/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include // only for debugging #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "about.h" #include "commonstrings.h" #include "scconfig.h" #include "scpaths.h" #include "sctextbrowser.h" #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO #include #endif #include "util_ghostscript.h" #include "util_icon.h" #include "upgradechecker.h" #include "langmgr.h" /* * The content for the About dialog is mostly built from the files in * // SCRIBUS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/share/doc/scribus-1.3.5svn/ * * The format of the files should follow this pattern: * - AUTHOR * Tr(Title) * first_name name email_address * first_name name email_address * * Tr(Title) * ... * * - TRANSLATION * Tr(Title) * * Language(language_code) * first_name name (email_address) * * Language(language_code) * first_name name (email_address) * * * Tr(Title) * ... * - LINKS * Tr(Title) * url * * * Tr(Title) * ... * * * Text which has to be translated has to be added to the local tr...Title() * methods, otherwise in won't be added to the list of translatable strings * * a.l.e */ /*! \fn About::About( QWidget* parent, AboutMode diaMode ) \author Franz Schmid \date \brief Constructor for About dialog box \param parent QWidget pointer to parent window \param diaMode a dialog mode. See AboutMode. \retval About dialog */ About::About( QWidget* parent, AboutMode diaMode ) : QDialog( parent ) { m_mode = diaMode; m_firstShow = true; setWindowTitle( tr("About Scribus %1").arg(VERSION) ); setWindowIcon(loadIcon("AppIcon.png", true)); setModal(true); aboutLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); aboutLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); aboutLayout->setMargin( 10 ); tabWidget2 = new QTabWidget( this ); // tabWidget2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 438, 258 ) ); tab = new QWidget( tabWidget2 ); tabLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout( tab ); tabLayout1->setSpacing( 6 ); tabLayout1->setMargin( 15 ); pixmapLabel1 = new QLabel( tab ); pixmapLabel1->setPixmap(loadIcon("Splash.png", true)); pixmapLabel1->setFixedSize(QSize(pixmapLabel1->pixmap()->width(), pixmapLabel1->pixmap()->height())); pixmapLabel1->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); tabLayout1->addWidget( pixmapLabel1 ); buildID = new QLabel( tab ); buildID->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); buildID->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); QString BUILD_DAY = "30"; QString BUILD_MONTH = CommonStrings::april; QString BUILD_YEAR = "2012"; QString BUILD_TIME = ""; QString BUILD_TZ = ""; QString BUILD_NAME = ""; // This is the old way: QString built = tr("%1 %2 %3").arg(BUILD_DAY).arg(BUILD_MONTH).arg(BUILD_YEAR); // This is my way, only activated when envvar BUILD_NAME is set :-) AV //#include "about_builddate.inc" QString version = VERSION; if (BUILD_NAME != "") version += " \"" + BUILD_NAME + "\""; if (BUILD_NAME == "BleedingEdge") built = tr("%3-%2-%1 %4 %5").arg(BUILD_DAY).arg(BUILD_MONTH).arg(BUILD_YEAR).arg(BUILD_TIME).arg(BUILD_TZ); QString bu; bu += "C"; bu += "-"; #ifdef HAVE_CUPS bu += "C"; #else bu += "*"; #endif bu += "-"; bu += "T"; bu += "-"; #ifdef HAVE_FONTCONFIG bu += "F"; #else bu += "*"; #endif bu += "-"; #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO bu += "C"; bu += cairo_version_string(); #else bu += "Q"; #endif // Some more information if we are not on a 32bit little endian Unix machine #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) bu += "-Windows"; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) bu += "-Mac/"; # if defined(Q_WS_MACX) bu += "Aqua"; # elif define(Q_WS_X11) bu += "X11"; # else bu += "?"; # endif #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) // dunno if anyone uses this... bu += "-Darwin"; #endif if (QSysInfo::WordSize != 32) bu += QString("-%1bit").arg(QSysInfo::WordSize); #if Q_BYTE_ORDER == Q_BIG_ENDIAN if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder==QSysInfo::BigEndian) bu += "-Big"; #endif QString gsver(getGSVersion()); if (!gsver.isEmpty()) gsver = tr("Using Ghostscript version %1").arg(gsver); else gsver = tr("No Ghostscript version available"); buildID->setText( tr("

%1 %2

%4 %5

").arg( tr("Scribus Version")).arg(version).arg(built).arg( tr("Build ID:")).arg(bu).arg(gsver)); tabLayout1->addWidget( buildID, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter ); tabWidget2->addTab( tab, tr( "&About" ) ); tab_2 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 ); tabLayout = new QHBoxLayout( tab_2 ); tabLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); tabLayout->setMargin( 10 ); /*! AUTHORS tab */ // /usr/local/scribus14/share/doc/scribus-1.3.5svn/AUTHORS textView1 = new ScTextBrowser( tab_2 ); textView1->setText(About::parseAuthorFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "AUTHORS")); tabLayout->addWidget( textView1 ); tabWidget2->addTab( tab_2, tr( "A&uthors" ) ); tab_3 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 ); tabLayout_2 = new QHBoxLayout( tab_3 ); tabLayout_2->setSpacing( 6 ); tabLayout_2->setMargin( 10 ); textView2 = new ScTextBrowser( tab_3); // LanguageManager langmgr; // langmgr.init(false); /*! TRANSLATION tab */ // /usr/local/scribus14/share/doc/scribus-1.3.5svn/TRANSLATION textView2->setText(About::parseTranslationFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "TRANSLATION")); tabLayout_2->addWidget( textView2 ); tabWidget2->addTab( tab_3, tr( "&Translations" ) ); /*! ONLINE tab (03/04/2004 petr vanek) */ // /usr/local/scribus14/share/doc/scribus-1.3.5svn/LINKS tab_4 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 ); textView4 = new ScTextBrowser( tab_4 ); textView4->setText(About::parseLinksFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "LINKS")); tabLayout_4 = new QHBoxLayout( tab_4 ); tabLayout_4->setSpacing( 6 ); tabLayout_4->setMargin( 10 ); tabLayout_4->addWidget( textView4 ); tabWidget2->addTab( tab_4, tr( "&Online" ) ); /*! UPDATE tab */ tab_5 = new QWidget( tabWidget2 ); tabWidget2->addTab( tab_5, tr( "&Updates" ) ); updateLayout = new QVBoxLayout( tab_5 ); updateLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); updateLayout->setMargin( 10 ); checkForUpdateButton = new QPushButton( tr( "Check for Updates" ), tab_5 ); textView5 = new ScTextBrowser( tab_5); updateLayout->addWidget( checkForUpdateButton ); updateLayout->addWidget( textView5 ); /*! LICENCE tab */ tab_Licence = new QWidget( tabWidget2 ); tabWidget2->addTab( tab_Licence, tr( "&Licence" ) ); licenceLayout = new QVBoxLayout( tab_Licence ); licenceLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); licenceLayout->setMargin( 10 ); textViewLicence = new ScTextBrowser( tab_Licence); licenceLayout->addWidget( textViewLicence ); QFile licenceFile(ScPaths::instance().docDir() + "/COPYING"); if (!licenceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) textViewLicence->setText( tr("Unable to open licence file. Please check your install directory or the Scribus website for licencing information.") ); else { QTextStream inTS(&licenceFile); QString licenceText = inTS.readAll(); textViewLicence->setText(licenceText); } //Add tab widget to about window aboutLayout->addWidget( tabWidget2 ); layout2 = new QHBoxLayout; layout2->setSpacing( 6 ); layout2->setMargin( 0 ); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); layout2->addItem( spacer ); okButton = new QPushButton( tr( "&Close" ), this ); okButton->setDefault( true ); layout2->addWidget( okButton ); aboutLayout->addLayout( layout2 ); setMaximumSize(sizeHint()); //tooltips buildID->setToolTip( "" + tr( "This panel shows the version, build date and compiled in library support in Scribus.")+"
" + tr("The C-C-T-F equates to C=littlecms C=CUPS T=TIFF support F=Fontconfig support.Last Letter is the renderer C=cairo or Q=Qt")+"
" + tr("Missing library support is indicated by a *. This also indicates the version of Ghostscript which Scribus has detected.")+"
" + tr("The Windows version does not use fontconfig or CUPS libraries." ) + "
" ); checkForUpdateButton->setToolTip( "" + tr( "Check for updates to Scribus. No data from your machine will be transferred off it." ) + "" ); // signals and slots connections connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) ); connect( checkForUpdateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( runUpdateCheck() ) ); } void About::showEvent (QShowEvent * event) { if (m_mode == About::CheckUpdates && m_firstShow) tabWidget2->setCurrentIndex(4); QDialog::showEvent(event); } QString About::trAuthorTitle(QString title) { QString result; if ( title == "Development Team:" ) result = tr("Development Team:"); else if ( title == "Mac OS® X Aqua Port:" ) result = tr("Mac OS® X Aqua Port:"); else if ( title == "OS/2®/eComStation™ Port:" ) result = tr("OS/2®/eComStation™ Port:"); else if ( title == "Windows® Port:" ) result = tr("Windows® Port:"); else if ( title == "Contributions from:" ) result = tr("Contributions from:"); else if ( title == "Official Documentation:" ) result = tr("Official Documentation:"); else if ( title == "Doc Translators:" ) result = tr("Doc Translators:"); else if ( title == "Other Documentation:" ) result = tr("Other Documentation:"); else if ( title == "Webmasters:" ) result = tr("Webmasters:"); else if ( title == "Splash Screen:" ) result = tr("Splash Screen:"); else if ( title == "Tango Project Icons:" ) result = tr("Tango Project Icons:"); else { std::cout << "please add the untranslated title \"" << qPrintable(title) << "\" to About::trAuthorTitle()" << std::endl; result = title; } return result; } QString About::trTranslationTitle(QString title) { QString result; if ( title == "Official Translations and Translators:" ) result = tr("Official Translations and Translators:"); else if ( title == "Previous Translation Contributors:" ) result = tr("Previous Translation Contributors:"); else { std::cout << "please add the untranslated title \"" << qPrintable(title) << "\" to About::trTranslationTitle()" << std::endl; result = title; } return result; } QString About::trLinksTitle(QString title) { QString result; if ( title == "Homepage" ) result = tr("Homepage"); else if ( title == "Online Reference" ) result = tr("Online Reference"); else if ( title == "Wiki" ) result = tr("Wiki"); else if ( title == "Bugs and Feature Requests" ) result = tr("Bugs and Feature Requests"); else if ( title == "Developer Blog" ) result = tr("Developer Blog"); else if ( title == "Mailing List" ) result = tr("Mailing List"); else { std::cout << "please add the untranslated title \"" << qPrintable(title) << "\" to About::trLinksTitle()" << std::endl; result = title; } return result; } /*! * parse a text file and return an author list in an html table: * left the names and right the contact address * the html table can be "split" in sections * @param QString fileName the file to be parsed * @return QString the html table */ QString About::parseAuthorFile(QString fileName) { QString result; QString file; QFile authorsFile(fileName); if (authorsFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream inTS(&authorsFile); inTS.setCodec("UTF-8"); inTS.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); QString lineTS; QStringList fieldTS; QString name; QString contact; bool isTitle = true; bool startText = false; bool startTitle = false; result = ""; while (!inTS.atEnd()) { lineTS = inTS.readLine(); // convert (r) "�" to ®, "�" to ™ // lineTS = QString::fromUtf8(lineTS); lineTS.replace("<", "<"); lineTS.replace(">", ">"); lineTS.replace("�", "®"); lineTS.replace("�", "™"); name = ""; contact = ""; if (!lineTS.isEmpty()) { if (isTitle) { startTitle = false; result += ""; } // if is title else { startText = false; fieldTS = lineTS.split(" "); contact = (fieldTS.isEmpty() ? "" : fieldTS.takeLast()); name = (fieldTS.isEmpty() ? "" : fieldTS.join(" ")); result += ""; } // else is title } // if is empty line else { // empty lines switch between title and text if (!startText && !startTitle) { isTitle = !isTitle; if (isTitle) { result += ""; startTitle = true; } else { startText = true; } } } // else is empty line } // while ! atEnd result += "
"+name+""+(contact == "@" ? "" : contact)+"
"; } // if file found else { if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QStringList field = fileName.split("/"); if (!field.isEmpty()) { file = field.takeLast(); } } result = tr("Unable to open %1 file. Please check your install directory or the Scribus website for %1 information.").arg(file); result = ""; } // else file found return result; } // parseTextFile() /*! * parse a text file and return an author list in an html table: * left the names and right the contact address * the html table can be "split" in sections * @param QString fileName the file to be parsed * @return QString the html table */ QString About::parseTranslationFile(QString fileName) { QString result; QString file; QFile translationFile(fileName); if (translationFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream inTS(&translationFile); inTS.setCodec("UTF-8"); inTS.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); QString lineTS; QStringList fieldTS; QString code; QString name; QString contact; // LanguageManager langmgr; // langmgr.init(false); bool isSectionTitle = true; bool isTitle = false; bool startText = false; bool startTitle = false; result = "
"; while (!inTS.atEnd()) { lineTS = inTS.readLine(); lineTS.replace("<", "<"); lineTS.replace(">", ">"); name = ""; contact = ""; if (!lineTS.isEmpty()) { if (isSectionTitle) { result += ""; isSectionTitle = false; isTitle = false; startTitle = false; } else if (isTitle) { startTitle = false; fieldTS = lineTS.split(" "); code = (fieldTS.isEmpty() ? "" : fieldTS.takeLast()); if (!code.isEmpty()) { code.replace("(", ""); code.replace(")", ""); code = LanguageManager::instance()->getLangFromAbbrev(code); } result += ""; isTitle = false; } // if is title else { startText = false; fieldTS = lineTS.split(" "); contact = (fieldTS.isEmpty() ? "" : fieldTS.takeLast()); contact.replace("(", ""); contact.replace(")", ""); name = (fieldTS.isEmpty() ? "" : fieldTS.join(" ")); result += ""; } // else is title } // if is empty line else { // empty lines switch between title and text if (!startText && !startTitle) { isTitle = !isTitle; if (isTitle) { result += ""; startTitle = true; } else { startText = true; } // // multiple empty lines start a section instead of marking a title } else if (startTitle) { isTitle = false; isSectionTitle = true; } } // else is empty line } // while ! atEnd result += "
"+name+""+(contact == "@" ? "" : contact)+"
"; } // if file found else { if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QStringList field = fileName.split("/"); if (!field.isEmpty()) { file = field.takeLast(); } } result = tr("Unable to open %1 file. Please check your install directory or the Scribus website for %1 information.").arg(file); result = ""; } // else file found return result; } // parseTranslationFile() /*! * parse a text file and return a links list in html format: * left the names and right the contact address * the html table can be "split" in sections * @param QString fileName the file to be parsed * @return QString the html table */ QString About::parseLinksFile(QString fileName) { QString result; QString file; QFile linksFile(fileName); if (linksFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream inTS(&linksFile); inTS.setCodec("UTF-8"); inTS.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); QString lineTS; bool isTitle = true; result = "
"; while (!inTS.atEnd()) { lineTS = inTS.readLine(); // convert (r) "�" to ®, "�" to ™ // lineTS = QString::fromUtf8(lineTS); lineTS.replace("<", "<"); lineTS.replace(">", ">"); lineTS.replace("�", "®"); lineTS.replace("�", "™"); if (!lineTS.isEmpty()) { if (isTitle) { isTitle = false; result += ""; } // if is title else { result += ""; } // else is title } // if is empty line else { // empty lines switch to title (one line) result += ""; isTitle = true; } // else is empty line } // while ! atEnd result += "
"; } // if file found else { if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QStringList field = fileName.split("/"); if (!field.isEmpty()) { file = field.takeLast(); } } result = tr("Unable to open %1 file. Please check your install directory or the Scribus website for %1 information.").arg(file); result = ""; } // else file found return result; } // parseLinksFile() void About::setVisible (bool visible) { QDialog::setVisible(visible); if (m_firstShow && (m_mode == About::CheckUpdates) && visible) { m_firstShow = false; runUpdateCheck(); } } void About::runUpdateCheck() { textView5->clear(); UpgradeCheckerGUI uc(textView5); disconnect( checkForUpdateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( runUpdateCheck() ) ); connect(checkForUpdateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), &uc, SLOT( abort() )); checkForUpdateButton->setText( tr("Abort Update Check") ); uc.fetch(); checkForUpdateButton->setText( tr("Check for Updates") ); connect( checkForUpdateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( runUpdateCheck() ) ); }