path: root/common/elapi/providers/file
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/elapi/providers/file')
6 files changed, 1768 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_fmt_csv.c b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_fmt_csv.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a81111330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_fmt_csv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+ Module contains functions related to outputting events in CSV format.
+ Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <> 2009
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <errno.h> /* for errors */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for free() */
+#include <string.h> /* for strcmp() */
+#include "collection.h"
+#include "file_fmt_csv.h"
+#include "collection_tools.h"
+#include "ini_config.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "config.h"
+/* Reasonable size for one event */
+/* FIXME: may be it would make sense to make it configurable ? */
+#define FILE_CSV_BLOCK 256
+/* Calculate the potential size of the item */
+static unsigned file_csv_data_len(struct file_csv_cfg *cfg,
+ int type,
+ int raw_len)
+ int serialized_len = 0;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_get_data_len", "Entry point");
+ switch (type) {
+ serialized_len = MAX_LONG_STRING_LEN;
+ break;
+ if ((cfg->csvqualifier) &&
+ (cfg->csvescchar)) serialized_len = raw_len * 2;
+ else serialized_len = raw_len;
+ break;
+ serialized_len = raw_len * 2;
+ break;
+ serialized_len = MAX_DOUBLE_STRING_LEN;
+ break;
+ serialized_len = MAX_BOOL_STRING_LEN;
+ break;
+ default:
+ serialized_len = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cfg->csvqualifier) serialized_len += 2;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("col_get_data_len","Exit point");
+ return (uint32_t)serialized_len;
+/* Copy data escaping characters */
+int file_copy_esc(char *dest,
+ const char *source,
+ unsigned char what_to_esc,
+ unsigned char what_to_use)
+ int i = 0;
+ int j = 0;
+ while (source[i]) {
+ if ((source[i] == what_to_use) ||
+ (source[i] == what_to_esc)) {
+ dest[j] = what_to_use;
+ j++;
+ }
+ dest[j] = source[i];
+ i++;
+ j++;
+ }
+ return j;
+/* Serialize item into the csv format */
+int file_serialize_csv(struct elapi_data_out *out_data,
+ int type,
+ int length,
+ void *data,
+ void *mode_cfg)
+ int error = EOK;
+ struct file_csv_cfg *cfg;
+ uint32_t projected_len;
+ uint32_t used_len;
+ int first = 1;
+ int i;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_csv", "Entry");
+ cfg = (struct file_csv_cfg *)mode_cfg;
+ /* Get projected length of the item */
+ projected_len = file_csv_data_len(cfg, type, length);
+ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Expected data length: ", projected_len);
+ /* Make sure we have enough space */
+ if (out_data->buffer != NULL) {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Not a first time use.", "Adding length overhead");
+ if (cfg->csvseparator) projected_len++;
+ projected_len += cfg->csvnumsp;
+ first = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Add null terminating zero */
+ projected_len++;
+ }
+ /* Grow buffer if needed */
+ error = elapi_grow_data(out_data,
+ projected_len,
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error. Failed to allocate memory.", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Now everything should fit */
+ if (!first) {
+ /* Add separator if any */
+ if (cfg->csvseparator) {
+ out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = cfg->csvseparator;
+ out_data->length++;
+ }
+ /* Add spaces if any */
+ memset(&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ cfg->csvspace,
+ cfg->csvnumsp);
+ }
+ /* Add qualifier */
+ if (cfg->csvqualifier) {
+ out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = cfg->csvqualifier;
+ out_data->length++;
+ }
+ /* Add the value */
+ switch (type) {
+ if ((cfg->csvqualifier) && (cfg->csvescchar)) {
+ /* Qualify and escape */
+ used_len = file_copy_esc((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ (const char *)(data),
+ cfg->csvqualifier,
+ cfg->csvescchar);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* No escaping so just copy without trailing 0 */
+ /* Item's length includes trailing 0 for data items */
+ used_len = length - 1;
+ memcpy(&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ (const char *)(data),
+ used_len);
+ }
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length + i * 2],
+ "%02X", (unsigned int)(((const unsigned char *)(data))[i]));
+ used_len = length * 2;
+ break;
+ used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ "%d", *((const int *)(data)));
+ break;
+ used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ "%u", *((const unsigned int *)(data)));
+ break;
+ used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ "%ld", *((const long *)(data)));
+ break;
+ used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ "%lu", *((const unsigned long *)(data)));
+ break;
+ used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ "%.4f", *((const double *)(data)));
+ break;
+ used_len = sprintf((char *)&out_data->buffer[out_data->length],
+ "%s",
+ (*((const unsigned char *)(data))) ? "true" : "false");
+ break;
+ default:
+ out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = '\0';
+ used_len = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Adjust length */
+ out_data->length += used_len;
+ /* Add qualifier */
+ if (cfg->csvqualifier) {
+ out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = cfg->csvqualifier;
+ out_data->length++;
+ }
+ /* The "length" member of the structure does not account
+ * for the 0 symbol but we made sure that it fits
+ * when we asked for the memory at the top.
+ */
+ out_data->buffer[out_data->length] = '\0';
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Data: ", out_data->buffer);
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_csv.", "Exit");
+ return error;
+/* Function that reads the specific configuration
+ * information about the format of the output
+ */
+int file_get_csv_cfg(void **storage,
+ const char *name,
+ struct collection_item *ini_config,
+ const char *appname)
+ int error = EOK;
+ struct collection_item *cfg_item = NULL;
+ struct file_csv_cfg *cfg= NULL;
+ const char *qual;
+ const char *sep;
+ const char *esc;
+ const char *space;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_get_csv_cfg", "Entry");
+ /* Allocate memory for configuration */
+ cfg = (struct file_csv_cfg *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_csv_cfg));
+ if (cfg == NULL) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocate storage for CSV configuration", ENOMEM);
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ /*********** Qualifier *************/
+ /* Get qualifier */
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read qualifier attribute returned error", error);
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have qualifier? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no qualifier - use default */
+ cfg->csvqualifier = FILE_CSV_DEF_QUAL;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Get qualifier from configuration */
+ error = EOK;
+ qual = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (qual[0] == '\0') cfg->csvqualifier = '\0';
+ else if(qual[1] != '\0') {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Qualifier has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ else cfg->csvqualifier = qual[0];
+ }
+ /*********** Separator *************/
+ /* Get separator */
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read separator attribute returned error", error);
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have separator? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no separator - use default */
+ cfg->csvseparator = FILE_CSV_DEF_SEP;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Get separator from configuration */
+ error = EOK;
+ sep = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (sep[0] == '\0') cfg->csvseparator = '\0';
+ else if(sep[1] != '\0') {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Separator has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ else cfg->csvseparator = sep[0];
+ }
+ /*********** Escape symbol *************/
+ /* Get escape symbol */
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read esc symbol attribute returned error", error);
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have esc symbol? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no esc symbol - use default */
+ cfg->csvescchar = FILE_CSV_DEF_ESC;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Get esc symbol from configuration */
+ error = EOK;
+ esc = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (esc[0] == '\0') cfg->csvescchar = '\0';
+ else if(esc[1] != '\0') {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Esc symbol has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ else cfg->csvescchar = esc[0];
+ }
+ /*********** Space *************/
+ /* Get space */
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read space attribute returned error", error);
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have space? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no esc symbol - use default */
+ cfg->csvspace = FILE_CSV_DEF_SPC;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Get file name from configuration */
+ error = EOK;
+ space = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Determine what to use as a space symbol */
+ if (space[0] == '\0') cfg->csvspace = ' ';
+ else if(strcmp(space, FILE_CSV_SP) == 0) cfg->csvspace = ' ';
+ else if(strcmp(space, FILE_CSV_TAB) == 0) cfg->csvspace = '\t';
+ else if(strcmp(space, FILE_CSV_CR) == 0) cfg->csvspace = '\n';
+ else {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Esc symbol has more than one symbol.", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*********** Number of spaces *************/
+ /* Get number of spaces */
+ cfg_item = NULL;
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read number of spaces attribute returned error", error);
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have number of spaces? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no attribute - assume default */
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No attribute.", "Assume no spaces");
+ cfg->csvnumsp = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ cfg->csvnumsp = (uint32_t) get_unsigned_config_value(cfg_item, 1, 0, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid number of spaces value", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Check for right range */
+ if (cfg->csvnumsp > FILE_MAXSPACE) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Too many spaces - not allowed", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return ERANGE;
+ }
+ }
+ /*********** Header *************/
+ /* Next is header field */
+ cfg_item = NULL;
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read header attribute returned error", error);
+ free(cfg);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have header? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no attribute - assume default */
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No attribute.", "Assume no header");
+ cfg->csvheader = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ cfg->csvheader = (uint32_t) get_bool_config_value(cfg_item, '\0', &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid csv header value", "Fatal Error!");
+ free(cfg);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ *((struct file_csv_cfg **)storage) = cfg;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_get_csv_cfg", "Entry");
+ return error;
+void file_print_fmt_csv(void *data)
+ struct file_csv_cfg *cfg;
+ cfg = (struct file_csv_cfg *)(data);
+ if (cfg == NULL) {
+ printf("CSV Configuration is undefined!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ printf("CSV Configuration:\n");
+ printf(" Qualifier: ");
+ if (cfg->csvqualifier != '\0') printf("[%c]\n", cfg->csvqualifier);
+ else printf("[undefined]\n");
+ printf(" Separator: ");
+ if (cfg->csvseparator != '\0') printf("[%c]\n", cfg->csvseparator);
+ else printf("[undefined]\n");
+ printf(" Escape: ");
+ if (cfg->csvescchar != '\0') printf("[%c]\n", cfg->csvescchar);
+ else printf("[undefined]\n");
+ printf(" Space: [%c] [ASCII: %d]\n", cfg->csvspace, (int)(cfg->csvspace));
+ printf(" Number of spaces: [%d]\n", cfg->csvnumsp);
+ printf(" Header: [%s]\n", ((cfg->csvheader > 0) ? "yes" : "no"));
+ printf("CSV Configuration END\n");
diff --git a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_fmt_csv.h b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_fmt_csv.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cc52745d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_fmt_csv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ Module contains functions related to outputting events in CSV format.
+ Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <> 2009
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "collection.h"
+#include "elapi_basic.h"
+/* Format specific configuration parameters */
+/* CSV: */
+#define FILE_CSV_QUAL "csvqual"
+#define FILE_CSV_SEP "csvsep"
+#define FILE_CSV_ESCSYM "csvescsym"
+#define FILE_CSV_SPACE "csvspace"
+#define FILE_CSV_NUMSP "csvnumsp"
+#define FILE_CSV_HEADER "csvheader"
+/* Strings from config that will be recognized */
+#define FILE_CSV_SP "space"
+#define FILE_CSV_TAB "tab"
+#define FILE_CSV_CR "cr"
+/* Default values for configuration parameters */
+#define FILE_CSV_DEF_QUAL '"'
+#define FILE_CSV_DEF_SEP ','
+#define FILE_CSV_DEF_ESC '\\'
+#define FILE_CSV_DEF_SPC ' '
+/* Try catch corrupted configuration 80 is more than enough */
+#define FILE_MAXSPACE 80
+/* Configuration for the CSV output */
+struct file_csv_cfg {
+ uint32_t csvheader; /* Include csv header or not? */
+ uint32_t csvnumsp; /* How many spaces ? */
+ unsigned char csvqualifier; /* What is the qualifier? */
+ unsigned char csvseparator; /* What is the separator? */
+ unsigned char csvescchar; /* What is the escape character? */
+ unsigned char csvspace; /* What is the space character? */
+/* Function that reads the specific configuration
+ * information about the CSV format of the output
+ */
+int file_get_csv_cfg(void **storage,
+ const char *name,
+ struct collection_item *ini_config,
+ const char *appname);
+/* Serialize an item into the csv format */
+int file_serialize_csv(struct elapi_data_out *out_data,
+ int type,
+ int length,
+ void *data,
+ void *mode_cfg);
+/* Function for debugging */
+void file_print_fmt_csv(void *data);
diff --git a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.c b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.c
index 589ed5eb7..09d6261eb 100644
--- a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.c
+++ b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.c
@@ -20,34 +20,530 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <errno.h> /* for errors */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for free() */
+#include <string.h> /* for strlen() */
+#include <unistd.h> /* for close() */
#include "file_provider.h"
+#include "file_util.h"
+#include "file_fmt_csv.h"
#include "ini_config.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "config.h"
-/* FIXME: temporary for debugging */
+/* NOTE: Each format module has its own header */
+#include "file_fmt_csv.h"
+/* Add headers for new formats here... */
#include "collection_tools.h"
+/* Function to debug format configurations */
+void file_print_fmt_cfg(uint32_t mode, void *fmt_cfg)
+ switch(mode) {
+ file_print_fmt_csv(fmt_cfg);
+ break;
+ /* FIXME : add other formats later */
+ error = file_print_fmt_format(fmt_cfg);
+ break;
+ error = file_print_fmt_html(fmt_cfg);
+ break;
+ error = file_print_fmt_xml(fmt_cfg);
+ break;
+ error = file_print_fmt_json(fmt_cfg);
+ break;
+ error = file_print_fmt_kvp(fmt_cfg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("Unsupported mode!\n");
+ }
+/* Function for debugging configuration */
+void file_print_cfg(struct file_prvdr_cfg *cfg)
+ printf("File provider configuration\n");
+ printf(" File name: [%s]\n", ((cfg->filename != NULL) ? cfg->filename : "NULL"));
+ printf(" Own file : [%s]\n", ((cfg->ownfile > 0) ? "yes" : "no"));
+ printf(" Keep open: [%s]\n", ((cfg->keepopen > 0) ? "yes" : "no"));
+ if (cfg->fsyncmode == 0) {
+ printf(" Sync mode: [no flush]\n");
+ }
+ else if (cfg->fsyncmode > 0) {
+ printf(" Sync mode: every [%d] event\n", cfg->fsyncmode);
+ }
+ else {
+ printf(" Sync mode: every [%d] second\n", 0 - cfg->fsyncmode);
+ }
+ if (cfg->set) {
+ printf(" There is a set of predefined fields\n");
+ col_print_collection(cfg->set);
+ printf(" Use leftovers: [%s]\n", ((cfg->use_leftovers > 0) ? "yes" : "no"));
+ printf(" Jam leftovers: [%s]\n", ((cfg->jam_leftovers > 0) ? "yes" : "no"));
+ if (cfg->use_leftovers > 0) {
+ printf("Leftovers configuration:\n");
+ file_print_fmt_cfg(cfg->mode_leftovers, cfg->lo_fmt_cfg);
+ printf("Leftovers configuration END\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else printf("All fields go into the output.\n");
+ printf("Main configuration:\n");
+ file_print_fmt_cfg(cfg->outmode, cfg->main_fmt_cfg);
+ printf("Main configuration END:\n");
+ printf("File provider configuration END\n");
+/* Function to debug context */
+void file_print_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx)
+ if (ctx == NULL) {
+ printf("No file provider context!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ printf("File Provider Context\n");
+ /* Print configuration */
+ file_print_cfg(&(ctx->config));
+ /* Print other parts of the context */
+ printf("File is currently: [%s]\n", ((ctx->outfile >= 0) ? "open" : "closed"));
+ printf("File Provider Context END\n\n");
+/* Function that reads the specific configuration
+ * information about the format of the output
+ */
+static int file_read_fmt_cfg(void **storage,
+ uint32_t mode,
+ const char *name,
+ struct collection_item *ini_config,
+ const char *appname)
+ int error = EOK;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_read_fmt_cfg", "Entry");
+ switch(mode) {
+ error = file_get_csv_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname);
+ break;
+ /* FIXME : add other formats later */
+ error = file_get_format_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname);
+ break;
+ error = file_get_html_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname);
+ break;
+ error = file_get_xml_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname);
+ break;
+ error = file_get_json_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname);
+ break;
+ error = file_get_kvp_cfg(storage, name, ini_config, appname);
+ break;
+ default:
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Unsupported mode", "Fatal error!");
+ error = EINVAL;
+ }
+ TRACE_FLOW_NUMBER("file_read_fmt_cfg. Exit. Returning:", error);
+ return error;
+/* Function to build the set object from the configuration data */
+static int file_build_set(struct file_prvdr_cfg *file_cfg,
+ struct collection_item *cfg_item)
+ int error = EOK;
+ char **fields;
+ char *field;
+ int size;
+ int count;
+ struct collection_item *dummy = NULL;
+ struct collection_item *set = NULL;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_build_set", "Entry");
+ /* Get fields array from config field */
+ fields = get_string_config_array(cfg_item, NULL, &size, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to get set items returned error", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (size > 0) {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("We have the set of required fields", "");
+ /* Create collection */
+ error = col_create_collection(&set, FILE_FIELDSET_COL, FILE_FIELDSET_CLASS);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to create collection failed", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ for (count = 0; count < size; count++) {
+ field = fields[count];
+ if (field[0] == FILE_SET_END) {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Leftovers field found.", "");
+ if (count != (size - 1)) {
+ /* We found an end list field in the middle - error */
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("More fields after end list field.", EINVAL);
+ col_destroy_collection(set);
+ free_string_config_array(fields);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ file_cfg->use_leftovers = 1;
+ /* What format to use leftovers ? */
+ /* NOTE: Is we ever support more than 10 formats
+ * this logic needs to change
+ */
+ if ((field[1] >= '0') &&
+ (field[1] <= ('0' + FILE_MAXMODE)) &&
+ (field[2] == '\0')) {
+ /* We have a format specifier */
+ file_cfg->mode_leftovers = (uint32_t)(field[1] - '0');
+ file_cfg->jam_leftovers = 1;
+ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Use mode for leftovers:", file_cfg->mode_leftovers);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Wrong format */
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Leftover field has invalid format.", EINVAL);
+ col_destroy_collection(set);
+ free_string_config_array(fields);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error = col_add_binary_property(set,
+ field,
+ &dummy,
+ sizeof(struct collection_item *));
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error adding item to the set.", error);
+ col_destroy_collection(set);
+ free_string_config_array(fields);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file_cfg->set = set;
+ }
+ /* Free the list */
+ free_string_config_array(fields);
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_build_set", "Exit");
+ return error;
/* Function to read configuration */
-int file_read_cfg(struct file_prvdr_cfg *file_cfg,
- char *name,
- struct collection_item *ini_config)
+static int file_read_cfg(struct file_prvdr_cfg *file_cfg,
+ const char *name,
+ struct collection_item *ini_config,
+ const char *appname)
int error = EOK;
+ struct collection_item *cfg_item = NULL;
+ const char *filename;
+ int use_default_name = 0;
TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_read_cfg", "Entry point");
- /* FIXME: read configuration items */
+ /*********** Filename *************/
+ /* Get file name */
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"filename\" attribute returned error", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have file name? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) use_default_name = 1;
+ else {
+ /* Get file name from configuration */
+ error = EOK;
+ filename = get_const_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to get value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!");
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Check if file name is empty */
+ if (filename[0] == '\0') use_default_name = 1;
+ else {
+ /* Now get a copy */
+ file_cfg->filename = get_string_config_value(cfg_item, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to copy value from configuration.", "Fatal Error!");
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_default_name) {
+ /* There is no file name - use default */
+ file_cfg->filename = malloc(strlen(appname) + sizeof(FILE_SUFFIX));
+ if (file_cfg->filename == NULL) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Failed to allocate memory for file name.", "Fatal Error!");
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ /* Appname is validated in the elapi_log.c */
+ /* This should be safe to do */
+ strcpy(file_cfg->filename, appname);
+ strcat(file_cfg->filename, FILE_SUFFIX);
+ file_cfg->ownfile = 1;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(filename, FILE_STDERR) != 0) file_cfg->ownfile = 1;
+ else file_cfg->ownfile = 0;
+ /*********** Keep open *************/
+ /* Next is "keepopen" field */
+ cfg_item = NULL;
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"keepopen\" attribute returned error", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have "keepopen"? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no attribute - assume default */
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"keepopen\" attribute.", "Assume open on each entry");
+ file_cfg->keepopen = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ file_cfg->keepopen = (uint32_t) get_bool_config_value(cfg_item, '\0', &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"keepopen\" value", "Fatal Error!");
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*********** Outmode *************/
+ /* Next is "outmode" field */
+ cfg_item = NULL;
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"outmode\" attribute returned error", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have "outmode"? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no attribute - assume default */
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"outmode\" attribute.", "Assume CSV kind");
+ file_cfg->outmode = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ file_cfg->outmode = (uint32_t) get_unsigned_config_value(cfg_item, 1, 0, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"outmode\" value", "Fatal Error!");
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Check for right range */
+ if (file_cfg->outmode > FILE_MAXMODE) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"outmode\" value - out of range", "Fatal Error!");
+ return ERANGE;
+ }
+ }
+ /*********** Sync mode *************/
+ /* Next is sync mode field */
+ cfg_item = NULL;
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"fsyncmode\" attribute returned error", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Do we have "fsyncmode"? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no attribute - assume default */
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"fsyncmode\" attribute.", "Assume CSV kind");
+ file_cfg->fsyncmode = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ file_cfg->fsyncmode = (int32_t) get_int_config_value(cfg_item, 1, 0, &error);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"fsyncmode\" value", "Fatal Error!");
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*********** Set *************/
+ /* Next is the "set" field */
+ cfg_item = NULL;
+ error = get_config_item(name,
+ ini_config,
+ &cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Attempt to read \"set\" attribute returned error", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ file_cfg->use_leftovers = 0;
+ file_cfg->jam_leftovers = 0;
+ file_cfg->mode_leftovers = file_cfg->outmode;
+ /* Do we have "required"? */
+ if (cfg_item == NULL) {
+ /* There is no attribute - assume default */
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("No \"set\" attribute.", "Assume all fields as specified");
+ file_cfg->set = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ error = file_build_set(file_cfg, cfg_item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Invalid \"set\" value", "Fatal Error!");
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /*********** Format specific configurations *************/
+ /* Read the main format configuration details */
+ error = file_read_fmt_cfg((void **)(&(file_cfg->main_fmt_cfg)),
+ file_cfg->outmode,
+ name,
+ ini_config,
+ appname);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to read main format configuration", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (file_cfg->use_leftovers) {
+ /* If we use same mode for leftovers and main do not read things again */
+ if (file_cfg->mode_leftovers == file_cfg->outmode) {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Output modes are the same", "");
+ file_cfg->lo_fmt_cfg = file_cfg->main_fmt_cfg;
+ }
+ else {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Output modes are the different", "");
+ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Main mode", file_cfg->outmode);
+ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Left over's mode", file_cfg->mode_leftovers);
+ /* Read the leftover's format configuration details */
+ error = file_read_fmt_cfg((void **)(&(file_cfg->lo_fmt_cfg)),
+ file_cfg->mode_leftovers,
+ name,
+ ini_config,
+ appname);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to read main format configuration", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_read_cfg", "Exit");
return error;
+/* Function to destroy the context */
+static void file_destroy_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx)
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_destroy_ctx", "Entry");
+ if ((file_ctx) && (*file_ctx)) {
+ /* Close file if it is open */
+ if (((*file_ctx)->outfile >= 0) && ((*file_ctx)->config.ownfile)) {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("File was open", "");
+ close((*file_ctx)->outfile);
+ }
+ /* Free file name if it is not NULL */
+ if ((*file_ctx)->config.filename) {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Freeing file name", (*file_ctx)->config.filename);
+ free((*file_ctx)->config.filename);
+ }
+ /* Free set if any */
+ if ((*file_ctx)->config.set) {
+ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Freeing set", (*file_ctx)->config.set);
+ col_destroy_collection((*file_ctx)->config.set);
+ }
+ /* Free main format configuration if it is not NULL */
+ if (((*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg) &&
+ ((*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg != (*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg)) {
+ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Freeing main format config.", (*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg);
+ free((*file_ctx)->config.main_fmt_cfg);
+ }
+ /* Free left over format configuration if it is not NULL */
+ if ((*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg) {
+ TRACE_INFO_NUMBER("Freeing leftover format config.", (*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg);
+ free((*file_ctx)->config.lo_fmt_cfg);
+ }
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("Freeing file context", "Entry");
+ free(*file_ctx);
+ *file_ctx = NULL;
+ }
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_destroy_ctx", "Exit");
/* Function to create context */
-int file_create_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx,
- char *name,
- struct collection_item *ini_config)
+static int file_create_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx,
+ const char *name,
+ struct collection_item *ini_config,
+ const char *appname)
int error = EOK;
struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx = NULL;
@@ -62,12 +558,15 @@ int file_create_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx,
/* Init allocatable items */
ctx->config.filename = NULL;
+ ctx->config.main_fmt_cfg = NULL;
+ ctx->config.lo_fmt_cfg = NULL;
+ ctx->outfile = -1;
/* Read configuration data */
- error = file_read_cfg(&(ctx->config), name, ini_config);
+ error = file_read_cfg(&(ctx->config), name, ini_config, appname);
if (error) {
TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error reading sink configuration", error);
- free(ctx);
+ file_destroy_ctx(&ctx);
return error;
@@ -80,8 +579,9 @@ int file_create_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx,
/* File init function */
int file_init(void **priv_ctx,
- char *name,
- struct collection_item *ini_config)
+ const char *name,
+ struct collection_item *ini_config,
+ const char *appname)
int error = EOK;
TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_init", "Entry point");
@@ -89,15 +589,21 @@ int file_init(void **priv_ctx,
/* Start with creating context */
error = file_create_ctx((struct file_prvdr_ctx **)priv_ctx,
- ini_config);
+ ini_config,
+ appname);
if (error) {
TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to create context", error);
return error;
- /* Open file */
+ /* Open file */
/* FIXME: ... */
+ printf("Initializaing file provider for sink: [%s]\n", name);
+ file_print_ctx(*((struct file_prvdr_ctx **)priv_ctx));
TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_init", "Exit");
return error;
@@ -111,18 +617,11 @@ void file_close(void **priv_ctx)
ctx = (struct file_prvdr_ctx **)priv_ctx;
- /* Close file */
- /* FIXME: ... */
- /* If we allocated file name free it */
- if ((*ctx)->config.filename != NULL) {
- TRACE_INFO_STRING("Freeing file name", (*ctx)->config.filename);
- free((*ctx)->config.filename);
- }
+ file_print_ctx(*ctx);
- /* Free and indicate that the context is freed */
- free(*ctx);
- *ctx = NULL;
+ file_destroy_ctx(ctx);
TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_close", "Exit");
@@ -131,11 +630,38 @@ void file_close(void **priv_ctx)
int file_submit(void *priv_ctx, struct collection_item *event)
int error = EOK;
+ struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx = (struct file_prvdr_ctx *)priv_ctx;
+ struct elapi_data_out *out_data;
TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_submit", "Entry point");
+ file_print_ctx(ctx);
/* FIXME: Placeholder for now */
+ /* FIXME: Open file here if it is closed */
+ error = file_prep_data(&out_data, ctx, event);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to prepare data", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: just print it for now!!! */
+ printf("EVENT: [%*s]\n", out_data->length, out_data->buffer);
+ /* FIXME: write data base on the synch or not synch mode of the sink */
+ /* For now we will just assume synch */
+ /* This function will probably be a part of the common callbacks */
+ /* elapi_write_to_fd(out_data, ctx_>outfile); */
+ /* This one is temporary here too */
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(out_data);
TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_sumbit", "Exit");
return error;
diff --git a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.h b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.h
index 218f69f58..f5e6753df 100644
--- a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.h
+++ b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_provider.h
@@ -24,48 +24,75 @@
#include "elapi_sink.h"
+/* Common configuration parameters */
+#define FILE_OUTNAME "filename"
+#define FILE_KEEPOPEN "keepopen"
+#define FILE_OUTMODE "outmode"
+#define FILE_FIELDSET "set"
+#define FILE_FORMAT "format"
+#define FILE_FLUSH "fsyncmode"
+/* Max supported mode */
+/* NOTE: Increase this value when you add a new mode.
+ * If it ever gets to 10 the logic in the
+ * function that builds the set needs to change.
+ */
+#define FILE_MAXMODE 5
+/* Modes: */
+#define FILE_MODE_CSV 0
+#define FILE_MODE_HTML 2
+#define FILE_MODE_XML 3
+#define FILE_MODE_JSON 4
+#define FILE_MODE_KVP 5
+/* FIXME: Should it be a compile time switch? */
+#define FILE_SUFFIX ".log"
+#define FILE_SET_END '@'
+/* Field set collection */
+#define FILE_FIELDSET_COL "set"
+#define FILE_FIELDSET_CLASS 21000
+/* Special file name - stderr is handled differently */
+#define FILE_STDERR "stderr"
/* Structure that holds internal configuration of the file
* provider.
struct file_prvdr_cfg {
char *filename; /* File name */
+ uint32_t ownfile; /* Do I own the file handle? */
uint32_t keepopen; /* Do we need to keep file open */
- uint32_t fsyncmode; /* How frequently data is fsynced */
+ int32_t fsyncmode; /* How frequently data is fsynced */
uint32_t outmode; /* Output mode */
struct collection_item *set; /* Field set without leftovers symbol */
uint32_t use_leftovers; /* Was there a leftover symbol */
uint32_t jam_leftovers; /* leftovers should be serialized into one field */
uint32_t mode_leftovers; /* Format for the leftover fields */
- uint32_t csvheader; /* Include csv header or not? */
- char csvqualifier; /* What is the qualifier? */
- char csvseparator; /* What is the separator? */
- uint32_t csvescape; /* Do we need to escape strings ? */
- char csvescchar; /* What is the escape character? */
+ void *main_fmt_cfg; /* Configuration data for the main format */
+ void *lo_fmt_cfg; /* Configuration data for leftovers format */
+ /* FIXME add other config data strutures here */
+ /* FIXME: Rotation rules ? */
/* File context */
struct file_prvdr_ctx {
struct file_prvdr_cfg config; /* Configuration */
int outfile; /* File handle */
+ uint32_t smode; /* Sink's synch mode */
/* FIXME - other things go here */
-/* Function to read configuration */
-int file_read_cfg(struct file_prvdr_cfg *file_cfg,
- char *name,
- struct collection_item *ini_config);
-/* Function to create context */
-int file_create_ctx(struct file_prvdr_ctx **file_ctx,
- char *name,
- struct collection_item *ini_config);
/* File init function */
int file_init(void **priv_ctx,
- char *name,
- struct collection_item *ini_config);
+ const char *name,
+ struct collection_item *ini_config,
+ const char *appname);
/* File close function */
void file_close(void **priv_ctx);
diff --git a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_util.c b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_util.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4508e35d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+ Module contains internal utility functions for the file provider.
+ Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <> 2009
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <errno.h> /* for errors */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for free() */
+#include <string.h> /* for strlen() */
+/* To be able to serialize on needs to know the guts
+ * of the collection structure so have to include
+ * private header here.
+ */
+#include "collection_priv.h"
+#include "file_provider.h"
+#include "file_util.h"
+#include "ini_config.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "config.h"
+/* FIXME: remove when api is stable */
+#include "collection_tools.h"
+char empty[] = "";
+/* Callback to prepare set for splitting */
+static int file_set_clean_cb(const char *property,
+ int property_len,
+ int type,
+ void *data,
+ int length,
+ void *custom_data,
+ int *stop)
+ int error = EOK;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_set_clean_cb", "Entry");
+ /* Skip header */
+ if (type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) return EOK;
+ /* Clean data */
+ *((struct collection_item **)(data)) = NULL;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_set_clean_cb", "Exit");
+ return error;
+/* Function to split event into two parts by given set */
+static int file_split_by_set(struct collection_item **leftovers,
+ struct file_prvdr_cfg *cfg,
+ struct collection_item *event)
+ int error = EOK;
+ struct collection_item *item_event;
+ struct collection_item *item_set;
+ struct collection_iterator *it_event;
+ struct collection_iterator *it_set;
+ struct collection_item *lo = NULL;
+ int found = 0;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_split_by_set", "Entry");
+ /* First prepare set for use */
+ error = col_traverse_collection(cfg->set,
+ file_set_clean_cb,
+ NULL);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Traverse set failed.", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* If we are going to use leftovers create a collection */
+ if (cfg->use_leftovers) {
+ error = col_create_collection(&lo,
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Faild to create collection.", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now all items from the set are NULLs */
+ /* Split the event in two parts */
+ /* We need to iterate through the event rather than use a callback. */
+ /* Bind iterator */
+ error = col_bind_iterator(&it_event, event, COL_TRAVERSE_FLAT);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error bind iterator for event failed:", error);
+ /* Here and below it is safe to destroy it event if is NULL. */
+ col_destroy_collection(lo);
+ return error;
+ }
+ while(1) {
+ /* Loop through the event */
+ error = col_iterate_collection(it_event, &item_event);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error iterating event:", error);
+ col_unbind_iterator(it_event);
+ col_destroy_collection(lo);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Are we done ? */
+ if (item_event == NULL) break;
+ /* Skip headers */
+ if (item_event->type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) continue;
+ /* For each item in the event find an item in the set */
+ error = col_bind_iterator(&it_set, cfg->set, COL_TRAVERSE_ONELEVEL);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error bind iterator for set failed:", error);
+ col_unbind_iterator(it_event);
+ col_destroy_collection(lo);
+ return error;
+ }
+ found = 0;
+ while(1) {
+ /* Loop through the event */
+ error = col_iterate_collection(it_set, &item_set);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error iterating set:", error);
+ col_unbind_iterator(it_event);
+ col_unbind_iterator(it_set);
+ col_destroy_collection(lo);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Are we done ? */
+ if (item_set == NULL) break;
+ /* Skip headers */
+ if (item_set->type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) continue;
+ /* Hashes should match and the data in the set should be NULL,
+ * and legths should be same.
+ */
+ if ((item_event->phash == item_set->phash) &&
+ (*((struct collection_item **)(item_set->data)) == NULL) &&
+ (item_event->property_len == item_set->property_len)) {
+ /* This is a candidate for match - compare strings */
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Found a good candidate for match.","");
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Set item:", item_set->property);
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Event:", item_event->property);
+ if (strncasecmp(item_set->property,
+ item_event->property,
+ item_event->property_len) == 0) {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Match found!","");
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Set item:", item_set->property);
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Event:", item_event->property);
+ *((struct collection_item **)(item_set->data)) = item_event;
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Done with the set */
+ col_unbind_iterator(it_set);
+ /* Is it a leftover ? */
+ if ((!found) && (cfg->use_leftovers)) {
+ /* We need to put it in the leftovers pile */
+ /* To save time and space we do not care about property name.
+ * The property name is going to be in the referenced item.
+ */
+ error = col_add_binary_property(lo,
+ "",
+ (void *)(&item_event),
+ sizeof(struct collection_item *));
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error addding item to leftovers:", error);
+ col_unbind_iterator(it_event);
+ col_destroy_collection(lo);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Done with the event */
+ col_unbind_iterator(it_event);
+ /* Save leftovers if any */
+ *leftovers = lo;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_spserialized_lo->bufferlit_by_set", "Exit");
+ return error;
+/* Function to serialize one item */
+static int file_serialize_item(struct elapi_data_out *out_data,
+ int type,
+ int length,
+ void *data,
+ uint32_t mode,
+ void *mode_cfg)
+ int error = EOK;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_item", "Entry");
+ switch(mode) {
+ error = file_serialize_csv(out_data,
+ type,
+ length,
+ data,
+ mode_cfg);
+ break;
+/* FIXME : add other iterative formats later */
+ error = file_serialize_html(out_data,
+ type,
+ length,
+ data,
+ mode_cfg);
+ break;
+ error = file_serialize_xml(out_data,
+ type,
+ length,
+ data,
+ mode_cfg);
+ break;
+ error = file_serialize_json(out_data,
+ type,
+ length,
+ data,
+ mode_cfg);
+ break;
+ error = file_serialize_kvp(out_data,
+ type,
+ length,
+ data,
+ mode_cfg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ TRACE_ERROR_STRING("Unsupported mode", "Fatal error!");
+ error = EINVAL;
+ }
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_item", "Exit");
+ return error;
+/* Function to serialize the list */
+static int file_serialize_list(struct elapi_data_out **out_data,
+ int append,
+ int reference,
+ struct collection_item *input,
+ uint32_t mode,
+ void *mode_cfg)
+ int error = EOK;
+ struct elapi_data_out *allocated = NULL;
+ struct elapi_data_out *to_use = NULL;
+ struct collection_iterator *iterator;
+ struct collection_item *item;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_list", "Entry");
+ /* Allocate storage if we are not appending */
+ if (!append) {
+ error = elapi_alloc_serialized_data(&allocated);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to allocated serialized data", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Allocated new out data", "");
+ to_use = allocated;
+ }
+ else {
+ TRACE_INFO_STRING("Appening, use passed in output data", "");
+ to_use = *out_data;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: This logic works for iterative formats only. */
+ /* When we implement the free form format this
+ * logic should be augmented. */
+ /* FIXME: remove when stable */
+ col_debug_collection(input, COL_TRAVERSE_FLAT);
+ /* Start iterating */
+ error = col_bind_iterator(&iterator, input, COL_TRAVERSE_FLAT);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error bind iterator failed:", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ while(1) {
+ /* Loop through the collection */
+ error = col_iterate_collection(iterator, &item);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Error iterating event:", error);
+ col_unbind_iterator(iterator);
+ /* Free allocated data if we allocated it */
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(allocated);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Are we done ? */
+ if (item == NULL) break;
+ /* Skip headers */
+ if (item->type == COL_TYPE_COLLECTION) continue;
+ /* Got item */
+ if (reference) {
+ /* Derefernce the item before using */
+ item = *((struct collection_item **)(item->data));
+ }
+ if (item) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Item property", item->property);
+ /* Serialize this item */
+ error = file_serialize_item(to_use,
+ item->type,
+ item->length,
+ item->data,
+ mode,
+ mode_cfg);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Serialize this item */
+ error = file_serialize_item(to_use,
+ 0,
+ mode,
+ mode_cfg);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to serialize item", error);
+ col_unbind_iterator(iterator);
+ /* Free allocated data if we allocated it */
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(allocated);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ col_unbind_iterator(iterator);
+ *out_data = to_use;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_serialize_list", "Exit");
+ return error;
+/* Function to log event into sink */
+int file_prep_data(struct elapi_data_out **out_data,
+ struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx,
+ struct collection_item *event)
+ int error = EOK;
+ struct elapi_data_out *serialized = NULL;
+ struct elapi_data_out *serialized_lo = NULL;
+ struct collection_item *leftovers = NULL;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_prep_data", "Entry");
+ /* Do we need to split the data into two parts by set ? */
+ if (ctx->config.set) {
+ /* Split collection based on the configured set of fields */
+ error = file_split_by_set(&leftovers,
+ &(ctx->config),
+ event);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Split collection returned error", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Serialize main items */
+ error = file_serialize_list(&serialized,
+ ctx->config.set,
+ ctx->config.outmode,
+ ctx->config.main_fmt_cfg);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to serialize main set", error);
+ col_destroy_collection(leftovers);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (ctx->config.use_leftovers) {
+ /* Do we have to jam leftovers? */
+ if (ctx->config.jam_leftovers) {
+ /* Serialise leftovers into one field */
+ error = file_serialize_list(&serialized_lo,
+ leftovers,
+ ctx->config.mode_leftovers,
+ ctx->config.lo_fmt_cfg);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to serialize main set", error);
+ col_destroy_collection(leftovers);
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(serialized);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Check if we go anything */
+ if (serialized_lo->length) {
+ /* Append leftovers item */
+ error = file_serialize_item(serialized,
+ serialized_lo->length + 1,
+ serialized_lo->buffer,
+ ctx->config.outmode,
+ ctx->config.main_fmt_cfg);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Put empty item */
+ error = file_serialize_item(serialized,
+ 0,
+ ctx->config.outmode,
+ ctx->config.main_fmt_cfg);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to serialize main set", error);
+ col_destroy_collection(leftovers);
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(serialized);
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(serialized_lo);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Done with the jammed leftovers */
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(serialized_lo);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Leftovers are added as normal fields */
+ error = file_serialize_list(&serialized,
+ leftovers,
+ ctx->config.outmode,
+ ctx->config.main_fmt_cfg);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to serialize main set", error);
+ col_destroy_collection(leftovers);
+ elapi_free_serialized_data(serialized);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Do not need leftovers */
+ col_destroy_collection(leftovers);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* No set is defined - the whole event is processed */
+ error = file_serialize_list(&serialized,
+ event,
+ ctx->config.outmode,
+ ctx->config.main_fmt_cfg);
+ if (error) {
+ TRACE_ERROR_NUMBER("Failed to serialize event", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ *out_data = serialized;
+ TRACE_FLOW_STRING("file_prep_data", "Exit");
+ return error;
diff --git a/common/elapi/providers/file/file_util.h b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4c0e4bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/elapi/providers/file/file_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ Header for file provider utility functions.
+ Copyright (C) Dmitri Pal <> 2009
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#ifndef FILE_UTIL_H
+#define FILE_UTIL_H
+#include "file_provider.h"
+#include "elapi_basic.h"
+#include "collection.h"
+/* Sepcific format related includes */
+#include "file_fmt_csv.h"
+/* Leftovers' class and name */
+#define FILE_LO_NAME "lo"
+#define FILE_LO_CLASS 20300
+/* Allocate a new one or add to existing */
+#define FILE_SER_NEW 0
+#define FILE_SER_APPEND 1
+/* Denotes how data is referenced */
+#define FILE_ITEM_DIRECT 0 /* Data is in the collection */
+#define FILE_ITEM_REF 1 /* Collection contains references */
+/* Function to prepare data for logging */
+int file_prep_data(struct elapi_data_out **out_data,
+ struct file_prvdr_ctx *ctx,
+ struct collection_item *event);