from glob import glob import iniparse import os import paver.path options( setup=Bunch( name="fedora-business-cards", version="0.2", description="A generator for Fedora contributor business cards", packages=["fedora_business_cards"], author="Ian Weller", author_email="", license="GPLv2+", url="" ), install_templates=Bunch( templates=glob("templates/*"), data_dir="/usr/share/fedora-business-cards" ), install_executable=Bunch( bin_dir="/usr/bin" ) ) @task @cmdopts([('root=', None, 'install everything relative to this alternative root' ' directory')]) def install_templates(): """install necessary templates for generator""" options.order("install_templates", add_rest=True) try: root_dir = options.root except AttributeError: root_dir = '' parser = iniparse.ConfigParser()"config.ini") templates_dir = options.data_dir + "/templates" parser.set("location", "templates", templates_dir) data_dir = paver.path.path(root_dir + options.data_dir) if not os.path.exists(data_dir): data_dir.makedirs(0755) parser.write(file(root_dir + options.data_dir + "/config.ini", "w")) for template_file in options.templates: templates_dir = paver.path.path(root_dir + options.data_dir + "/templates") if not os.path.exists(templates_dir): templates_dir.makedirs(0755) command = "install -p %s %s" % (template_file, templates_dir) dry(command,, [command]) @task @cmdopts([('root=', None, 'install everything relative to this alternative root' ' directory')]) def install_executable(): """install executable for generator""" options.order("install_executable", add_rest=True) try: root_dir = options.root except AttributeError: root_dir = '' bin_dir = paver.path.path(root_dir + options.bin_dir) if not os.path.exists(bin_dir): bin_dir.makedirs(0755) command = "install -p %s %s" % ("fedora-business-cards", bin_dir) dry(command,, [command])