----------------- Rev: 272 Date: 6 October 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Started documenting Sigmod [FIX] A few minor bugs ----------------- Rev: 271 Date: 5 October 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added single player option to Sigmod [FIX] Doxygen generation cleaned up [FIX] Can no longer override variables in the Sigmod if not a single player game [FIX] When checking for modified move priority, blean up afterwards ----------------- Rev: 270 Date: 27 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Doxygen generation tools for CMake ----------------- Rev: 269 Date: 27 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Arena is better defined ----------------- Rev: 268 Date: 26 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] When refreshing the widgets, they no longer disrupt the data ----------------- Rev: 267 Date: 25 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Removed *_End defines [FIX] Added weights to items and associated fields [FIX] Option for pausing during ATB battles when choosing moves added ----------------- Rev: 266 Date: 23 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some things that Krazy complained about ----------------- Rev: 265 Date: 16 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Refactored out some code to ObjectModel [FIX] Drag and drop now accepts URLs [FIX] The main window can now accept drops ----------------- Rev: 264 Date: 15 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Copy and pasting in the tree works better now [FIX] Drag and dropped touched up ----------------- Rev: 263 Date: 15 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Include guard stripped of "__" [FIX] KDE includes put before Qt includes ----------------- Rev: 262 Date: 13 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Updated spec file ----------------- Rev: 261 Date: 13 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Sigmod description field fixed [FIX] Fixed a bug with the Validation dialog being called twice with the same editor widget ----------------- Rev: 260 Date: 13 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Changed the way LaTeX files are compiled to be more flexible ----------------- Rev: 259 Date: 10 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added qmake back for Windows builds [ADD] Added NSIS script for Windows installer ----------------- Rev: 258 Date: 9 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Players now have money [FIX] Some more things added to Arena stuff [FIX] Can now delete objects in the tree in Sigmodr [FIX] Setting Sigmods as dirty is better now ----------------- Rev: 257 Date: 8 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Spec file fixes ----------------- Rev: 256 Date: 8 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Spec file fixes ----------------- Rev: 255 Date: 7 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Preferences are synced to disk on apply ----------------- Rev: 254 Date: 7 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some install stuff in the CMakeLists.txt [FIX] Fixed up spec file ----------------- Rev: 253 Date: 7 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added a static poll method to Fraction [FIX] More Arena stuff fleshed out [FIX] Added priority scripts to Ability and Move [FIX] A SigmodWrapper pointer is now passed around the containments [FIX] Config now has templated methods for retrieving values ----------------- Rev: 252 Date: 6 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Spelling mistake in sigscript classes [FIX] Fixed a bug in the Growth enum in Species [FIX] Arena functionality is getting there ----------------- Rev: 251 Date: 6 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some things in the ATBTimer [FIX] Fleshed out some methods ----------------- Rev: 250 Date: 5 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Renamed everything (in use) away from Poké- prefixes ----------------- Rev: 249 Date: 5 September 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Moving stuff for the move to the new name, Sigma Game Engine (sigen for short) ----------------- Rev: 248 Date: 28 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Changed the providers URL to a better structure [FIX] Arenas can now count how many players are still active [FIX] long long is now used for experience [FIX] Scripts initialized now ----------------- Rev: 247 Date: 27 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added KNewStuff2 for Pokémod upload and download [FIX] ValidationDialog can be used piecemeal now [ADD] Added KNewStuff configuration file [FIX] pokemodr-devel now includes the UI forms for use as well ----------------- Rev: 246 Date: 27 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed method in SoundWrapper to be more accurate [FIX] QImage is now used internally instead of QPixmap [FIX] Template specialization moved to header file for Object (makes MinGW happy) ----------------- Rev: 245 Date: 26 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Enumerations now have access from scripts (name->value) ----------------- Rev: 244 Date: 26 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some minor typos [FIX] Abstracted validation out to ValidationDialog [FIX] Added stat and Direction getters for Pokemod ----------------- Rev: 243 Date: 21 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Reworked some inheritence in Pokebattle [FIX] Classes can now be returned in QVariants ----------------- Rev: 242 Date: 21 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Cleaned up some TODO tags (fine tuning) [FIX] Now using QUuid for unique action names in Kross ----------------- Rev: 241 Date: 18 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] TeamMember now allows shadowing of values [FIX] TeamMember no longer uses pokemod internally (all is accessed through wrappers) [FIX] Status now has the script split between Battle and World [FIX] Script classes now able to be passed via QVariant ----------------- Rev: 240 Date: 18 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some unused linkings in pokescripting ----------------- Rev: 239 Date: 18 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Script to make a tarball now defaults to HEAD for the revision [FIX] Enumeration types used to help remove some checks [FIX] Macro code moved to static members of Object (not all though) [FIX] Scripting wrappers now share information by keeping track of already-created instances of the wrapper [FIX] Scripting methods are now Q_SCRIPTABLE and not slots ----------------- Rev: 238 Date: 5 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] ScriptWidget editing now works a lot better [FIX] Kate settings saved [FIX] Assertions within TeamMember removed [FIX] Arenas inherit from Config now ----------------- Rev: 237 Date: 5 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] List members of pokemod classes now can be returned in their entirety [FIX] Reworked pokescripting for ease of use [FIX] Now (selected) pokemod values can be overridden in pokescripting ----------------- Rev: 236 Date: 4 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] SoundUI widget has a better layout [FIX] Sound playback works in SoundUI [FIX] SoundWrapper returns a Phonon object for playback in scripts now [FIX] Wrapper classes now won't be duplicated (persistent storage is possible now) [FIX] Linking to libraries is fixed for RPM [FIX] Pokemod Macros.h is hidden if not compiling pokemod [FIX] make-tarball script is simpler now (and works as upstream, not local copy) [FIX] Cleaned up spec file per review request for Fedora ----------------- Rev: 235 Date: 4 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Move no longer uses the overworld flag (will just check to see if the worldScript is empty) [FIX] TeamMember now inherits from Config [FIX] Wrapper now inherit from Config ----------------- Rev: 234 Date: 4 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] TypechartModel now shows background colors depending on what the multiplier is [FIX] Typechart is updated when changes are discarded [FIX] Removed Doxygen comments again (still not sure what I want to do for docs yet...) [FIX] Typechart doesn't set it as dirty when a new cell is selected to edit ----------------- Rev: 233 Date: 3 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Cleaned up the RC file [FIX] Script editing is getting there (still a little weird...) [FIX] Cleaned up the main file a bit [FIX] Added the Skin class [FIX] All sprites and skins are internally linked now [FIX] No more image restraints (tiles are still enforced so that map editing works) [FIX] Cleaned up checking for valid values when setting in pokemod [FIX] Removed FileDialog files ----------------- Rev: 232 Date: 2 August 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added XMLGUI file for pokemodr [FIX] Pokemodr is now a KXmlGuiWindow (working on KatePart fixes) [FIX] Started Doxygen stuff [FIX] Object names of Pokemod classes are now determined using metaObject [FIX] Updated to use KDE 4.1 ----------------- Rev: 231 Date: 27 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added a depth variable to Trainer [FIX] Fixed the Apply/Discard buttons [FIX] Added code to Config in Pokescripting [FIX] Memory leak with MapModel [FIX] FractionWidget was using uninitialized variables (behavior) [FIX] Connection in FileDialog fixed [FIX] Caption is now used for FileDialog [FIX] Main window now uses the KDE standard captioning [FIX] Script connection fixed ----------------- Rev: 230 Date: 26 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed an infinite loop in Fraction::reduce [FIX] FractionWidget's behavior is now an enum [FIX] Fixed up some stuff in KAboutData for pokemodr [FIX] ScriptWidget value is set at construction now [DEL] Removed Pokemodr.h (nothing useful) ----------------- Rev: 229 Date: 26 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fraction won't reduce whenever possible [FIX] ScriptWidget updates cleaner now [FIX] Player is now a Containment (Team is for storing the data; Player is an interface for battling) [FIX] QtConcurrent framework used to parallelize ATB timer and requesting actions [FIX] ActionQueue now uses a QMutexLocker (slimmer code) [FIX] Various fixes with arenas [ADD] pokebattle/Player.cpp ----------------- Rev: 228 Date: 20 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Slimmed up main() for pokemodr [FIX] Cleaned up initializing TeamMember [FIX] Hat fixed up [ADD] Added ActionQueue (thread-safe QQueue) [FIX] Arena classes fleshed out a bit [ADD] ATBTimer class added to mediate the ATB counters ----------------- Rev: 227 Date: 20 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added pokescripting to the spec file [FIX] Added status tips and whats this tags to widgets in pokemodr [FIX] Removed the list sprite for the species [FIX] No more nidoran group needed (scripts should take care of it) [FIX] Height no longer broken between feet and inches [FIX] Fixed a bug in the TeamMember stat generation [FIX] No more global skins; should be scripted [FIX] Missed some COPY() macros ----------------- Rev: 226 Date: 11 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Actually added the Wrapper classes (again :( ) ----------------- Rev: 225 Date: 11 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Actually added the Wrapper classes ----------------- Rev: 224 Date: 11 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Separated battle and world scripts for abilities and moves [ADD] pokescripting library to allow scripts to use Pokemod information [FIX] Cleaned up examples in documentation ----------------- Rev: 223 Date: 4 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] KMenu* can now be put into a QVariant [FIX] ScriptWidget now uses a more explicit choice (real name rather than internal name) [FIX] KateView shortcuts dont collide (but don't work either) [FIX] Hat and Matrix no longer inlined all the time [FIX] Building out of source now works ----------------- Rev: 222 Date: 1 July 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixes to Nature [FIX] Added AI levels to Trainer [FIX] Happiness and Pokérus no longer needed (scripts should handle them) [FIX] Rules widget dropped the tabs to fix the KIntNumInputs ----------------- Rev: 221 Date: 30 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] More rpmlint warnings fixed ----------------- Rev: 220 Date: 30 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] spec fixed up ----------------- Rev: 219 Date: 29 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Corrected a signal connection in ScriptWidget ----------------- Rev: 218 Date: 29 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Using qobject_cast now where possible [FIX] ScriptWidget now uses KTextEditor (highlighting) ----------------- Rev: 217 Date: 29 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Replaced Point with QPoint (less duplicate code) [FIX] Fraction and Point widgets are more compact [FIX] Fleshed out more of the TeamMember [FIX] Map tilemap editor now expands to fill all available area [FIX] Added priority values to abilities and moves [FIX] Added option for ATB-like battle rounds ----------------- Rev: 216 Date: 28 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Macros fixed and ID can't be set outside of constructors [FIX] Map flyWarp no longer raises and error by default ----------------- Rev: 215 Date: 22 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] cmake fixes [FIX] spec fixes ----------------- Rev: 214 Date: 21 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] pokemodr SVN flag corrected [FIX] RPM build fixed [FIX] Changelog fixed up [FIX] TilemapModel more correct ----------------- Rev: 213 Date: 20 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Using cmake now (still is rough) [FIX] Some SVN flags were incorrect [FIX] Qt includes now use the module path as well [FIX] Models now have drag/drop actions methods as const [FIX] Library classes now exported [FIX] qmake files removed ----------------- Rev: 212 Date: 18 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Validation works in Pokémodr [FIX] Macros moved to their own file [FIX] Macros for subclasses added [FIX] Key shortcuts added to context menu items [FIX] Rules had a redundant field ----------------- Rev: 211 Date: 17 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Minor spelling errors in widgets [FIX] Setting the Pokemod as dirty happens only when something happens [FIX] Toolbar cleaned up ----------------- Rev: 210 Date: 17 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Updated spec file [FIX] Tarball creator now destroys directory before use ----------------- Rev: 209 Date: 17 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fractions can now be polled for chances [FIX] Added some stuff to TeamMember to be usable [FIX] Arena is no longer static [FIX] Rules no longer needs to know maxDV (depends on whether the special DV is split) [FIX] Hat no longer seeds the RNG; it's the apps job ----------------- Rev: 208 Date: 17 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up some bugs with Hat [ADD] Flashed out some of TeamMember [FIX] Moved some things out of Object.h into a Global.h for pokemod [FIX] Some minor things in pokebattle ----------------- Rev: 207 Date: 9 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some stuff with the Changelog ----------------- Rev: 206 Date: 9 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up some build errors with pokebattle ----------------- Rev: 205 Date: 9 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added some stuff to Pokebattle ----------------- Rev: 204 Date: 9 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added some signals to Arena [FIX] Cleaned up some stuff in other .pro files [FIX] Renamed everywhere to use "Pokémodr" and "Pokégen" ----------------- Rev: 203 Date: 8 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Some crashes in the Models that grab names from other objects [FIX] SLOT names were mangled in Find/Replace mayhem of namespacing ----------------- Rev: 202 Date: 8 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some spec errors with the new version ----------------- Rev: 201 Date: 8 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] All modules now use their own namespace ----------------- Rev: 200 Date: 7 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Cleaned up the build ----------------- Rev: 199 Date: 7 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] TypechartModel fixed up a bit [FIX] pokebattle subdir builds now (lots commented out) [FIX] Headers installed to pokegen-X.Y.Z now ----------------- Rev: 198 Date: 7 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Renamed the pokebattle pro correctly ----------------- Rev: 197 Date: 7 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] UI files now use <> including rather than "" for KDE classes [FIX] Moved battle to pokebattle [FIX] Starting to figure out the battle system ----------------- Rev: 196 Date: 6 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up RPM build process ----------------- Rev: 195 Date: 6 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Lots more .pro code factored out [FIX] -devel package made in the spec file [DEL] Unneeded Script.cpp file deleted ----------------- Rev: 194 Date: 4 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Using a Message Handler so that Q_ASSERT will have a backtrace ----------------- Rev: 193 Date: 4 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Some Model errors with the tree ----------------- Rev: 192 Date: 4 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] URLs now accepted on the command line [FIX] Now remembers splitter position [FIX] Remembers opened files (via options) ----------------- Rev: 191 Date: 3 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Windows build [FIX] Spacers now have size [FIX] ListWidget editing now works (though could use some improvement with flickering) [FIX] KFileDialog now compiles ----------------- Rev: 190 Date: 2 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Some images no longer needed [FIX] Widgets now expand to fill the scrolling area [FIX] Badges now update their stats correctly ----------------- Rev: 189 Date: 1 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] No need to install resources since they are in the application ----------------- Rev: 188 Date: 1 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Modified Rules a bit [FIX] Updated Rules widget to match up with Rules [FIX] Reorganized the Rules widget [FIX] Using KStandardDirs rather than hardcoded ones [FIX] Cleaned up some minor things with KListWidgets ----------------- Rev: 187 Date: 1 June 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Tilemap model now works ----------------- Rev: 186 Date: 28 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up some FractionWidget code [FIX] Got rid of more unneeded enumerations [FIX] MoveUI fixed up a bit ----------------- Rev: 185 Date: 28 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Moves cleaned up ----------------- Rev: 184 Date: 28 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Wild Lists cleaned up ----------------- Rev: 183 Date: 28 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up a minor bug with the typechart ----------------- Rev: 182 Date: 27 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Tiles now have scripts associated with them ----------------- Rev: 181 Date: 27 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up some final Matrix things ----------------- Rev: 180 Date: 27 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Typechart now works [FIX] Matrix fixed up [FIX] Pokemod map widget fixed up [FIX] FractionWidget sets stuff on ctor [FIX] Assertion used in pokemod rather than returning NULL [FIX] Fixed a bad compare in Type ----------------- Rev: 179 Date: 27 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Item widget works better [FIX] FractionWidget value is updated at ctor [FIX] Non-script KTextEdit is now a KLineEdit [FIX] Rules not being set ----------------- Rev: 178 Date: 26 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Status and Weather classes in pokemod instead of hardcoded [FIX] Added a Sprite class to allow for animations and whatnot ----------------- Rev: 177 Date: 26 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] GroupModels will now add an item to itself if pasted to [FIX] Actions are now correctly done ----------------- Rev: 176 Date: 26 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Recent files now works [FIX] Various UI fixes [FIX] Scripts are now escaped correctly in the XML ----------------- Rev: 175 Date: 25 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Got a little too jumpy with the version bump ----------------- Rev: 174 Date: 25 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Context menus added [FIX] No more copy/cut/paste for objects; only available from context menus [FIX] Can now add objects during runtime ----------------- Rev: 173 Date: 25 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] More documentation [FIX] Cleaned out some code from the models [FIX] Matrix should now work a lot better now [FIX] Opening/Saving/Closing PokéMods should be much cleaner now [FIX] currentPokemod code is now in the tree class ----------------- Rev: 172 Date: 24 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] More documentation [ADD] Abilities now hav a description field [FIX] Fixed up a few minor things in pokemodr ----------------- Rev: 171 Date: 24 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added a doc dummy target for pokemodr ----------------- Rev: 170 Date: 23 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up an error in the Typechart headers [FIX] Started some work on pokemodr documentation ----------------- Rev: 169 Date: 23 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added an overworld property to moves ----------------- Rev: 168 Date: 23 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added UI classes for GlobalScript [FIX] Script support is now in pokemodr ----------------- Rev: 167 Date: 23 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [DEL] Cleaned out unneeded files ----------------- Rev: 166 Date: 23 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Scrapped effects and such for scripts (going to use Kross) in pokemod ----------------- Rev: 165 Date: 22 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Dialog commands now use "Species" instead of "Pokemon" [ADD] More Dialog Command widgets ----------------- Rev: 164 Date: 22 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Now using .ui files for command widgets as well [ADD] ui forms for command widgets ----------------- Rev: 163 Date: 22 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] New Dialog widgets [FIX] FlipFlag was misnamed ----------------- Rev: 162 Date: 21 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Closing PokeMods works now ----------------- Rev: 161 Date: 21 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Classes in pokemod will no longer emit a changed signal if not actually changed [FIX] Logic error with checking to see if certain GUI elements need resetting [FIX] Using activated rather than currentIndexChanged signals for combo boxes [FIX] Qt bugs now irrelevant ----------------- Rev: 160 Date: 21 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Some things wrong in the Species widget [FIX] Widgets now center themselves in the viewer ----------------- Rev: 159 Date: 20 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Opening files and saving now works ----------------- Rev: 158 Date: 20 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added a command widget [FIX] More unneeded code in widget ctors removed [FIX] Changed command delimiter to @ from % [FIX] Request to save factored out of ObjectUI ----------------- Rev: 157 Date: 20 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Models cleaned up (each class is now in its own file, parenting not hard-coded, etc.) [FIX] Tree bug fixed! :) ----------------- Rev: 156 Date: 20 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added Dialog widget and preliminary code for the commands [FIX] Factored out some more code from the ctors of the widgets to setObjects ----------------- Rev: 155 Date: 19 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Value 5 added to ItemEffect ----------------- Rev: 154 Date: 19 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] spec file no longer sees general [FIX] Qt bugs worked around [FIX] References to Qt bug added ----------------- Rev: 153 Date: 18 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] general is now merged into pokemod [FIX] Added ItemEffect widget code ----------------- Rev: 152 Date: 18 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Chose bad names for latex.pro, version.pro, and kde4.pro ----------------- Rev: 151 Date: 18 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] ItemEffect widget near completion (value2 setting on the widget needed) [FIX] Cleaned out unneeded customwidget fields in .ui files ----------------- Rev: 150 Date: 18 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [DEL] Desktop file is now in the spec ----------------- Rev: 149 Date: 18 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Refactored some .pro stuff ----------------- Rev: 148 Date: 18 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] RPM now builds successfully [FIX] Documentation will be built correctly ----------------- Rev: 147 Date: 18 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added a skeleton to pokemodr documentation ----------------- Rev: 146 Date: 17 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Minor fixes to the build ----------------- Rev: 145 Date: 17 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Pokemodr overlays are now in overlays, not images/overlays [FIX] Better installing procedures [FIX] Desktop file now valid [FIX] Building now does not touch out of main directory [FIX] Documentation moved around to proper places ----------------- Rev: 144 Date: 17 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up the distsrc target ----------------- Rev: 143 Date: 17 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up the .desktop and .spec files [FIX] Command line arguments are now parsed ----------------- Rev: 142 Date: 16 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] SoundUI uses correct icon names now [FIX] Setting up combo boxes in UI widgets cleaner [ADD] AbilityEffect widget done [FIX] Fixed up MapEffect setting code ----------------- Rev: 141 Date: 16 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] TypeModel done for data() in models [FIX] Another Qt bug found :( [FIX] Better connections for the editor widget ----------------- Rev: 140 Date: 16 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Cleaned up some .pro soup [FIX] Moved Audio to pokegen to keep Phonon out of libgeneral [FIX] Cleaner exclusion for distsrc ----------------- Rev: 139 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Matrix had an infinite loop [FIX] Matrix const-ness on operator== [FIX] Bug in Pokemod::clear() [FIX] Waiting for Qt bug fix for QTextEdit ----------------- Rev: 138 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Refactored out connections made within widgets [FIX] Flag, Fractiona, and Point widgets fixed to only emit signals when actually changed [FIX] Pokemod classes now emit signals ----------------- Rev: 137 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Refactored the apply/discard buttons out of the widgets ----------------- Rev: 136 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added more code for the main window ----------------- Rev: 135 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] More things are coded for the main window ----------------- Rev: 134 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] FractionWidgets now have correct behavior set ----------------- Rev: 133 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] MapEffect widget logic [FIX] Fixed up some other minor problems ----------------- Rev: 132 Date: 15 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] API of FractionWidget and PointWidget [ADD] FlagWidget [FIX] Changed MapEffect, MapTrainer, and MapWarp to use FlagWidget ----------------- Rev: 131 Date: 14 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added the MapTrainer code (forgot to commit) [FIX] Signal and slots in the main window class ----------------- Rev: 130 Date: 14 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed up some of the spec file stuff ----------------- Rev: 129 Date: 14 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] MapTrainerUI logic [FIX] MapTrainer UI now uses the PointWidget [FIX] Unnecessary static_casts removed [FIX] MapTrainer API changed a bit [FIX] PointWidget::setMaximum slot [FIX] spec file now for F9 (qt and kdelibs are now 4, not 3) ----------------- Rev: 128 Date: 13 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Sound UI code [FIX] Using class-named includes for KDE as well now [FIX] Signals fixed for UI classes [FIX] FileDialog now created on heap rather than the stack ----------------- Rev: 127 Date: 12 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added an option for letting the player not choose the switch style of battling [ADD] Types can now be immune to weather effects ----------------- Rev: 126 Date: 12 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added SoundModel classes missed in last commit ----------------- Rev: 125 Date: 12 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added Sound class and related code ----------------- Rev: 124 Date: 11 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] UI widgets now load upon click [FIX] Connections fixed now [ADD] Slots for errors and warnings made [ADD] Subclassed QTreeView for PokemodTree class [FIX] No more crashes on exit ----------------- Rev: 123 Date: 9 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] More test code for the tree bug [FIX] Rules now a pointer in Pokemod ----------------- Rev: 122 Date: 8 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Some invalid indexing in PokemodModel [FIX] Root now makes only 1 Pokemod for now ----------------- Rev: 121 Date: 6 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added Q_OBJECT to pokemod classes [FIX] UI classes fixed to work with new API [FIX] Qmake files fixed ----------------- Rev: 120 Date: 3 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] pokemod now uses signals/slots for errors and warnings ----------------- Rev: 119 Date: 2 May 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Exceptions no longer used in pokemod [DEL] Exception and BugCatcher are no longer needed [ADD] Object.cpp added ----------------- Rev: 118 Date: 30 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added images to pokemodr qmake file ----------------- Rev: 117 Date: 29 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] QStringList needed in some of the pokemod headers [ADD] Rest of the model classes [FIX] Small bugfixes within the models ----------------- Rev: 116 Date: 28 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Organized some more model code [ADD] Added AbilityGroupModel class ----------------- Rev: 115 Date: 28 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Less repetative code in pokemod [FIX] clear is no longer inline ----------------- Rev: 114 Date: 28 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed some qmake options for Windows [FIX] climits needed in Object ----------------- Rev: 113 Date: 28 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] De-inlined some methods [FIX] More mounds checking [FIX] RootModel inherits GroupModel [FIX] Tree displays correctly (though segfaults on some expansion) [FIX] Some more header cleanup ----------------- Rev: 112 Date: 27 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] More header cleanliness [FIX] UI classes now just use the ObjectUI pointers [FIX] Some miscellaneous qmake options ----------------- Rev: 111 Date: 27 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Pokemod objects now know about parents [FIX] Project includes are now relative [FIX] Headers included for better detection of invalid headers [FIX] Validation code commented out so it can be done better ----------------- Rev: 110 Date: 25 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Matrix edge case when size is (0,0) [FIX] TypeChart mess fixed [FIX] Test code for RootModel added ----------------- Rev: 109 Date: 25 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Drag/Drop should work (in theory) ----------------- Rev: 108 Date: 25 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Cleaner setting of model data [FIX] Fleshed out the GroupModel classes for Pokemod [FIX] Tree for pokemod is now draggable ----------------- Rev: 107 Date: 24 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fleshed out a lot more Model classes [ADD] New intermediate classes for Objects with subclasses and those without ----------------- Rev: 106 Date: 24 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] More model classes [FIX] Minor things within the models ----------------- Rev: 105 Date: 24 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] New classes for the models [FIX] Stuff cleaned up for better profiling (no inlining until profiler says so) ----------------- Rev: 104 Date: 23 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Old tree handling is gone [FIX] New tree handling is started ----------------- Rev: 103 Date: 22 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fraction can now be used in QVariant ----------------- Rev: 102 Date: 19 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fraction bounds checking ----------------- Rev: 101 Date: 19 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Loading of submodules [FIX] Loading the id now defaults to INT_MAX ----------------- Rev: 100 Date: 19 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] IndexException is more explicit [FIX] Added SizeException for image validation [FIX] QPixmaps are now verified [FIX] Classes now use error and warning rather than throwing [FIX] Deleted Object.cpp ----------------- Rev: 99 Date: 17 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Frac -> Fraction [FIX] ImageCache and Ini removed [FIX] Fraction/Point widgets moved to pokemodr [FIX] Copy ctors made for pokemod classes [FIX] Ctors in pokemod fixed [FIX] Copyright headers fixed in pokemodr [FIX] PokeModr updated to new API and fixed in some places ----------------- Rev: 98 Date: 16 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Added Frac and Point widgets to general [FIX] Minor fixes ----------------- Rev: 97 Date: 15 April 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Object::mid -> m_id [FIX] XML is now used [FIX] Images are stored in the XML file and classes rather than relying on external images [FIX] Frac no longer keeps track of its type; the class should do it [ADD] pokemod/Object.cpp ----------------- Rev: 96 Date: 30 March 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Memory leaks in load and copy method ----------------- Rev: 95 Date: 30 March 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Member variables now use m_ prefix [FIX] Minor fixes ----------------- Rev: 94 Date: 9 March 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] ImageDialog -> FileDialog [FIX] FileDialog will filter out images based on size now ----------------- Rev: 93 Date: 9 March 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] ItemType now has a count descriptor [ADD] Species now has a flee chance [FIX] Empty fields removed from .ui files [FIX] Fixed compile errors in pokemodr [ADD] Trainer now helps to simplify MapTrainers [ADD] Trainer UI file [FIX] MapTrainer dialogs condensed [FIX] Home direcotry now gotten by QDir::homePath() rather than ~ ----------------- Rev: 92 Date: 5 March 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Pokemod can now has setPath which copies the directory structure to the destination [ADD] SaveAs ability ----------------- Rev: 91 Date: 5 March 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Menus and Toolbar fixed in the main window ----------------- Rev: 90 Date: 4 March 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Hat now uses Qt rand functions [FIX] .pro files cleaned up [FIX] source tarball improved [FIX] Install targets made [FIX] Pokemod path taken more flexible [FIX] PokeModr New and Open dialogs set up (not working) [ADD] pokemodr.desktop [ADD] pokegen.spec for RPM creation [ADD] pokegen.tex for the readme ----------------- Rev: 89 Date: 28 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Cross compilation added (linux -> windows through mingw-cross) ----------------- Rev: 88 Date: 27 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] UI classes now have initGui and refreshGui [FIX] PokeModTreeItem now is the monster class rather than PokeModrUI ----------------- Rev: 87 Date: 25 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Apply/Discard buttons now set correctly when loaded or changes are discarded [FIX] "Filler" tree items can no longer be selected ----------------- Rev: 86 Date: 25 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Main .pro file now excludes non-working subdirectories [FIX] Minor fixes in the RulesUI logic ----------------- Rev: 85 Date: 25 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Sizers fixed in KTabWidgets [FIX] Apply/Discard buttons fixed [FIX] Window title now fixed ----------------- Rev: 84 Date: 25 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Cleaned up .ui files [FIX] setGui calls looking for (non-existant) images no longer pops up a BugCatcher [FIX] Tree selecting less annoying ----------------- Rev: 83 Date: 25 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Pokemod tree will reflect PokéMod heirarchy and load panels [FIX] PokemodUI panel now loads [FIX] Includes fixed [FIX] newAuthor had + instead of - (QList assertions) [FIX] Pokemod copying works now [FIX] Debug rather than release used ----------------- Rev: 82 Date: 24 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] KTabWidget now used rather than QTabWidget (though this kills Qt Designer interaction :\ ) [FIX] Minor fixes in PokeModr class [DEL] Ref.{h, cpp} [FIX] Ref enumerations now in Pokemod class [FIX] new/delete used for subclasses in pokemod now [FIX] Inclusion hell in pokemod (should compile faster) [FIX] Spelling typos ----------------- Rev: 81 Date: 24 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [DEL] SkinsUI.{h, cpp}, skins.ui, typechat.ui [ADD] TypechartWidgetItem.h [FIX] Typechart added ----------------- Rev: 80 Date: 24 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Macro fun with the repetitive class checking for determining class types with the tree [FIX] KDE classes used in PokeModr UI form now [FIX] Includes in the file, only commented for ease of adding [FIX] Simpler KMessageBox used in ObjectUI [ADD] PokemodTreeItem.cpp ----------------- Rev: 79 Date: 23 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Include cleanup [FIX] Consolidate skins into Pokemod UI forms [FIX] Now using KMainWindow [FIX] Some code for the tree set up ----------------- Rev: 78 Date: 23 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] MapWildList now checks value setting [ADD] MapWildListUI.{h, cpp} [FIX] Minor bug in MapWarpUI [FIX] TileUI underHm ComboBox won't go out of range ----------------- Rev: 77 Date: 23 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Errors with MapWarpUI and MapWildListEncounterUI [ADD] MapTrainerTeamMemberUI.{h, cpp} ----------------- Rev: 76 Date: 23 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] MapWarpUI.{h, cpp} added to repo [ADD] MapWildListEncounterUI.{h, cpp} [ADD] Flag setting in UI forms a less work [FIX] Scope setting in MapWildList better [FIX] SpeciesUI form elements now disabled if not available ----------------- Rev: 75 Date: 23 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Warp states can now leave states untouched [FIX] Map/Warp dependencies in UI forms [ADD] MapWarpUI.{h, cpp} ----------------- Rev: 74 Date: 23 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Map editing looks promisingly partially fixed [FIX] Cleaned up map editing Model/View [ADD] Tilemap editing now has insertion of rows/columns ----------------- Rev: 73 Date: 23 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Matrix edge cases around 0 x 0 dimension [FIX] Build order in pokegen.pro ----------------- Rev: 72 Date: 22 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Frac bug with type of Over1 [FIX] PokemodUI vtable errors [FIX] Manual .pro file clean up [FIX] Was attempting to emit a slot... ----------------- Rev: 71 Date: 22 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] UI forms now only allow apply/discard when it can be applied [FIX] Skins and such use buttons in all UI forms now ----------------- Rev: 70 Date: 22 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Changelog/SVN desynchronization fixed [FIX] skins UI file cleaned up [FIX] ImageCache no longer uses force argument [FIX] operator= now correctly copies subdata from rhs (instead of reassigning ID numbers) [FIX] Pokemod can now be copied [FIX] Pokemod skin calls cleaned up [ADD] PokemodUI.{h, cpp} [ADD] SkinsUI.{h, cpp} ----------------- Rev: 69 Date: 22 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] SpeciesUI now compiles without vtable errors ----------------- Rev: 68 Date: 21 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Frac now makes sure that the denominator is positive [FIX] Sprite-containing classes less repetative with determining paths [FIX] More include cleanup in pokemodr [FIX] Precision of Frac decimal equivalents now use a define [FIX] Species UI form is now more compact and complete [ADD] SpeciesUI.{h, cpp} (again; wasn't actually included last time and got lost) [FIX] Species form now uses tabs so its not as gigantically tall [FIX] SpeciesUI files disappeared, so remade [FIX] Include cleanup in pokemodr ----------------- Rev: 67 Date: 20 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Prettyfied include sections [FIX] KDevelop helping with .pro files even more [DEL] STANDARDS file ----------------- Rev: 66 Date: 20 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] SpeciesUI.{h, cpp} [FIX] Missing semicolon in general/Hat.h [FIX] Shortened method names in Species [FIX] Cleaned up some includes in UI logic [FIX] NatureUI now gets the curStat right from varStat [FIX] NatureUI sets varStat in ctor rather than setGui [FIX] .pro files now controled by KDevelop [FIX] Minor UI form fixes ----------------- Rev: 65 Date: 19 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] SpeciesEvolution.{h, cpp} [ADD] Appropriate includes for Species*UI.cpp files [FIX] SpeciesEvolution values now fixed up [FIX] Relative enum in more logical order ----------------- Rev: 64 Date: 19 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Store item setting is now less touchy [FIX] Some ui forms were missing things [FIX] UI logic with having ID data embedded instead of roundabout resolution [ADD] Fleshed out more for pokemodr TODO ----------------- Rev: 63 Date: 19 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] MoveUI.{h, cpp} [FIX] Move::setDescription was not complete [FIX] Streamlined some UI classes with Fraction handling [DEL] FracMatrix is handled by Matrix ----------------- Rev: 62 Date: 18 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed GPL headers in source files from rogue find/replace [ADD] SpeciesAbilityUI.{h, cpp} [ADD] pokemodr TODO list ----------------- Rev: 61 Date: 18 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] pokemod now passes pointers around instead of references ----------------- Rev: 60 Date: 18 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] SpeciesItemUI.{h, cpp} [ADD] SpeciesMoveUI.{h, cpp} [FIX] CoinListObjectUI fixes ----------------- Rev: 59 Date: 11 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Store UI file [ADD] StoreUI.{h, cpp} [FIX] BadgeUI dependency [ADD] Map resource file ----------------- Rev: 58 Date: 7 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Tile UI form fixes [FIX] BadgeUI logic cleaned up [FIX] Tilemap editing Model and Delegate fleshed out [ADD] TileUI.{h, cpp} and TypeUI.{h, cpp} [FIX] Default path for Pokemod added [FIX] Tile HM and Force setting ----------------- Rev: 57 Date: 6 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Tilemap editing to the Map form [ADD] MapUI.{h, cpp}, TilemapModel.{h, cpp}, TileDelegate.{h, cpp} [FIX] Editing area of the main window now has scroll bars [FIX] CoinListUI is now safer with its combobox creation for the values [FIX] Minor fixes in Tile and Map classes [FIX] Matrix cleaned up ----------------- Rev: 56 Date: 2 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] CoinListObjectUI.{h, cpp} [FIX] object where parameter o should be in CoinListObject ----------------- Rev: 55 Date: 1 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Only committed general/ last time ----------------- Rev: 54 Date: 1 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] ItemUI now fully works [FIX] unsigned -> int since widgets only works with int ranges ----------------- Rev: 53 Date: 1 February 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] CoinList UI now uses a KComboBox instead of a KIntNumInput for value [FIX] Badge UI now uses KPushButtons instead of a QGraphicsView [FIX] BadgeUI now works [FIX] PokeModr now sends a new error when an Exception got all the way through [DEL] GenericListItem replaced as QListWidgetItem works on its own [ADD] pokemodr now needs to link to kio [ADD] getFace/getBadge methods to Badge [ADD] 2 HMs (Heal and Escape) ----------------- Rev: 52 Date: 31 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Changelog fixed [FIX] Warnings in pokemod gone [FIX] BoundsException thrown from Item::setPrice() [FIX] CoinList now has correct className [FIX] Frac needed in header for ItemEffect [ADD] CoinList, EggGroup, and Item UI logic added ----------------- Rev: 51 Date: 31 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] GenericListItem.{h, cpp} [FIX] BadgeUI bugs (some still exist) [FIX] Other UI bugs fixed ----------------- Rev: 50 Date: 30 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] BadgeUI, AuthorUI, and AbilityUI [FIX] Fix up UI forms [FIX] win32 builds now allow exceptions [FIX] Tidy up other UI logic files ----------------- Rev: 49 Date: 25 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Fixed errors in general.pro and pokemodr.pro for Windows ----------------- Rev: 48 Date: 25 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] win32 support (KDE) into .pro files [FIX] Ref.h extern variables [FIX] Nature include [FIX[ GUI fixes ----------------- Rev: 47 Date: 25 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] ObjectUI::setObjects now protected [FIX] members made with new now delete-d [ADD] ItemTypeUI ----------------- Rev: 46 Date: 24 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] pokemodr.ui now uses QScrollArea rather than QAbstractScrollArea [FIX] Compare in Rules.cpp [FIX] PokeModrUI now saves the KConfgiGroup so preferences can be saved back ----------------- Rev: 45 Date: 24 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Frac returns a double (not an unsigned typcast to double, making 0 all the time) [FIX] maxDV now works on 0 and 1 rather than 16 and 32 [FIX] Stuff ignored (due to other options) can't throw Exceptions in Rules anymore [FIX] UI logic fixed ----------------- Rev: 44 Date: 24 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] general.pro file now links to phonon for Audio [ADD] generic ObjectUI object to handle general form* stuff [ADD] TimeUI.{h, cpp} ----------------- Rev: 43 Date: 24 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Revision 42 date [FIX] Replaced AudioCache with an Audio wrapper ----------------- Rev: 42 Date: 24 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] BugCatcher now asks if the user wants to open KBugReport [FIX] Exception members are now const [FIX] map was uninitialized in Dialog validation [FIX] (un)setting Breeding in Rules [FIX] GUI now works (though with QMainWindow and QTabWidget in Rules) ----------------- Rev: 41 Date: 23 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] pokemodr.ui file [FIX] added better .pro rules [FIX] PokeModTreeItem works now [FIX] LICENSE file is purely the terms ----------------- Rev: 40 Date: 22 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Grammer in Changelog [FIX] Made pokemod classes contain their names for later ease [ADD] PokéModr main window form [FIX] Ini and Exception includes fixed [FIX] BugCatcher bugs fixed [FIX] .pro files fixed [ADD] PokéModr main GUI almost complete ----------------- Rev: 39 Date: 21 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Some linker errors in pokemod and general [FIX] More enum char*[] to QStringList [FIX] Widgets in PokéModr gui [ADD] Rules GUI logic ----------------- Rev: 38 Date: 21 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] PokeMod namespace removed [ADD] MoveEffect editing form for PokéModr ----------------- Rev: 37 Date: 21 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] const char*[] -> QStringList for easier laoding into KComboBox [DEL] pokemod/pokemod_inc.h no longer needed ----------------- Rev: 36 Date: 20 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] pokemod compiles faster due to better placement of #includes [FIX] Header of pokemodr/PokeModr.h ----------------- Rev: 35 Date: 20 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] More GUI classes (only MoveEffect left) [FIX] Polished up GUI classes [FIX] renamed methods get*ByID -> get*Index instead for more logical get*ByID [FIX] Renaming in pokemod to remove mention of Pokémon [FIX] minor .pro fixes (aesthetic mainly) ----------------- Rev: 34 Date: 19 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [DEL] get*Num/get*Denom methods from Pokemod [ADD] GUI classes to pokemodr [FIX] AudioCache is trashed right now, but may be salvageable ----------------- Rev: 33 Date: 18 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [DEL] Removed PokeGen namespace [ADD] general/AudioCache.h completed [DEL] VERSION removed from subdir .pro files [DEL] audio/ ----------------- Rev: 32 Date: 18 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added 2008 to other copyright lines [ADD] .pro files [ADD] overworld folder for the world map stuff [ADD] Refined pokegen and pokemodr file structures ----------------- Rev: 31 Date: 16 January 2008 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Added 2008 to copyrights [FIX] Made exceptions better [FIX] Added RBY Move Effects (as well as val1 and val2 code) [FIX] Added breaks where missed [FIX] Grammar mistakes (factored out to Exceptions) [FIX] Cleaned up Species types and egg groups handling [FIX] Cleaned up Store items handling [FIX] Cleaned up Tile details ----------------- Rev: 30 Date: 27 November 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Rules/Pokemod dependency fiasco [FIX] STANDARDS to GPLv3 ----------------- Rev: 29 Date: 27 November 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Known MoveEffects [FIX] pokegen.pro error in rpm build target [FIX] EggSpecies not needed (generic species will be used instead) [FIX] StruggleMove not needed (generic will be used instead) [FIX] TypeChart moved back to Pokemod so that Rules are completely Pokemod-neutral ----------------- Rev: 28 Date: 22 November 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] classes more usable [FIX] Matrix class [ADD] pokemod/Rules.{h, cpp} [FIX] coding style cleaned up ----------------- Rev: 27 Date: 22 October 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Redoing rev25 ----------------- Rev: 26 Date: 22 October 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Something messed up in last commit, fixing with this one ----------------- Rev: 25 Date: 22 October 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] DISCLAIMER [FIX] PokemonEvolution styles [ADD] Relative enumeration [DEL] pokemod/Status.{h, cpp} [DEL] pokemod/StatusEffect.{h, cpp} [FIX] Status effects will be added as needed instead of customized [FIX] Completed ItemEffects [FIX] Factored out Natures to be global [DEL] pokemod/PokemonNature.{h, cpp} [DEL] ai/Net.{h, cpp} [DEL] ai/Layer/{h, cpp} [ADD] battle/Arena.{h, cpp} [ADD] battle/Team.{h, cpp} [ADD] battle/Human.{h, cpp} [ADD] battle/Bot.{h, cpp} [ADD] battle/GhostBot.{h, cpp} [ADD] battle/Pokemon.{h, cpp} [ADD] battle/Ghost.{h, cpp} [FIX] Fixed some scope errors in pokemod [ADD] audio/audio.pro [ADD] audio/Audio.{h, cpp} [ADD] audio/AudioLibrary.{h, cpp} [ADD] audio/AudioSystem.{h, cpp} [ADD] audio/Music.{h, cpp} [ADD] audio/SoundEffect.{h, cpp} [DEL] old audio system (was in C) [FIX] Optimized some routines in pokemod [FIX] Moved global classes (Ini, Frac, Matrix, FracMatrix, Point, Flag) to general ----------------- Rev: 24 Date: 21 September 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Neural Network methods complete [FIX] Wrapped Node up into the layer [FIX] Wrapped NatureEffect into Nature [FIX] Getting around to fixing up the design of the PokéMod stuff [FIX] Creating new subclasses now returns pointer to new subclass [FIX] Simplified interfaces [FIX] Minor style issues [FIX] Renamed CoinItem to CoinListObject [FIX] Renamed MapTrainerTeam to MapTrainerPokemon [FIX] Renamed MapWildPokemon to MapWildListPokemon [FIX] Moved global enums to relevant classes [FIX] Removed general logging features [DEL] pokemod/Debug.{h, cpp} [DEL] pokemod/Path.{h, cpp} [FIX] Using QFile rather than custom Path class for checking for files [FIX] Set* methods now return a bool to let the caller know if anything actually changed (if it can fail, otherwise it is void) [ADD] Compliation without errors is required for pokemod from now on before commits ----------------- Rev: 23 Date: 20 July 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [DEL] Makefile [ADD] pokemod/pokemod_def.h for global defines and configuration [ADD] pokemod/pokemod.pro for qmake [FIX] String -> QString [FIX] std::vector -> QList [FIX] std::map -> QMap [FIX] std::[io]fstream -> QFile [FIX] Matrix uses QVector [ADD] Enemy to EnumChoice [FIX] Condense Tile water options [ADD] Added another Frac type [FIX] Relicense under GPLv3 [FIX] Fixed some random things in NeuralNetwork things [ADD] /ai/ai.pro ----------------- Rev: 22 Date: 3 July 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Rest of Dialog validations [ADD] DialogCommandNumArgs to Ref.h [FIX] Fixed a bug with logging that now removes the extern dependencies [DEL] All Validate(const wxListBox &) methods since the new logging does it [DEL] Got rid of Contest junk [ADD] RockClimb and FogClear HM abilities [DEL] Daycares options [FIX] Held Items now a numerical option [FIX] Type STAB is now a multiplier [DEL] pokemod/NatureEffect.{h, cpp) [FIX] Removed NatureEffect into Nature [FIX] Added missed methods to Badge [FIX] Decided to change from wxGTK to Qt ----------------- Rev: 21 Date: 28 June 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Rev 20 date [FIX] Tile overlays in pokemodr to 64x64 [ADD] Makefile for Linux [FIX] Various (un)signed mismatches (mainly with std::string::npos) [ADD] Count method to String [ADD] Convert methods to String [FIX] Ini GetValues to new abstraction in String [ADD] Skeleton for Dialog validation (19 more to go) [FIX] Some minor GUI things [FIX] Some optimizations for Hat.h ----------------- Rev: 20 Date: 22 June 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Pokemod validation [FIX] made internal Pokemod pointer instead of global curPokeMod [ADD] MapEffect validation [FIX] Make images needed copy to necessary places ----------------- Rev: 19 Date: 3 June 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Matrix insertion error [ADD] ID duplication checks for submodules [ADD] Duplicate checks for submodules [FIX] AStyle formatter run over all source files [FIX] Stylistic clean up [ADD] Pokemod methods ----------------- Rev: 18 Date: 2 June 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Rev 17 date [ADD] pokemod/Tile.{h, cpp} [ADD] pokemod/Pokemon.{h, cpp} [FIX] Initialization for constructors as possible [FIX] Matrix problems [FIX] const X*const -> X* errors (was in Delete methods) [ADD] pokemod/MapEffect.{h, cpp} [FIX] Flag Set interface [ADD] Flag logging revamped [ADD] pokemod/MapWarp.{h, cpp} [ADD] Some more enumerations to Ref.h [ADD] pokemod/MapTrainer.{h, cpp} [ADD] pokemod/Status.{h, cpp} [ADD] pokemod/StatusEffect.{h, cpp} [ADD] some more Validation methods ----------------- Rev: 17 Date: 31 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Hat.h as a random container [ADD] Delete submodules by name methods [FIX] Made every possible value to unsigned as possible [ADD] const to GetSubmodule [FIX] Removed redundant "isValid = true;" initializer in validation methods [ADD] Item Effect validation started [ADD] AbilityEffect validation [ADD] Dive option to Tiles ----------------- Rev: 16 Date: 28 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Log overloading confusion [FIX] Lots of little things (went through and attempted to compile everything, getting rid of errors) [ADD] Move methods [ADD] /pokemod/Move.cpp ----------------- Rev: 15 Date: 26 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] /pokemod/EggGroup.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/Move.h [FIX] Made arguments const where possible ----------------- Rev: 14 Date: 24 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] /pokemod/MoveEffect.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/ItemEffect.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/Dialog.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/NatureEffect.{h, cpp} [FIX] Various minor typos ----------------- Rev: 13 Date: 22 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] /pokemod/CoinItem.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/Item.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/MapWildList.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/MapWildPokemon.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/MapTrainerTeam.{h, cpp} ----------------- Rev: 12 Date: 21 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] /pokemod/PokemonNature.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/PokemonAbility.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/ItemStorage.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/PokemonMove.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/PokemonEvolution.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/Pokemod.{h, cpp} [FIX] Header info directory paths [ADD] /pokemod/CoinList.{h, cpp} ----------------- Rev: 11 Date: 21 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] /pokemod/Time.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/Store.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/PokemonItem.{h, cpp} ----------------- Rev: 10 Date: 20 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Reformatted Logging functions to be more uniform [ADD] /pokemod/AbilityEffect.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/Type.{h, cpp} [DEL] /pokemod/Matrix.cpp [FIX] Some various 'const' errors (still some left though, mainly with String, Frac, and logging) ----------------- Rev: 9 Date: 10 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Migration to INI format started [FIX] Rev. 8 date ----------------- Rev: 8 Date: 5 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] STANDARDS file [FIX] Redid headers with inheritance to fit standards [FIX] Redid headings on source to include paths [FIX] Added /ai to C::B project [ADD] /ai/Net.{h, cpp} [ADD] AddNode(), DeleteNode(), UpdateBias() methods to Layer class [ADD] UpdateWeights() method to Node class [DEL] /pokemod/Xml.{h, cpp} [ADD] /pokemod/Ini.{h, cpp} [ADD] INI file format decided to be superior to XML ----------------- Rev: 7 Date: 3 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Allowed more general logging for PokeMod [FIX] Fixed errors in PokeMod logging functions ----------------- Rev: 6 Date: 3 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [FIX] Moved PokeMod namespace into PokeGen [DEL] Old PokeModr C::B project ----------------- Rev: 5 Date: 3 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Meta Code::Blocks project file instead of individual ones [ADD] Neural Network nodes and layers classes (/ai) ----------------- Rev: 4 Date: 3 May 2007 User: hypersonic ----------------- [DEL] /audio/{libaudio.a, main2.c} (not necessary) ----------------- Rev: 3 Date: 3 May 2007 User: hypersonic ----------------- [ADD] audio code ----------------- Rev: 2 Date: 3 May 2007 User: hypersonic ----------------- [ADD] /audio ----------------- Rev: 1 Date: 2 May 2007 User: MathStuf ----------------- [ADD] Import