# bugzilla3.py - a Python interface to Bugzilla 3.x using xmlrpclib. # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc. # Author: Will Woods # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for # the full text of the license. import bugzilla.base class Bugzilla3(bugzilla.base.BugzillaBase): '''Concrete implementation of the Bugzilla protocol. This one uses the methods provided by standard Bugzilla 3.0.x releases.''' version = '0.1' user_agent = bugzilla.base.user_agent + ' Bugzilla3/%s' % version def __init__(self,**kwargs): bugzilla.base.BugzillaBase.__init__(self,**kwargs) self.user_agent = self.__class__.user_agent def _login(self,user,password): '''Backend login method for Bugzilla3''' return self._proxy.User.login({'login':user,'password':password}) def _logout(self): '''Backend login method for Bugzilla3''' return self._proxy.User.logout() #---- Methods and properties with basic bugzilla info def _getuserforid(self,userid): '''Get the username for the given userid''' # STUB FIXME return str(userid) # Connect the backend methods to the XMLRPC methods def _getbugfields(self): '''Get a list of valid fields for bugs.''' #I don't think BZ3 provides a getbugfields() method, so right #we fake it by looking at bug #1. Yuck. keylist = self._getbug(1).keys() if 'assigned_to' not in keylist: keylist.append('assigned_to') return keylist def _getqueryinfo(self): raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." def _getproducts(self): '''This throws away a bunch of data that RH's getProdInfo didn't return. Ah, abstraction.''' product_ids = self._proxy.Product.get_accessible_products() r = self._proxy.Product.get_products(product_ids) return r['products'] def _getcomponents(self,product): if type(product) == str: product = self._product_name_to_id(product) r = self._proxy.Bug.legal_values({'product_id':product,'field':'component'}) return r['values'] def _getcomponentsdetails(self,product): raise NotImplementedError #---- Methods for reading bugs and bug info def _getbugs(self,idlist): '''Return a list of dicts of full bug info for each given bug id''' r = self._proxy.Bug.get_bugs({'ids':idlist}) return [i['internals'] for i in r['bugs']] def _getbug(self,id): '''Return a dict of full bug info for the given bug id''' return self._getbugs([id])[0] # Bugzilla3 doesn't have getbugsimple - alias to the full method(s) _getbugsimple = _getbug _getbugssimple = _getbugs def _query(self,query): '''Query bugzilla and return a list of matching bugs. query must be a dict with fields like those in in querydata['fields']. Returns a dict like this: {'bugs':buglist, 'displaycolumns':columnlist, 'sql':querystring} buglist is a list of dicts describing bugs. You can specify which columns/keys will be listed in the bugs by setting 'column_list' in the query; otherwise the default columns are used (see the list in querydefaults['default_column_list']). The list of columns will be in 'displaycolumns', and the SQL query used by this query will be in 'sql'. ''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." #---- Methods for modifying existing bugs. # Most of these will probably also be available as Bug methods, e.g.: # Bugzilla.setstatus(id,status) -> # Bug.setstatus(status): self.bugzilla.setstatus(self.bug_id,status) def _addcomment(self,id,comment,private=False, timestamp='',worktime='',bz_gid=''): '''Add a comment to the bug with the given ID. Other optional arguments are as follows: private: if True, mark this comment as private. timestamp: comment timestamp, in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" worktime: amount of time spent on this comment (undoc in upstream) bz_gid: if present, and the entire bug is *not* already private to this group ID, this comment will be marked private. ''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." def _setstatus(self,id,status,comment='',private=False,private_in_it=False,nomail=False): '''Set the status of the bug with the given ID. You may optionally include a comment to be added, and may further choose to mark that comment as private. The status may be anything from querydefaults['bug_status_list']. Common statuses: 'NEW','ASSIGNED','MODIFIED','NEEDINFO' Less common: 'VERIFIED','ON_DEV','ON_QA','REOPENED' 'CLOSED' is not valid with this method; use closebug() instead. ''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." def _closebug(self,id,resolution,dupeid,fixedin,comment,isprivate,private_in_it,nomail): '''Raw xmlrpc call for closing bugs. Documentation from Bug.pm is below. Note that we drop the username and password fields because the Bugzilla object contains them already. closeBug($bugid, $new_resolution, $username, $password, $dupeid, $new_fixed_in, $comment, $isprivate, $private_in_it, $nomail) Close a current Bugzilla bug report with a specific resolution. This will eventually be done in Bugzilla/Bug.pm instead and is meant to only be a quick fix. Please use bugzilla.changesStatus to changed to an opened state. This method will change the bug report's status to CLOSED. $bugid # ID of bug report to add comment to. $new_resolution # Valid Bugzilla resolution to transition the report into. # DUPLICATE requires $dupeid to be passed in. $dupeid # Bugzilla report ID that this bug is being closed as # duplicate of. # Requires $new_resolution to be DUPLICATE. $new_fixed_in # OPTIONAL String representing version of product/component # that bug is fixed in. $comment # OPTIONAL Text string containing comment to add. $isprivate # OPTIONAL Whether the comment will be private to the # 'private_comment' Bugzilla group. # Default: false $private_in_it # OPTIONAL if true will make the comment private in # Issue Tracker # Default: follows $isprivate $nomail # OPTIONAL Flag that is either 1 or 0 if you want email to be sent or not for this change ''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." def _setassignee(self,id,**data): '''Raw xmlrpc call to set one of the assignee fields on a bug. changeAssignment($id, $data, $username, $password) data: 'assigned_to','reporter','qa_contact','comment' returns: [$id, $mailresults]''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." def _updatedeps(self,id,deplist): '''IMPLEMENT ME: update the deps (blocked/dependson) for the given bug. updateDepends($bug_id,$data,$username,$password,$nodependencyemail) #data: 'blocked'=>id,'dependson'=>id,'action' => ('add','remove')''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." def _updatecc(self,id,cclist,action,comment='',nomail=False): '''Updates the CC list using the action and account list specified. cclist must be a list (not a tuple!) of addresses. action may be 'add', 'remove', or 'makeexact'. comment specifies an optional comment to add to the bug. if mail is True, email will be generated for this change. ''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." def _updatewhiteboard(self,id,text,which,action): '''Update the whiteboard given by 'which' for the given bug. performs the given action (which may be 'append',' prepend', or 'overwrite') using the given text.''' data = {'type':which,'text':text,'action':action} raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." # TODO: update this when the XMLRPC interface grows requestee support def _updateflags(self,id,flags): '''Updates the flags associated with a bug report. data should be a hash of {'flagname':'value'} pairs, like so: {'needinfo':'?','fedora-cvs':'+'} You may also add a "nomail":1 item, which will suppress email if set. NOTE: the Red Hat XMLRPC interface does not yet support setting the requestee (as in: needinfo from smartguy@answers.com). Alas.''' raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." #---- Methods for working with attachments # If your bugzilla wants attachments in something other than base64, you # should override _attachment_encode here. # If your bugzilla uses non-standard paths for attachment.cgi, you'll # want to override _attachment_uri here. def _attachfile(self,id,**attachdata): raise NotImplementedError, "Bugzilla 3.0 does not support this method." #---- createbug - call to create a new bug createbug_required = ('product','component','summary','version', 'op_sys','platform') def _createbug(self,**data): '''Raw xmlrpc call for createBug() Doesn't bother guessing defaults or checking argument validity. Use with care. Returns bug_id''' r = self._proxy.Bug.create(data) return r['id'] # Bugzilla 3.2 adds a whole bunch of new goodies. class Bugzilla32(Bugzilla3): '''Concrete implementation of the Bugzilla protocol. This one uses the methods provided by standard Bugzilla 3.2.x releases.''' version = '0.1' user_agent = bugzilla.base.user_agent + ' Bugzilla32/%s' % version # TODO: add goodies (_query, etc)