/* SSSD - Test for idmap library Authors: Sumit Bose Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "lib/idmap/sss_idmap.h" #include "lib/idmap/sss_idmap_private.h" #include "tests/common_check.h" #define IDMAP_RANGE_MIN 1234 #define IDMAP_RANGE_MAX 9876 #define IDMAP_RANGE_MIN2 11234 #define IDMAP_RANGE_MAX2 19876 const char test_sid[] = "S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-72713"; uint8_t test_bin_sid[] = {0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x15, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x65, 0xCF, 0x7E, 0x78, 0x4B, 0x9B, 0x5F, 0xE7, 0x7C, 0x87, 0x70, 0x09, 0x1C, 0x01, 0x00}; size_t test_bin_sid_length = sizeof(test_bin_sid); struct dom_sid test_smb_sid = {1, 5, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5}, {21, 2127521184, 1604012920, 1887927527, 72713, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; const char large_sid[] = "S-1-5-21-1-2-4294967295-1000"; const char too_large_sid[] = "S-1-5-21-1-2-4294967296-1000"; struct sss_idmap_ctx *idmap_ctx; static void *idmap_talloc(size_t size, void *pvt) { return talloc_size(pvt, size); } static void idmap_talloc_free(void *ptr, void *pvt) { talloc_free(ptr); } void idmap_ctx_setup(void) { enum idmap_error_code err; err = sss_idmap_init(idmap_talloc, global_talloc_context, idmap_talloc_free, &idmap_ctx); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_init failed."); fail_unless(idmap_ctx != NULL, "sss_idmap_init returned NULL."); } void idmap_ctx_teardown(void) { enum idmap_error_code err; err = sss_idmap_free(idmap_ctx); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_free failed."); } void idmap_add_domain_setup(void) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_idmap_range range = {IDMAP_RANGE_MIN, IDMAP_RANGE_MAX}; err = sss_idmap_add_domain(idmap_ctx, "test.dom", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3", &range); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_add_domain failed."); } START_TEST(idmap_test_is_domain_sid) { size_t c; const char *invalid[] = { "abc", "S-1-2-3-4-5-6", "S-1-5-21-1", "S-1-5-21-1-2-123456789012345678", "S-1-5-21-1+2+3", "S-1-5-21-a-b-c", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-4", NULL }; fail_if(is_domain_sid(NULL), "is_domain_sid() returned true for [NULL]"); for (c = 0; invalid[c] != NULL; c++) { fail_if(is_domain_sid(invalid[c]), "is_domain_sid() returned true for [%s]", invalid[c]); } fail_unless(is_domain_sid("S-1-5-21-1-2-3"), "is_domain_sid() returned true for [S-1-5-21-1-2-3]"); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_init_malloc) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx = NULL; err = sss_idmap_init(NULL, NULL, NULL, &ctx); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_init failed."); fail_unless(ctx != NULL, "sss_idmap_init returned NULL."); err = sss_idmap_free(ctx); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_free failed."); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_init_talloc) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_idmap_ctx *ctx = NULL; err = sss_idmap_init(idmap_talloc, global_talloc_context, idmap_talloc_free, &ctx); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_init failed."); fail_unless(ctx != NULL, "sss_idmap_init returned NULL."); err = sss_idmap_free(ctx); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_free failed."); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_add_domain) { idmap_add_domain_setup(); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_add_domain_collisions) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_idmap_range range = {IDMAP_RANGE_MIN, IDMAP_RANGE_MAX}; struct sss_idmap_range range2 = {IDMAP_RANGE_MIN2, IDMAP_RANGE_MAX2}; err = sss_idmap_add_domain(idmap_ctx, "test.dom", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3", &range); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_add_domain failed."); err = sss_idmap_add_domain(idmap_ctx, "test.dom", "S-1-5-21-1-2-4", &range2); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_COLLISION, "sss_idmap_add_domain added domain with the same name."); err = sss_idmap_add_domain(idmap_ctx, "test.dom2", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3", &range2); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_COLLISION, "sss_idmap_add_domain added domain with the same SID."); err = sss_idmap_add_domain(idmap_ctx, "test.dom2", "S-1-5-21-1-2-4", &range); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_COLLISION, "sss_idmap_add_domain added domain with the same range."); err = sss_idmap_add_domain(idmap_ctx, "test.dom2", "S-1-5-21-1-2-4", &range2); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_add_domain failed to add second domain."); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_add_domain_collisions_ext_mapping) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_idmap_range range = {IDMAP_RANGE_MIN, IDMAP_RANGE_MAX}; struct sss_idmap_range range2 = {IDMAP_RANGE_MIN2, IDMAP_RANGE_MAX2}; err = sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(idmap_ctx, "test.dom", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3", &range, NULL, 0, true); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_add_domain failed."); err = sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(idmap_ctx, "test.dom", "S-1-5-21-1-2-4", &range2, NULL, 0, true); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_COLLISION, "sss_idmap_add_domain added domain with the same name."); err = sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(idmap_ctx, "test.dom2", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3", &range2, NULL, 0, true); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_COLLISION, "sss_idmap_add_domain added domain with the same SID."); err = sss_idmap_add_domain_ex(idmap_ctx, "test.dom2", "S-1-5-21-1-2-4", &range, NULL, 0, true); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_add_domain failed to add second domain with " \ "external mapping and the same range."); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_sid2uid) { enum idmap_error_code err; uint32_t id; err = sss_idmap_sid_to_unix(idmap_ctx, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3333-1000", &id); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN, "sss_idmap_sid_to_unix did not detect " "unknown domain"); err = sss_idmap_sid_to_unix(idmap_ctx, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-10000", &id); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_NO_RANGE, "sss_idmap_sid_to_unix did not detect " "RID out of range"); err = sss_idmap_sid_to_unix(idmap_ctx, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", &id); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_sid_to_unix failed."); fail_unless(id == (1000 + IDMAP_RANGE_MIN), "sss_idmap_sid_to_unix returned wrong id, " "got [%d], expected [%d].", id, 1000 + IDMAP_RANGE_MIN); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_bin_sid2uid) { enum idmap_error_code err; uint32_t id; uint8_t *bin_sid = NULL; size_t length; err = sss_idmap_sid_to_bin_sid(idmap_ctx, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", &bin_sid, &length); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert SID to binary SID"); err = sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_unix(idmap_ctx, bin_sid, length , &id); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_unix failed."); fail_unless(id == (1000 + IDMAP_RANGE_MIN), "sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_unix returned wrong id, " "got [%d], expected [%d].", id, 1000 + IDMAP_RANGE_MIN); talloc_free(bin_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_dom_sid2uid) { enum idmap_error_code err; uint32_t id; struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_sid_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert SID to SID structure"); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_unix(idmap_ctx, dom_sid, &id); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_unix failed."); fail_unless(id == (1000 + IDMAP_RANGE_MIN), "sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_unix returned wrong id, " "got [%d], expected [%d].", id, 1000 + IDMAP_RANGE_MIN); talloc_free(dom_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_uid2sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid; err = sss_idmap_unix_to_sid(idmap_ctx, 10000, &sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN, "sss_idmap_unix_to_sid did not detect " "id out of range"); err = sss_idmap_unix_to_sid(idmap_ctx, 2234, &sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_unix_to_sid failed."); fail_unless(strcmp(sid, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000") == 0, "sss_idmap_unix_to_sid returned wrong SID, " "expected [%s], got [%s].", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", sid); sss_idmap_free_sid(idmap_ctx, sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_uid2dom_sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid = NULL; char *sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_unix_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, 10000, &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN, "sss_idmap_unix_to_dom_sid did not detect " "id out of range"); err = sss_idmap_unix_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, 2234, &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_unix_to_dom_sid failed."); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_sid(idmap_ctx, dom_sid, &sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_sid failed."); fail_unless(strcmp(sid, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000") == 0, "sss_idmap_unix_to_dom_sid returned wrong SID, " "expected [%s], got [%s].", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", sid); sss_idmap_free_sid(idmap_ctx, sid); talloc_free(dom_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_uid2bin_sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; uint8_t *bin_sid = NULL; size_t length; char *sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_unix_to_bin_sid(idmap_ctx, 10000, &bin_sid, &length); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_NO_DOMAIN, "sss_idmap_unix_to_bin_sid did not detect " "id out of range"); err = sss_idmap_unix_to_bin_sid(idmap_ctx, 2234, &bin_sid, &length); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_unix_to_bin_sid failed."); err = sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_sid(idmap_ctx, bin_sid, length, &sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_sid failed."); fail_unless(strcmp(sid, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000") == 0, "sss_idmap_unix_to_bin_sid returned wrong SID, " "expected [%s], got [%s].", "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", sid); sss_idmap_free_sid(idmap_ctx, sid); talloc_free(bin_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_bin_sid2dom_sid) { struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid = NULL; enum idmap_error_code err; uint8_t *new_bin_sid = NULL; size_t new_bin_sid_length; err = sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, test_bin_sid, test_bin_sid_length, &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert binary SID to struct sss_dom_sid."); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_bin_sid(idmap_ctx, dom_sid, &new_bin_sid, &new_bin_sid_length); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert struct sss_dom_sid to binary SID."); fail_unless(new_bin_sid_length == test_bin_sid_length, "Length of binary SIDs do not match."); fail_unless(memcmp(test_bin_sid, new_bin_sid, test_bin_sid_length) == 0, "Binary SIDs do not match."); talloc_free(dom_sid); talloc_free(new_bin_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_sid2dom_sid) { struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid = NULL; enum idmap_error_code err; char *new_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_sid_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, "S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert SID string to struct sss_dom_sid."); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_sid(idmap_ctx, dom_sid, &new_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert struct sss_dom_sid to SID string."); fail_unless(new_sid != NULL, "SID string not set"); fail_unless(strlen("S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000") == strlen(new_sid), "Length of SID strings do not match."); fail_unless(strcmp("S-1-5-21-1-2-3-1000", new_sid) == 0, "SID strings do not match."); talloc_free(dom_sid); sss_idmap_free_sid(idmap_ctx, new_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_large_and_too_large_sid) { struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid = NULL; enum idmap_error_code err; char *new_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_sid_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, large_sid, &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert SID string with a UINT32_MAX component " "to struct sss_dom_sid."); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_sid(idmap_ctx, dom_sid, &new_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert struct sss_dom_sid to SID string."); fail_unless(new_sid != NULL, "SID string not set"); fail_unless(strlen(large_sid) == strlen(new_sid), "Length of SID strings do not match."); fail_unless(strcmp(large_sid, new_sid) == 0, "SID strings do not match, expected [%s], got [%s]", large_sid, new_sid); err = sss_idmap_sid_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, too_large_sid, &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SID_INVALID, "Trying to convert a SID with a too large component " "did not return IDMAP_SID_INVALID"); talloc_free(dom_sid); sss_idmap_free_sid(idmap_ctx, new_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_sid2bin_sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; size_t length; uint8_t *bin_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_sid_to_bin_sid(idmap_ctx, test_sid, &bin_sid, &length); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert SID string to binary sid."); fail_unless(length == test_bin_sid_length, "Size of binary SIDs do not match, got [%d], expected [%d]", length, test_bin_sid_length); fail_unless(memcmp(bin_sid, test_bin_sid, test_bin_sid_length) == 0, "Binary SIDs do not match"); talloc_free(bin_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_bin_sid2sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_sid(idmap_ctx, test_bin_sid, test_bin_sid_length, &sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert binary SID to SID string."); fail_unless(strcmp(sid, test_sid) == 0, "SID strings do not match, " "expected [%s], get [%s]", test_sid, sid); sss_idmap_free_sid(idmap_ctx, sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_smb_sid2dom_sid) { struct sss_dom_sid *dom_sid = NULL; enum idmap_error_code err; struct dom_sid *new_smb_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_smb_sid_to_dom_sid(idmap_ctx, &test_smb_sid, &dom_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert samba dom_sid to struct sss_dom_sid."); err = sss_idmap_dom_sid_to_smb_sid(idmap_ctx, dom_sid, &new_smb_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert struct sss_dom_sid to samba dom_sid."); fail_unless(memcmp(&test_smb_sid, new_smb_sid, sizeof(struct dom_sid)) == 0, "Samba dom_sid-s do not match."); talloc_free(dom_sid); talloc_free(new_smb_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_smb_sid2bin_sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; size_t length; uint8_t *bin_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_smb_sid_to_bin_sid(idmap_ctx, &test_smb_sid, &bin_sid, &length); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert samba dom_sid to binary sid."); fail_unless(length == test_bin_sid_length, "Size of binary SIDs do not match, got [%d], expected [%d]", length, test_bin_sid_length); fail_unless(memcmp(bin_sid, test_bin_sid, test_bin_sid_length) == 0, "Binary SIDs do not match."); talloc_free(bin_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_bin_sid2smb_sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct dom_sid *smb_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_bin_sid_to_smb_sid(idmap_ctx, test_bin_sid, test_bin_sid_length, &smb_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert binary sid to samba dom_sid."); fail_unless(memcmp(&test_smb_sid, smb_sid, sizeof(struct dom_sid)) == 0, "Samba dom_sid structs do not match."); talloc_free(smb_sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_smb_sid2sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; char *sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_smb_sid_to_sid(idmap_ctx, &test_smb_sid, &sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert samba dom_sid to sid string."); fail_unless(strcmp(sid, test_sid) == 0, "SID strings do not match, " "expected [%s], get [%s]", test_sid, sid); sss_idmap_free_sid(idmap_ctx, sid); } END_TEST START_TEST(idmap_test_sid2smb_sid) { enum idmap_error_code err; struct dom_sid *smb_sid = NULL; err = sss_idmap_sid_to_smb_sid(idmap_ctx, test_sid, &smb_sid); fail_unless(err == IDMAP_SUCCESS, "Failed to convert binary sid to samba dom_sid."); fail_unless(memcmp(&test_smb_sid, smb_sid, sizeof(struct dom_sid)) == 0, "Samba dom_sid structs do not match."); talloc_free(smb_sid); } END_TEST Suite *idmap_test_suite (void) { Suite *s = suite_create ("IDMAP"); TCase *tc_init = tcase_create("IDMAP init tests"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_init, ck_leak_check_setup, ck_leak_check_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_init, idmap_test_init_malloc); tcase_add_test(tc_init, idmap_test_init_talloc); tcase_add_test(tc_init, idmap_test_is_domain_sid); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_init); TCase *tc_dom = tcase_create("IDMAP domain tests"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_dom, ck_leak_check_setup, ck_leak_check_teardown); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_dom, idmap_ctx_setup, idmap_ctx_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_dom, idmap_test_add_domain); tcase_add_test(tc_dom, idmap_test_add_domain_collisions); tcase_add_test(tc_dom, idmap_test_add_domain_collisions_ext_mapping); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_dom); TCase *tc_conv = tcase_create("IDMAP SID conversion tests"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_conv, ck_leak_check_setup, ck_leak_check_teardown); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_conv, idmap_ctx_setup, idmap_ctx_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_bin_sid2dom_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_sid2dom_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_sid2bin_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_bin_sid2sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_smb_sid2dom_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_smb_sid2bin_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_bin_sid2smb_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_smb_sid2sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_sid2smb_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_conv, idmap_test_large_and_too_large_sid); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_conv); TCase *tc_map = tcase_create("IDMAP mapping tests"); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_map, ck_leak_check_setup, ck_leak_check_teardown); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_map, idmap_ctx_setup, idmap_ctx_teardown); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_map, idmap_add_domain_setup, NULL); tcase_add_test(tc_map, idmap_test_sid2uid); tcase_add_test(tc_map, idmap_test_bin_sid2uid); tcase_add_test(tc_map, idmap_test_dom_sid2uid); tcase_add_test(tc_map, idmap_test_uid2sid); tcase_add_test(tc_map, idmap_test_uid2dom_sid); tcase_add_test(tc_map, idmap_test_uid2bin_sid); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_map); return s; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int number_failed; tests_set_cwd(); Suite *s = idmap_test_suite(); SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s); /* If CK_VERBOSITY is set, use that, otherwise it defaults to CK_NORMAL */ srunner_run_all(sr, CK_ENV); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed (sr); srunner_free (sr); return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }