path: root/sample
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Diffstat (limited to 'sample')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 1988 deletions
diff --git a/sample/rss/articles.rss b/sample/rss/articles.rss
deleted file mode 100644
index ac40ce3a6..000000000
--- a/sample/rss/articles.rss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
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-<title>Slashdot: Articles</title>
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-<title>Live Vorbis Streams Over 802.11b From</title>
-<description>chupacabra writes " in Austin, Texas has a group of computers in various music venues around town. The ices/icecast stream is sent over 802.11 to a ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Music Companies Bemoan New High-Cap Portables</title>
-<description>An anonymous reader writes "New Scientist reports: 'The music industry this week condemned the launch of two recording systems that will let people copy ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>New Social-Network Mapping Tools Compared</title>
-<description>Roland Piquepaille writes "There are many new visualization tools around us which try to map our social networks. In this column, I examined Inflow, a ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>AMD Opteron Due In April</title>
-<description>updog writes "Here's an article from Infoworld claiming that the new 64-bit AMD Opteron is ready to launch on April 22. Some of the notable features of the new ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Clear Case Roundup</title>
-<description>The Cheat writes "Interested in making your computer the envy of all the other computers on the block? What visitors to oooh and ahhh when they enter your ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Forbes on Lessig and Eldred</title>
-<description>scubacuda writes "In the Forbes editorial, Fact and Comment , Steve Forbes voices his support for Lessig and the Eldred case: 'Maybe Congress should just be ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Modular Home Network PVR at CeBIT</title>
-<description>Mackus Daddius writes "This ought to give the MPAA a conniption: 'The Lancaster system is modular, consisting of a TV tuner (analogue or digital), a hard disk ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>EA, Eidos Have No Plans for Xbox Live</title>
-<description>News for nerds writes "Eidos, maker of Tomb Raider, said it doesn't plan to make games for Xbox Live because Microsoft controls the system and manages ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Build Your Own Sherman Tank</title>
-<description>absolut.evil writes "OK, so admittedly it is only 1/5th scale, but still pretty cool.. especially if you're a kid. The thing comes complete with working ...</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Sony's Cashless Smart Card Catching on in Japan</title>
-<description>Spasemunki writes "The New York Times reports here on the success in Japan of an RF-based, cash replacement smart card developed by Sony. Used primarily by ...</description>
-<textinput rdf:about="">
-<title>Search Slashdot</title>
-<description>Search Slashdot stories</description>
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diff --git a/sample/rss/content.xml b/sample/rss/content.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eb192ec7..000000000
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- <description>Simply for the purpose of demonstration.</description>
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- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>What a <em>beautiful</em> day!</p>]]></content:encoded>
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deleted file mode 100644
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- <description>ギャラリートップ</description>
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- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./momi/paris/%A5%D5%A5%E9%A5%F3%A5%B9%20%20%A5%D1%A5%EA.jpg'>
- <title>フランス パリ</title>
- <description></description>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:13:33+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./momi/paris/invalides.jpg'>
- <title>金ぴかドーム</title>
- <description>アンヴァリッドといいます。軍事博物館・解放勲章博物館・サン=ルイ教会、そして、あのナポレオン1世の墓としての顔も持っています。</description>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:13:33+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./momi/paris/tour%2Deffel2.jpg'>
- <title>下から激写</title>
- <description>エッフェルを下から見るとこんな感じです。</description>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:13:33+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./momi/paris/tour%2Deffel3.jpg'>
- <title>今度は上から</title>
- <description>エッフェル塔は、1階・2階に登ることができます。これは1階からのショット。地上30m位でしょうか。パリが一望できます。</description>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:13:33+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./momi/paris/france_photo2_055.jpg'>
- <title>どこだかわかりますか?</title>
- <description>シャンゼリゼと言えばわかりますよね。
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:13:33+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./momi/paris/france_photo2_054.jpg'>
- <title>凱旋門のようです</title>
- <description>メッカですからねぇ。足下はロータリーです。よくぶつからないものだと感心してしまいます。</description>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:13:33+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./momi/paris/tour%2Deffel.jpg'>
- <title>エッフェル塔というやつです</title>
- <description>天気悪くて綺麗じゃないですね。できた当時は、鉄の塊にかなり批判的な声が多かったらしいですよ。今は観光名所ですけどね。</description>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:13:33+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./wrudgef/SPANGLETRASH/101%2D0133_IMG.JPG'>
- <title>プリント半そでシャツ</title>
- <description>¥9.800 M <ピンク ブルー クロ>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:12:36+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./wrudgef/SPANGLETRASH/101%2D0137_IMG.JPG'>
- <title>髑髏プリント半そでシャツ</title>
- <description>¥9.800 M <ボルドー グレイ クロ>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:12:36+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./wrudgef/SPANGLETRASH/101%2D0136_IMG.JPG'>
- <title>髑髏プリント半そでシャツ</title>
- <description>¥9.800 M <ボルドー グレイ クロ>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:12:36+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./wrudgef/SPANGLETRASH/101%2D0134_IMG.JPG'>
- <title>プリント半そでシャツ</title>
- <description>¥9.800 M <ピンク ブルー クロ>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:12:36+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item rdf:about='http://bat/~gallery/./wrudgef/BARROWGANG/100%2D0099_IMG.JPG'>
- <title>あみあみスカート</title>
- <description>¥8.900 フリーサイズ <ベージュ>
- <dc:date>2003-06-11T00:09:25+09:00</dc:date>
- </item>
diff --git a/sample/rss/news.rss b/sample/rss/news.rss
deleted file mode 100644
index c1bb5af6a..000000000
--- a/sample/rss/news.rss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
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-<channel rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>The PHP scripting language web site</description>
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-<!-- RSS-Items -->
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>Grant Program</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> php|architect, is proud to announce the creation of the php|architect Grant Program, whose goal is to provide financial support to best-of-breed PHP-related projects. Participation in the program is open to all open-source projects that are related to PHP (but not necessarily written in PHP). The program is accepting submissions now and will start distributing grants in June of 2003. For more information, visit the program's website. </description>
- <dc:date>2003-03-06</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>Set your own language preference</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> Starting from today, your browser's &quot;Accept Language&quot; setting is also honored on language sensitive pages on the site. If you would like to get to the documentation page of echo for example, you can use the /echo shortcut on all mirror sites, if your browser is set to provide your language preference information to the server. This also makes the PHP error message links point to the documentation in your preferred language. You can set your preferences under Edit/Preferences/Navigator/Languages in Mozilla, and under Tools/Internet Options/Languages in Internet Explorer. This will probably also enhance your web experience on sites providing translated content. </description>
- <dc:date>2003-03-01</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>First Hungarian PHP Conference</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The members of the Hungarian PHP community announce the first Hungarian PHP Conference which will take place in Budapest, on Saturday March 29th, sponsored by several international and local companies. The conference offers an entirely free one day activity with several presentations addressing basic and advanced topics, as well, exclusively in Hungarian. Moreover, a five kilobyte-limited PHP contest has been started to discover the most talented PHP programmers in our country. The programme includes the first session of the so-called PHP Division which will be established with the set purpose of representing the community itself and promoting their interests in any national business and official phorums. </description>
- <dc:date>2003-02-25</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP 4.3.1 released in response to CGI vulnerability</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The PHP Group today announced the details of a serious CGI vulnerability in PHP version 4.3.0. A security update, PHP 4.3.1, fixes the issue. Everyone running affected version of PHP (as CGI) are encouraged to upgrade immediately. The new 4.3.1 release does not include any other changes, so upgrading from 4.3.0 is safe and painless. </description>
- <dc:date>2003-02-17</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHPCon East 2003 - (April 23-25, 2003)</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> PHPCon announces PHPCon East 2003 in New York City. This conference features two days of technical learning with speakers such as Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski, Michael Radwin, George Schlossnagle and Jeremy Zawodny. PHPCon East also adds a third, full day of tutorials offering practical, cogent PHP solutions and ideas including: MySQL and PHP; Building and Consuming Web Services with SOAP; Getting Started with PHP; High Performance PHP: Profiling and Benchmarking; and more PHPCon East has discounts for early registration, students, non-profits, and Tutorial/Conference packages. Early Bird Deadline is March 31st. For more program information, visit the PHPCon website. </description>
- <dc:date>2003-02-01</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>LinuxTag, Karlsruhe, July 10th - 13th</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> LinuxTag e.V has once again put out a call for papers for this years conference event. Submit your ideas and proposals here. This year's theme looks at discussions that promote new ideas, delivers a broad overview, introduces new users to linux, or discusses the legal, moral and other implications of linux and free software. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-12-30</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>Conf&amp;eacute;rence PHP Qu&amp;eacute;bec 2003 - (Montr&amp;eacute;al, March 20&amp;amp;21rst, 2003)</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The PHP Qu&amp;eacute;bec association announces the Conf&amp;eacute;rence PHP Qu&amp;eacute;bec 2003. The conference will take place in the &amp;Eacute;cole Polytechnique de Montr&amp;eacute;al, Qu&amp;eacute;bec, Canada. The Conf&amp;eacute;rence PHP Qu&amp;eacute;bec features two days of conferences, with outstanding customer cases from Canada, and cutting edge technical sessions, hosted by international experts. An exhibitor room will showroom professional solutions. Learn more about those exciting days at </description>
- <dc:date>2003-01-28</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>International PHP Conference 2003 - Spring Edition (Amsterdam, May 8-9)</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> Software &amp;amp; Support Verlag announced the International PHP Conference 2003 - Spring Edition - in Amsterdam. The dates for this event for PHP enthusiasts from all over the world will be May 8 and 9, 2003. The conference venue is the RAI conference center in Amsterdam. Like the International PHP Conferences in Frankfurt this conference will offer a first class program to an international audience of PHP enthusiasts. We are happy to ask you to submit your proposals for the session program. The topics are General PHP, PHP &amp;amp; Business, PHP &amp;amp; Databases, PHP Design, PHP Extensions, PHP &amp;amp; XML and PHP-GTK. </description>
- <dc:date>2003-01-13</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PEAR Out of Beta!</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The PEAR development team is proud to announce that PEAR is finally out of its long beta period. As of PHP 4.3, the PEAR installer is installed by default. Unix support is considered stable, while Windows and Darwin are still of beta-quality. </description>
- <dc:date>2003-01-11</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP Look Back 2002</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> We are at the end of 2002, and it seemed appropriate to look back on the development issues of the past year. So starts the first PHP Look Back You can find it in on the non-official personal website of one of the PHP Developers here. Happy New Year </description>
- <dc:date>2002-12-31</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP 4.3.0 Released!</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The PHP developers are pleased to announce the immediate availability of PHP 4.3.0, the latest and greatest version of this extremely popular and widely used scripting language. This release contains a multitude of changes, bug fixes and improvements over the previous one, PHP 4.2.3. It further elevates PHP's standing as a serious contender in the general purpose scripting language arena. Please see the full release announcement. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-12-27</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>New Release of the PHP Manual CHM Edition - Please Help Us</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The 11th sample of the CHM edition is available for download from today. The sample hopefully fixed the missing page bugs forever, introduces a new integration method (see documentation inside) and contains actual manual text, mirrors list and user notes. See the edition's page for download. We also would like to ask you to help out in testing our new on-the-fly syntax highlighter, which would make the CHM significantly smaller, and would give you more options in displaying the pages. See the edition's page for more information. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-12-27</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2003 in San Jose</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> MySQL AB is proud to host the world's First Annual MySQL User Conference, to be held in the heart of Silicon Valley, April 10-12, 2003. This event promises to be the biggest gathering of MySQL database users ever in one location. Designed for both the MySQL developer and the corporate decision maker, this is the place to learn about the latest in MySQL technology, discover new business opportunities, take a pulse on industry direction and commune with like minds. More information on the event's website. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-12-16</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP news feed available</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The news of is available now in RSS 1.0 format via our new news.rss file. You can add this file to any news reader or portal site to get the latest official PHP news. We strongly recommend you to cache the contents locally on your side, as the newsfeed is updated daily. The RSS file is available on every mirror site. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-12-01</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>Forum PHP 2002 in Paris, France</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> The French PHP User Group AFUP invites you to the &quot;Forum PHP 2002&quot; in Paris, on December 9th and 10th. Designed to meet the needs of PHP aware companies and all the French PHP developper's community alike, this event will provided you with valuable and up-to-date information. For more information (in French) see the PHP Forum website. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-11-21</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP Magazine - International Edition</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> Software &amp;amp; Support Verlag GmbH is going to publish an International version of the PHP Magazin. This magazine was initiated after growing interest for an English magazine after the German version has been around for a few months. PHP Magazine not only informs about the scripting language itself, but also about related technologies such as the Apache Web Server, database technologies, XML and other innovative internet technologies. Different sections within the magazine are oriented towards the specific question areas with which a web developer is confronted in daily practice. The first issue will be published in December and the frequency of issues is two months. You will be able to subscribe on the website which will open shortly. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-11-17</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>New Monthly PHP Magazine Launched</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> php|architect, a new monthly magazine dedicated exclusively to PHP, has launched its website. php|a is published in PDF format and is available worldwide. It covers a variety of advanced topics ranging from day-to-day programming to the internals of PHP. A sample article on the creation of a web-based PDF converter is also available on the magazine website </description>
- <dc:date>2002-11-15</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP Search Bars available for major browsers</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> We added a new option to access our site's content quickly. In addition to URL shortcuts, keyboard shortcuts and browser specific magic you can now use our Search Bar from the major browsers. Please help us to test this new service, and provide feedback via the bug system (categorize your bug as a website bug please). </description>
- <dc:date>2002-10-29</dc:date>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>PHP at the LinuxWorld Expo Oct. 29-31th in Frankfurt, Germany</title>
- <link></link>
- <description> For the first time the Open Source projects comprising the popular LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) will be present at the LinuxWorld Expo with its own booth. At the booth, which is organized by the German PHP Association and the PHP Usergroup Frankfurt, fair visitors can experience and learn about Apache, MySQL, PHP and related projects. Visitors can take LAMP home, too, since there will be a CD with the necessary software available at the booth. </description>
- <dc:date>2002-10-28</dc:date>
-<!-- / RSS-Items PHP/RSS -->
diff --git a/sample/rss/php.rss b/sample/rss/php.rss
deleted file mode 100644
index e9508b9d0..000000000
--- a/sample/rss/php.rss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
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- <title>ishinao's personal WikiLike</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>WikiLike Modified List</description>
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-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>違潟域茯九勝罕膤糸巡擦筝荀</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>羞隙恒[[違潟域茯]][[九勝罕]]膤[[巡擦]]筝荀с吟膃1腮帥鐚荐茯御綵х完眼紊荀ゃ
- for ($i=0; $i&lt;10; $i++) {
- }
- while ($i&lt;10) {
- break; //怨
- next; //罨<若
- }
-!!!foreach array
- </description>
- <dc:date>2003-03-03T08:51:55+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>IM罨<MS3属筝 from ZDNet</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*[[IM]]罨<[[MS]][[3属]]筝 -
- <dc:date>2003-03-03T08:11:56+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>恰ソ罐ャDVDャ若吾罩d from ZDNet</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*[[恰ソ]]罐ャ[[DVDャ若吾]]罩d -
- <dc:date>2003-03-03T08:07:09+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>若紙吾羈 from ZDNet</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*[[若]][[紙]]吾[[]][[羈]] -
- <dc:date>2003-03-03T03:54:43+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>荐篋ゅ勲</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*荐篋ゅ勲 -
- <dc:date>2003-03-03T02:53:20+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>茲茖順臂</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[茗茫腓丈綺]] [[茱炊召篆綵]] [[茲茖順臂:]]
- <dc:date>2003-03-02T14:36:12+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title></title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[20030302131001.jpg:]]
- <dc:date>2003-03-02T04:10:02+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>Apache若吟若紊c</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[鴻篏帥Wiki]]贋違сc潟<潟ф荀茵cPukiWiki若帥<ゃ贋違сc茯帥鴻帥[[Apache]][[篏若吟]]鐚ID鐚紊cсс若吟惹┤т<ゃ吾Write≪祉鴻сc
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T19:06:25+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>罎罟CCCD</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>違[[罎罟]][[≪]]c[[CCCD]]c宴顙激ccャCCCD腟九上絲上筝紫奨с鐚絲常若茵篏帥若c鐚篆冴堺[[PC]]鐚[[激潟潟若cゃゃ]][[恰ソ]]眼鋋咲сCCCD莢激潟<CCCDc篋冴腱恰ソ眼c潟</description>
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T07:28:43+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>割筝у糸 from ZAKZAK</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*[[割筝]]у糸 -
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T06:49:20+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>若潟鴻絅純箴吟筝絎Centrino吾劫篋祉守 from ZDNet</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*若潟鴻絅純箴吟筝絎[[Centrino]]吾劫篋祉守 -
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T06:46:37+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>筝綏絎吟綣莊筝潟絅恰ф眼 from ZAKZAK</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*[[筝綏絎]]綣莊筝潟絅恰ф眼 -
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T06:33:53+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>綏ュ紙梓水ュ幻</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[GENTOSHA NOVELS]] [[罍]] [[綏ュ紙梓水ュ幻:]]
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T05:20:40+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>腱糸罩私</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[茗茫腓丈綺]] [[茱炊召篆綵]] [[腱糸罩私:]]
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T05:12:07+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>臀膤祉<潟帥吾</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*[[х臀]] -
-*[[сc激冴]]鐚紊障鐚 -
-*Re:х臀 -
-* - http://dark</description>
- <dc:date>2003-03-01T03:06:59+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>阪遣<若腮帥絲上</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>с[[阪遣]][[<若]][[腮]]絲上帥с筝綽[[羞私<ゃ]]絲上篁[[JPEG]]水
- <dc:date>2003-02-28T13:11:07+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>鴻</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[20030228215401:]]
- <dc:date>2003-02-28T12:54:01+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>阪遣腮帥鴻</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[20030228212001:]]
- <dc:date>2003-02-28T12:32:06+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>腱泣ゃ若 from ZDNet</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>*腱[[泣ゃ若]] -
- <dc:date>2003-02-28T11:57:19+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
-<item rdf:about="">
- <title>FrontPage</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>[[ishinao]]絨WikiLikeс若吾腮帥紫隈ishinao堺ャ障潟<潟腮帥茯違с純с
- <dc:date>2003-02-28T09:35:59+00:00</dc:date>
- <trackback:ping></trackback:ping>
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- <title>Ruby App. Archive</title>
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- <description>New 10 files in the Ruby Application Archive</description>
- </channel>
- <item>
- <title>library: classes to manage versioned libraries</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>sys-host: hostname and ip address info via Ruby - C extension</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>sys-uptime: 'uptime' information via Ruby - C extension</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>hail_ruby: most of the ruby stuff from Hail packaged as an extension</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>tiki: Tiki - WikiEngine</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>sys-cpu: Interface for cpu information</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>btpgsql: Bi-Temporal PostgreSQL - manage data which changes over time</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>ynot2day_server: YNot2Day Server Templator</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>kwarts: kwa's Ruby Template System - a very fast template system</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>exerb-win32: Exerb for Windows</title>
- <link></link>
- </item>
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-<description>障ゃ吾ゃ潟帥ャ (Fri Mar 14 16:40:43 JST 2003)</description>
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-<title>kwarts -- HTML潟若ゃ</title>
-<description>kwarts -- HTML潟若ゃ (Wed Mar 12 22:14:54 JST 2003)</description>
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-<title>Linux Jurnal: Ruby</title>
-<description>Linux Jurnal: Ruby (Wed Mar 12 04:02:01 JST 2003)</description>
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-<title>肢 Ruby 祉</title>
-<description>肢 Ruby 祉 (Tue Mar 11 20:20:37 JST 2003)</description>
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-<description>KWIC若tea (Tue Mar 11 01:01:19 JST 2003)</description>
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-<copyright>Copyright (c) 2000-2003, atmarkIT Corporation</copyright>
-<pubDate>Mon, 26 May 2003 03:00:01 +0900</pubDate>
-<title>.NET TIPS - .NET冴潟 -</title>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<title>違.NET茯VS.NET 2003ゃ潟≪</title>
-<description>.NET Framework莠Windows泣若Visual Studio .NET亥阪2.NET純ャ若激с潟鐚</description>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<description>XML Web泣若鴻ASP.NET鐚VB.NETф膀純祉ャe九勝ゃ荅括完茹h</description>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<title>Visual Studio .NET 2003莢激鐚</title>
-<description>VS.NET 2003阪2腴<≪潟宴若茯炊祉茵c憜榊医2003絨ヤ絎鐚 薛井純鐚</description>
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-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<title>.NET TIPS - .NET冴潟 -</title>
-<description>Win32 APIDLL∽違若喝冴鐚
-Win32 APIDLL∽違絖<羝<鐚
-Win32 APIDLL∽違罕篏羝<鐚</description>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
-<title>DOM鐚Document Object Model鐚XML吾宴</title>
-<pubDate>Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:00:00 +0900</pubDate>
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-<title>.NET TIPS - .NET冴潟 -</title>
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-<item rdf:about="">
-<category>Java Solution</category>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<category>Business Computing</category>
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-<category>System Insider</category>
-Massa POP Izumida
-<item rdf:about="">
-<category>Java Solution</category>
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-<description>篁絎VPN医罕膀帥障Active Directory<ゃ潟絨ャPPTPVPN泣若絨ユ号ゃ茹h</description>
-<category>Windows Server Insider</category>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>違.NET茯VS.NET 2003ゃ潟≪</title>
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-<title>Business &amp; IT DataLinks鐚IT罐若翠鐚</title>
-<category>Business Computing</category>
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-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Linux Tips</title>
-<description>Red Hat LinuxAPT篏帥
-<category>Linux Square</category>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Windows Server 2003ユ茯糸</title>
-<description>罨>篁c泣若Windows Server 2003育榊医64bit絲上SQL
-<category>Windows Server Insider</category>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<description>XML Web泣若鴻ASP.NET鐚VB.NETф膀純祉ャe九勝ゃ荅括完茹h</description>
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-<rss version="2.0"
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:sy=""
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- <title>dive into mark</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>A lot of effort went into making this effortless.</description>
- <dc:language>en-us</dc:language>
- <dc:creator></dc:creator>
- <dc:rights>Copyright 2002</dc:rights>
- <dc:date>2002-09-29T23:40:06-05:00</dc:date>
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- <item>
- <title>Dooce</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Reborn.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1856@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">Reborn</a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-29T23:40:06-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Advanced CSS lists</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Mark Newhouse: CSS Design: Taming Lists. &quot;I'll demonstrate how to use CSS to bring unwieldy lists under control. It's time for you to tell lists how to behave, instead of letting them run wild on your web page.&quot;</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1855@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite title="A List Apart">Mark Newhouse</cite>: <a href="">CSS Design: Taming Lists</a>. <q>I'll demonstrate how to use CSS to bring unwieldy lists under control. It's time for you to tell lists how to behave, instead of letting them run wild on your web page.</q></p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject>CSS</dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T23:22:56-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Pingback vs. Trackback</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Ian Hickson: Whitepaper: Pingback vs Trackback. &quot;It seems pingback has caused quite a stir in the Web logging and syndication communities.&quot;</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1854@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite>Ian Hickson</cite>: <a href=";count=1">Whitepaper: Pingback vs Trackback</a>. <q>It seems pingback has caused quite a stir in the Web logging and syndication communities! The spec is barely a week old and already I'm seeing pingbacks on sites of people I've never heard of, so implementations are spreading, which is great. It also seems pingback has acted a little like a kick in the backside to the trackback folk, causing them to work on the transparency side of trackback, which is good to see too.</q></p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T23:17:51-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Jeffrey Zeldman: &quot;Welcome to, a poorly designed website that hides vital content from its many naive, first-time visitors.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1853@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite>Jeffrey Zeldman</cite>: <q><a href="">Welcome to</a>, a poorly designed website that hides vital content from its many naive, first-time visitors.</q></p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T18:16:54-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>It's Google's world, we just live in it</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Results of a Google search for &quot;It's so-and-so's world, we just live in it&quot;.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1851@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>A Google search for <a href="">"world we just live in it"</a> reveals that:</p>
-<li><a href="">It's Frank [Sinatra]'s world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Mandy's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Elijah [Jordan Wood]'s world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's 'N Sync's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Aerosmith's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Jim's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Philip [Seymour Hoffman]'s world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Jeet's [Derek Sanderson Jeter's] world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's the ILECs' world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href=",1640,37760,FF.html">It's Walmart's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Mikey's [Michael Waltrip's] world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Bianca [Brandt]'s world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Tulip's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Bill Gates' world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Microsoft's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Linus [Torvalds]' world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Michelle Branch's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Robert Pollard's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Anna and Grace's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Mulder and Scully's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Russell Crowe's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Fellini's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<li><a href="">It's Cairo's world, we just live in it</a></li>
-<p>And finally:</p>
-<li><a href="">It's the Bothered Bride [or Groom]'s world, we just live in it</a></li>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T15:43:02-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Semantic mapping of RSS elements</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Sam Ruby has started a discussion of mapping core RSS elements to namespace-based equivalents.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1850@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Sam Ruby has started a discussion of <a href="">mapping core RSS elements to namespace-based equivalents</a>. This is useful for developers who want to consume RSS 2.0 feeds and want to know how to handle the new namespace-based elements. Already support <code>language</code>? Be on the lookout for <code>dc:language</code> as well. And so forth. The mapping isn't always that direct (some elements use different formats, like <code>pubDate</code> and <code>dc:date</code>), but it's a good start to an important discussion.</p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T13:40:34-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Repair</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Kevin Guilfoile: The Half-Assed Handyman.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1849@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite title="The Morning News">Kevin Guilfoile</cite>: <a href="">The Half-Assed Handyman</a>. <q>Once the Half-Assed Handyman decides on a course of repair he must remain committed to it by fixing the broken object the same way over and over, even though the method is clearly ineffective, or even nonsensical.</q></p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject>Writers</dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T13:30:01-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Rescued pictures</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>18 rescued pictures, from 1920, 1983, 1990, 2000, and 2001.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1848@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">18 rescued pictures</a>, from 1920, 1983, 1990, 2000, and 2001.</p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject>Personal</dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T01:23:29-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Chicks dig that</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Slashdot: 37 Operating Systems, 1 PC.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1846@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">One PC, Six Hard Drives, 37 OSes</a>! [via Slashdot: <a href=";mode=nested&amp;tid=99&amp;threshold=3">37 Operating Systems, 1 PC</a>]</p>
-<p>Q: Were there any OSes you couldn't find?</p>
-<p>A: I couldn't find an OS that would tell me how to successfully deal with girls.</p>
-<p><a href="">Mac OS X, baby</a>. <a href="">Mac OS X</a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-27T01:12:29-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>RSS 2.0 template</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>RSS 2.0 template for Movable Type, ready to copy and paste over your existing RSS 0.91 template (index.xml). There are several design decisions at work in this tempate that bear explaining.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1844@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><a href="">RSS 2.0 template for Movable Type</a>, ready to copy and paste over your existing RSS 0.91 template (<code>index.xml</code>). No modifications are required, unless your weblog is in a language other than English, in which case you'll need to change the <code>dc:language</code> tag to <a href="">your language code</a>. (Use the 2-letter language code, unless there isn't one for your language, in which case, use the 3-letter language code. And while you're at it, put the same language code <a href="">in your <code>HTML</code> tag</a> in your normal page templates. But I digress.)</p>
-<p><a href="">Here's what the RSS 2.0 output looks like</a>.</p>
-<p>There are several design decisions at work in this template that bear explaining. First of all, this template is designed to be backward-compatible with all existing aggregators, news readers, and RSS parsers, ranging from the super-smart XML parser built into .NET to the dumb, minimal, regular-expression-based parser that your downstairs neighbor banged out on a Friday night. If you upgrade your existing <code>index.xml</code> right now, none of these parsers should crash, and none of your subscribers should scream bloody murder. This is a good thing.</p>
-<p>Now then, if you look at the template, you'll notice a whole slew of lines at the top like <code>xmlns:dc="..."</code>. These are namespaces. Keven Hemenway has written an excellent primer on <a href="">extending RSS 2.0 with namespaces</a>, so I won't explain them here except to say that we use them, and you should get used to seeing them. Most RSS 2.0 documents you see will use namespaces in some way, because they are the primary way of adding functionality beyond the basic title-link-description combination. If all you want is title-link-description, stick with your existing RSS 0.91 template and stop reading now.</p>
-<p>Still here? OK. Now, the <a href="">RSS 2.0 specification</a> says nothing about how to actually use namespaces in RSS, just that you're allowed to. So where did these particular namespaces come from? Well, I didn't make them up. They have been developed over the past two years by some smart people, most of whom hang out on the <a href="">RSS-DEV mailing list</a>. The namespaces were originally developed for RSS 1.0, and most of them can be used without modification in RSS 2.0. (There's a lot of stuff I'm skipping over here on purpose. There will be a lot more documentation forthcoming in the next few months on exactly how to use various namespaces in RSS 2.0. Some of it still needs to be worked out, but most of it just needs to be written down. Please be patient.)</p>
-<p>So anyway, we use namespaces for a lot of stuff. Most stuff, in fact. In the template, you'll see title-link-description for <code>channel</code>, and title-link-description-guid for <code>item</code>. <code>guid</code> is new in RSS 2.0, and it is used to uniquely identify an item, so even if the title or description changes, aggregators know that it's the same item; the end user can choose whether to re-display changed items, but first programs need to be able to track which items are which. (<a href="">Radio Userland</a> already supports this.) To create the <code>guid</code>, I've combined <code>MTEntryID</code> with <code>MTBlogURL</code> to generate a unique string for each item, and I've arranged them so there's no confusion about it possibly being a URL. It's not a URL; it's just a unique string. (Other systems have stricter format requirements for guids, but RSS 2.0 does not. A guid is a unique string, and that's all.)</p>
-<p>Pretty much everything beyond title-link-description (and guid) uses namespaces. This template makes use of all 3 of the <a href="">standard RSS 1.0 namespaces</a>, but there are many other <a href="">proposed namespaces</a> that have a lot of good design behind them. We use one (<code>admin</code>), which is already widely used; the rest may be useful to you, depending on your niche. (If you think you need to design your own namespace, look through that list and make sure you're not re-inventing the wheel.)</p>
-<p>Back to the template. Other than guid, the most important thing to note about this template is that the <code>title</code>, <code>link</code>, and <code>description</code> are all plain text. (<code>description</code> is an excerpt; if you do not enter an excerpt manually for a post, Movable Type will auto-generate one. You can control how long this auto-generated excerpt is by going to Blog Config, then Preferences, then <q>Number of words in excerpt</q>.) <code>title</code> was always supposed to be plain text, but sticking to plain text in the <code>description</code> tag is an intentional compromise, to support parsers that can not handle HTML, or handle it improperly. Never fear, the full HTML text of your post is still included; it's stored in the <code>content:encoded</code> element. (<a href="">Aggie</a> already supports this.) This allows more robust news readers -- that can handle either text or HTML -- to offer the end user the choice of whether to see excerpts or full posts. Some people use news aggregators to find things to read, others like reading everything directly in their aggregator. RSS 0.9x made you (the author) choose one or the other; RSS 2.0 allows you to offer both, and pass the choice along to the end user. This is a good thing.</p>
-<p>There's more good stuff in there, but the explanations will have to wait for another day. If you're interested in learning how to extend RSS to suit your needs, your best bet is to read through the documentation of the existing RSS 1.0 namespaces. If you have questions, your best bet is the <a href="">RSS-DEV mailing list</a>, where Kevin is currently <a href="">discussing his namespace primer</a>. Archives are public and free, so no subscription is required, and lurking is encouraged.</p>
-<p>And watch this space.</p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject>Weblogging</dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-26T01:28:52-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>FOAF explorer</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Morten Frederiksen has taken a first stab at a real-time social network explorer based on FOAF files. It's heavy on tech details, but you can easily see the potential here.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1843@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Morten Frederiksen has taken a first stab at a real-time social network explorer based on FOAF files. You could <a href="">start on my profile</a> and explore from there, or enter the URL of your own FOAF file (at the bottom of the page). It's heavy on tech details, but you can easily see the potential here. (It's also a great way to debug your FOAF file, if you added anything manually.) Now we need somebody to build a spider that follows <code>foaf:knows</code> links and draws pretty social network diagrams, so we can see the forest for the trees.</p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-25T18:18:53-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Maps</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Mark Tosczak @ Wired: A New Way to Read, Not See, Maps.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1842@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite title="Wired News">Mark Tosczak</cite>: <a href=",1383,54916,00.html">A New Way to Read, Not See, Maps</a>. <q>The map-navigation software, dubbed Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System ... takes digital map information and provides nonvisual feedback as a user moves a cursor across the map.</q></p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject>Accessibility</dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-25T10:45:15-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Plan</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Paul Ford: Falling Off a Truck. &quot;In the last 4 days I fell off a truck and was dragged for 30 feet, and was interviewed by an NPR show. Those two facts are not related except that they both happened to me and made me queasy. I also wrote a short plan outlining the rest of my life.&quot;</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1841@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite>Paul Ford</cite>: <a href="">Falling Off a Truck</a>. <q>In the last 4 days I fell off a truck and was dragged for 30 feet, and was interviewed by an NPR show. Those two facts are not related except that they both happened to me and made me queasy. I also wrote a short plan outlining the rest of my life.</q></p>]]></content:encoded>
- <dc:subject>Writers</dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-25T10:43:06-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>RSS revolt</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>People appear to be sick of the syndication format wars. Some are protesting, some are creating new formats with new names, others are simply boycotting.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1840@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite>Anil Dash</cite>: <a href="">XML version 1.0</a>. <q>Why isn't there a way to syndicate my words without butchering the way they look?</q> Several people protested last week by changing their weblog templates to <a href="">something like this</a>. <a href="">Jason Levine has more links</a> to those involved. I spoke with one of the people who implemented it, and she claims it wasn't a protest as such, more of an inside joke. Point taken: the entire point of an aggregator (and syndication in general) is to make everyone's words look the same. Counterpoint: the default in most weblog systems is to only publish excerpts in RSS feeds; nobody's forcing you to publish full posts. This would probably be a good place to insert a Zen quote about attachment, but my mind is too fuzzy to find it.</p>
-<p><cite>Timothy Appnel</cite>: <a href="">More FFKAR, RDF, and FOAF</a>. FFKAR is <q>the format formerly known as RSS</q>. <a href="">Sam has already implemented it</a>.</p>
-<p><cite>Nicholas Avenell</cite>: <a href="">ESF</a>. <q>Are you also fed up with the continuing war between RSS 0.9* and 1.0 and 2.0 and whatever else they invent today? Me too. So today I invented the Epistula Syndication Format. ESF. It isn't XML. It isn't RDF. It's just data.</q> <a href="">Sam</a> would love it, then. But <a href=" tag formats">Movable Type doesn't support outputting dates in Unix timestamp format</a>, which could be an impediment to mainstream acceptance.</p>
-<p><cite>Shelley Powers</cite>: <a href="">Consumer Rights and RSS</a>. <q>I'm not buying into RSS 0.9x. I'm not buying into RSS 2.0. I'm not buying into RSS 1.0. I changed my RSS 0.91 and RSS 1.0 templates to read the following:</q></p>
-<p><strong>RSS not supported here</strong></p>
-<p>This weblog does not support RSS 0.9x, RSS 2.0, or RSS 1.0. If you wish to view entries, may I suggest that you visit the weblog, and save your fast skimming for the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.</p>
-<p>I'm sure this is some sort of DMCA violation or something, but here goes:</p>
-<p><code>import urllib, re; print "&lt;rss&gt;&lt;channel&gt;\n &lt;title&gt;Burningbird&lt;/title&gt;\n &lt;link&gt;;/link&gt;\n &lt;language&gt;en-us&lt;/language&gt;\n &lt;/channel&gt;\n" + "\n".join(["&lt;item&gt;&lt;title&gt;%s&lt;/title&gt;&lt;link&gt;%s&lt;/link&gt;&lt;/item&gt;" % t for t in re.compile(r'dc:title="(.*?)"\s*dc:identifier="(.*?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(urllib.urlopen('').read())]) + "&lt;/rss&gt;"</code></p>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-25T00:38:31-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Stark raving sane</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Sam Ruby is stark raving mad.</description>
- <guid isPermaLink="false">1839@</guid>
- <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><cite>Sam Ruby</cite>: <a href="">Stark raving mad</a>.</p>
-<p>This post was entered in Radio, extracted using a batch file via some UserTalk, parsed using Perl, cleaned up by tidy and a C program of my own design, transferred to intertwingly using scp, and then ssh triggers unpacking on the destination site, where a shell script takes over: invokes indexing using Jakarta's Lucene, and then a python script pings and</p>
-<p>Tom Stoppard (<cite>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead</cite>):</p>
-<p>Guildenstern: <q>A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man talking nonsense not to himself.</q><br />
-Rosencrantz: <q>Or just as mad.</q><br />
-Guildenstern: <q>Or just as mad.</q><br />
-Rosencrantz: <q>And he does both.</q><br />
-Guildenstern: <q>So there you are.</q><br />
-Rosencrantz: <q>Stark raving sane.</q></p>
- <dc:subject></dc:subject>
- <dc:date>2002-09-24T22:05:32-05:00</dc:date>
- </item>
- </channel>
diff --git a/sample/rss/rssTwoExample.xml b/sample/rss/rssTwoExample.xml
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-<!-- RSS generated by Radio UserLand v8.0.5 on Tue, 17 Sep 2002 20:40:06 GMT -->
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- <title>Scripting News</title>
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- <item>
- <description>&lt;a href=&quot;$10657&quot;&gt;JRobb&lt;/a&gt;: &quot;I am proud to announce the launch of Frontier 9.&quot;</description>
- <guid></guid>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 11:01:55 GMT</pubDate>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;How to&lt;/a&gt; ruin your life in one email.</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:41:35 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Michel Vuijlsteke&lt;/a&gt;: &quot;And the hits started rolling in.&quot;</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:04:52 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Brent Simmons&lt;/a&gt;: &quot;For RSS adoption to continue, stability is important. Developers should not spend their time scrambling to support new specs: they should spend their time building better apps.&quot; &lt;i&gt;Exactly. &lt;/i&gt;</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 11:55:37 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Aggie&lt;/a&gt; is the first aggregator to support &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;RSS 2.0&lt;/a&gt;.</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 14:01:03 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Mikel Maron&lt;/a&gt;: &quot;With this tool, the Radio Community Server can act as a RSS Cache for Radio Userland Aggregators.&quot;</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 15:12:50 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>With almost 2.5 million page reads in the last year, Scripting News would not qualify for the small-flow categories in the &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Online Journalism Awards&lt;/a&gt;. Their cutoff is 200,000 visits per month. We did more than that.</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:50:19 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Sean Gallagher&lt;/a&gt;: &quot;Detroit is a city that looks like you might expect a city to look after a neutron bomb went off in it; most of the buildings are still standing, but the people are gone.&quot;</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 14:09:14 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
- </item>
- <item>
- <description>The NY Times &lt;a href=&quot;;en=9bebebadbb60c3a2&amp;ei=5007&amp;partner=USERLAND&quot;&gt;reports&lt;/a&gt; that there's a move to push Steve Case out as chairman of AOL-Time-Warner; and that Charles Simonyi, an early Microsoft employee, &lt;a href=&quot;;en=32d4d1af8909b6e6&amp;ei=5007&amp;partner=USERLAND&quot;&gt;has left to start&lt;/a&gt; a new software company.</description>
- <pubDate>Tue, 17 Sep 2002 10:14:55 GMT</pubDate>
- <guid></guid>
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- </channel>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
-<rss version="0.91">
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- <title>WriteTheWeb</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>News for web users that write back</description>
- <language>en-us</language>
- <copyright>Copyright 2000, WriteTheWeb team.</copyright>
- <managingEditor></managingEditor>
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- <link></link>
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- <description>News for web users that write back</description>
- </image>
- <item>
- <title>Giving the world a pluggable Gnutella</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>WorldOS is a framework on which to build programs that work like Freenet or Gnutella -allowing distributed applications using peer-to-peer routing.</description>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Syndication discussions hot up</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>After a period of dormancy, the Syndication mailing list has become active again, with contributions from leaders in traditional media and Web syndication.</description>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Personal web server integrates file sharing and messaging</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>The Magi Project is an innovative project to create a combined personal web server and messaging system that enables the sharing and synchronization of information across desktop, laptop and palmtop devices.</description>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>Syndication and Metadata</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>RSS is probably the best known metadata format around. RDF is probably one of the least understood. In this essay, published on my O'Reilly Network weblog, I argue that the next generation of RSS should be based on RDF.</description>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title>UK bloggers get organised</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Looks like the weblogs scene is gathering pace beyond the shores of the US. There's now a UK-specific page on, and a mailing list at egroups.</description>
- </item>
- <item>
- <title> more important than anything</title>
- <link></link>
- <description>Whatever you're publishing on the web, your site name is the most valuable asset you have, according to Carl Steadman.</description>
- </item>
- </channel>
- </rss>
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-<title>Search 鴻激ャ 吾c</title>
-<description>Search 鴻激ャ 吾c stories</description>
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-<description>News for nerds, stuff that matters</description>
-<title>McDonalds to go Wireless?</title>
-<title>Feds Move to Secure Net</title>
-<title>Linus Comments on SCO v IBM</title>
-<title>New Windows Worm Inching Around Internet</title>
-<title>Tcl Core Team Interview</title>
-<title>MA Dept. of Revenue consider Linux</title>
-<title>Perl 6: Apocalypse 6 Released</title>
-<title>SuSE may drop out of UnitedLinux</title>
-<title>New Legit Napster Service Coming</title>
-<title>Swapping Clock Cycles for Free Music?</title>
-<title>Search Slashdot</title>
-<description>Search Slashdot stories</description>
-</rdf:RDF> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sample/rss/w3c.rdf b/sample/rss/w3c.rdf
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-<rdf:RDF xmlns:dc="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:hr="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="">
-<channel rdf:about="">
-<title>World Wide Web Consortium</title>
-<description>Leading the Web to its Full Potential...</description>
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>W3C Hosts Technical Plenary and All-Group Meeting</title>
-<description>3 March 2003: W3C holds its third annual Technical Plenary and All Working Group Meeting from 3-7 March in Cambridge, MA, USA. 30 W3C Working Groups and Interest Groups hold face-to-face meetings. Mid-week, many of the more than 400 participants attend the all day public plenary, by far the largest group in the event's history. If your organization would like to join W3C, please refer to the Membership page. (News archive)</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>China International Forum on WWW's Development Announced</title>
-<description>10 March 2003: The China International Forum on WWW's Development 2003 will be held in Beijing, China on 16-17 April. W3C Team members Judy Brewer, Martin D端rst, Ivan Herman, Philipp Hoschka and Matt May present keynotes and tutorials. Attendees will participate in panels on accessibility, SVG, mobile Web, the Semantic Web, VoiceXML and internationalization. Registration is open. The event is co-organized by the China Computer Federation and the W3C Office in Hong Kong. (News archive)</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Call for Participation: W3C Teleconference on Collaboration</title>
-<description>4 March 2003: W3C is pleased to announce the first in a series of teleconferences on Web accessibility research. Researchers and practitioners in document collaboration, human-computer interaction, assistive technologies, disability studies, Web accessibility, and related fields are invited. The event is sponsored by the Web Accessibility Initiative's Research and Development Interest Group. The first telecon is tentatively 14 April. Position papers are due 21 March. Please refer to the call for papers. (News archive)</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.2 Working Draft Published</title>
-<description>3 March 2003: The Web Services Description Working Group has released an updated Working Draft of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 1.2. WSDL is a model and an XML format for describing Web services that allows separation of abstract functionality from concrete details. Read about Web Services. (News archive)</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>W3C Team Talks in March</title>
-<description>1 March 2003: Browse upcoming W3C appearances and events. (News archive)</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>W3C Co-Sponsors 23rd Internationalization &amp; Unicode Conference</title>
-<description>26 February 2003: Registration is open for the 23rd Internationalization &amp; Unicode Conference to be held 24-26 March in Prague, Czech Republic, near most major cities in Europe. Come and meet W3C Team members Martin D端rst, Richard Ishida, and Chris Lilley who are presenting. The event is the premier technical conference worldwide for software and Web internationalization. Read about Unicode and the W3C Internationalization Activity. (News archive)</description>
-<item rdf:about="">
-<title>CSS3 Text Last Call Working Draft Published</title>
-<description>26 February 2003: The CSS Working Group has released a second Last Call Working Draft of the CSS3 module: Text incorporating all comments from the first Last Call. The group welcomes feedback through 5 March. The document is a set of text formatting properties. Many address international contexts, particularly East Asian and bidirectional text. Visit the CSS home page. (News archive)</description>
diff --git a/sample/rss/wiliki.rss b/sample/rss/wiliki.rss
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- >
-<channel rdf:about=""><title>WiLiKi</title>
-<description>WiLiKi, a Wiki engine written in Scheme</description>
-<items><rdf:Seq><rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<rdf:li rdf:resource=";l=jp" />
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>todo</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>Gauche:Windows/VC++</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>Gauche:Bugs</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>戯</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>Gauche:Cygwin</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>Gauche:SpamFilter</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>skimu</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>WiLiKi:RSSMix</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>WiLiKi</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>SHIMADA</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>WiLiKiソース解読</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>MakotoS</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>WiLiKi:WishList</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>Gauche:Packages</title>
-<item rdf:about=";l=jp"><title>Gauche:MacOSX</title>