path: root/install/ui/aci.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'install/ui/aci.js')
1 files changed, 876 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/ui/aci.js b/install/ui/aci.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85cfcaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/ui/aci.js
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+/*jsl:import ipa.js */
+/* Authors:
+ * Adam Young <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat
+ * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/* REQUIRES: ipa.js, details.js, search.js, add.js, entity.js */
+/*TODO Merge this code into the attribtue table widget */
+IPA.populate_attribute_table = function (table, entity){
+ var attr_per_col = 400;
+ var aciattrs = IPA.metadata[entity].aciattrs;
+ var col_span = aciattrs.length / attr_per_col + 1;
+ $('tbody tr', table).remove();
+ var tbody = $('tbody',table);
+ var td;
+ for (var a = 0; a < aciattrs.length ; a += 1){
+ var aci_tr = $('<tr/>').appendTo(tbody);
+ td = $('<td/>').appendTo(aci_tr);
+ td.append($('<input/>',{
+ type:"checkbox",
+ id:'aciattr-'+aciattrs[a].toLowerCase(),
+ "class":'aci-attribute'
+ }));
+ td.append($('<label/>',{
+ text:aciattrs[a].toLowerCase()}));
+ }
+IPA.attribute_table_widget= function (spec){
+ var id =;
+ var that = IPA.widget(spec);
+ var object_type = spec.objecttype || 'user';
+ var table;
+ that.create = function(container){
+ var dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(container);
+ table = $('<table/>',{
+ id:id,
+ 'class':'search-table'}).
+ append('<thead/>').
+ append($('<tbody/>',{
+ style:"height:30em; overflow:auto;"
+ })).
+ appendTo(dd);
+ $('<tr></tr>').
+ append($('<th/>',{
+ style:"height:2em; vertical-align:bottom;",
+ html:$('<input/>',{
+ type: "checkbox",
+ click: function(){
+ $('.aci-attribute').
+ attr('checked', $(this).attr('checked'));
+ }}).
+ after('<label>Attribute</lable>')
+ })).
+ appendTo($('thead', table));
+ IPA.populate_attribute_table(table, object_type);
+ };
+ = function(){
+ var attrs_boxes = $('table#'+id+" td :checked");
+ if (!attrs_boxes.length){
+ return [];
+ }
+ var retval = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < attrs_boxes.length; i += 1){
+ if (i > 0){
+ retval += ',';
+ }
+ retval += attrs_boxes[i].id.substring("aciattr-".length);
+ }
+ return [retval];
+ };
+ var attrs = [];
+ that.reset =function(){
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', table).attr('checked','');
+ for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i+=1){
+ $(attrs[i], table).attr('checked','checked');
+ }
+ };
+ that.load = function(record){
+ if (!record.attrs) return;
+ attrs = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < record.attrs.length; i+=1){
+ attrs.push('#aciattr-' +record.attrs[i]);
+ }
+ that.reset();
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.entity_select_widget = function(spec){
+ var that = IPA.widget(spec);
+ var entity = spec.entity || 'group';
+ function populate_select(value){
+ var selected = value;
+ function find_success(result){
+ $('option', that.entity_select).remove();
+ var entities = result.result.result;
+ for (var i =0; i < result.result.count; i +=1){
+ var option =
+ that.entity_select.append($('<option/>',{
+ text:entities[i].cn[0],
+ value:entities[i].cn[0]
+ }));
+ if (selected === entities[i].cn[0]){
+ option.attr('selected','selected');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function find_error(err){
+ }
+ IPA.command({
+ method: entity+'_find',
+ args:[that.entity_filter.val()],
+ options:{},
+ on_success:find_success,
+ on_error:find_error
+ }).execute();
+ }
+ that.create = function(container){
+ var dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(container);
+ that.entity_select = $('<select/>', {
+ id: + '-entity-select',
+ change: function(){
+ }
+ }).appendTo(dd);
+ that.entity_filter = $('<input/>',{
+ size:10,
+ type: 'text',
+ id: 'entity_filter',
+ style: 'display: none;',
+ keypress: function(){
+ populate_select();
+ }
+ }).appendTo(dd);
+ $('<a />',{
+ href:"",
+ text: 'filter: ',
+ click:function(){
+ that.entity_filter.css('display','inline');
+ $(this).css('display','none');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }).appendTo(dd);
+ populate_select();
+ };
+ var value = '';
+ that.reset = function(){
+ that.entity_filter.val(value );
+ populate_select(value);
+ };
+ that.load = function(record){
+ value = record[];
+ that.reset();
+ };
+ = function(){
+ return [$('option:selected', that.entity_select).val()];
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.rights_widget = function(spec){
+ var rights = ['write','add','delete'];
+ var that = IPA.widget({name:'permissions',label:'Permissions'});
+ =;
+ that.create = function(container){
+ for (var i =0; i < rights.length; i += 1){
+ $("<dd/>").
+ append($('<input/>',{
+ type:'checkbox',
+ 'class':that.entity_name +"_"+,
+ 'id':rights[i],
+ value:rights[i]
+ })).
+ append($('<label/>',{
+ text:rights[i]
+ })).
+ appendTo(container);
+ }
+ };
+ var values = [];
+ that.reset = function(){
+ var selector = '.'+ that.entity_name +"_"+;
+ var checkboxes = $(selector);
+ for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i +=1){
+ checkboxes.attr('checked','');
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j +=1){
+ var value = values[j];
+ var cb = $('#'+value+ selector);
+ cb.attr('checked', 'checked');
+ }
+ };
+ that.load = function(record) {
+ values = record[] || [];
+ that.reset();
+ };
+ = function(){
+ var rights_input = $('.'+ that.entity_name +"_"+;
+ var retval = "";
+ for (var i =0; i < rights_input.length; i+=1){
+ if (i > 0) {
+ retval += ',';
+ }
+ retval += rights_input[i].value;
+ }
+ return [retval];
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.hidden_widget = function(spec){
+ spec.label = '';
+ var that = IPA.widget(spec);
+ =;
+ var value = spec.value || '';
+ that.create = function(container){
+ $('<input/>',{
+ type:'hidden',
+ 'id',
+ value: value
+ }).
+ appendTo(container);
+ };
+ = function(){
+ return [value];
+ };
+ that.reset = function(){
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.rights_section = function () {
+ var spec = {
+ 'name':'rights',
+ 'label': 'Rights'
+ };
+ var that = IPA.details_section(spec);
+ that.add_field(IPA.rights_widget({name:'permissions'}));
+ return that;
+IPA.target_section = function () {
+ var spec = {
+ 'name':'target',
+ 'label': 'Target'
+ };
+ var that = IPA.details_section(spec);
+ var groupings = ['aci_by_type', 'aci_by_query', 'aci_by_group',
+ 'aci_by_filter' ];
+ var inputs = ['input', 'select', 'textarea'];
+ function disable_inputs(){
+ for (var g = 0; g < groupings.length; g += 1 ){
+ for (var t = 0 ; t < inputs.length; t += 1){
+ $('.' + groupings[g] + ' '+ inputs[t]).
+ attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function enable_by(grouping){
+ for (var t = 0 ; t < inputs.length; t += 1){
+ $('.' + grouping + ' '+ inputs[t]).
+ attr('disabled', '');
+ }
+ }
+ function display_filter_target(dl){
+ $("<dt/>").
+ append($("<label/>",{
+ text: "Filter" })).
+ append($('<input/>',{
+ type:"radio",
+ name:"type",
+ checked:"true",
+ id:"aci_by_filter"
+ })).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ $('<dd/>',{
+ 'class': 'aci_by_filter first'}).
+ append($('<input />',{
+ disabled:'true',
+ type:'text',
+ id:'aci_filter'
+ })).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ }
+ function display_type_target(dl){
+ $("<dt/>").
+ append($("<label/>",{
+ text: "Object By Type " })).
+ append($('<input/>',{
+ type:"radio",
+ name:"type",
+ checked:"true",
+ id:"aci_by_type" })).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ var dd = $('<dd/>',{
+ "class":"aci_by_type first" }).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ var type_select = $('<select/>', {
+ id: 'object_type_select',
+ change: function(){
+ var attribute_table = $('#aci_attributes_table');
+ IPA.populate_attribute_table(
+ attribute_table, this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
+ }
+ }).appendTo(dd);
+ var type_params=IPA.get_param_info("permission","type");
+ for (var pc =0; pc < type_params.values.length; pc += 1){
+ type_select.append($('<option/>',{
+ value: type_params.values[pc],
+ text: type_params.values[pc]
+ }));
+ }
+ dd = $('<dd />',{
+ "class":"aci_by_type other"}).appendTo(dl);
+ var attribute_table = IPA.attribute_table_widget(
+ {name:'aci_attributes_table',object_type:'user'});
+ attribute_table.create(dl);
+ }
+ function display_query_target(dl){
+ $('<dt/>').
+ append($('<label />',{ html: 'By Subtree'} )).
+ append($('<input />',{
+ type:"radio",
+ name:"type",
+ id:"aci_by_query" })).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ $("<dd/>",{
+ "class":'aci_by_query first'}).append($('<textarea />',{
+ id: 'aci_query_text',
+ cols:'30',
+ rows:'1'})) .appendTo(dl);
+ }
+ function populate_target_group_select(){
+ function find_success(result){
+ var groups = result.result.result;
+ for (var i =0; i < result.result.count; i +=1){
+ var option = groups[i].cn[0];
+ that.group_select.append($('<option/>',{
+ text:groups[i].cn[0],
+ value:groups[i].cn[0]
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ function find_error(err){
+ }
+ $('option', that.group_select).remove();
+ IPA.command({
+ method:'group_find',
+ args:[that.group_filter.val()],
+ options:{},
+ on_success:find_success,
+ on_error:find_error}).execute();
+ }
+ function display_group_target(dl){
+ $('<dt/>' ).
+ append($('<label />',{
+ html: 'Target Group'} )).
+ append($('<input />',{
+ type:"radio",
+ name:"type",
+ id:"aci_by_group" })).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ that.group_filter = $('<input/>',{
+ type: 'text',
+ id: 'group_filter' });
+ that.group_select = $('<select/>', {
+ id: 'aci_target_group_select',
+ change: function(){
+ }
+ });
+ $("<dd/>",{
+ 'class':'aci_by_group first'
+ }).
+ append(that.group_filter).
+ append($('<label>Group Filter</label>')).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ $("<dd/>",{
+ 'class':'aci_by_group other'
+ }).
+ append(that.group_select).
+ appendTo(dl);
+ }
+ that.create = function(container) {
+ var dl = $('<dl class="entryattrs"/>').appendTo(container);
+ display_filter_target(dl);
+ display_query_target(dl);
+ display_group_target(dl);
+ display_type_target(dl);
+ $('#aci_by_filter', dl).click(function (){
+ disable_inputs();
+ enable_by(groupings[3]);
+ });
+ $('#aci_by_type', dl).click(function (){
+ disable_inputs();
+ enable_by(groupings[0]);
+ });
+ $('#aci_by_query', dl).click(function (){
+ disable_inputs();
+ enable_by(groupings[1]);
+ });
+ $('#aci_by_group', dl).click(function (){
+ disable_inputs();
+ enable_by(groupings[2]);
+ populate_target_group_select();
+ });
+ $('#aci_by_query', dl).click();
+ };
+ that.setup = function(container) {
+ };
+ that.load = function(result) {
+ if(result.subtree){
+ $('#aci_query_text').val(result.subtree);
+ $('#aci_by_query').click();
+ }else if(result.type){
+ $('#aci_by_type').click();
+ $('#object_type_select').val(result.type);
+ IPA.populate_attribute_table($('#aci_attributes_table'),
+ result.type);
+ if (result.attrs){
+ for (var a = 0; a < result.attrs.length; a += 1){
+ var cb = $('#aciattr-'+result.attrs[a]);
+ if (!cb.length){
+ alert('unmatched:'+result.attrs[a]);
+ }
+ cb.attr('checked',true);
+ }
+ }
+ }else if (result.targetgroup){
+ var segments = result.targetgroup.split(/,/);
+ var targetgroup=segments[0].split(/=/)[1];
+ that.group_filter.val( targetgroup);
+ $('#aci_by_group').click();
+ }else if (result.filter){
+ $('#aci_by_filter').click();
+ $('#aci_filter').val(result.filter);
+ }else{
+ alert('permission with invalid target specification');
+ }
+ };
+ that.reset = function() {
+ };
+ = function (record){
+ var record_type = $("input[name='type']:checked").attr('id');
+ if (record_type === 'aci_by_group'){
+ record.targetgroup =
+ $('#aci_target_group_select option:selected').val();
+ }else if (record_type === 'aci_by_type'){
+ record.type = $('#object_type_select option:selected').val();
+ }else if (record_type === 'aci_by_query'){
+ record.subtree = $('#aci_query_text').val();
+ }else if (record_type === 'aci_by_filter'){
+ var filter = $('#aci_filter').val();
+ record.filter = filter;
+ }
+ var attrs = $('.aci-attribute:checked').each(function(){
+ var id ='-')[1];
+ if (!record.attributes){
+ record.attributes = "";
+ }else{
+ record.attributes += ",";
+ }
+ record.attributes += id;
+ });
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.permission = function () {
+ var that = IPA.entity({
+ 'name': 'permission'
+ });
+ that.init = function() {
+ var dialog = IPA.permission_add_dialog({
+ name: 'add',
+ title: 'Add New Permission',
+ entity_name: 'permission'
+ });
+ that.add_dialog(dialog);
+ dialog.init();
+ var facet = IPA.permission_search_facet({
+ name: 'search',
+ label: 'Search'
+ });
+ that.add_facet(facet);
+ facet = IPA.permission_details_facet();
+ that.add_facet(facet);
+ that.entity_init();
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.permission_add_dialog = function (spec) {
+ spec = spec || {};
+ var that = IPA.add_dialog(spec);
+ that.init = function() {
+ that.add_field(IPA.text_widget({
+ name: 'cn',
+ undo: false
+ }));
+ that.add_field(IPA.text_widget({
+ name: 'description',
+ undo: false
+ }));
+ that.add_field(IPA.rights_widget({name:'permissions'}));
+ that.add_field(IPA.hidden_widget({name:'filter','value':'objectClass=changethisvalue'}));
+ that.add_dialog_init();
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.permission_search_facet = function (spec) {
+ spec = spec || {};
+ var that = IPA.search_facet(spec);
+ that.init = function() {
+ that.create_column({name:'cn'});
+ that.create_column({name:'description'});
+ that.search_facet_init();
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.permission_details_facet = function () {
+ var spec = {
+ name: 'details'
+ };
+ var that = IPA.details_facet(spec);
+ that.init = function() {
+ var section = that.add_section(IPA.details_list_section({
+ name:'identity',label:'Identity' }));
+ section.create_field({ name: 'cn', 'read_only': true });
+ section.create_field({ name: 'description'});
+ that.rights_section = IPA.rights_section();
+ that.add_section(that.rights_section);
+ that.target_section = IPA.target_section();
+ that.add_section(that.target_section);
+ that.details_facet_init();
+ };
+ that.superior_load = that.load;
+ that.load = function(result) {
+ that.superior_load(result);
+ };
+ that.superior_update = that.update;
+ that.update = function(on_win, on_fail){
+ that.superior_update(on_win, on_fail);
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.add_entity( function() {
+ var that = IPA.entity({
+ 'name': 'privilege'
+ });
+ that.init = function() {
+ var search_facet = IPA.search_facet({
+ name: 'search',
+ label: 'Search',
+ entity_name:
+ });
+ search_facet.create_column({name:'cn'});
+ search_facet.create_column({name:'description'});
+ that.add_facet(search_facet);
+ that.add_facet(function() {
+ var that = IPA.details_facet({name:'details'});
+ that.add_section(
+ IPA.stanza({name:'identity', label:'Privilege Settings'}).
+ input({name:'cn'}).
+ input({name: 'description'}));
+ return that;
+ }());
+ var dialog = IPA.add_dialog({
+ name: 'add',
+ title: 'Add Privilege',
+ entity_name: that.entity
+ });
+ that.add_dialog(dialog);
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'cn', undo: false}));
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'description', undo: false}));
+ dialog.init();
+ that.create_association_facets();
+ that.entity_init();
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.add_entity( function() {
+ var that = IPA.entity({
+ 'name': 'role'
+ });
+ that.init = function() {
+ var search_facet = IPA.search_facet({
+ name: 'search',
+ label: 'Search',
+ entity_name:
+ });
+ search_facet.create_column({name:'cn'});
+ search_facet.create_column({name:'description'});
+ that.add_facet(search_facet);
+ that.add_facet(function() {
+ var that = IPA.details_facet({name:'details'});
+ that.add_section(
+ IPA.stanza({name:'identity', label:'Role Settings'}).
+ input({name:'cn'}).
+ input({name: 'description'}));
+ return that;
+ }());
+ var dialog = IPA.add_dialog({
+ name: 'add',
+ title: 'Add Role'
+ });
+ that.add_dialog(dialog);
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'cn', undo: false}));
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'description', undo: false}));
+ dialog.init();
+ that.create_association_facets();
+ that.entity_init();
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.add_entity( function() {
+ var that = IPA.entity({
+ 'name': 'selfservice'
+ });
+ that.add_facet(function () {
+ var spec = {
+ name: 'search',
+ label: 'Search'
+ };
+ var that = IPA.search_facet(spec);
+ that.init = function() {
+ that.create_column({name:'aciname'});
+ that.search_facet_init();
+ };
+ return that;
+ }());
+ that.add_facet(function(){
+ var that = IPA.details_facet({'name':'details'});
+ that.init = function() {
+ that.add_section(
+ IPA.stanza({name:'general', label:'General'}).
+ input({name:'aciname'}).
+ custom_input(IPA.attribute_table_widget({
+ object_type:'user',
+ name:'attrs'
+ })));
+ };
+ return that;
+ }());
+ that.parent_init = that.init;
+ that.init = function(){
+ that.parent_init();
+ var dialog = IPA.add_dialog({
+ name: 'add',
+ title: 'Add Self Service Definition'
+ });
+ that.add_dialog(dialog);
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'aciname', undo: false}));
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.attribute_table_widget({
+ object_type:'user',
+ name:'attrs'
+ }));
+ dialog.init();
+ };
+ return that;
+IPA.add_entity( function() {
+ var that = IPA.entity({
+ 'name': 'delegation'
+ });
+ that.add_facet(function () {
+ var spec = {
+ name: 'search',
+ label: 'Search'
+ };
+ var that = IPA.search_facet(spec);
+ that.init = function() {
+ that.create_column({name:'aciname'});
+ that.search_facet_init();
+ };
+ return that;
+ }());
+ that.add_facet(function(){
+ var that = IPA.details_facet({'name':'details'});
+ var section =
+ IPA.stanza({name:'general', label:'General'}).
+ input({name:'aciname'}).
+ custom_input(IPA.entity_select_widget(
+ {name:'group', entity:'group'})).
+ custom_input(IPA.entity_select_widget(
+ {name:'memberof', entity:'group'})).
+ custom_input(
+ IPA.rights_widget({
+ id:'delegation_rights'})).
+ custom_input(
+ IPA.attribute_table_widget({
+ name:'attrs'}));
+ that.add_section(section);
+ return that;
+ }());
+ that.super_init = that.init;
+ that.init = function(){
+ that.super_init();
+ var dialog = IPA.add_dialog({
+ name: 'add',
+ title: 'Add Delegation',
+ entity_name: that.entity
+ });
+ that.add_dialog(dialog);
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.text_widget({ name: 'aciname', undo: false}));
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.entity_select_widget({name:'group',
+ entity:'group'}));
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.entity_select_widget({name:'memberof',
+ entity:'group'}));
+ dialog.add_field(IPA.attribute_table_widget({ name: 'attrs'}));
+ dialog.init();
+ that.create_association_facets();
+ };
+ return that;
+}()); \ No newline at end of file