diff options
3 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jenkins_jobs/modules/ b/jenkins_jobs/modules/
index 17229b43..8137550f 100644
--- a/jenkins_jobs/modules/
+++ b/jenkins_jobs/modules/
@@ -313,11 +313,40 @@ def bitbucket_scm(xml_parent, data):
repository is the same as the target repository.
Valid options: mergeOnly, headOnly, mergeAndHead.
Value is not specified by default.
+ :arg str discover-pr-forks-strategy: Fork strategy. Valid options:
+ merge-current, current, both, false. (default 'merge-current')
+ :arg str discover-pr-forks-trust: Discovers pull requests where the origin
+ repository is a fork of the target repository.
+ Valid options: contributors, everyone, permission or nobody.
+ (default 'contributors')
:arg list build-strategies: Provides control over whether to build a branch
(or branch like things such as change requests and tags) whenever it is
discovered initially or a change from the previous revision has been
detected. (optional)
Refer to :func:`~build_strategies <build_strategies>`.
+ :arg bool local-branch: Check out to matching local branch
+ If given, checkout the revision to build as HEAD on this branch.
+ If selected, then the branch name is computed from the remote branch
+ without the origin. In that case, a remote branch origin/master will
+ be checked out to a local branch named master, and a remote branch
+ origin/develop/new-feature will be checked out to a local branch
+ named develop/newfeature.
+ Requires the :jenkins-wiki:`Git Plugin <Git+Plugin>`.
+ :arg dict checkout-over-ssh: Checkout repo over ssh.
+ * **credentials** ('str'): Credentials to use for
+ checkout of the repo over ssh.
+ :arg dict filter-by-name-wildcard: Enable filter by name with wildcards.
+ Requires the :jenkins-wiki:`SCM API Plugin <SCM+API+Plugin>`.
+ * **includes** ('str'): Space-separated list
+ of name patterns to consider. You may use * as a wildcard;
+ for example: `master release*`
+ * **excludes** ('str'): Name patterns to
+ ignore even if matched by the includes list.
+ For example: `release*`
Minimal Example:
@@ -373,6 +402,43 @@ def bitbucket_scm(xml_parent, data):
dpro, data, dpro_mapping, fail_required=True)
+ if data.get('discover-pr-forks-strategy'):
+ dprf = XML.SubElement(traits,
+ 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket'
+ '.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait')
+ dprf_strategy = {
+ 'merge-current': '1',
+ 'current': '2',
+ 'both': '3',
+ }
+ dprf_mapping = [
+ ('discover-pr-forks-strategy', 'strategyId', 'merge-current',
+ dprf_strategy)
+ ]
+ helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(
+ dprf, data, dprf_mapping, fail_required=True)
+ trust = data.get('discover-pr-forks-trust', 'contributors')
+ trust_map = {
+ 'contributors': ''.join([
+ 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket'
+ '.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustContributors']),
+ 'everyone': ''.join([
+ 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket'
+ '.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustEveryone']),
+ 'permission': ''.join([
+ 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket'
+ '.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustPermission']),
+ 'nobody': ''.join([
+ 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket'
+ '.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustNobody']),
+ }
+ if trust not in trust_map:
+ raise InvalidAttributeError('discover-pr-forks-trust',
+ trust,
+ trust_map.keys())
+ XML.SubElement(dprf, 'trust').attrib['class'] = trust_map[trust]
if data.get('discover-branch', None):
dbr = XML.SubElement(traits,
@@ -390,6 +456,48 @@ def bitbucket_scm(xml_parent, data):
if data.get('build-strategies', None):
build_strategies(xml_parent, data)
+ if data.get('local-branch', False):
+ lbr = XML.SubElement(traits,
+ 'jenkins.plugins.git.traits.LocalBranchTrait', {
+ 'plugin': 'git',
+ }
+ )
+ lbr_extension = XML.SubElement(lbr,
+ 'extension', {
+ 'class': 'hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch',
+ }
+ )
+ XML.SubElement(lbr_extension,
+ 'localBranch').text = "**"
+ if data.get('checkout-over-ssh', None):
+ cossh = XML.SubElement(traits,
+ 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.SSHCheckoutTrait')
+ cossh_credentials = [
+ ('credentials', 'credentialsId', ''),
+ ]
+ helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(
+ cossh,
+ data.get('checkout-over-ssh'),
+ cossh_credentials,
+ fail_required=True)
+ if data.get('filter-by-name-wildcard', None):
+ wscmf_name = XML.SubElement(traits,
+ 'jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait', {
+ 'plugin': 'scm-api',
+ }
+ )
+ wscmf_name_mapping = [
+ ('includes', 'includes', ''),
+ ('excludes', 'excludes', '')
+ ]
+ helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(
+ wscmf_name,
+ data.get('filter-by-name-wildcard', ''),
+ wscmf_name_mapping,
+ fail_required=True)
def gerrit_scm(xml_parent, data):
"""Configure Gerrit SCM
diff --git a/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.xml b/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.xml
index 6b1ef626..3433e393 100644
--- a/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.xml
+++ b/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.xml
@@ -45,9 +45,25 @@
+ <com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait>
+ <strategyId>2</strategyId>
+ <trust class="com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait$TrustEveryone"/>
+ </com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.ForkPullRequestDiscoveryTrait>
+ <jenkins.plugins.git.traits.LocalBranchTrait plugin="git">
+ <extension class="hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch">
+ <localBranch>**</localBranch>
+ </extension>
+ </jenkins.plugins.git.traits.LocalBranchTrait>
+ <com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.SSHCheckoutTrait>
+ <credentialsId>ssh_secret</credentialsId>
+ </com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.SSHCheckoutTrait>
+ <jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait plugin="scm-api">
+ <includes>*</includes>
+ <excludes>master</excludes>
+ </jenkins.scm.impl.trait.WildcardSCMHeadFilterTrait>
diff --git a/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.yaml b/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.yaml
index ef211d48..d9ff9c8c 100644
--- a/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.yaml
+++ b/tests/multibranch/fixtures/scm_bitbucket_full.yaml
@@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ scm:
head-filter-regex: 'master|\d+\.\d+'
discover-pr-origin: headOnly
discover-branch: all
+ discover-pr-forks-strategy: current
+ discover-pr-forks-trust: everyone
+ local-branch: true
+ checkout-over-ssh:
+ credentials: 'ssh_secret'
+ filter-by-name-wildcard:
+ includes: '*'
+ excludes: 'master'
- tags:
ignore-tags-newer-than: 1