# Copyright 2015 Openstack Foundation # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ The view pipeline module handles creating Jenkins Build Pipeline views. To create a pipeline view specify ``pipeline`` in the ``view-type`` attribute to the :ref:`view_pipeline` definition. Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Build Pipeline Plugin `. :View Parameters: * **name** (`str`): The name of the view. * **view-type** (`str`): The type of view. * **description** (`str`): A description of the view. (optional) * **filter-executors** (`bool`): Show only executors that can execute the included views. (default false) * **filter-queue** (`bool`): Show only included jobs in builder queue. (default false) * **first-job** (`str`): Parent Job in the view. * **no-of-displayed-builds** (`str`): Number of builds to display. (default 1) * **title** (`str`): Build view title. (optional) * **linkStyle** (`str`): Console output link style. Can be 'Lightbox', 'New Window', or 'This Window'. (default Lightbox) * **css-Url** (`str`): Url for Custom CSS files (optional) * **latest-job-only** (`bool`) Trigger only latest job. (default false) * **manual-trigger** (`bool`) Always allow manual trigger. (default false) * **show-parameters** (`bool`) Show pipeline parameters. (default false) * **parameters-in-headers** (`bool`) Show pipeline parameters in headers. (default false) * **starts-with-parameters** (`bool`) Use Starts with parameters. (default false) * **refresh-frequency** (`str`) Frequency to refresh in seconds. (default '3') * **definition-header** (`bool`) Show pipeline definition header. (default false) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/views/fixtures/view_pipeline001.yaml Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/views/fixtures/view_pipeline002.yaml """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML import jenkins_jobs.modules.base import jenkins_jobs.modules.helpers as helpers class Pipeline(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base): sequence = 0 def root_xml(self, data): linktypes = ["Lightbox", "New Window"] root = XML.Element( "au.com.centrumsystems.hudson." "plugin.buildpipeline.BuildPipelineView", {"plugin": "build-pipeline-plugin"}, ) mapping_optional = [ ("description", "description", None), ("filter-executors", "filterExecutors", False), ("filter-queue", "filterQueue", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml( root, data, mapping_optional, fail_required=False ) XML.SubElement(root, "properties", {"class": "hudson.model.View$PropertyList"}) GBurl = ( "au.com.centrumsystems.hudson.plugin.buildpipeline." "DownstreamProjectGridBuilder" ) gridBuilder = XML.SubElement(root, "gridBuilder", {"class": GBurl}) jobname = data.get("first-job", "") XML.SubElement(gridBuilder, "firstJob").text = jobname mapping = [ ("name", "name", None), ("no-of-displayed-builds", "noOfDisplayedBuilds", 1), ("title", "buildViewTitle", ""), ("link-style", "consoleOutputLinkStyle", "Lightbox", linktypes), ("css-Url", "cssUrl", ""), ("latest-job-only", "triggerOnlyLatestJob", False), ("manual-trigger", "alwaysAllowManualTrigger", False), ("show-parameters", "showPipelineParameters", False), ("parameters-in-headers", "showPipelineParametersInHeaders", False), ("start-with-parameters", "startsWithParameters", False), ("refresh-frequency", "refreshFrequency", 3), ("definition-header", "showPipelineDefinitionHeader", False), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(root, data, mapping, fail_required=True) return root