language: python python: - 2.6 # cf. - "2.7_with_system_site_packages" before_install: # # - sudo apt-get update -qq # speed the run up - python -c 'from sys import exit, version_info as v; exit(v[:2] in ((2, 7), (3, 2)))' || sudo apt-get install -qq python-lxml python-distribute install: - cd __root__ - python -q saveopts -f setup.cfg pkg_prepare --ra-metadata-dir="$(pwd)/cluster" --ccs-flatten="$(dirname $(pwd))/ccs_flatten" --editor="sed -i 's|\(force-block=\"\)false|\1true|;w /dev/stdout" #- cat setup.cfg # make following robust enough to deal with pip pre-6.0(?) - true;{ pip install --disable-pip-version-check -- pip >/dev/null && pip install --disable-pip-version-check -qe .[test]; } || { pip install --disable-pip-version-check -- pip 2>/dev/null >&2 || pip install -qe .[test]; } || { ret=$?; echo "LOGS>"; cat ~/.pip/pip.log ~/.cache/pip/log/debug.log 2>/dev/null; f() { return $1; }; f $ret; } before_script: - ulimit -S -c unlimited # ensure cores are generated (~after_failure) script: ./run-tests after_failure: - sudo apt-get install -qq gdb libc6-dbg # examine core files # TODO: eu-readelf -n binary|sed -n 's/^.*Build ID: //p' # etc. to ensure build-id match - find -name 'core*' -print0 | xargs -0I@ -- sh -xc 'file "@"; gdb -se $(file "@" | sed -n "s|.* core file .* from \x27\([^\x27 ]*\).*|\1|p") -c "@" -batch -ex "t a a bt f" -ex "set pagination 0"'