clufter aka Cluster Filter ========================== $ clufter -h | sed '2,8p;d' Tool to perform various transformations on cluster configuration formats. Primarily aimed at (CMAN, rgmanager) -> (Corosync, Pacemaker) cluster stacks configuration conversion (following RHEL trend), the tool, however, offers more uses further extensible within the arranged commands-filters-formats plugin framework. Prerequisites ------------- Python-wise: - lxml (python-lxml) general: - Python 2 - 2.7 preferred - 2.6 with or some kind of collections.OrderedDict backport (#929258) required - ccs_flatten from pacemaker/extra/rgmanager: ./configure --with-cman=1 && pushd extra/rgmanager && make; popd tests: - outside of Python 2.7+, unittest2 (python-unittest2) is needed TBD Other remarks ------------- For convenience, bash completion is at user's hands by just running within the session: $ eval "$(clufter --completion-bash)" Indeed, to make such a feature permanent, the produced script can be appended to or referred from some relevant file like ~/.bashrc, or when bash-completion package installed, stored to ~/.config/bash_completion (per-user) or /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion (system-wide). It's also possible this is already performed on the packaging level.