AC_DEFUN(WITH_DB_PATH, [ AC_ARG_WITH([db-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-db-path=PATH], [Path to the SSSD databases [/var/lib/sss/db]] ) ] ) config_dbpath="\"VARDIR\"/lib/sss/db" dbpath="${localstatedir}/lib/sss/db" if test x"$with_db_path" != x; then config_dbpath=$with_db_path dbpath=$with_db_path fi AC_SUBST(dbpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DB_PATH, "$config_dbpath", [Path to the SSSD databases]) ]) AC_DEFUN(WITH_PLUGIN_PATH, [ AC_ARG_WITH([plugin-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-plugin-path=PATH], [Path to the SSSD data provider plugins [/usr/lib/sssd]] ) ] ) pluginpath="${libdir}/sssd" config_pluginpath="\"LIBDIR\"/sssd" if test x"$with_plugin_path" != x; then pluginpath=$with_plugin_path config_pluginpath=$with_plugin_path fi AC_SUBST(pluginpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DATA_PROVIDER_PLUGINS_PATH, "$config_pluginpath", [Path to the SSSD data provider plugins]) ]) AC_DEFUN(WITH_PID_PATH, [ AC_ARG_WITH([pid-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pid-path=PATH], [Where to store pid files for the SSSD [/var/run]] ) ] ) config_pidpath="\"VARDIR\"/run" pidpath="${localstatedir}/run" if test x"$with_pid_path" != x; then config_pidpath=$with_pid_path pidpath=$with_pid_path fi AC_SUBST(pidpath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PID_PATH, "$config_pidpath", [Where to store pid files for the SSSD]) ]) AC_DEFUN(WITH_PIPE_PATH, [ AC_ARG_WITH([pipe-path], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pipe-path=PATH], [Where to store pipe files for the SSSD interconnects [/var/lib/sss/pipes]] ) ] ) config_pipepath="\"VARDIR\"/lib/sss/pipes" pipepath="${localstatedir}/lib/sss/pipes" if test x"$with_pipe_path" != x; then config_pipepath=$with_pipe_path pipepath=$with_pipe_path fi AC_SUBST(pipepath) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PIPE_PATH, "$config_pipepath", [Where to store pipe files for the SSSD interconnects]) ]) AC_DEFUN(WITH_POLICYKIT, [ AC_ARG_WITH([policykit], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-policykit], [Whether to include PolicyKit support [yes]] ) ], [], with_policykit=yes ) if test x"$with_policykit" == xyes; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_POLICYKIT, 1, [Include PolicyKit support]) HAVE_POLICYKIT=1 AC_SUBST(HAVE_POLICYKIT) fi ]) AC_DEFUN(WITH_INFOPIPE, [ AC_ARG_WITH([infopipe], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-infopipe], [Whether to include InfoPipe support [yes]] ) ], [], with_infopipe=yes ) if test x"$with_infopipe" == xyes; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_INFOPIPE, 1, [Include InfoPipe support]) HAVE_INFOPIPE=1 AC_SUBST(HAVE_INFOPIPE) fi ]) AC_DEFUN(WITH_TESTS, [ AC_ARG_WITH([tests], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-tests], [Whether to build tests [no]] ) ], [], with_tests=no ) if test x"$with_tests" == xyes; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TESTS, 1, [Build tests]) HAVE_TESTS=1 AC_SUBST(HAVE_TESTS) fi ]) AC_DEFUN(WITH_INIT_DIR, [ AC_ARG_WITH([init-dir], [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-init-dir=DIR], [Where to store init script for sssd [/etc/rc.d/init.d]] ) ] ) initdir="${sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d" if test x"$with_init_dir" != x; then initdir=$with_init_dir fi AC_SUBST(initdir) ])