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authorDhaval Giani <>2008-08-13 19:53:35 +0000
committerDhaval Giani <>2008-08-13 19:53:35 +0000
commit2fa28d8f1be10453f31deb1504ad6b5e017db5b9 (patch)
parent5d3c683a3f4160cb4d081a3ddcf367311ddf0c8b (diff)
libcgroup: documentation
Signed-off-by: Vivek Goyal <> Signed-off-by: Dhaval Giani <> git-svn-id: 4f4bb910-9a46-0410-90c8-c897d4f1cd53
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index b9cedca..0835004 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -13,3 +13,171 @@ Please follow the following steps (TODO: Automate these steps)
b. copy tarball and spec file to correct place in the RPMBUILD
c. Build an rpm of the spec file
+After cgroup system has taken shape, its time to have some basic tools
+in user space which can enable a user to use the resource management
+functionality effictively.
+One of the needed functionality is rule based placement of a task. In general,
+there can be either uid or gid or exec based rules. Admin/root will
+control/enforce uid/gid based rules and exec based rules can be defined by
+user in a config file residing in user's home dir and fully controlled by user.
+uid/gid based rules will be defined in /etc/cgrules.conf config file and
+this file will be managed by root.
+Basic idea is that to begin with provide facility to implement rules
+based on uid and gid. So a hierarchy might look like as follows.
+ /mnt/cgroup
+ | |
+ gid1 gid2
+ | |
+ uid1 uid2
+ | |
+ proj1 proj2
+Admin will write rules to control the resources among users. Then users
+can manage their own cgroup at their own (proj1 and proj2) and control
+the resources as they want.
+Following are the few methods using which tasks can be placed in right
+- Use pam_cgroup PAM plugin which will make sure users are placed in right
+ cgroup at login time and any tasks launch after login, will continue to run
+ in user's cgroup. (PAM module is still on TODO list)
+- Use command line tool "cgexec" to launch the task in right cgroup.
+- Modify the program and use libcgroup provided APIs for placing a task
+ in right cgroup before doing exec().
+- Use "cgclassify" tool to classify a already running task.
+- May be, a user space daemon can also be implemented which will listen to
+ kernel events and place the task in right group based on the rules.
+ This method involves few concerns.
+ - Reliability of netlink socket. Messages can be dropped.
+ - Change the netlink with a cgroup controller which exports the
+ events.
+ - Delay incurred since the event took place and task was actually placed
+ in right cgroup.
+ - daemon will interfere with container's tasks which is not desired.
+Section 1:
+To use "cgexec" to place the task in right cgroup.
+- make cgexec
+- Run a task using cgexec. Following is the cgexec syntax.
+ cgexec [-g <list of controllers>:<relative path to cgroup>] command [arguments]
+ Note: Cgroup controllers and path are optional. If user does not know the
+ right cgroup, cgexec will automatically place the task in right
+ cgroup based on /etc/cgrules.conf
+ cgexec -g *:test1 ls
+ cgexec -g cpu,memory:test1 ls -l
+ cgexec -g cpu,memory:test1 -g swap:test2 ls -l
+Section 2
+To use "cgclassify" to place task in right cgroup.
+- make cgclassify
+- Pick a task's pid to be classified, and run
+ cgclassify <list of pids>
+ cgclassify 2140 4325
+ Note: After classification check out whether tasks 2140 and 4325
+ are in the right cgroup or not (Based on rules in /etc/cgrules.conf)
+Section 3:
+To use a pam plugin which will automatically place the task in right
+cgroup upon login.
+- Download pam source tree and apply the patch for pam_cgroup module.
+- Build
+ ./configure; make
+- Copy to /lib/security/
+- Edit /etc/pam.d/su to make use of session module upon
+ execution of su.
+example: Add following line to the end.
+session optional
+- Now launch a shell for a user "xyz" using su and the resulting shell
+ should be running in the cgroup designated for the user as specified
+ by cgrules.conf
+ ex. "su test1"
+Section 4:
+To use cgrulesengd which will move a task to right cgroup based on
+rules in /etc/cgrules.conf do following.
+- build and install latest
+- build cgrulesengd
+ make cgrulesengd
+- specify some uid/gid based rules in /etc/cgrules.conf
+- Mount some controllers and create an hierarchy of cgroups (matching
+ your rules).
+- Run cgrulesengd.
+ - ./cgrulesengd
+- Launch some task or login as a user to the sytem. Daemon should automatically
+ place the task in right cgroup.
+Q. Why admin should not control "exec" based rules.
+A. Unix file system provides access control only based on uid/gid. So
+ even if admin starts putting tasks based on uid/gid, it can't enforce
+ it. For example, consider following scenario.
+ Lets say an admin creates following cgroup hierarchy.
+ /container
+ | |
+ database browser
+ | | | |
+ user1 user2 user1 user2
+ Now admin wants to run all the database jobs under /container/database/
+ and all the firefox jobs under /container/browser/. Based on which user
+ launched it, jobs should go in either user1 or user2 dir.
+ Now assume that database subdir has to more cpu resources as compared to
+ browser subdir. Then a user, say user2, can always move his browser job
+ also to /container/database/user2 dir to get more cpu resources and
+ admin will not be able to control that.
+ [Note: user2 will control what tasks can be added in /container/database/user2
+ and will contol what further subdirs can be created under user2 dir. Root
+ should not restrict the control to root only for practical purposes. Its
+ something like that till /container/databse, admin controls the resources
+ and below that how resources are further subdivided among various projects
+ should be controlled by respective user].
+In the light of above, it seems to make more sense that admin should enforce
+rules only based on uid and gid. Probably later we can have a per user exec
+based rules config file (~/.cgrules.conf), which can be parsed by cgrulesd
+and then jobs launched by user will be placed in right cgroup based on
+combination of rules in /etc/cgrules.conf and ~/cgrules.conf.