/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #include "scriptercore.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "runscriptdialog.h" #include "helpbrowser.h" #include "propertiespalette.h" //TODO Move the calls to this to a signal #include "pagepalette.h" //TODO Move the calls to this to a signal #include "layers.h" //TODO Move the calls to this to a signal #include "outlinepalette.h" //TODO Move the calls to this to a signal #include "menumanager.h" #include "pconsole.h" #include "scraction.h" #include "scribuscore.h" #include "scpaths.h" #include "selection.h" #include "prefsfile.h" #include "prefscontext.h" #include "prefstable.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" ScripterCore::ScripterCore(QWidget* parent) { pcon = new PythonConsole(parent); scrScripterActions.clear(); scrRecentScriptActions.clear(); returnString = "init"; scrScripterActions.insert("scripterExecuteScript", new ScrAction(QObject::tr("&Execute Script..."), QKeySequence(), this)); scrScripterActions.insert("scripterShowConsole", new ScrAction(QObject::tr("Show &Console"), QKeySequence(), this)); scrScripterActions.insert("scripterAboutScript", new ScrAction(QObject::tr("&About Script..."), QKeySequence(), this)); scrScripterActions["scripterExecuteScript"]->setMenuRole(QAction::NoRole); scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"]->setMenuRole(QAction::NoRole); scrScripterActions["scripterAboutScript"]->setMenuRole(QAction::NoRole); scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"]->setToggleAction(true); scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"]->setChecked(false); QObject::connect( scrScripterActions["scripterExecuteScript"], SIGNAL(triggered()) , this, SLOT(runScriptDialog()) ); QObject::connect( scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"], SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , this, SLOT(slotInteractiveScript(bool)) ); QObject::connect( scrScripterActions["scripterAboutScript"], SIGNAL(triggered()) , this, SLOT(aboutScript()) ); SavedRecentScripts.clear(); ReadPlugPrefs(); QObject::connect(pcon, SIGNAL(runCommand()), this, SLOT(slotExecute())); QObject::connect(pcon, SIGNAL(paletteShown(bool)), this, SLOT(slotInteractiveScript(bool))); } ScripterCore::~ScripterCore() { SavePlugPrefs(); delete pcon; } void ScripterCore::addToMainWindowMenu(ScribusMainWindow *mw) { menuMgr = mw->scrMenuMgr; menuMgr->createMenu("Scripter", QObject::tr("&Script")); menuMgr->addMenuToMenuBarBefore("Scripter","Windows"); menuMgr->createMenu("ScribusScripts", QObject::tr("&Scribus Scripts"), "Scripter"); menuMgr->addMenuItem(scrScripterActions["scripterExecuteScript"], "Scripter"); menuMgr->createMenu("RecentScripts", QObject::tr("&Recent Scripts"), "Scripter"); menuMgr->addMenuSeparator("Scripter"); menuMgr->addMenuItem(scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"], "Scripter"); menuMgr->addMenuItem(scrScripterActions["scripterAboutScript"], "Scripter"); buildScribusScriptsMenu(); buildRecentScriptsMenu(); } void ScripterCore::buildScribusScriptsMenu() { QString pfad = ScPaths::instance().scriptDir(); QString pfad2; pfad2 = QDir::toNativeSeparators(pfad); QDir ds(pfad2, "*.py", QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks); if ((ds.exists()) && (ds.count() != 0)) { for (uint dc = 0; dc < ds.count(); ++dc) { QFileInfo fs(ds[dc]); QString strippedName=fs.baseName(); scrScripterActions.insert(strippedName, new ScrAction( ScrAction::RecentScript, strippedName, QKeySequence(), this)); connect( scrScripterActions[strippedName], SIGNAL(triggeredData(QString)), this, SLOT(StdScript(QString)) ); menuMgr->addMenuItem(scrScripterActions[strippedName], "ScribusScripts"); } } } void ScripterCore::rebuildRecentScriptsMenu() { for( QMap >::Iterator it = scrRecentScriptActions.begin(); it!=scrRecentScriptActions.end(); ++it ) menuMgr->removeMenuItem((*it), "RecentScripts"); scrRecentScriptActions.clear(); uint max = qMin(PrefsManager::instance()->appPrefs.RecentDCount, RecentScripts.count()); for (uint m = 0; m < max; ++m) { QString strippedName=RecentScripts[m]; strippedName.remove(QDir::separator()); scrRecentScriptActions.insert(strippedName, new ScrAction( ScrAction::RecentScript, RecentScripts[m], QKeySequence(), this)); connect( scrRecentScriptActions[strippedName], SIGNAL(triggeredData(QString)), this, SLOT(RecentScript(QString)) ); menuMgr->addMenuItem(scrRecentScriptActions[strippedName], "RecentScripts"); } } void ScripterCore::buildRecentScriptsMenu() { RecentScripts = SavedRecentScripts; scrRecentScriptActions.clear(); if (SavedRecentScripts.count() != 0) { uint max = qMin(PrefsManager::instance()->appPrefs.RecentDCount, SavedRecentScripts.count()); for (uint m = 0; m < max; ++m) { QFileInfo fd(SavedRecentScripts[m]); if (fd.exists()) { QString strippedName=SavedRecentScripts[m]; strippedName.remove(QDir::separator()); scrRecentScriptActions.insert(strippedName, new ScrAction( ScrAction::RecentScript, SavedRecentScripts[m], QKeySequence(), this)); connect( scrRecentScriptActions[strippedName], SIGNAL(triggeredData(QString)), this, SLOT(RecentScript(QString)) ); menuMgr->addMenuItem(scrRecentScriptActions[strippedName], "RecentScripts"); } } } } void ScripterCore::FinishScriptRun() { ScribusMainWindow* ScMW=ScCore->primaryMainWindow(); if (ScMW->HaveDoc) { ScMW->propertiesPalette->setDoc(ScMW->doc); ScMW->layerPalette->setDoc(ScMW->doc); ScMW->outlinePalette->setDoc(ScMW->doc); ScMW->outlinePalette->BuildTree(); ScMW->pagePalette->setView(ScMW->view); ScMW->pagePalette->Rebuild(); ScMW->doc->RePos = true; /* QImage pgPix(10, 10, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QRect rd = QRect(0,0,9,9); ScPainter *painter = new ScPainter(&pgPix, pgPix.width(), pgPix.height()); for (int azz=0; azzdoc->Items->count(); ++azz) { PageItem *ite = ScMW->doc->Items->at(azz); if (ite->Groups.count() != 0) ScMW->doc->GroupOnPage(ite); else ite->OwnPage = ScMW->doc->OnPage(ite); ite->setRedrawBounding(); if ((ite->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame) || (ite->itemType() == PageItem::PathText)) // && (!ite->Redrawn)) { if (ite->itemType() == PageItem::PathText) { ite->Frame = false; ite->updatePolyClip(); ite->DrawObj(painter, rd); } else { if ((ite->prevInChain() != 0) || (ite->nextInChain() != 0)) { PageItem *nextItem = ite; while (nextItem->prevInChain() != 0) nextItem = nextItem->prevInChain(); ite = nextItem; ite->DrawObj(painter, rd); } else ite->DrawObj(painter, rd); } } } delete painter; */ ScMW->doc->RePos = false; if (ScMW->doc->m_Selection->count() != 0) { ScMW->doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)->emitAllToGUI(); ScMW->HaveNewSel(ScMW->doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)->itemType()); } else ScMW->HaveNewSel(-1); ScMW->view->DrawNew(); //CB Really only need (want?) this for new docs, but we need it after a call to ScMW doFileNew. //We don't want it in cmddoc calls as itll interact with the GUI before a script may be finished. ScMW->HaveNewDoc(); } } void ScripterCore::runScriptDialog() { QString fileName; QString curDirPath = QDir::currentPath(); RunScriptDialog dia( ScCore->primaryMainWindow(), m_enableExtPython ); if (dia.exec()) { fileName = dia.selectedFile(); slotRunScriptFile(fileName, dia.extensionRequested()); if (RecentScripts.indexOf(fileName) == -1) RecentScripts.prepend(fileName); else { RecentScripts.removeAll(fileName); RecentScripts.prepend(fileName); } rebuildRecentScriptsMenu(); } QDir::setCurrent(curDirPath); FinishScriptRun(); } void ScripterCore::StdScript(QString basefilename) { QString pfad = ScPaths::instance().scriptDir(); QString pfad2; pfad2 = QDir::toNativeSeparators(pfad); QString fn = pfad2+basefilename+".py"; QFileInfo fd(fn); if (!fd.exists()) return; slotRunScriptFile(fn); FinishScriptRun(); } void ScripterCore::RecentScript(QString fn) { QFileInfo fd(fn); if (!fd.exists()) { RecentScripts.removeAll(fn); rebuildRecentScriptsMenu(); return; } slotRunScriptFile(fn); FinishScriptRun(); } void ScripterCore::slotRunScriptFile(QString fileName, bool inMainInterpreter) { PyThreadState *state = NULL; QFileInfo fi(fileName); QByteArray na = fi.fileName().toLocal8Bit(); // Set up a sub-interpreter if needed: PyThreadState* global_state = NULL; if (!inMainInterpreter) { ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->propertiesPalette->unsetDoc(); ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->pagePalette->setView(NULL); ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->setScriptRunning(true); qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); // Create the sub-interpreter // FIXME: This calls abort() in a Python debug build. We're doing something wrong. //stateo = PyEval_SaveThread(); global_state = PyThreadState_Get(); state = Py_NewInterpreter(); // Chdir to the dir the script is in QDir::setCurrent(fi.absolutePath()); // Init the scripter module in the sub-interpreter initscribus(ScCore->primaryMainWindow()); } // Make sure sys.argv[0] is the path to the script char* comm[2]; comm[0] = na.data(); // and tell the script if it's running in the main intepreter or // a subinterpreter using the second argument, ie sys.argv[1] if (inMainInterpreter) comm[1] = const_cast("ext"); else comm[1] = const_cast("sub"); PySys_SetArgv(2, comm); // call python script PyObject* m = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__"); if (m == NULL) qDebug("Failed to get __main__ - aborting script"); else { // Path separators need to be escaped on Windows QString escapedAbsPath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(fi.absolutePath()).replace("\\", "\\\\"); QString escapedFileName = QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName).replace("\\", "\\\\"); // FIXME: If filename contains chars outside 7bit ascii, might be problems PyObject* globals = PyModule_GetDict(m); // Build the Python code to run the script //QString cm = QString("from __future__ import division\n"); removed due #5252 PV QString cm = QString("import sys\n"); cm += QString("import cStringIO\n"); /* Implementation of the help() in pydoc.py reads some OS variables * for output settings. I use ugly hack to stop freezing calling help() * in script. pv. */ cm += QString("import os\nos.environ['PAGER'] = '/bin/false'\n"); // HACK cm += QString("sys.path.insert(0, \"%1\")\n").arg(escapedAbsPath); // Replace sys.stdin with a dummy StringIO that always returns // "" for read cm += QString("sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO()\n"); cm += QString("try:\n"); cm += QString(" execfile(\"%1\")\n").arg(escapedFileName); cm += QString("except SystemExit:\n"); cm += QString(" pass\n"); // Capture the text of any other exception that's raised by the interpreter // into a StringIO buffer for later extraction. cm += QString("except:\n"); cm += QString(" import traceback\n"); cm += QString(" import scribus\n"); // we stash our working vars here cm += QString(" scribus._f=cStringIO.StringIO()\n"); cm += QString(" traceback.print_exc(file=scribus._f)\n"); cm += QString(" _errorMsg = scribus._f.getvalue()\n"); cm += QString(" del(scribus._f)\n"); // We re-raise the exception so the return value of PyRun_StringFlags reflects // the fact that an exception has ocurred. cm += QString(" raise\n"); // FIXME: if cmd contains chars outside 7bit ascii, might be problems QByteArray cmd = cm.toUtf8(); // Now run the script in the interpreter's global scope. It'll run in a // sub-interpreter if we created and switched to one earlier, otherwise // it'll run in the main interpreter. PyObject* result = PyRun_String(cmd.data(), Py_file_input, globals, globals); // NULL is returned if an exception is set. We don't care about any // other return value (most likely None anyway) and can ignore it. if (result == NULL) { // We've already saved the exception text, so clear the exception PyErr_Clear(); PyObject* errorMsgPyStr = PyMapping_GetItemString(globals, (char*)"_errorMsg"); if (errorMsgPyStr == NULL) { // It's rather unlikely that this will ever be reached - to get here // we'd have to fail to retrive the string we just created. qDebug("Error retrieving error message content after script exception!"); qDebug("Exception was:"); PyErr_Print(); } else { QString errorMsg = PyString_AsString(errorMsgPyStr); // Display a dialog to the user with the exception QClipboard *cp = QApplication::clipboard(); cp->setText(errorMsg); ScCore->closeSplash(); qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); QMessageBox::warning(ScCore->primaryMainWindow(), tr("Script error"), "

" + tr("If you are running an official script report it at bugs.scribus.net please.") + "

" +errorMsg + "

" + tr("This message is in your clipboard too. Use Ctrl+V to paste it into bug tracker.") + "

"); } } // end if result == NULL // Because 'result' may be NULL, not a PyObject*, we must call PyXDECREF not Py_DECREF Py_XDECREF(result); } // end if m == NULL if (!inMainInterpreter) { Py_EndInterpreter(state); PyThreadState_Swap(global_state); //PyEval_RestoreThread(stateo); // qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->setScriptRunning(false); } } void ScripterCore::slotRunScript(const QString Script) { ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->propertiesPalette->unsetDoc(); ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->pagePalette->setView(NULL); ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->setScriptRunning(true); inValue = Script; QString cm; cm = "# -*- coding: utf8 -*- \n"; if (PyThreadState_Get() != NULL) { initscribus(ScCore->primaryMainWindow()); /* HACK: following loop handles all input line by line. It *should* use I.C. because of docstrings etc. I.I. cannot handle docstrings right. Calling all code in one command: ia = code.InteractiveInterpreter() ia.runsource(getval()) works fine in plain Python. Not here. WTF? */ cm += ( "try:\n" " import cStringIO\n" " scribus._bu = cStringIO.StringIO()\n" " sys.stdout = scribus._bu\n" " sys.stderr = scribus._bu\n" " sys.argv = ['scribus', 'ext']\n" // this is the PySys_SetArgv replacement " for i in scribus.getval().splitlines():\n" " scribus._ia.push(i)\n" " scribus.retval(scribus._bu.getvalue())\n" " sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__\n" " sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__\n" "except SystemExit:\n" " print 'Catched SystemExit - it is not good for Scribus'\n" "except KeyboardInterrupt:\n" " print 'Catched KeyboardInterrupt - it is not good for Scribus'\n" ); } // Set up sys.argv /* PV - WARNING: THIS IS EVIL! This code summons a crash - see bug #3510. I don't know why as the Python C API is a little bit magic for me. It looks like it replaces the cm QString or what... "In file tools/qgarray.cpp, line 147: Out of memory" Anyway - sys.argv is set above char* comm[1]; comm[0] = const_cast("scribus"); // the scripter console runs everything in the main interpreter // tell the code it's running there. comm[1] = const_cast("ext"); PySys_SetArgv(2, comm); */ // then run the code PyObject* m = PyImport_AddModule((char*)"__main__"); if (m == NULL) qDebug("Failed to get __main__ - aborting script"); else { PyObject* globals = PyModule_GetDict(m); PyObject* result = PyRun_String(cm.toUtf8().data(), Py_file_input, globals, globals); if (result == NULL) { PyErr_Print(); QMessageBox::warning(ScCore->primaryMainWindow(), tr("Script error"), "" + tr("There was an internal error while trying the " "command you entered. Details were printed to " "stderr. ") + ""); } else // Because 'result' may be NULL, not a PyObject*, we must call PyXDECREF not Py_DECREF Py_XDECREF(result); } ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->setScriptRunning(false); } void ScripterCore::slotInteractiveScript(bool visible) { QObject::disconnect( scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"], SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , this, SLOT(slotInteractiveScript(bool)) ); scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"]->setChecked(visible); pcon->setFonts(); pcon->setShown(visible); QObject::connect( scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"], SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) , this, SLOT(slotInteractiveScript(bool)) ); } void ScripterCore::slotExecute() { slotRunScript(pcon->command()); pcon->outputEdit->append(returnString); pcon->commandEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); FinishScriptRun(); } void ScripterCore::ReadPlugPrefs() { PrefsContext* prefs = PrefsManager::instance()->prefsFile->getPluginContext("scriptplugin"); if (!prefs) { qDebug("scriptplugin: Unable to load prefs"); return; } PrefsTable* prefRecentScripts = prefs->getTable("recentscripts"); if (!prefRecentScripts) { qDebug("scriptplugin: Unable to get recent scripts"); return; } // Load recent scripts from the prefs for (int i = 0; i < prefRecentScripts->getRowCount(); i++) SavedRecentScripts.append(prefRecentScripts->get(i,0)); // then get more general preferences m_enableExtPython = prefs->getBool("extensionscripts",false); m_importAllNames = prefs->getBool("importall",true); m_startupScript = prefs->get("startupscript", QString::null); // and have the console window set up its position } void ScripterCore::SavePlugPrefs() { PrefsContext* prefs = PrefsManager::instance()->prefsFile->getPluginContext("scriptplugin"); if (!prefs) { qDebug("scriptplugin: Unable to load prefs"); return; } PrefsTable* prefRecentScripts = prefs->getTable("recentscripts"); if (!prefRecentScripts) { qDebug("scriptplugin: Unable to get recent scripts"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < RecentScripts.count(); i++) prefRecentScripts->set(i, 0, RecentScripts[i]); // then save more general preferences prefs->set("extensionscripts", m_enableExtPython); prefs->set("importall", m_importAllNames); prefs->set("startupscript", m_startupScript); } void ScripterCore::aboutScript() { QString fname = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->CFileDialog(".", tr("Examine Script"), tr("Python Scripts (*.py *.PY);;All Files (*)"), "", fdNone); if (fname == QString::null) return; QString html(""); QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo(fname); QFile input(fname); if(!input.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return; QTextStream intputstream(&input); QString content = intputstream.readAll(); QString docstring = content.section("\"\"\"", 1, 1); if (!docstring.isEmpty()) { html += QString("

%1 %2

").arg( tr("Documentation for:")).arg(fi.fileName()); html += QString("


").arg(docstring.replace("\n\n", "

")); } else { html += QString("

%1 %2 %3

").arg( tr("Script")).arg(fi.fileName()).arg( tr(" doesn't contain any docstring!")); html += QString("
").arg(content); } html += ""; input.close(); HelpBrowser *dia = new HelpBrowser(0, QObject::tr("About Script") + " " + fi.fileName(), "en"); dia->setText(html); dia->show(); } void ScripterCore::initExtensionScripts() { // Nothing to do currently } void ScripterCore::runStartupScript() { if ((m_enableExtPython) && (!m_startupScript.isNull())) { if (QFile::exists(this->m_startupScript)) { // run the script in the main interpreter. The user will be informed // with a dialog if something has gone wrong. this->slotRunScriptFile(this->m_startupScript, true); } else qDebug("Startup script enabled, but couln't find script %s.", m_startupScript.toAscii().constData()); } } void ScripterCore::languageChange() { scrScripterActions["scripterExecuteScript"]->setText(QObject::tr("&Execute Script...")); scrScripterActions["scripterShowConsole"]->setText(QObject::tr("Show &Console")); scrScripterActions["scripterAboutScript"]->setText(QObject::tr("&About Script...")); menuMgr->setText("Scripter", QObject::tr("&Script")); menuMgr->setText("ScribusScripts", QObject::tr("&Scribus Scripts")); menuMgr->setText("RecentScripts", QObject::tr("&Recent Scripts")); } bool ScripterCore::setupMainInterpreter() { QString cm = QString( "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" "import scribus\n" "import sys\n" "import code\n" "sys.path[0] = \"%1\"\n" "import cStringIO\n" "sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO()\n" "scribus._ia = code.InteractiveConsole(globals())\n" ).arg(ScPaths::instance().scriptDir()); if (m_importAllNames) cm += "from scribus import *\n"; QByteArray cmd = cm.toUtf8(); if (PyRun_SimpleString(cmd.data())) { PyErr_Print(); QMessageBox::warning(ScCore->primaryMainWindow(), tr("Script error"), tr("Setting up the Python plugin failed. " "Error details were printed to stderr. ")); return false; } else return true; } void ScripterCore::setStartupScript(const QString& newScript) { m_startupScript = newScript; } void ScripterCore::setExtensionsEnabled(bool enable) { m_enableExtPython = enable; } void ScripterCore::updateSyntaxHighlighter() { pcon->updateSyntaxHighlighter(); } const QString & ScripterCore::startupScript() const { return m_startupScript; } bool ScripterCore::extensionsEnabled() const { return m_enableExtPython; }