Sigmod::Rules::Rules(const Rules& rules) : Object(rules.parent(), 0) { *this = rules; } Sigmod::Rules::Rules(const Sigmod* parent) : Object(parent, 0), m_genderAllowed(false), m_breedingAllowed(false), m_criticalDomains(false), m_useATB(false), m_numBoxes(0), m_boxSize(1), m_maxParty(1), m_maxFight(1), m_maxPlayers(2), m_maxHeldItems(0), m_maxAbilities(0), m_maxNatures(0), m_maxMoves(1), m_maxLevel(1), m_maxStages(6), m_maxMoney(0), m_maxTotalWeight(0), m_allowSwitchStyle(false), m_specialSplit(false), m_specialDVSplit(false), m_effortValuesAllowed(false), m_maxTotalEV(0), m_maxEVPerStat(0) { } Sigmod::Rules::Rules(const Rules& rules, const Sigmod* parent) : Object(parent, 0) { *this = rules; } Sigmod::Rules::Rules(const QDomElement& xml, const Sigmod* parent) : Object(parent, 0) { load(xml); } void Sigmod::Rules::validate() { TEST_BEGIN(); TEST(breedingAllowed); TEST(numBoxes); TEST(boxSize); TEST(maxParty); TEST(maxFight); TEST(maxPlayers); TEST(maxHeldItems); TEST(maxAbilities); TEST(maxNatures); TEST(maxMoves); TEST(maxLevel); TEST(maxStages); if (!m_maxMoney) emit(warning("Player cannot carry any money")); else TEST(maxMoney); TEST(maxTotalWeight); if (m_effortValuesAllowed) { TEST(maxEVPerStat); } TEST_END(); } void Sigmod::Rules::load(const QDomElement& xml) { LOAD_BEGIN(); LOAD(genderAllowed); LOAD(breedingAllowed); LOAD(criticalDomains); LOAD(useATB); LOAD(numBoxes); LOAD(boxSize); LOAD(maxParty); LOAD(maxFight); LOAD(maxPlayers); LOAD(maxHeldItems); LOAD(maxAbilities); LOAD(maxNatures); LOAD(maxMoves); LOAD(maxLevel); LOAD(maxStages); LOAD(maxMoney); LOAD(maxTotalWeight); LOAD(allowSwitchStyle); LOAD(specialSplit); LOAD(specialDVSplit); LOAD(effortValuesAllowed); LOAD(maxTotalEV); LOAD(maxEVPerStat); } QDomElement Sigmod::Rules::save() const { QDomElement xml = QDomDocument().createElement(className()); SAVE(genderAllowed); SAVE(breedingAllowed); SAVE(criticalDomains); SAVE(useATB); SAVE(numBoxes); SAVE(boxSize); SAVE(maxParty); SAVE(maxFight); SAVE(maxPlayers); SAVE(maxHeldItems); SAVE(maxAbilities); SAVE(maxNatures); SAVE(maxMoves); SAVE(maxLevel); SAVE(maxStages); SAVE(maxMoney); SAVE(maxTotalWeight); SAVE(allowSwitchStyle); SAVE(specialSplit); SAVE(specialDVSplit); SAVE(effortValuesAllowed); SAVE(maxTotalEV); SAVE(maxEVPerStat); return xml; } SETTER(Rules, bool, GenderAllowed, genderAllowed) SETTER(Rules, bool, BreedingAllowed, breedingAllowed) SETTER(Rules, bool, CriticalDomains, criticalDomains) SETTER(Rules, bool, UseATB, useATB) SETTER(Rules, int, NumBoxes, numBoxes) SETTER(Rules, int, BoxSize, boxSize) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxParty, maxParty) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxFight, maxFight) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxPlayers, maxPlayers) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxHeldItems, maxHeldItems) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxAbilities, maxAbilities) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxNatures, maxNatures) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxMoves, maxMoves) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxLevel, maxLevel) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxStages, maxStages) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxMoney, maxMoney) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxTotalWeight, maxTotalWeight) SETTER(Rules, bool, AllowSwitchStyle, allowSwitchStyle) SETTER(Rules, bool, SpecialSplit, specialSplit) SETTER(Rules, bool, SpecialDVSplit, specialDVSplit) SETTER(Rules, bool, EffortValuesAllowed, effortValuesAllowed) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxTotalEV, maxTotalEV) SETTER(Rules, int, MaxEVPerStat, maxEVPerStat) GETTER(Rules, bool, genderAllowed) GETTER(Rules, bool, breedingAllowed) GETTER(Rules, bool, criticalDomains) GETTER(Rules, bool, useATB) GETTER(Rules, int, numBoxes) GETTER(Rules, int, boxSize) GETTER(Rules, int, maxParty) GETTER(Rules, int, maxFight) GETTER(Rules, int, maxPlayers) GETTER(Rules, int, maxHeldItems) GETTER(Rules, int, maxAbilities) GETTER(Rules, int, maxNatures) GETTER(Rules, int, maxMoves) GETTER(Rules, int, maxLevel) GETTER(Rules, int, maxStages) GETTER(Rules, int, maxMoney) GETTER(Rules, int, maxTotalWeight) GETTER(Rules, bool, allowSwitchStyle) GETTER(Rules, bool, specialSplit) GETTER(Rules, bool, specialDVSplit) GETTER(Rules, bool, effortValuesAllowed) GETTER(Rules, int, maxTotalEV) GETTER(Rules, int, maxEVPerStat) CHECK(Rules, bool, genderAllowed) CHECK_BEGIN(Rules, bool, breedingAllowed) if (!m_genderAllowed && breedingAllowed) { ERROR("Cannot breed when genders are not allowed"); return false; } CHECK_END() CHECK(Rules, bool, criticalDomains) CHECK(Rules, bool, useATB) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, numBoxes, 0, INT_MAX) CHECK_BEGIN(Rules, int, boxSize) if (m_numBoxes) TBOUNDS(boxSize, 1, INT_MAX); CHECK_END() CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxParty, 1, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxFight, 1, m_maxParty) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxPlayers, 2, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxHeldItems, 0, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxAbilities, 0, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxNatures, 0, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxMoves, 1, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxLevel, 1, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxStages, 0, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxMoney, 0, INT_MAX) CHECK_BOUNDS(Rules, int, maxTotalWeight, -1, INT_MAX) CHECK(Rules, bool, allowSwitchStyle) CHECK(Rules, bool, specialSplit) CHECK_BEGIN(Rules, bool, specialDVSplit) if (!m_specialSplit && specialDVSplit) { ERROR("Cannot split special DV when special is not split"); return false; } CHECK_END() CHECK(Rules, bool, effortValuesAllowed) CHECK_BEGIN(Rules, int, maxTotalEV) if (m_effortValuesAllowed) TBOUNDS(maxTotalEV, 0, INT_MAX); CHECK_END() CHECK_BEGIN(Rules, int, maxEVPerStat) if (m_effortValuesAllowed && m_maxTotalEV) TBOUNDS(maxEVPerStat, 0, m_maxTotalEV); CHECK_END() Sigmod::Rules& Sigmod::Rules::operator=(const Rules& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; COPY(genderAllowed); COPY(breedingAllowed); COPY(criticalDomains); COPY(useATB); COPY(numBoxes); COPY(boxSize); COPY(maxParty); COPY(maxFight); COPY(maxPlayers); COPY(maxHeldItems); COPY(maxAbilities); COPY(maxNatures); COPY(maxMoves); COPY(maxLevel); COPY(maxStages); COPY(maxMoney); COPY(maxTotalWeight); COPY(allowSwitchStyle); COPY(specialSplit); COPY(specialDVSplit); COPY(effortValuesAllowed); COPY(maxTotalEV); COPY(maxEVPerStat); return *this; }