# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # Part of clufter project # Licensed under GPLv2+ (a copy included | http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt) """Various little+independent helpers""" __author__ = "Jan Pokorný " from itertools import takewhile # inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/a/4374075 immutable = lambda x: isinstance(x, (basestring, int, long, bool, float, tuple)) tuplist = lambda x: isinstance(x, (tuple, list, set)) # turn args into tuple unless single tuplist arg args2sgpl = \ lambda x=(), *y: x if not y and tuplist(x) else (x, ) + y arg2wrapped = \ lambda x=(), *y: \ x if not y and isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) > 1 else (x, ) + y args2unwrapped = \ lambda x=None, *y: x if not y else (x, ) + y # turn args into tuple unconditionally args2tuple = lambda *args: args any2iter = \ lambda x: \ x if hasattr(x, 'next') and hasattr(x.next, '__call__') \ else iter(args2sgpl(x, None)) head_tail = \ lambda x=None, *y, **kwargs: \ (x, args2sgpl(*y)) if not tuplist(x) or kwargs.get('stop', 0) \ else (head_tail(stop=1, *tuple(x) + y)) nonetype = type(None) identity = lambda x: x # # easily mangle with dicts/sets (eventually lists), returning dicts # filterdict_map = \ lambda fn, src, *which, **update: \ dict((x, fn(x)) for x in which if x in src, **update) # .copy() so as to allow for in-situ manipulations like .pop() without # affecting the running iteration filterdict_invmap = \ lambda fn, src, *which, **update: \ dict((x, fn(x)) for x in src.copy() if x not in which, **update) # filterdict_keep = \ lambda src, *which, **update: \ filterdict_map( lambda x, fn=update.pop('fn', identity): fn(src[x]), src, *which, **update ) filterdict_invkeep = \ lambda src, *which, **update: \ filterdict_invmap( lambda x, fn=update.pop('fn', identity): fn(src[x]), src, *which, **update ) # filterdict_pop = \ lambda src, *which, **update: \ filterdict_map( lambda x, fn=update.pop('fn', identity): fn(src.pop(x)), src, *which, **update ) filterdict_invpop = \ lambda src, *which, **update: \ filterdict_invmap( lambda x, fn=update.pop('fn', identity): fn(src.pop(x)), src, *which, **update ) # following supposes that remove() returns None (as is the case with set/list) filterdict_remove = \ lambda src, *which, **update: \ filterdict_map( lambda x, fn=update.pop('fn', identity): fn(src.remove(x) or x), src, *which, **update ) filterdict_invremove = \ lambda src, *which, **update: \ filterdict_invmap( lambda x, fn=update.pop('fn', identity): fn(src.remove(x) or x), src, *which, **update ) # # introspection related # def isinstanceexcept(subj, obj, *exc): return isinstance(subj, obj) and not isinstance(subj, exc) def isinstanceupto(subj, obj, *exc): return isinstance(subj, tuple(takewhile(lambda x: x not in exc, obj.__mro__))) def areinstances(obj1, obj2): isinstance(obj1, obj2.__class__) or isinstance(obj2, obj1.__class__) def popattr(obj, what, *args): assert len(args) < 2 ret = getattr(obj, what, *args) try: delattr(obj, what) except AttributeError: if args: ret = args[0] else: raise return ret def iterattrs(obj, skip_private=True): """Iterate through (unbound) attributes of obj, skipping private or not""" if skip_private: return ((n, v) for n, v in obj.__dict__.iteritems() if not n.startswith('__')) return obj.__dict__.iteritems() def func_defaults_varnames(func, skip=0): """Using introspection, get arg defaults (dict) + all arg names (tuple) Parameters: skip how many initial arguments to skip """ code = func.func_code func_varnames = code.co_varnames[skip:code.co_argcount] func_defaults = dict(zip( reversed(func_varnames), reversed(func.func_defaults) )) return func_defaults, func_varnames # # decorators # def selfaware(func): """Decorator suitable for recursive staticmethod""" def selfaware_inner(*args, **kwargs): return func(selfaware(func), *args, **kwargs) map(lambda a: setattr(selfaware_inner, a, getattr(func, a)), ('__doc__', '__name__')) return selfaware_inner # Inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/a/1383402 class classproperty(property): def __init__(self, fnc): property.__init__(self, classmethod(fnc)) def __get__(self, this, owner): return self.fget.__get__(None, owner)() class hybridproperty(property): def __init__(self, fnc): property.__init__(self, classmethod(fnc)) def __get__(self, this, owner): return self.fget.__get__(None, this if this else owner)()