\documentclass[10pt]{article} \title{Pok\'eGen v0.0.1} \author{Ben Boeckel} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{colorlinks=true} \usepackage[hmargin=1in,vmargin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{listings} \begin{document} \lstset{basicstyle=\small,stringstyle=\ttfamily} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Building and installation} \lstset{language=Bash} \subsection{Linux} \subsubsection{Build} The following dependencies are required: \begin{itemize} \item Qt4 development packages \item KDE4 library development packages \item \LaTeX$ $ environment with \texttt{hyperref}, \texttt{geometry}, and \texttt{listings} \end{itemize} The packages should be available through your distribution's package management. To build Pok\'eGen: \begin{lstlisting} $ qmake # or qmake-qt4 if qmake refers to the Qt3 qmake $ make \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{Install} To install Pok\'eGen to the default directories (\texttt{/usr/bin} and \texttt{/usr/lib}): \begin{lstlisting} $ make install \end{lstlisting} To build an RPM package: \begin{lstlisting} $ make rpm \end{lstlisting} Debian packages are not yet supported, but are planned. \subsection{Windows} \subsubsection{Build} The KDE4 Windows installer is an easy way to install the Qt and KDE dependencies. It can be found at \href{http://download.cegit.de/kde-windows/installer/kdewin-installer-gui-latest.exe}{this direct link}. When installing, make sure that development install mode is chosen. Choose MinGW as the compiler. MSVC is as of yet untested. The following required packages are required (they will pull in other packages): \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{kdelibs-mingw} \item \texttt{gcc-mingw} \end{itemize} After that, the PATH environment variable may need to be updated to include the following (replace \texttt{C:$\backslash$kde4} and \texttt{C:$\backslash$MinGW} with the directories you installed them to): \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{C:$\backslash$kde4$\backslash$bin} \item \texttt{C:$\backslash$MinGW$\backslash$bin} \end{itemize} To build Pok\'Gen from there: \begin{lstlisting} > qmake > mingw32-make \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{Install} To install Pok\'eGen to the default directory (\texttt{C:$\backslash$Program Files$\backslash$PokeGen}): \begin{lstlisting} > mingw32-make install \end{lstlisting} To build the installer, you will need NSIS. It can be found on \href{http://nsis.sourceforge.net}{their website}. You will also need \texttt{pdflatex} to make this documentation. MiKTeX can be found on \href{http://miktex.org}{their website}. After adding NSIS and \texttt{pdflatex} to the PATH, the following will create the NSIS installer: \begin{lstlisting} > mingw32-make nsis-installer \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Windows on Linux} \subsubsection{Build} Pok\'eGen can be built for Windows on Linux using MinGW-cross. The following packages are required: \begin{itemize} \item WINE (for the KDE4) \item Qt4 development packages \item \LaTeX environment with \texttt{hyperref}, \texttt{geometry}, and \texttt{listings} \item MinGW-cross (available \href{http://mingw-cross.sourceforge.net}{here}) \item NSIS (only if you want to build the installer; packages can be found on \href{http://repo.calcforge.org}{CalcForge.org}) \end{itemize} You will also need the mkspec for Qt4 to create the \texttt{Makefile}. They can be found in \texttt{src/win32-cross-g++}. The KDE4 Windows installer is an easy way to install the Qt and KDE dependencies. It can be found at \href{http://download.cegit.de/kde-windows/installer/kdewin-installer-gui-latest.exe}{this direct link}. When installing, make sure that development install mode is chosen. Choose MinGW as the compiler. The following required packages are required (they will pull in other packages): \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{kdelibs-mingw} \end{itemize} After that, the PATH environment variable may need to be updated to include the following (replace \texttt{c:$\backslash$kde4} and \texttt{c:$\backslash$MinGW} with the directories you installed them to): \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{c:$\backslash$kde4$\backslash$bin} \item \texttt{c:$\backslash$MinGW$\backslash$bin} \item \texttt{.} \end{itemize} To build Pok\'eGen: \begin{lstlisting} $ source cross-mingw-pokegen.sh # this file assumes ~/.wine/c/kde4 for KDE4 Windows $ qmake -win32 # or qmake-qt4 if qmake refers to the Qt3 qmake $ make \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{Install} Installing is not supported this way, but the NSIS installer can be built with: \begin{lstlisting} $ make nsis-installer \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Mac} Mac building is not yet supported, but is planned. \newpage \section{Pok\'eModr} \end{document}