# Copyright 2015 Openstack Foundation # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ The view list module handles creating Jenkins List views. To create a list view specify ``list`` in the ``view-type`` attribute to the :ref:`view_list` definition. :View Parameters: * **name** (`str`): The name of the view. * **view-type** (`str`): The type of view. * **description** (`str`): A description of the view. (default '') * **filter-executors** (`bool`): Show only executors that can execute the included views. (default false) * **filter-queue** (`bool`): Show only included jobs in builder queue. (default false) * **job-name** (`list`): List of jobs to be included. * **job-filters** (`dict`): Job filters to be included. Requires :jenkins-plugins:`View Job Filters ` * **most-recent** (`dict`) :most-recent: * **max-to-include** (`int`): Maximum number of jobs to include. (default 0) * **check-start-time** (`bool`): Check job start time. (default false) * **build-duration** (`dict`) :build-duration: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **build-duration-type** ('str'): Duration of the build. (default Latest) * **amount-type**: ('str'): Duration in hours, days or builds. (default Hours) * **amount**: ('int'): How far back to check. (default 0) * **less-than**: ('bool'): Check build duration less than or more than. (default True) * **build-duration-minutes**: ('int'): Build duration minutes. (default 0) * **build-trend** (`dict`) :build-trend: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **build-trend-type** ('str'): Duration of the build. (default Latest) * **amount-type**: ('str'): Duration in hours, days or builds. (default Hours) * **amount**: ('int'): How far back to check. (default 0) * **status**: ('str'): Job status. (default Completed) * **job-status** (`dict`) :job-status: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **unstable** ('bool'): Jobs with status unstable. (default False) * **failed** ('bool'): Jobs with status failed. (default False) * **aborted** ('bool'): Jobs with status aborted. (default False) * **disabled** ('bool'): Jobs with status disabled. (default False) * **stable** ('bool'): Jobs with status stable. (default False) * **fallback** (`dict`) :fallback: * **fallback-type** ('str'): Fallback type to include/exclude for all jobs in a view, if no jobs have been included by previous filters. (default REMOVE_ALL_IF_ALL_INCLUDED) * **build-status** (`dict`) :build-status: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **never-built** ('bool'): Jobs that are never built. (default False) * **building** ('bool'): Jobs that are being built. (default False) * **in-build-queue** ('bool'): Jobs that are in the build queue. (default False) * **user-relevence** (`dict`) :user-relevence: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **build-count** ('str'): Count of builds. (default AtLeastOne) * **amount-type**: ('str'): Duration in hours, days or builds. (default Hours) * **amount**: ('int'): How far back to check. (default 0) * **match-user-id** ('bool'): Jobs matching user-id. (default False) * **match-user-fullname** ('bool'): Jobs matching user fullname. (default False) * **ignore-case** ('bool'): Ignore case. (default False) * **ignore-whitespace** ('bool'): Ignore whitespace. (default False) * **ignore-non-alphaNumeric** ('bool'): Ignore non-alphaNumeric. (default False) * **match-builder** ('bool'): Jobs matching builder. (default False) * **match-email** ('bool'): Jobs matching email. (default False) * **match-scm-changes** ('bool'): Jobs matching scm changes. (default False) * **regex-job** (`dict`) :regex-job: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **regex-name** ('str'): Regular expression name. (default '') * **regex** ('str'): Regular expression. (default '') * **job-tpye** (`dict`) :job-type: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **job-type** ('str'): Type of Job. (default hudson.model.FreeStyleProject) * **parameter** (`dict`) :parameter: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **name** ('str'): Job name to match. (default '') * **value** ('str'): Value to match. (default '') * **desc** ('str'): Description to match. (default '') * **use-default-value** ('bool'): Use default value. (default False) * **match-builds-in-progress** ('bool'): Match build in progress. (default False) * **match-all-builds** ('bool'): Match all builds. (default False) * **max-builds-to-match** ('int'): Maximum builds to match. (default 0) * **other-views** (`dict`) :other-views: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **view-name** ('str'): View name. (default select a view other than this one) * **scm** (`dict`) :scm: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **scm-type** ('str'): Type of SCM. (default hudson.scm.NullSCM) * **secured-job** (`dict`) :secured-job: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **user-permissions** (`dict`) :user-permissions: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **configure** ('bool'): User with configure permissions. (default false) * **amount-type**: ('bool'): User with build permissions. (default false) * **amount**: ('bool'): User with workspace permissions. (default false) * **permission-check**: ('str'): Match user permissions. (default MustMatchAll) * **upstream-downstream** (`dict`) :upstream-downstream: * **include-upstream** ('bool'): Jobs that match upstream. (default False) * **include-downstream** ('bool'): Jobs that match downstream. (default False) * **recursive** ('bool'): Jobs that are recursive. (default False) * **exclude-originals** ('bool'): Jobs that are originals. (default False) * **unclassified** (`dict`) :unclassified: * **match-type** ('str'): Jobs that match a filter to include. (default includeMatched) * **columns** (`list`): List of columns to be shown in view. * **regex** (`str`): . Regular expression for selecting jobs (optional) * **recurse** (`bool`): Recurse in subfolders.(default false) * **status-filter** (`bool`): Filter job list by enabled/disabled status. (optional) Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/views/fixtures/view_list001.yaml Example: .. literalinclude:: /../../tests/views/fixtures/view_list002.yaml """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML import jenkins_jobs.modules.base import jenkins_jobs.modules.helpers as helpers import jenkins_jobs.modules.view_jobfilters as view_jobfilters COLUMN_DICT = { "status": "hudson.views.StatusColumn", "weather": "hudson.views.WeatherColumn", "job": "hudson.views.JobColumn", "last-success": "hudson.views.LastSuccessColumn", "last-failure": "hudson.views.LastFailureColumn", "last-duration": "hudson.views.LastDurationColumn", "build-button": "hudson.views.BuildButtonColumn", "last-stable": "hudson.views.LastStableColumn", "robot-list": "hudson.plugins.robot.view.RobotListViewColumn", "find-bugs": "hudson.plugins.findbugs.FindBugsColumn", "jacoco": "hudson.plugins.jacococoveragecolumn.JaCoCoColumn", "git-branch": "hudson.plugins.git.GitBranchSpecifierColumn", "schedule-build": "org.jenkinsci.plugins.schedulebuild.ScheduleBuildButtonColumn", "priority-sorter": "jenkins.advancedqueue.PrioritySorterJobColumn", "build-filter": "hudson.views.BuildFilterColumn", "desc": "jenkins.branch.DescriptionColumn", "policy-violations": "com.sonatype.insight.ci.hudson.QualityColumn " 'plugin="sonatype-clm-ci"', "member-graph-view": "com.barchart.jenkins.cascade.GraphViewColumn " 'plugin="maven-release-cascade"', "extra-tests-total": [ ["jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.TestResultColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}], "2", ], "extra-tests-failed": [ ["jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.TestResultColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}], "3", ], "extra-tests-passed": [ ["jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.TestResultColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}], "4", ], "extra-tests-skipped": [ ["jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.TestResultColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}], "5", ], "extra-tests-format-0": [ ["jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.TestResultColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}], "0", ], "extra-tests-format-1": [ ["jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.TestResultColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}], "1", ], "extra-build-description": [ [ "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.BuildDescriptionColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}, ], "3", "false", ], "extra-build-parameters": [ [ "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.BuildParametersColumn", {"plugin": "extra-columns"}, ], "false", "", ], "extra-last-user-name": "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.UserNameColumn" ' plugin="extra-columns"', "extra-last-output": "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.LastBuildConsoleColumn" ' plugin="extra-columns"', "extra-workspace-link": "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.WorkspaceColumn " 'plugin="extra-columns"', "extra-configure-button": "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.ConfigureProjectColumn" ' plugin="extra-columns"', } DEFAULT_COLUMNS = [ "status", "weather", "job", "last-success", "last-failure", "last-duration", "build-button", ] class List(jenkins_jobs.modules.base.Base): sequence = 0 def root_xml(self, data, sectioned=False): name = "hudson.model.ListView" if sectioned: name = "hudson.plugins.sectioned__view.ListViewSection" root = XML.Element(name) mapping = [("name", "name", None)] if not sectioned: mapping.extend( [ ("description", "description", ""), ("filter-executors", "filterExecutors", False), ("filter-queue", "filterQueue", False), ] ) helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(root, data, mapping, fail_required=True) if not sectioned: XML.SubElement( root, "properties", {"class": "hudson.model.View$PropertyList"} ) jn_xml = XML.SubElement(root, "jobNames") jobnames = data.get("job-name", None) XML.SubElement( jn_xml, "comparator", {"class": "hudson.util.CaseInsensitiveComparator"} ) if jobnames is not None: # Job names must be sorted in the xml jobnames = sorted(jobnames, key=str.lower) for jobname in jobnames: XML.SubElement(jn_xml, "string").text = str(jobname) job_filter_xml = XML.SubElement(root, "jobFilters") jobfilters = data.get("job-filters", []) for jobfilter in jobfilters: filter = getattr(view_jobfilters, jobfilter.replace("-", "_")) filter(job_filter_xml, jobfilters.get(jobfilter)) if sectioned: mapping = [ ("width", "width", "FULL", ["FULL", "HALF", "THIRD", "TWO_THIRDS"]), ("alignment", "alignment", "CENTER", ["CENTER", "LEFT", "RIGHT"]), ] helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(root, data, mapping, fail_required=True) c_xml = XML.SubElement(root, "columns") columns = data.get("columns", DEFAULT_COLUMNS) for column in columns: if isinstance(column, dict): if "extra-build-parameter" in column: p_name = column["extra-build-parameter"] x = XML.SubElement( c_xml, "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.BuildParametersColumn", plugin="extra-columns", ) x.append(XML.fromstring("true")) x.append( XML.fromstring("%s" % p_name) ) else: if column in COLUMN_DICT: if isinstance(COLUMN_DICT[column], list): x = XML.SubElement( c_xml, COLUMN_DICT[column][0][0], **COLUMN_DICT[column][0][1] ) for tag in COLUMN_DICT[column][1:]: x.append(XML.fromstring(tag)) else: XML.SubElement(c_xml, COLUMN_DICT[column]) mapping = [("regex", "includeRegex", None)] if not sectioned: mapping.extend( [("recurse", "recurse", False), ("status-filter", "statusFilter", None)] ) helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(root, data, mapping, fail_required=False) return root