# Copyright 2015 Thanh Ha # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML from jenkins_jobs.errors import InvalidAttributeError from jenkins_jobs.errors import JenkinsJobsException from jenkins_jobs.errors import MissingAttributeError def build_trends_publisher(plugin_name, xml_element, data): """Helper to create various trend publishers. """ def append_thresholds(element, data, only_totals): """Appends the status thresholds. """ for status in ["unstable", "failed"]: status_data = data.get(status, {}) limits = [ ("total-all", "TotalAll"), ("total-high", "TotalHigh"), ("total-normal", "TotalNormal"), ("total-low", "TotalLow"), ] if only_totals is False: limits.extend( [ ("new-all", "NewAll"), ("new-high", "NewHigh"), ("new-normal", "NewNormal"), ("new-low", "NewLow"), ] ) for key, tag_suffix in limits: tag_name = status + tag_suffix XML.SubElement(element, tag_name).text = str(status_data.get(key, "")) # Tuples containing: setting name, tag name, default value settings = [ ("healthy", "healthy", ""), ("unhealthy", "unHealthy", ""), ("health-threshold", "thresholdLimit", "low"), ("plugin-name", "pluginName", plugin_name), ("default-encoding", "defaultEncoding", ""), ("can-run-on-failed", "canRunOnFailed", False), ("use-stable-build-as-reference", "useStableBuildAsReference", False), ("use-previous-build-as-reference", "usePreviousBuildAsReference", False), ("use-delta-values", "useDeltaValues", False), ("thresholds", "thresholds", {}), ("should-detect-modules", "shouldDetectModules", False), ("dont-compute-new", "dontComputeNew", True), ("do-not-resolve-relative-paths", "doNotResolveRelativePaths", False), ("pattern", "pattern", ""), ] thresholds = ["low", "normal", "high"] for key, tag_name, default in settings: xml_config = XML.SubElement(xml_element, tag_name) config_value = data.get(key, default) if key == "thresholds": append_thresholds( xml_config, config_value, data.get("dont-compute-new", True) ) elif key == "health-threshold" and config_value not in thresholds: raise JenkinsJobsException( "health-threshold must be one of %s" % ", ".join(thresholds) ) else: if isinstance(default, bool): xml_config.text = str(config_value).lower() else: xml_config.text = str(config_value) def config_file_provider_builder(xml_parent, data): """Builder / Wrapper helper""" xml_files = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "managedFiles") files = data.get("files", []) for file in files: xml_file = XML.SubElement( xml_files, "org.jenkinsci.plugins." "configfiles.buildwrapper.ManagedFile" ) mapping = [ ("file-id", "fileId", None), ("target", "targetLocation", ""), ("variable", "variable", ""), ("replace-tokens", "replaceTokens", False), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_file, file, mapping, fail_required=True) def config_file_provider_settings(xml_parent, data): SETTINGS_TYPES = ["file", "cfp"] settings = { "default-settings": "jenkins.mvn.DefaultSettingsProvider", "settings": "jenkins.mvn.FilePathSettingsProvider", "config-file-provider-settings": "org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.maven.job.MvnSettingsProvider", "default-global-settings": "jenkins.mvn.DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider", "global-settings": "jenkins.mvn.FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider", "config-file-provider-global-settings": "org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.maven.job." "MvnGlobalSettingsProvider", } if "settings" in data: # Support for Config File Provider settings_file = str(data["settings"]) settings_type = data.get("settings-type", "file") # For cfp versions <2.10.0 we are able to detect cfp via the config # settings name. text = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.maven.MavenSettingsConfig" if settings_file.startswith(text): settings_type = "cfp" if settings_type == "file": lsettings = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "settings", {"class": settings["settings"]} ) XML.SubElement(lsettings, "path").text = settings_file elif settings_type == "cfp": lsettings = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "settings", {"class": settings["config-file-provider-settings"]}, ) XML.SubElement(lsettings, "settingsConfigId").text = settings_file else: raise InvalidAttributeError("settings-type", settings_type, SETTINGS_TYPES) else: XML.SubElement(xml_parent, "settings", {"class": settings["default-settings"]}) if "global-settings" in data: # Support for Config File Provider global_settings_file = str(data["global-settings"]) global_settings_type = data.get("global-settings-type", "file") # For cfp versions <2.10.0 we are able to detect cfp via the config # settings name. text = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.maven." "GlobalMavenSettingsConfig" if global_settings_file.startswith(text): global_settings_type = "cfp" if global_settings_type == "file": gsettings = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "globalSettings", {"class": settings["global-settings"]} ) XML.SubElement(gsettings, "path").text = global_settings_file elif global_settings_type == "cfp": gsettings = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "globalSettings", {"class": settings["config-file-provider-global-settings"]}, ) XML.SubElement(gsettings, "settingsConfigId").text = global_settings_file else: raise InvalidAttributeError( "settings-type", global_settings_type, SETTINGS_TYPES ) else: XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "globalSettings", {"class": settings["default-global-settings"]} ) def copyartifact_build_selector(xml_parent, data, select_tag="selector"): select = data.get("which-build", "last-successful") selectdict = { "last-successful": "StatusBuildSelector", "last-completed": "LastCompletedBuildSelector", "specific-build": "SpecificBuildSelector", "last-saved": "SavedBuildSelector", "upstream-build": "TriggeredBuildSelector", "permalink": "PermalinkBuildSelector", "workspace-latest": "WorkspaceSelector", "build-param": "ParameterizedBuildSelector", "downstream-build": "DownstreamBuildSelector", "multijob-build": "MultiJobBuildSelector", } if select not in selectdict: raise InvalidAttributeError("which-build", select, selectdict.keys()) permalink = data.get("permalink", "last") permalinkdict = { "last": "lastBuild", "last-stable": "lastStableBuild", "last-successful": "lastSuccessfulBuild", "last-failed": "lastFailedBuild", "last-unstable": "lastUnstableBuild", "last-unsuccessful": "lastUnsuccessfulBuild", } if permalink not in permalinkdict: raise InvalidAttributeError("permalink", permalink, permalinkdict.keys()) if select == "multijob-build": selector = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, select_tag, {"class": "com.tikal.jenkins.plugins.multijob." + selectdict[select]}, ) else: selector = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, select_tag, {"class": "hudson.plugins.copyartifact." + selectdict[select]}, ) mapping = [] if select == "specific-build": mapping.append(("build-number", "buildNumber", "")) if select == "last-successful": mapping.append(("stable", "stable", False)) if select == "upstream-build": mapping.append( ("fallback-to-last-successful", "fallbackToLastSuccessful", False) ) if select == "permalink": mapping.append(("", "id", permalinkdict[permalink])) if select == "build-param": mapping.append(("param", "parameterName", "")) if select == "downstream-build": mapping.append(("upstream-project-name", "upstreamProjectName", "")) mapping.append(("upstream-build-number", "upstreamBuildNumber", "")) convert_mapping_to_xml(selector, data, mapping, fail_required=False) def findbugs_settings(xml_parent, data): # General Options mapping = [ ("rank-priority", "isRankActivated", False), ("include-files", "includePattern", ""), ("exclude-files", "excludePattern", ""), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_parent, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def get_value_from_yaml_or_config_file(key, section, data, jjb_config): return jjb_config.get_plugin_config(section, key, data.get(key, "")) def cloudformation_region_dict(): region_dict = { "us-east-1": "US_East_Northern_Virginia", "us-west-1": "US_WEST_Northern_California", "us-west-2": "US_WEST_Oregon", "eu-central-1": "EU_Frankfurt", "eu-west-1": "EU_Ireland", "ap-southeast-1": "Asia_Pacific_Singapore", "ap-southeast-2": "Asia_Pacific_Sydney", "ap-northeast-1": "Asia_Pacific_Tokyo", "sa-east-1": "South_America_Sao_Paulo", } return region_dict def cloudformation_init(xml_parent, data, xml_tag): cloudformation = XML.SubElement( xml_parent, "com.syncapse.jenkinsci." "plugins.awscloudformationwrapper." + xml_tag, ) return XML.SubElement(cloudformation, "stacks") def cloudformation_stack(xml_parent, stack, xml_tag, stacks, region_dict): if "name" not in stack or stack["name"] == "": raise MissingAttributeError("name") step = XML.SubElement( stacks, "com.syncapse.jenkinsci.plugins." "awscloudformationwrapper." + xml_tag ) if xml_tag == "SimpleStackBean": mapping = [("prefix", "isPrefixSelected", False)] else: parameters_value = ",".join(stack.get("parameters", [])) mapping = [ ("description", "description", ""), ("", "parameters", parameters_value), ("timeout", "timeout", "0"), ("sleep", "sleep", "0"), ("recipe", "cloudFormationRecipe", None), ] cloudformation_stack_mapping = [ ("name", "stackName", None), ("access-key", "awsAccessKey", None), ("secret-key", "awsSecretKey", None), ("region", "awsRegion", None, region_dict), ] for map in mapping: cloudformation_stack_mapping.append(map) convert_mapping_to_xml( step, stack, cloudformation_stack_mapping, fail_required=True ) def include_exclude_patterns(xml_parent, data, yaml_prefix, xml_elem_name): xml_element = XML.SubElement(xml_parent, xml_elem_name) XML.SubElement(xml_element, "includePatterns").text = ",".join( data.get(yaml_prefix + "-include-patterns", []) ) XML.SubElement(xml_element, "excludePatterns").text = ",".join( data.get(yaml_prefix + "-exclude-patterns", []) ) def artifactory_deployment_patterns(xml_parent, data): include_exclude_patterns( xml_parent, data, "deployment", "artifactDeploymentPatterns" ) def artifactory_env_vars_patterns(xml_parent, data): include_exclude_patterns(xml_parent, data, "env-vars", "envVarsPatterns") def artifactory_optional_props(xml_parent, data, target): optional_str_props = [ ("scopes", "scopes"), ("violationRecipients", "violation-recipients"), ("blackDuckAppName", "black-duck-app-name"), ("blackDuckAppVersion", "black-duck-app-version"), ("blackDuckReportRecipients", "black-duck-report-recipients"), ("blackDuckScopes", "black-duck-scopes"), ] for (xml_prop, yaml_prop) in optional_str_props: XML.SubElement(xml_parent, xml_prop).text = data.get(yaml_prop, "") common_bool_props = [ # yaml property name, xml property name, default value ("deploy-artifacts", "deployArtifacts", True), ("discard-old-builds", "discardOldBuilds", False), ("discard-build-artifacts", "discardBuildArtifacts", False), ("publish-build-info", "deployBuildInfo", False), ("env-vars-include", "includeEnvVars", False), ("run-checks", "runChecks", False), ("include-publish-artifacts", "includePublishArtifacts", False), ("license-auto-discovery", "licenseAutoDiscovery", True), ("enable-issue-tracker-integration", "enableIssueTrackerIntegration", False), ("aggregate-build-issues", "aggregateBuildIssues", False), ("black-duck-run-checks", "blackDuckRunChecks", False), ( "black-duck-include-published-artifacts", "blackDuckIncludePublishedArtifacts", False, ), ( "auto-create-missing-component-requests", "autoCreateMissingComponentRequests", True, ), ( "auto-discard-stale-component-requests", "autoDiscardStaleComponentRequests", True, ), ( "filter-excluded-artifacts-from-build", "filterExcludedArtifactsFromBuild", False, ), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_parent, data, common_bool_props, fail_required=True) if "wrappers" in target: wrapper_bool_props = [ ("enable-resolve-artifacts", "enableResolveArtifacts", False), ("disable-license-auto-discovery", "disableLicenseAutoDiscovery", False), ("record-all-dependencies", "recordAllDependencies", False), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_parent, data, wrapper_bool_props, fail_required=True) if "publishers" in target: publisher_bool_props = [ ("even-if-unstable", "evenIfUnstable", False), ("pass-identified-downstream", "passIdentifiedDownstream", False), ( "allow-promotion-of-non-staged-builds", "allowPromotionOfNonStagedBuilds", False, ), ] convert_mapping_to_xml( xml_parent, data, publisher_bool_props, fail_required=True ) def artifactory_common_details(details, data): mapping = [("name", "artifactoryName", ""), ("url", "artifactoryUrl", "")] convert_mapping_to_xml(details, data, mapping, fail_required=True) def artifactory_repository(xml_parent, data, target): if "release" in target: release_mapping = [ ("deploy-release-repo-key", "keyFromText", ""), ("deploy-release-repo-key", "keyFromSelect", ""), ("deploy-dynamic-mode", "dynamicMode", False), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_parent, data, release_mapping, fail_required=True) if "snapshot" in target: snapshot_mapping = [ ("deploy-snapshot-repo-key", "keyFromText", ""), ("deploy-snapshot-repo-key", "keyFromSelect", ""), ("deploy-dynamic-mode", "dynamicMode", False), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_parent, data, snapshot_mapping, fail_required=True) def append_git_revision_config(parent, config_def): params = XML.SubElement(parent, "hudson.plugins.git.GitRevisionBuildParameters") try: # If git-revision is a boolean, the get() will # throw an AttributeError combine_commits = str(config_def.get("combine-queued-commits", False)).lower() except AttributeError: combine_commits = "false" XML.SubElement(params, "combineQueuedCommits").text = combine_commits def test_fairy_common(xml_element, data): xml_element.set("plugin", "TestFairy") valid_max_duration = ["10m", "60m", "300m", "1440m"] valid_interval = [1, 2, 5] valid_video_quality = ["high", "medium", "low"] mappings = [ # General ("apikey", "apiKey", None), ("appfile", "appFile", None), ("tester-groups", "testersGroups", ""), ("notify-testers", "notifyTesters", True), ("autoupdate", "autoUpdate", True), # Session ("max-duration", "maxDuration", "10m", valid_max_duration), ("record-on-background", "recordOnBackground", False), ("data-only-wifi", "dataOnlyWifi", False), # Video ("video-enabled", "isVideoEnabled", True), ("screenshot-interval", "screenshotInterval", 1, valid_interval), ("video-quality", "videoQuality", "high", valid_video_quality), # Metrics ("cpu", "cpu", True), ("memory", "memory", True), ("logs", "logs", True), ("network", "network", False), ("phone-signal", "phoneSignal", False), ("wifi", "wifi", False), ("gps", "gps", False), ("battery", "battery", False), ("opengl", "openGl", False), # Advanced options ("advanced-options", "advancedOptions", ""), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(xml_element, data, mappings, fail_required=True) def trigger_get_parameter_order(registry, plugin): logger = logging.getLogger("%s:trigger_get_parameter_order" % __name__) if ( str( registry.jjb_config.get_plugin_config(plugin, "param_order_from_yaml", True) ).lower() == "false" ): logger.warning( "Using deprecated order for parameter sets in %s. It is " "recommended that you update your job definition instead of " "enabling use of the old hardcoded order", plugin, ) # deprecated order return [ "predefined-parameters", "git-revision", "property-file", "current-parameters", "node-parameters", "svn-revision", "restrict-matrix-project", "node-label-name", "node-label", "boolean-parameters", ] return None def trigger_project(tconfigs, project_def, param_order=None): logger = logging.getLogger("%s:trigger_project" % __name__) pt_prefix = "hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger." if param_order: parameters = param_order else: parameters = project_def.keys() for param_type in parameters: param_value = project_def.get(param_type) if param_value is None: continue if param_type == "predefined-parameters": params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs, pt_prefix + "PredefinedBuildParameters") properties = XML.SubElement(params, "properties") properties.text = param_value elif param_type == "git-revision" and param_value: if "combine-queued-commits" in project_def: logger.warning( "'combine-queued-commit' has moved to reside under " "'git-revision' configuration, please update your " "configs as support for this will be removed." ) git_revision = { "combine-queued-commits": project_def["combine-queued-commits"] } else: git_revision = project_def["git-revision"] append_git_revision_config(tconfigs, git_revision) elif param_type == "property-file": params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs, pt_prefix + "FileBuildParameters") property_file_mapping = [ ("property-file", "propertiesFile", None), ("fail-on-missing", "failTriggerOnMissing", False), ] convert_mapping_to_xml( params, project_def, property_file_mapping, fail_required=True ) if "file-encoding" in project_def: XML.SubElement(params, "encoding").text = project_def["file-encoding"] if "use-matrix-child-files" in project_def: # TODO: These parameters only affect execution in # publishers of matrix projects; we should warn if they are # used in other contexts. use_matrix_child_files_mapping = [ ("use-matrix-child-files", "useMatrixChild", None), ("matrix-child-combination-filter", "combinationFilter", ""), ("only-exact-matrix-child-runs", "onlyExactRuns", False), ] convert_mapping_to_xml( params, project_def, use_matrix_child_files_mapping, fail_required=True, ) elif param_type == "current-parameters" and param_value: XML.SubElement(tconfigs, pt_prefix + "CurrentBuildParameters") elif param_type == "node-parameters" and param_value: XML.SubElement(tconfigs, pt_prefix + "NodeParameters") elif param_type == "svn-revision" and param_value: param = XML.SubElement( tconfigs, pt_prefix + "SubversionRevisionBuildParameters" ) XML.SubElement(param, "includeUpstreamParameters").text = str( project_def.get("include-upstream", False) ).lower() elif param_type == "restrict-matrix-project" and param_value: subset = XML.SubElement( tconfigs, pt_prefix + "matrix.MatrixSubsetBuildParameters" ) XML.SubElement(subset, "filter").text = project_def[ "restrict-matrix-project" ] elif param_type == "node-label-name" or param_type == "node-label": tag_name = ( "org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter." "parameterizedtrigger.NodeLabelBuildParameter" ) if tconfigs.find(tag_name) is not None: # already processed and can only have one continue params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs, tag_name) name = XML.SubElement(params, "name") if "node-label-name" in project_def: name.text = project_def["node-label-name"] label = XML.SubElement(params, "nodeLabel") if "node-label" in project_def: label.text = project_def["node-label"] elif param_type == "boolean-parameters" and param_value: params = XML.SubElement(tconfigs, pt_prefix + "BooleanParameters") config_tag = XML.SubElement(params, "configs") param_tag_text = pt_prefix + "BooleanParameterConfig" params_list = param_value for name, value in params_list.items(): param_tag = XML.SubElement(config_tag, param_tag_text) mapping = [("", "name", name), ("", "value", value or False)] convert_mapping_to_xml( param_tag, project_def, mapping, fail_required=True ) def convert_mapping_to_xml(parent, data, mapping, fail_required=True): """Convert mapping to XML fail_required affects the last parameter of the mapping field when it's parameter is set to 'None'. When fail_required is True then a 'None' value represents a required configuration so will raise a MissingAttributeError if the user does not provide the configuration. If fail_required is False parameter is treated as optional. Logic will skip configuring the XML tag for the parameter. We recommend for new plugins to set fail_required=True and instead of optional parameters provide a default value for all parameters that are not required instead. valid_options provides a way to check if the value the user input is from a list of available options. When the user pass a value that is not supported from the list, it raise an InvalidAttributeError. valid_dict provides a way to set options through their key and value. If the user input corresponds to a key, the XML tag will use the key's value for its element. When the user pass a value that there are no keys for, it raise an InvalidAttributeError. """ for elem in mapping: (optname, xmlname, val) = elem[:3] val = data.get(optname, val) valid_options = [] valid_dict = {} if len(elem) == 4: if type(elem[3]) is list: valid_options = elem[3] if type(elem[3]) is dict: valid_dict = elem[3] # Use fail_required setting to allow support for optional parameters if val is None and fail_required is True: raise MissingAttributeError(optname) # if no value is provided then continue else leave it # up to the user if they want to use an empty XML tag if val is None and fail_required is False: continue if valid_dict: if val not in valid_dict: raise InvalidAttributeError(optname, val, valid_dict.keys()) if valid_options: if val not in valid_options: raise InvalidAttributeError(optname, val, valid_options) if type(val) == bool: val = str(val).lower() if val in valid_dict: XML.SubElement(parent, xmlname).text = str(valid_dict[val]) else: XML.SubElement(parent, xmlname).text = str(val) def jms_messaging_common(parent, subelement, data): """JMS common helper function Pass the XML parent and the specific subelement from the builder or the publisher. data is passed to mapper helper function to map yaml fields to XML fields """ namespace = XML.SubElement(parent, subelement) if "override-topic" in data: overrides = XML.SubElement(namespace, "overrides") XML.SubElement(overrides, "topic").text = str(data.get("override-topic", "")) mapping = [ # option, xml name, default value ("provider-name", "providerName", ""), ("msg-type", "messageType", "CodeQualityChecksDone"), ("msg-props", "messageProperties", ""), ("msg-content", "messageContent", ""), ] convert_mapping_to_xml(namespace, data, mapping, fail_required=True)