# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- version, alpha = '0.10.1', False # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440 + git export magic using export-subst _git_hash = "$Format:%h$".strip('$').replace("Format:%h", "") _git_deco = '$Format:%d$'.strip('$()').replace("Format:%d", "") _git_deco_arr = _git_deco.split(', ') _git_tags = [i for i in _git_deco_arr if i.startswith("tag: v")] _git_branches = [i for i in _git_deco_arr if i not in _git_tags + ['HEAD']] if _git_branches and not _git_branches[-1].endswith('master') or alpha: if alpha: # if not alpha, it is still not a true serving release version += 'a' # no dashes(?) if _git_hash: version += '+git.{0}'.format(_git_hash) elif _git_tags: assert any(t.endswith(version) for t in _git_tags), "version != tag" license = 'GPLv2+' copyright = """\ Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. Licensed under {0}. """.format(license).rstrip() pkg_name = globals().get('__root__') def package_name(): global pkg_name if pkg_name is None: from os import readlink from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, islink here = dirname(abspath(__file__)) pkg_name = basename(abspath(readlink(here) if islink(here) else here)) return pkg_name # XXX eventually there should be precise plugin authorship tracking author = ("Jan Pokorný " " and plugin authors").format(package_name()) description = """\ Tool/library for transforming/analyzing cluster configuration formats While primarily aimed at (CMAN,rgmanager)->(Corosync/CMAN,Pacemaker) cluster stacks configuration conversion (as per RHEL trend), the command-filter-format framework (capable of XSLT) offers also other uses through its plugin library. """ #Native plugins allows also for obfuscation of sensitive data within #cluster configuration of supported cluster stacks, and other #convenient actions. _deobfuscate_email = (lambda what: what.replace(' @at@ ', '@') .replace(' .dot. ', '.') .replace('@Red Hat.', '@redhat.')) def author_text(justname=None, first=False): if justname is not None or first: ret = '' authors = author.split(', ') first = first or len(authors) == 1 for a in authors: name, rest = a.split('<', 1) email, rest = rest.split('>', 1) name, email, rest = map(str.strip, (name, email, rest)) if justname: ret += ('' if first else ', ') + ' '.join((name, rest)) else: ret += ('' if first else ', ') + _deobfuscate_email(email) if first: break return ret return _deobfuscate_email(author).lstrip('<').rstrip('>') def copyright_text(justcopyright=None): if justcopyright is not None: c, licensed = copyright.split('\n', 1).rstrip() return c if justcopyright else licensed return copyright def description_text(width=76, justhead=None): desc = description if justhead is False: desc = desc.split('\n', 2)[2] if not width or justhead is True: if justhead is True: desc = desc.split('\n', 1)[0] assert len(desc) <= (width or 1000) else: from textwrap import fill desc = map(lambda p: p.replace('\n', ' '), desc.split('\n\n')) desc = '\n\n'.join(map(lambda p: fill(p, width), desc)) #+ '\n' return desc version_parts = (' '.join((package_name(), version)), copyright, '', lambda: author_text().join(("Written by ", "."))) def version_text(*args, **kwargs): args, sep = args + tuple(version_parts[len(args):]), kwargs.get('sep', '\n') return sep.join(a() if hasattr(a, '__call__') else a for a in args)