# optional (but recommended) vim plugins optional () { # makegreen: # test results integration # Tagbar (possible alternative TagList): # "code navigator" incl. JS support if jsctags installed # Fugitive: # Cooperates with git # Powerline # Coolness added to the vim awesomeness # NERD Tree # Convenient access to filesystem # SessionMan # ??? # MinibufExpl # key thing # ack.vim # integration with Ack grepping tool init_git_submodule $1 \ 'git-makegreen' \ 'git-tagbar' \ 'git-fugitive' \ 'git-powerline' \ 'git-nerdtree' \ 'git-sessionman' \ 'git-minibufexpl' \ 'git-ack' \ 'git-switch' [ "$1" == "get" ] \ && echo "let NERDTreeIgnore = ['\.pyc$', '\.tar\.gz$']" >> ~/.vimrc && ln -s git-powerline/powerline/bindings/vim link-powerline } init_register optional