# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # Part of clufter project # Licensed under GPLv2+ (a copy included | http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt) """Testing destilling XSLT from the sparse tree-organized snippets""" __author__ = "Jan Pokorný " from os.path import join, dirname as d; execfile(join(d(d((__file__))), '_go')) from unittest import TestCase from os.path import dirname, join #from pprint import pprint from lxml import etree from .filter import XMLFilter from .format_manager import FormatManager from .utils_prog import dirname_x #WALK_DIR = join(dirname_x(__file__, 2), 'filters', 'cluster') WALK_DIR = join(dirname_x(__file__, 2), 'filters') class Ccs2NeedleXsltViewOnly(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.fmt_mgr = fmt_mgr = FormatManager() self.formats = fmt_mgr.plugins def tearDown(self): self.fmt_mgr.registry.setup(True) def testXSLTTemplate2(self): formats = self.formats flt = XMLFilter(formats) in_obj = formats['ccs']('file', join(dirname(__file__), 'filled.conf')) r = flt.get_template(in_obj, symbol='ccs2needlexml', root_dir=WALK_DIR) ret = r if isinstance(r, list) else [r] print "\n".join([etree.tostring(i, pretty_print=True) for i in ret]) assert not isinstance(r, list) from os.path import join, dirname as d; execfile(join(d(__file__), '_gone'))